HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1961 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMinutes of Regualr Meeting May 22, 1961 Members present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Orr, Landiss, Sorrels, Anderson, Boyett, Rosprim; City Manager Boswell; City Secretary Manning; City Attorney Dillon Visitors present: Mrs. A. B. Medlen, Bob Madlen, Mrs. Jack Inglis, Mrs, Lola F. Thompson, C. E. Sandstedt, W. D. Fitch fi Minutes of previous meeting were approved. `U On motion by Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Landiss, the city manager was authorized to employ Durst and Wood, accountants, to audit the affairs of the city for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961. W On motion by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Sorrels, Ordi- Wmance No. 313, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for C- improvements of certain portions of Foster Avenue and directing advertisement of cb bids, was passed and approved and ordered published. D On motion by Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Anderson, Ordinance 0 No. 314, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for im- Oprovements of certain portions of Second Street, Tauber Street, Stasney Street, Q] Cross Street and Cherry Street and directing advertisement of bids, was passed and approved and ordered published. On motion by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission relative to rezoning in Block 1, College Park Addition, was approved. On motion by Councilman Sorrels, seconded by Councilman Landiss, the mayor was authorized to renew a note in the amount of $2,000. with the College Station State Bank. The mayor reported that he had assured Dr. F. B. Clark that he could have 15 minutes before the council to discuss alleged indebtedness to him by the city of College Station. Dr. Clark being unable to attend the meeting, the council reaffirmed its former position that any discussion would be through the office of the city attorney. Mrs. Lola Thompson appeared before the council to discuss possible F� violations of the zoning ordinance in the construction of a stairway at 205 t Montclair. The city manager was directed to ascertain whether or not the zoning ordinance has been violated in this instance. 0 Mr. W. D. Fitch appeared before the council to discuss the construction of a street from the Knoll Addition and lying generally between a proposed sub- division by Mr. Fitch and the Woodson Village Addition. On motion by Council - W man Boyett, seconded by Councilman Orr, the following action was taken: Q W 0- dS.V 35 Minutes of Meeting May 22, 1961 Page 2 1. The responsibility of constructing the street between the proposed subdivision of Mr. Fitch and the Woodson Village Addition will be the respon- sibility of the developers. 2. Portions of the street lying along property owned by others than the developers will be at the rate of $3.00 per foot of property. 3. The city manager is directed to have prepared an estimate of cost for a bridge in the street, said bridge to be constructed by the city. 4. The city attorney, is directed to prepare all documents necessary to put these conditions into effect. Regular meetings of the council for the summer were set for the fourth Friday of June, July, and August. The request of Jack Boyett for the rezoning of certain property in the Boyett Addition was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. An informal meeting was scheduled for the evening of June 9 to discuss the budget for the next fiscal year. The council adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor, Ernest Langf rd ATTEST.* City Secretary, K. A. MMA6ing I ~nutes of Regualr Meeting May 22, 1961 ~eubers present: ~ayor Langford; Councilmen Orr, Landiss, Sorrels, Anderson, Boyett, Rospriu; City Manager Boswell; City Secretary ]lann~ng; City Attorney Dillon Visitors present: ~rs. A. B. ~edlen, Bob ltedlen, Mrs. Jack In~lts, Mrs. Lola F. Thompson, C. E. Sandstedt, W. D. Fitch ~inutes of previous ~eetin~ were approved. On sotion by Councilsan Orr, seconded by Councilsan Landiss, the city ~ansger was authorized to e~ploy Durst and Wood, accountants, to audit the affairs of the city for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961. On ~otion by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Sorrels, Ordi- nance No. 313, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for i~prove~ents of certain portions of Foster Avenue and d~recting advertisement of bids, was passed and approved and ordered published. On 2orion by Councilman Orr, seconded by Council2an Anderson, Ordinance No. 314, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for i~- provements of certain portions of Second Street, Tauber Street, Stasney Street, Cross Street and Cherry Street and directing advertisement of bids, was passed and approved and ordered published. On ~otion by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Co~mission relative to rezoning in Block 1, College Park Addition, wa~ approved. On motion by Councilsan Sorrels, seconded by Councilman Landiss, the · ayor was authorized to renew a note in the a~ount of $2,000° with the College Station State Bank. The mayor reported that he had assured Dr° Fo B. Clark that he could have 15 2inures before the council to discuss alleged indebtedness to him by the city of College Station. Dr. Clark being unable to attend the ~eet~ng, the council reaffirmed its former position that any discussion would be through the office of the city attorney. ]~rso Lola Thompson appeared before the council to discuss possible violations of the zoning ordinance in the construction of a stairway at 205 i~ontclairo The city ~an~er was directed to ascertain whether or not the zoning ordinance has been v~olated ~n this ~nstance. ~r. W. D. Fitch appeared before the council to discuss the construction of a street fro~ the Knoll Addition and lying generally between a proposed sub- division by M~o Fitch and the Woodson Village Addition° On ~otton by Council- ~an Boyett, secoaded by Councilman Orr, the following action was taken: H~nutes of lteetinf Hay 22, 1961 Pa~e 2 1. The responsibility of constructin~ tho street between the proposed subdivision of Mr. Fitch and tho Woodson Village Addition w~ll be the respon- sibility of the developers. 2. Portions of the street ly~n~ alon~ property owned by others than the developers will be at the rate of $3000 per foot of property. 3. The city mano~er ~s d~rected to have prepared an estimate of cost for a bridge in the street, sa~d brtd~e to be constructed by the city. 4. The city attorney, is directed to prepare all documents necessary to put these condit~ons into effect. Regular meetings of the council for the summer were set for the fourth Friday of June, July, and ~st. The request of Jack Boyett for the rezon~n~ of certain property in the Boyett Addition was referred to the Plannin~ and Zon~n~ Commission. An ~nforu&l meetin~ was scheduled for the eventnK of June 9 to discuss the budget for the next fiscal year. The council adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: ~ayor, Ernest