HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/1981 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REG~LI~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Jones, Dozier, Boughton, Ringer COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Prause, Runnels STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Ford, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Planner Mayo, Chief Accountant Atkinson, Asst. Engineer Smith, Asst. Planner Longley, Purchasing Agent Weddle, Energy Coordinator Albrecht, City Attorney Denton VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register A~enda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of Special City Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 19, 1981, Workshop City Council Meeting, May 27, 1981, Regular City Council Meeting, Thursday, May 28, 1981, and Special City Council Meeting, June 2, 1981. The city recognized Mary Charter, a city employee, for her talent in art in which she had drawn some miscellaneous sketches including one of Mayor Halter during Raintree rezoning of Westinghouse. Councilman Boughton stated that on the Special City Council Meeting, May 19, 1981 the revenue bonds were listed as being 4.0 million when they should of been 3.0 million. Also, on the Special City Council Meeting of June 2, 1981, Councilman Prause was not listed as being absent. Councilman Ringer moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Asenda Item No. 2 - A public hearin8 on the question of rezonin~ all of Lots 1 thru 14, Block 4; Raintree Section 4 from Single Family District R-1 to Townhouse District R-3. The application is in the name of Raintree Development Joint Venture. Asst. Director of Planning Callaway presented and explained the rezoning request to the council. He stated that the area to be rezoned to R-3 will not be adjacent to any other R-1 zoned lots because of the Gulf States and Exxon easements. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing and asked to hear from those in favor of the rezoning. Eddie Schultz, developer of the area and applicant, stated that he is requesting the rezoning to R-3 to allow more flexibility in the site development. He stated that the existing utility easement serves as a buffer and lowers the density in the area. 03 37 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. PAGE 2 With current R-1 zoning, he would be required to build units within fifteen feet between units. He felt he could do more with the area as Townhouses and still be a single family unit with a lower density. Mayor Halter asked to hear from those opposed. Kay Jackson, a Raimtree resident, stated that when her family and friends bought in Raintree, she was told that the area would be strictly single-family district. She stated that townhouses and single-family homes were not synonymous. Her feelings toward townhouses were the same as duplexes. She asked that the council deny the rezoning requests to preserve the single-family area they live in. Councilman Dozier stated that the development could do more with the townhouses than with such small lots where inexpensive houses would be built. Joan Kuplinski, of Wilderness Drive, stated her opposition to the rezoning on the same grounds as Ms. Jackson. Councilman Dozier questioned the deed restrictions to allow for duplexes to be built on the property. City Attorney Denton stated that if a duplex was built, many requirements would have to be met before it could be built. Mayor Halter closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of an ordinance rezonin$ the above lots. Councilman Boughton stated that a Townhouse R-3 would probably make a nicer area to live in than the R-1 as it is. Councilman Boughton moved to approve the rezoning requests. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which was denied by the following votes: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilman Boughton AGAINST: Councilmen Dozier, Ringer Councilman Jones had dismissed himself from both Raintree rezonings. Councilman Dozier stated that he supported Raintree residents because he believes they had been mis-led when they bought into Raimtree. Agenda Item No. 4- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.05 acre tract located north of and adjacent to Lots 1 & 2, Block 6; Raintree Section 4, from single Family District R-1 to Townhouse District R-3. The application is in the name of Raintree Development Joint Venture. Asst. Director of Planning Callway presented and explained the rezoning requests. 03Z38 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. PAGE 3 He stated that the area to be rezoned to R-3 was adjacent to the Exxon and Gulf States utility easements. This rezoning would allow for 42 units to be built on the tract as R-3 rather than only 18 to 24 unit as R-1. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing and asked to hear from those in favor of the rezoning. Eddie Schultz, applicant and developer, stated that he could also do more with this tract as R-3. He stated that an R-1 zone could create the type of housing the Raintree residents did not want. Mayor Halter asked to hear from those opposed. Bonnie Leoffler, 2609 Vicksburg, stated that she lives next to the property and does not like the idea of having townhouses behind her. She stated that the R-3 zone is too high density for the area. Kay Jackson, of Raintree, stated that she feels the same way about the 3.05 acres being rezoned to R-3 as she does about the above lots being rezoned. She asked that the council deny this request for R-3 rezoning. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above 3.05 acre tract. Councilman Dozier moved approval of the rezoning requests. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 - A public hearin~ on the question of rezonin8 a 6.27 acre tract being a portion of Southwood Valley section 22B and 22C from A~ricultural/Open District A-O to Single Family District R-1. The application is in the name o~ Southwood Valley, Inc. Asst. Director of Planning Callway presented and explained the rezoning request to the council. He stated that the development is in accordance with current Land Use Plan and that the utilities and streets are being provided. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above 6.27 acre tract. Councilman Dozier moved to approve the rezoning request. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. PAGE 4 Agenda Item No. 8 - Discussion of drainage problems durin~ recent rain. Marie Welch stated that the city needed to clean out trash and debris from the creeks and bridges. Delbert Black, of Langford St., stated that the creeks needed to be cleaned. Richard Ryan, of Ashburn, stated that the creek behind his house was filled with trash. Jim Mc Mara, of Southwood Valley, stated that he had also been effected by the flooding of the creeks and felt they needed to be cleaned out. Agenda Item No. 9 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Transformer, underground conductor, and switchgear for Post Oak Mall. 1 mini-computer for administration PLATS: Consideration of a final plat - West Ridge Addition The bids and plats were approved by common consent. A~enda Item No. 10 - Consideration of an ordinance and resolution amendin~ Chapter 11, Section 5 of the City of College Station of ordinance, pertainin~ to the settin~ of fees and services for ~arba~e collection and disposal. Energy Coordinator Albrecht presented and explained the ordinance and resolution to the council setting the fee and services for garbage collection. After further discussion by the council, Councilman Ringer moved to place this item on the agenda on June 25, 1981. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. A~enda Item No. 11 - Council considers decision packages of Utility Funds and Sanitation Funds and Hotel Motel Tax. Public Works Director Ford stated that this item needed to be approved tonight. After further discussion, Councilman Ringer moved to approve the decision packages in the Utility Fund. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Ringer moved to approve the decision packages for the Sanitation Funds. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Ringer moved to approve the Hotel Motel Tax decision packages. After no second the motion died. 03Z-$0 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. PAGE 5 Councilman Dozier stated that he had doubted supporting the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce. He did not feel that they had done enough for the money the City of College Station had contributed last year. Councilman Dozier moved to approve all other Hotel Motel Tax decision packages excelpt the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of issuance of permit for oil and gas in the City of College Station for Perdico limited. City Attorney Denton asked that the permit for oil and gas be considered in 2 weeks. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of adopting Parliamentary and Rules of Procedures. Mayor Halter presented and explained that the original Rules of Procedures were included in the packets as well as the revised. Councilman Jones moved to approve the Rules of Procedure revisions. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 14 - Hear visitors. No One spoke. Agenda Item No. 15 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252-17(g)] and land acquisitions [6252-17(f)]. The Council moved to closed session to later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 16 - Action on closed session. Councilman Ringer moved to pay for damages to Schmaltz's Sandwich Shop due to plumbing leakage. Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 17 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Halter. APPROVED: _ .~ ,J ~*' Gary Ha~e~, ~or ~ST .~mSTER REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 7:00 P.M. ~EASE SIGN, BELO~ 2. 3. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.