HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/1967 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilW a_ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING City of College Station City Council t March 27, 1967 0 ' Members present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Holt, Rhodes, Adams, Cooley, Boyett; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Dillon; and City Secretary Richardson. Visitors present: Rex Bailey, W. D. Fitch, Dennis Goehring, Jim Mitchell, Codie Wells, and Jack Fugate. Councilman Rosprim was not present at the meeting. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Adams, the minutes of the February 27 and March 10 meetings were approved. Jim Mitchell, a resident of 1209 Winding Road, discussed with the council what he considered inefficiencies of the present dog ordinance. He stated that dogs in his neighborhood had attacked several people. His solutions to the problem were the following: (a) Muzzle the dog, (b) provide a trout line with swivel attached to dog's collar, (c) volunteer team to assist in the installation of fences for all interested residents, (d) change the present fine of $5. 00 for the third violation of the dog ordinance to suggesting that the dog owner offer the dog to someone who will take care of the dog or else put it to sleep. Following the discussion, 0the City Manager was asked to have the humane officer shift his hours of- work, varying it so that he would not be solely on an 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. basis. (� On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance on the Southwestern States Telephone Franchise was passed and approved on its second reading, with an emendment to the ordinance to read that the first payment shall be made March 15, 1968, and shall be equal in amount to 2 3/4% of the gross receipts received from January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967 and thereafter payment shall be made annually on March 15 as within provided. The motion also carried with it the deletion of Section 19 in its entirety. c�5 Rex Bailey of the General Telephone Company presented to the council problems incurred with d the installation of the Sen-Trex System and Mark Sense Toll Ticket System. He also stated ZD that until the new systems were perfected that telephone service with reference to long 0� distance calls would be slower but in the long run would be more efficient. 0 0 C0 On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 510, an ordinance approving a limousine service in College Station was passed and approved on its second reading. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 512, an ordinance ordering the improvement of certain portions of Kerry Street was passed and approved. Councilman Holt raised the question concerning the need for the statement "and not exceeding three-fourths of all the remaining cost of the improvements"(paragraph IV (a) ) in Ordinance No. 512. City Attorney Dillon was asked to study the question and advise the council on the matter. 00983 �� Minutes of City Council. Meeting Regular Session March 27, 1967 Page 2 Councilman Adams raised the question as to the need for certain streets to preserve them, citing Walton Drive as an example. The engineering department was requested to make a survey of repairs needed on Walton Drive and other streets and make recommendations to the council. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 513, an ordinance ordering street improvements on certain portions of North Walton Drive was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 514, an ordinance setting certain requirements for public health, food and sanitation for the City of College Station and setting a maximum fine of $200. 00 for violation of the ordinance was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Adams, Ordinance No. 515, an ordinance on milk and milk products was passed and approved with certain revisions made by council members. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 516, an ordinance setting requirements for frozen desserts in the City of College Station was passed and approved. Mayor Anderson reported to the council that the plan to establish a sub -post office in the City of College Station is an actuality. Further investigations will be made as to its location by the U. S. Post Office Department. He also stated that Justice of the Peace for the city had been approved by the Commissioners' Court. It is the responsibility of the council to make a recommendation to the Commissioners' Court. Mr. Jack Fugate inquired as to the method that should be used to make formal application for the position of Justice of the Peace. The mayor stated that a resume addressed to the city manager would be acceptable.. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, authorization was made for the payment of fees to Moroney, Beissner and Company for services in connection with the issuance and sale of bonds. The amount is $15, 995. 00, such to be paid out of the bond fund. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, W. D. Fitch was given authorization to meet with John S. Denison, electrical consultant for the city, to determine the cost of an overhead versus underground electrical utility distribution system in Southwood, Section 1, development. As the developer, Fitch would pay the difference in cost for the installation of an underground system. W. D. Fitch expressed to the City Council his desire to erect poles of a different type, other than wooden creosoted poles, on Southwest Parkway and in other areas he may develop. He agreed to a pole mutually acceptable to the city and would pay the added cost over and above the present type. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Holt, and passed, the city manager was authorized to order the poles that were mutually acceptable to the city f Minutes of City Council Meeting Regular Session March 27, 1967 Page 3 and W. D. Fitch, with the understanding that Fitch would pay the added cost over the wooden creosoted poles. There was some discussion of council members as to the desirability of standardizing on some type of a metal or other type pole mutually acceptable to all builders. However, no specific action was taken. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the mayor was authorized to appoint a committee for the preparation of next year's report to the citizens of College Station on the stewardship of the council. The date for the informal meeting to discuss Zoning Ordinance No. 38 was set for April 3, 1967 at 7:00 p. m. , at the council room. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, the bid of Cen-Tex Tractor Co. for a tractor -loader equipped with backhoe, in the amount of $7, 514. 72 was accepted and approved. Councilmen Adams, and Cooley voted in opposition to the motion. Councilman Cooley recommended that, in the future, a larger number of bids on equipment be obtained. The mayor was asked to contact Joe Hanover of the Texas Highway Department relative to the location of the extension of University Drive to the East Loop. D. H. Goehring discussed with the council the need for more industry in the city which would promote more growth and prosperity. He also stated that a break in the median was needed in front of the Bank of Commerce on Highway 6. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the council was authorized to ask the Highway Department to put a break in the median as Mr. Goehring requested. Councilman Adams was opposed. The mayor also expressed his disapproval. City Attorney Dillon stated that he was ready to proceed with filing suit within two weeks for the City of College Station to obtain funds due it from J. C. Culpepper. The council requested that he undertake such legal action. City Manager Boswell reported that the elevated storage tank plans were sent back to Homer Hunter on March 24 with the City Engineer's remarks. He stated further that the Putz' property had been purchased and that Homer -Hunter Associates were 85% complete on the survey of water lines throughout the city. He also reported that the survey was being done on the location of water lines on Putz' property at the present. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the proposal of Homer -Hunter Associates and the city manager to lay the 20" pipe from the connection on 29th Street directly across the Putz property to the water reservoir was approved. A motion to table this proposal was defeated. Councilmen Adams and Cooley voted in opposition to the motion. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the city manager was directed to enter into discussion with Mr. Matous, Mr. Kapchinskie, and heirs of the 00385 6 S` Minutes of City Council Meeting Regular Session March 27, 1967 Page 4 Dobrovolny relative to purchase of a right-of-way for county road. He was authorized to undertake condemnation action if needed. Meeting adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: I- �, a a,,, �,, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (SEAL) C MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING City of College Station City Council March 27, 1967 Members present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Holt, Rhodes, Adams, Cooley, Boyett; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Dillon; and City Secretary Richardson. Visitors present: Rex Bailey, W. D. Fitch, Dennis Goehring, Jim Mitchell, Codie Wells, and Jack Fugate. Councilman Rosprim was not present at the meeting. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Adams, the minutes of the February 27 and March 10 meetings were approved. Jim Mitchell, a resident of 1209 Winding Road, discussed with the council what he considered inefficiencies of the present dog ordinance. He stated that dogs in his neighborhood had attacked several people. His solutions to the problem were the following: (a) Muzzle the dog, (b) provide a trout line with swivel attached to dog's collar, (c) volunteer team to assist in the installation of fences for all interested residents, (d) change the present fine of $5.00 for the third violation of the dog ordinance to suggesting that the dog owner offer the dog to someone who will take care of the dog or else put it to sleep. Following the discussion, the City Manager was asked to have the humane officer shift his hours of work, varying it so that he would not be solely on an 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. basis. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance on the Southwestern States Telephone Franchise was passed and approved on its second reading, with an emendment to the ordinance to read that the first payment shall be made March 15, 1968, and shall be equal in amount to 2 3/4~c of the gross receipts received from January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967 and thereafter payment shall be made annually on March 15 as within provided. The motion also carried with it the deletion of Section 19 in its entirety. Rex Bailey of the General Telephone Company presented to the council problems incurred with the installation of the Sen-Trex System and Mark Sense Toll Ticket System. He also stated that until the new systems were perfected that telephone service with reference to long distance calls would be slower but in the long run would be more efficient. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Couhcilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 510, an ordinance approving a limousine service in College Station was passed and approved on its second reading. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 512, an ordinance ordering the improvement of certain portions of Kerry Street was passed and approved. Councilman Holt raised the question concerning the need for the statement ~'and not exceeding three-fourths of all the remaining cost of the improvements " (paragraph IV (a)) in Ordinance No. 512. City Attorney Dillon was asked to study the question and advise the council on the matter. 00983 Minutes of City Council Meeting 1~ egular Session Msrch 27, 1967 Page 2 Councilman Adams raised the question as to the need for certain streets to preserve them, citing Walton Drive as an example. The engineering department was requested to make a survey of repairs needed on Walton Drive and other streets and make recommendations to the ceuncil. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman l~hodes, Ordinance No. 513, an ordinance ordering street improvements on certain portions of North Walton Drive was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman lqhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 514, an ordinance setting certain requirements for public health, food and sanitation for the City of College Station and setting a maximum fine of $200.00 for violation of the ordinance was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Adams, Ordinance No. 515, an ordinance on milk and milk products was passed and approved with certain revisions made by council members. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman l~hodes, Ordinance No. 516, an ordinance setting requirements for frozen desserts in the City of College Station was passed and approved. Mayor Anderson reported to the council that the plan to establish a sub-post office in the City of College Station is an actuality. Further investigations will be made as to its location by the U. S. Post Office Department. He also stated that Justice of the Peace for the city had been approved by the Commissioners~ Court. It is the responsibility of the council to make a recommendation to the Commissioners~ Court. Mr. Jack Fugate inquired as to the method that should be used to make formal application for the position of Justice of the Peace. The mayor stated that a resume addressed to the city manager would be acceptable.. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, authorization was made for the payment of fees to Moroney, Beissner and Company for services in connection with the issuance and sale of bonds. The amount is $15,995.00, such to be paid out of the bond fund. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, W. D. Fitch was given authorization to meet with John S. Denison, electrical consultant for the city, to determine the cost of an overhead versus underground electrical utility distribution system in Southwood, Section 1, development. As the developer, Fitch would pay the difference in cost for the installation of an underground system. W. D. Fitch expressed to the City Council his desire to erect poles of a different type, other than wooden creosoted poles, on Southwest Parkway and in other areas he may develop. He agreed to a pole mutually acceptable to the city and would pay the added cost over and above the present type. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Holt, and passed, the city manager was authorized to order the poles that were mutually acceptable to the city 00984 Minutes of City Council Meeting Regular Ses sion March 27, 1967 Page 3 and W. D. Fitch, with the understanding that Fitch would pay the added cost over the wooden creosoted poles. There was some discussion of council members as to the desirability of standardizing on some type of a metal or other type pole mutually acceptable to all builders. However, no specific action was taken. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the mayor was authorized to appoint a committee for the preparation of next year~s report to the citizens of College Station on the stewardship of the council. The date for the informal meeting to discuss Zoning Ordinance No. 38 was set for April 3, 1967 at 7:00 p.m., at the council room. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, the bid of Cen-Tex Tractor Co. for a tractor-loader equipped with backhoe, in the amount of $7,514.72 was accepted and approved. Councilmen Adams, and Cooley voted in opposition to the motion. Councilman Cooley recommended that, in the future, a larger number of bids on equipment be obtained. The mayor was asked to contact Joe Hanover of the Texas Highway Department relative to the location of the extension of University Drive to the East Loop. D. II. Goehring discussed with the council the need for more industry in the city which would promote more growth and prosperity. He also stated that a break in the median was needed in front of the Bank of Commerce on Highway 6. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the council was authorized to ask the Highway Department to put a break in the median as Mr. Goehring requested. Councilman Adams was opposed. The mayor also expressed his disapproval. City Attorney Dillon stated that he was ready to proceed with filing suit within two weeks for the City of College Station to obtain funds due it from J. C. Culpepper. The council requested that he undertake such legal action. City Manager Boswell reported that the elevated storage tank plans were sent back to Homer Hunter on March 24 with the City Engineer's remarks. He stated further that the Putz' property had been purchased and that Homer-Hunter Associates were 85~ complete on the survey of water lines throughout the city. He also reported that the survey was being done on the location of water lines on Putz~ property at the present. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the proposal of Homer-Hunter Associates and the city manager to lay the 20" pipe from the connection on 29th Street directly across the Putz property to the water reservoir was approved. A motion to table this proposal was defeated. Councilmen Adams and Cooley voted in opposition to the motion. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the city manager was directed to enter into discussion with Mr. Matous, Mr. Kapchinskie, and heirs of the 003S5 " Minutes of City Council Meeting Regular Session March 27, 1967 Page 4 Dobrovolny relative to purchase of a right-of-way for county road. to undertake condemnation action if needed. Meeting adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATT EST: City Secretary (SEAL) He was authorized OO986