HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1982 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1982 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmen Runnels, Prause, Nemec, Jones COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Halter, Councilman Boughton, Councilman Ringer STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Denton, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Planner Mayo, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, City Secretary Jones, Parks Maintenance Director Whatley, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson, Traffic Engineer Black, Personnel Director Gray VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Councilman Prause announced that Mayor Halter, Mayor Pro-tem Boughton, and appointed Mayor Pro-tem Ringer were absent and the remaining Councilmembers needed to elect a Mayor Pro-tem for the one meeting. Councilman Jones moved to appoint Councilman Runnels as Mayor Pro-tem for the meeting. Councilman Nemec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, September 22, the.Regular City Council Meeting, September 23, and the Special Works~qp City Council Meeting, September 29, 1982. Councilman Prause moved to approve the minutes as read. seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Jones Agenda Item No. 2 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning an 8.876 acre tract located on the south side of University Drive approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of Fed Mart Drive and Universit~ Drive, from Single Family Residential DiStrict R-1 and Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3 to Single Famil~ Residential District R-l, Townhouse-Rowhouse ~ict R-3 and General Commercial District C-1. Application is in the name of Jesse Henton, Garrett Engineering, .Agent. [82-134]' Asst. Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated the tract is located on the south side of University Drive approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of University Drive and Fed Mart Drive. Existing zoning would provide for a maximum of 97 dwelling units. The requested zoning would provide for a maximum of 56 dwelling units and a 3.963 acre commercial area on University Drive. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as medium density residential with low density 003670 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1982 PAGE 2 residential to the south. Previous rezoning requests for this tract have been considered by the Commission and Council. The staff does not support the rezoning request because the commercial portion is not be consistent with the land use plans. Also, previous request for commercial zoning has been denied in the past and no apparent changes in conditions have o¢cured in the area. The Planning and Zoning Commission also recommended denial of this request. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels opened the public hearing and asked to hear from those in favor of the rezoning. Phillip Goode, attorney for property owner Jesse Henton, made a lengthy presentation regarding the tract including the history and proposed future use of the land. He asked the council to rezone the tract as requested for better usage of the area. Richard Calvert also spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels asked to hear from those opposed to the rezoning. Vicki Reinke stated that she has addressed the council previously in opposition to rezoning this land as a commercial tract. She felt the tract would not benefit the neighborhood if it is zoned commercial. Jim Gardner also spoke against the rezoning stating that it would not be compatible to the Comprehensive Plan. When no one else spoke, Mayor Pro-tem Runnels closed the public hearing. A~enda Item No. 3 - Consideration of an Ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Prause moved denial of the Ordinance to rezone the tract. motion died for a lack of second. The No other motion was made regarding the Ordinance. as is. The tract remains zoned ~genda Item No. 4 - A public hearing on the question of rezqnin~ a 9.0 acre tract located approximatgly 450 feet west of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Wellborn Road (F.M. 21545' from Heavy Industrial District M-2 to Apartment Medium Deqsity District R-5. Application is in the name of Bert Wheeler et al for Robert Hoppe. [82-135] Mayor Pro-tem stated that the applicant has asked that the item be postponed until the October 28th meeting. All council members agreed. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an Ordinance rezoning the above tract. This item is also postponed until October 28, 1982. 003671 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1982 PAGE 3 Agenda Item No. 6 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Old City Maintenance Yard Demolition Project. PLATS: Final plat - Villas of Chimney Hill. All items were approved by Common Consent. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an Ordinance vacating a utility easement in the Sweet Briar Addition in the ~ity of College Station. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He stated that application is in the name of Carl Dahlstrom. All utility companies have granted permission to vacate the easement. After further discussion regarding vacating the entire easement, Councilman Jones moved to approve Ordinance No. 1385 vacating the ten foot easement in the Sweet Briar Addition only until future requests are made for additional abandonment. Councilman Nemec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of an Ordinance amending the Colleg~ Station City Code, relatin~ to personnel policies. City Attorney Denton stated that the council committee met to review the revised personnel policies and recommended that the final copy be approved. He indicated that he reviewed the legal aspects of the policy and recommended approval of the policy as proposed. He included that he would have future information for the policy at the beginning of 1983. Councilman Prause moved to approve Ordinance No. 1386 adopting the personnel policy. Councilman Nemec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9 - Consideration of claim for damages to mailbox at 120~ Glade. City Attorney Denton presented the item and a proposed Resolution to the council. The Resolution would allow the City Attorney to determine the payment of uninsured claims of less than $250.00 without Council approval and submit reports to the council of such payments. He explained that if this Resolution passes, he will be authorized to pay for the $50.00 mailbox which was destroyed in an accident by a College Station Police Officer. Councilman Jones moved approval of Resolution No. 10-14-82-9. Councilman Prause seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 10 - Discussion of Plan 2000. 003672 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1982 PAGE 4 City Planner Mayo presented the item to the council. He indicated that he has re-worded the Development Policies for consideration, will be presenting an alternative plan for the design of Lincoln/Munson extensions, and would like to urge the Northgate Committee to begin working as soon as possible. Mr. Mayo pointed out the changes made in the Development plan, Residential development, Commercial development, Industrial development, Parks and Recreation, Open Space, and Transportation items which are listed in the Development Policies. Councilman Jones stated that requiring all commercial sites to have a minimum depth of 400 feet could be a problem to an individual owner with a small business. He stated that the definition should be made clear in the policy. City Planner Mayo indicated that the definition will be clarified for businesses and major arterials. Councilman Nemec asked what "reserve appropriate close-in areas for single-family development" meant in the Residential Development section of the policy. City Planner Mayo stated the phrase meant reservations for varying housing types would be made to areas which are currently in the city limits and being developed. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels asked to hear from members of the audience. Duane Cote spoke on the future policy statements. Bob Cornish discussed various points related the policy. Jim Gardner spoke on the revised future policy statements and asked that the City publish a copy of the policies and the proposed Plan 2000 in the local newspapers. City Manager Bardell stated that the staff will study the possibility of providing this information to citizens. City Planner Mayo presented his alternative plan for the extension of Munson/Lincoln streets which provided an additional collective street in the area. No cost for the alternative plan has been estimated. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels asked if members of the audience would like to comment on this issue. E.C. Shaw, corner of Ashburn and Gilchrist, pointed out the traffic problems that exist in the area due to the school. Jim Gardner stated that his objection to extension of streets in this area. 003t 73 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1982 PAGE 5 Jim Price, Rose Circle, stated that extensions in the area would encourage greater traffic which is not needed. John Richards and Vicki Reinke also indicated that an extension would cause additional traffic problems. City Manager Bardell stated that he lives in the area also and felt that the traffic flow in the area is two-way and should be allowed more feasible access streets. Anne Hazen commented on the traffic problems in the area. After further discussion by members of the audience and the council, Ramona McNeil suggested having another meeting with the city staff and the residents of that area. City staff agreed to hold another meeting. Agenda Item No. 11 - Hear visitors. Vicki Reinke asked what the increase on her gas bill would be with Lone Star Gas's rate increase. City Manager Bardell indicated it would probably be 10 percent. The city is currently trying to negotiate with Lone Star Gas on the proposed rate increase. Agenda Item No. 12 - Closed session to discuss pendin9 litigation [6252-17(f)] and personnel [62~2-1~('g~. The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 13 - Action on closed session. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels announced a Special Workshop Meeting to be held Monday, October 18, 1982 in Conference Room A to review the draft of the bond sale notice. Agenda Item No. 14 -_Adjourn. Mayor Pro-tem Runnels adjourned the meeting. ian Jones, ~Secretary 00367/ ~JEST CITY O~ICIL THBI~DAY~ ~ 14 ~ 1982 7:00 PLEASE SI~I BELCh: ® 17. 18. 27. ~ 003676