HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1981 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES Special City Council Meeting Thursday, March 5, 1981 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Kelly, Jones, Runnels COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Dozier STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, Assistant City Manager/Director of Finance Van Dever, Tax Assessor-Collector/City Secretary Schroeder, City Engineer Ash, City Planner Mayo, Parks & Recreation Director Beachy VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1-Council Concerns. Councilman Ringer stated that several citizens had asked him what kind of control the city had to prevent stolen gold and silver from being sold. Agenda Item No. 2-Discussion of Capital Improvements Pro~ram. City Engineer Ash presented the brochure on the CIP to be presented to the public. He stated that, with the Council's approval, it was to be taken to the printer on March 6. The printed brochures were to be mailed out to citizens on Friday, March 13, 1981. Mr. Ash thanked all of the people who worked on the CIP program; members of the Parks Board, city staff, the CIP Committee and the CounCil Representiative on this Committee-Bob Runnels. Mr. Ash asked the Council to decide on a date for the election and a date for a public meeting at city hall before the meeting. Councilman Kelly stated that the items which do no increase taxes should be distring- uished from those that do not. City Manager Bardell pointed out that the brochure does not suggest the citizen vote for or against the bond issue. The Council pointed out several abbreviations they felt should be spelled out. Councilman Ringer asked how paving projects would be presented to the Council. City Engineer Ash stated that the plans would be brought to the Council prior to construction. City Manager Bardell pointed out that the committee had allowed for inflation in this program. Mayor Halter stated that the Northgate project was not included because not enough research had been done on it at this time. A~enda Item No. 3-Consideration of settin~ date for Bond Election. Mayor Halter asked for discussion of the date for the bond election. He pointed out that the election should not be called any earlier than 90 days prior to the election and not less than 15. 03143 MINUTES page 2 Special City Council Meeting Thursday, March 5, 1981 5:00 P.M. Councilman Jones moved approval of putting these items on the bond issue and that it be included on the ballot of the April 4th General Election. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion. She stated that there would be a larger turn-out if it was held with the General Election. Councilman Ringer agreed and pointed out reasons why. Councilman Runnels asked if there was enough time to properly present this to the public. The Council agreed that there was sufficient amount of time to present the issue to the public. City Engineer Ash pointed out that 20,000 copies of the brochures were being print- ed. 10,000 of these would be mailed out to citizens and 10,000 would be distribu- ted locally. The Council decided a seperate public meeting on the bond issue would be held on Tuesday, March 31st, 1981, and 7:00 P.M. The vote to hold the bond issue on April 4th with the General Election was approved unanimously. Pete Fisher presented an ordinance to the Council which calls the bond election. Councilman Ringer moved approval of the proposed ordinance. Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously making it Ordinance # 1272. Agenda Item No. 4-Closed session to discuss pending litigation. The Council moved to closed session later to reopen to the public. Agenda Item No. 5-Action on closed session. There was no action on closed session. Agenda Item No. 6-Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: APPROVED 0314A SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, March 5, 1981 5:00 P.M. Please 8i~n below: /C~4 Ga- e 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 19. 38.