HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/28/1966 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING 65 City Council City of College Station November 28, 1966 0 0 Members present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Holt, Boyett, Rhodes, Rosprim, Adams, Cooley; City Secretary Richardson; City Manager Boswell. Visitors present: John Denison, Lucian Morgan, W. D. Fitch. In keeping with the Rules of Procedure of the Council, approval was given to the addition of four items not on the agenda as presented to council members. City Attorney Dillon was excused from this meeting. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Adams, the minutes of the October 24 regular meeting and the November 16 special meeting were approved. 8 John Denison discussed with the council ways and means of encouraging the purchase of electricity by citizens. He cited the need for conformance with the city of Bryan to avoid confusion by electrical contractors. He related the three plans operative in Bryan involving (1) Gold Medallion Homes, (2) a home in which is installed electrical heating, and (3) a home in which is installed electrical appliances over and above electrical heating. Denison also advised �s of need to budget funds for sales promotion and of the time that will be re - W quired of employees to check compliance. He did ask the council to consider V) in future plans the desirability to go underground with wiring in new subdi- Wvision. The matter was taken under advisement by the council. CL Lucian Morgan discussed the problem he was having with the creek adjoining his property as a result of Woodson Lumber Company work on "B" Creek drainage in May of 1965. He expressed the need for some soil and minor 0 equipment work that was earlier promised by city. The council agreed to rectify 0 the problem cited by Morgan and directed the city manager to attend to such. 03 The mayor presented to the council an agreement between the city of Bryan and the city of College Station apportioning overlapped area of extraterritorial V jurisdiction. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and passed, the mayor and city secretary were authorized to sign the agree- ment. Councilman Adams voted in opposition. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, a resolution concerning the abandonment of a part of F. M. 2154 from F. M. 60 to Jersey Street as prepared and suggested by the Highway Department to clear up any legal entanglements and to declare by the city of College Station that said 009G5 6-1s, Minutes of Regular Meeting November 28, 1966; page 2 right-of-way is no longer needed and would be returned to A&M University failed of adoption. Councilmen Adams, Cooley, and Boyett voted in opposition. Councilman Rosprim abstained from voting. Further action on the resolution was postponed until the next meeting of the council during which period fur- ther clarification would be sought from the Texas Highway Department to overcome the objection. The council considered Ordinance No. 489, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on proposed annexation of certain properties by the city. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 489 was passed. The mayor set the date of January 23, 1967 for the public hearing. The matter of an ordinance on abandoned vehicles was postponed until the next meeting due to the absence of City Attorney Dillon. City Manager Boswell presented to the council a plan for the rate structure increase in cemetery lots to that as indicated below: Single grave space $ 70.00 Two grave lots 130.00 Three grave lots 180.00 Four grave lots 220.00 Babyland lots 35.00 Lots whose area is 200 square feet or more will be sold for $1.10 per square foot. The mayor recommended to the council that the rates be made applicable to both interior and exterior lots and that such rates become effective January 1, 1967. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, the price increase and recommendation of the mayor were approved. It, was agreed that the mayor would meet with the cemetery committee relative to the establishment of a revised policy for consideration by the council. City Manager Boswell discussed the matter of the present "Sinking Fund" held in the Bank of Commerce and University National Bank and the tax renditions of each. Councilman Holt suggested that the council wait until next year to deter- mine where city money would be deposited in C. D. Is. The council concurred. Councilman Adams, on behalf of a council committee composed of Councilman Adams and Boyett, presented to the council two suggestions with respect to acquisition of parks and public areas in relation to Ordinance No. 210. One plan stated that if school sites, parks, and other public areas are set out on the official City Master Plan such sites must then be recognized in the preparation of proposed subdivision plans, provided the responsible public authority immediately take steps to purchase said land, otherwise, the subdi- Minutes of Regular Meeting November 28, 1966; page 3 vider may proceed with his subdivision as though such area was non-existent. The second plan made it necessary that the developer give 5 percent of his land or its equivalent in cash. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the suggestion for acceptance of the first plan as a revision of Ordinance No. 210, was adopted. Councilman Rhodes voted in opposition. The mayor read a communication from Robert F. White as sent to City Manager Boswell concerning street improvement on Spruce Street, from Boyett Street to Main Street. Following discussion by the council it was decided that the construction requested was not in keeping with the street policy of the city. The city manager was requested to write Mr. White and tell him that the city does not consider the paving of the street an emergency case at present. Councilman Cooley discussed the unsightly appearance of the property in back of city hall. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the city manager was authorized to contract for building a fence for the area behind the city property. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone lots 4, 5, 6, block 10, Boyett Addition from District No. 3, Apartment House District, to District No. 5, Second Business District was adopted as Ordinance No. 490, an ordinance calling for a public hearing in February. Councilman Rhodes, speaking on behalf of a council committee composed of Councilmen Rhodes and Adams, recommended that the following citizens constitute the Board of Equalization for the year 1967: Rollin L. Elkins 702 Park Place Edwin S. Holdredge 1118 Ashburn Cecil B. Ryan 114 Marsteller On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the recom- mendations were approved by the council. The above Board was assigned to (1) Study the current assessments to deter- mine if there are any inequities in valuations. (2) Give attention to assess- ments on the following properties: a. vending machines on A&M campus; b. vacant lots; c. privately -owned planes and/or hangars; and, d. personal property of city residents living on state property. (3) Utilize all available means to ascertain taxable property located in the city i. e. school board records, court house records, etc. r Minutes of Regular Meeting November 28, 1966; page 4 On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, Ordinance No. 491, on ordinance appointing a board of equalization for 1967 was passed and approved. Councilman Holt presented to the council a plan that had been developed by Mr. Codie Wells for the A&M Elementary School to provide for off-street parking of teachers. He recommended that the city, in keeping with pre- vious discussion by the council, break the curb and undertake necessary grading of the lots. The council agreed to this action and directed the city manager to act accordingly as soon as possible. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 492, an ordinance abandoning an easement on the Holt Subdivision was passed by the council. Councilman Holt abstained from voting. The mayor reported to the council the desire of President Rudder to establish a committee composed of a representative from the council and Texas A&M University to review matters of mutual interest. Following a discussion of the matter, and with the approval of the council, Councilman Holt was requested by the mayor to serve on this committee as the council representative. City Manager Boswell reported that Rex Bailey had informed him the telephone equipment for use by firemen had been received and would be installed by December 15. City Manager Boswell reported that he finally received approval of a sufficient number of owners of the land in the business area of the East Gate so that we could commence street improvement at this point. Following discussion by the council it was decided to hold up action on such construction at this time, even though approved earlier by the council, making it a part of next year's street improvement program.. Upon the recommendation of City Manager Boswell the council agreed to pay Walter Meier on Park Place Street $800 for the street right-of-way that would be required. Other stipulations agreed to by the council were that the city would move his fence back to the new property line, purchase for him two 8' to 10' trees, and not assess him for street improvements when made. The council meeting was adjourned subject to call. APPROVED::� aox " D. A. Anderson, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary