HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/1968 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilCITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING June 24, 1968 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Dan R. Davis, James H. Dozier, Bill J. Cooley, O. M. Holt, Robert R. Rhodes, T. R. Holleman; City Manager Ran Boswell; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag. Visitors Present: Winston P. Crowder, R. J. Bading, Antone Dobrovolny, E. F. "Woody" Sevision, North B. Bardell, Jr., W. D. Fitch, Felix S. Kapachinski, Mrs. T. M. Leland, Mrs. Redmond, Codie D. Wells, Dr. Kimbler,. Frank Matous, Al Holick, M. D. Thornton, Buford R. Craig, and Dr. J. D. Lindsay. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the minutes of the May 27, 1968 Council meeting were approved. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by the Mayor on County Road street improvements. Winston P. Crowder, Attorney at Law from Houston, Texas, spoke as a representative for the Frank A. Dobrovolny Estate, Felix S. Kapchinski and Frank Matous. He called upon R. G. Bading of Houston, representing the Dobrovolny heirs, and Antone Dobrovolny in an attempt to prove to the Council that the City was not justified in making the assess- ment as proposed based on land values. His main contention was that the assessment did not enhance the value of the land. He pointed out two areas where he thought inequities existed, namely near the home of Frank Matous and a triangular piece of land on Dobrovolny property. Councilman Holt said an adjustment was due on the area near the home of Frank Matous and also on the triangle piece of land which the City owns and is charging the Dobrovolny's for the assessment. In this all Councilmen were in agreement. At the request of the Mayor and motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holleman, the public... hearing was declared held open until the next Council meeting. Based on a legal opinion of the City Attorney the City Manager was authorized to proceed with signing the contract for constructing the county road. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Davis, Ordinance 576, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements of certain portions of Highlands Street, Montclair Avenue, Ayrshire Street, Bell Street, and 0 081 r- V �i R, 0 M I 2 Nimitz Street, and directing the advertisement for bids, was approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, Ordinance 577, was adopted receiving and accepting the work of Young Brothers, Contractors, Inc. for improving portions of Winding Road, Langford Street, First Street, Park Place Street, Spruce Street, Kerry Street, and North Walton Drive in the City of College Station. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, Ordinance 578, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the rezoning of Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 1, Tauber Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 4, First Business District, was approved. Motion carried. An amendment to Councilman Holleman's motion was made by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, to include Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1, Tauber Addition. Motion carried. A public hearing on the 1968-69 budget was called by the Mayor. As part of the discussion, the salaries of two police officers and the administrative secretary were increased. Following questions from the public, the Mayor officially closed the hearing on the budget. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance 579, an ordinance levying taxes for the use and support of the municipal government of the City of College Station and providing for the interest and sinking fund for the year 1968- 69 and apportioning each levy for the specific purpose, was approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Davis, Ordinance 580, an ordinance adopting a budget for the 1968-69 fiscal year and authorizing ex- penditures as therein provided, was approved. Motion carried. Councilmen Dozier and Rhodes, the Council Committee on the Lincoln school facilities, reported their findings. They stated that A&M Consolidated school was willing to turn over the land and facilities on the Lincoln school site to the City on a ten year lease, with the provision that if the school wants the property back they will give us six months notice. The exception is the residence on the property now rented by the school. Any improvements put on the property by the City may be removed when the lease is terminated. The Assistant City Attorney is now working up the lease agree- ment. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and passed, the Mayor was authorized to sign a lease with the A&M Consolidated school for the Lincoln school property. It was agreed that after the lease was obtained, the Parks and Recreation Committee will be asked to develop detailed plans for the property, including the buildings. Codie D. Wells was given the authority by the Council to advertise for bids on sludge drying beds for the sewage treatment plant following the approval of plans by the State 0082 Y e �0 3 Health Department. City Manager Boswell presented bids on hospitalization and life insurance for City employees. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the City was authorized to enter into a contract with Aetna Life Insurance Company. Motion Carried. Mrs. Redmond spoke to the Council about the need for sewerage relief on their sewer line. She was advised that some action would be taken on this request. W. D. Fitch presented a plat for some land that is out of the City limits and requested that the Council zone it for apartment use, citing that the Planning and Zoning Commission had been contacted and they were reluctant to act on his plat since it was outside the City limits. After discussion he was requested to re -contact the Planning and Zoning Commission on the matter with the understanding that such property would be brought into the City and rezoned in keeping with the recommendation of the Commission. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance 581, an ordinance annexing the property accepting the recommendation of zoning by the Planning and Zoning Commission was adopted. Councilman Dozier made an inquiry as to an up-to-date map of the City and wanted to know when the City charter would be finished. City Manager Boswell reported the map would be finished by September and the charter was printed and needed to be proof- read. Fire Chief Sevision requested the Council to consider ordering fire trucks as soon as possible in view of late delivery dates. Action will be taken on this matter. The meeting was adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Q 1A C11 Mayor W ATTEST: CL Cd X Assistant City Secretary O 0 01083 1-16