HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/1982 - Regular Minutes City Council ~I'TUTEG REGULA:~ CITY COU~'CIL .~EETI~G TI~URq!~-A¥, APqIL 22, 19q2 7:0() P.'~. COUrlCIL !:E~'.BERS PRESE'IT: STAFF VISITORS P~ESE~IT: :~ayor }~alter, Councilmen Boughton, ~inger, 'le,nec, Pralls~, Jones, gunnels ~one Public WorKs Director Ford, C].~y Planner '~ayo, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator :~artin, City Attorney Denton, Asst. City Planner Longley, Assr. City I~ngineer Smith, City ~]ecretary Jones, Purchasin~ Agent '~eddle, Community DeveloDment Planner Stevens See Guest Pegister. Agenda Item ~Io. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the %forkshop City Council b~eeting, April 7, 1~)82, and the Regular City Council 5~eetinq, ~ril 0, 19~2. Councilman Boughton moved a~)proval of the minutes. Councilman Prause seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item Uo. 2 - A public hearing concerning revisions to the 1981 Community Development Progr%m. Community Development t~lanner Stevens presente~] the item to the council. ~e stated that various revisions have been made to the 19~1 projram including: 1. Additional repair to flanks an(] Tarrow Streets. Curb and gutter construction on Pichard St. will be delete~ to pay for this red,air. 2. Transfer o~ approximately $3,~00.00 to the Lincoln Center project. 3. Transfer of approximately $10,()00.00 to the PE-I!A~ Program. 4. Transfer of approximately $6,000.00 to the 9ental ~ousinq ~e-!'abilitation Program. 5. mransfer of un-obligated balance of $~,500.00 from 19~0 Re'~ab to 19~1 ~e~{ab. 6. ~ransfer of $324.4d from unobligated balance to the Lincoln Center Project. [~ayor [!alter opened the public hearing. ~hen no one spoke, the public hearing was closed. 003507 REGIKAR CITY OOUNCIL MEI~ING THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 PAGE 2 Agenda Item "o. 3 - Consideration of revisions to the 19~1 Community Develo?)ment Pro,qram. Councilman ~,inger moved to a;-~Drove rue revisions to the 19El Community Development Program. Councilman Prause seconde,t the motion which passed unani~,]ousl¥. Agenda Item ~?o. 4 - A public hearing concerning the 19,'~2 Statement of Community Development Objectives and Proposed Use of Funds. Community Developn]ent Planner ,qtevens presented the item. ,,~ briefly explained the funding allocations for each activity in the program. The total Community Development budget of $332,60G. includes a SI'30,000 housing rehabilitation commitment and $9f),',)0(~, for street construction. Streets targeted for improvement under the program are Cleanor, :~evada, an,~ Alabama. Councilman Prause asker~ i.= the pro'~ram could held the small bus i nes sraen. Community Development Planner Etevens replied that the cor~.~:~ittee has look~] into this area in the !]as~ and will be able to work ;;ith this objective in th~ next funding program. .~ayor ?~alter opene~] the public hearing. pub].ic hearing was closed. l~en no one spoke, the Agenda Item ~o. 5 - Consideration of the 1982 Statement of Community Development Objectives and Proposed Use of Funds. Council~3an Pinqer moved to approve the Statement presented for the use o~ 19C2 Community qlock Grant rounds. Councilman ','emec secondel the motion ~'hich passed unanimously. Agenda Item :?o. 6 - CO~iSE:~T AG!.~:),~: BIDS: (1) Steel pole Foundation Construction. 'iiscellaneous ~ater and Sewer inventory su])plies. (1) Strobe-type Electronic %;heel balancer. E;'.E~GE,~CY ITE!': Consideration of bids received for construction of ~ock Prairie Road Interceptor. qE.~SO'; FO~ E~',ERGE.~C¥: ~esidents of the area need to be furnishe,~ certain utility services by ,Tune 1st %;hich requires immediate action to expedite this project. PLATG: Final plat - ~{indwood nhase II. Final plat - I~oodcreek Phase I Halter asked that the Emergency Item pertainin3 to the bids 003508 RM3ULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 PAGE 3 for the construction of Rock Prairie ~.oa,l interce[~tor be removed. All other bids and plats were approved by common consent. Councilman Boughton moved to declare bids for the qock Prairie Toad Interceptor as an em~.rgency item. Councilman Prause seconded the motJ.~n which passed unanimously. ]?d ;'.cDow, of ]~,iewe and ~;ischmeyer, Inc., presente-] the item. :~e stated reasons favorable to council action on the item at this time, reported on all of the bids receive,'], and recomraended that the council accept the low bid of $475,274.35 submitted by ~.P. Brady, Inc. After further discussion, Councilman Ringer moved to accept the low !Did from E.P.Rrady, Inc. in the amount of $475,274.35 Councilman [louqbton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item Uo. 7 - Council sets public hearing date of ~ay 27, 1982 for P. evenue Sharing and operating budgets. Councilman Ringer moved to set the public hearing date of ~',ay 27, 19;~2 for Revenue Sharing and ti~e o[~erating budget. Councilman ~?enec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item ~o. 2 - Council consideration of at)proval of cost living increase. ~%ayor ~alter stated that tile city staff and council committee %gill meet to discuss the proposed cost-of-living increase. The committee will bring this item back to the council at the next meeting. Agenda Item 'lo. 9 - Consideration of ordinance issuin.'~ permit to 17ood :]nergy, Inc. for tile purpose of drilling a well in the city limits of College Station. City Attorney Denton presented the item. l;everal questions ~ere asked by the councilm~mbers regarding distance from residential areas to the well, and fees for the permit. Councilman Ringer ~.~oved to adopt Ordinance '.~o. 1355. Councilman 3oughton seconded the motion which nassed unanimously. Agenda Item ;3o. 10 - Consideration of participatin$ in lighting the College Station ~aseball Diamond by allocation of bond funds. Public %;orks Director Ford presented the item. lie stated that the need for lights at Tiger Field has been ex~ressed by many citizens. The field is used for baseball games and various other 003509 REG~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 PAGE 4 sports by school qroups. Councilman Pinger stated that he felt reluctant to allocate funds for liqhting Tiger Field for school functions without r~achJ, nq an agreement with the school so that the field can be used for other activities. ~:e discussed the nee,] for a written nolicv specifying use terms. Councilman Jones ~oved to table the item until the staff could meet with the school to discuss the matter. Councilman :?emec seconded the motion %,~hich passed unanimously. Agenda Item qo. 11 - ~?ear visitors. 'Jo one spoke. Agenda Item '~o. 12 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252-17(g)] . The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item Uo. 13 - Consideration of appointing individuals to city boards and committees. Councilman Jones moved to re-appoint Jim ..nehling as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, to re-appoint ~url P. ailey and ~oy Kelly, and to appoint David }~Jll and G~rald ."iller. Councilman Doughton seconded the ;.]otion. Councilman Prause moved to amend the motion and asked that Vicky .Peinke be appointed to the Planning and Zoninq Commission in nlace of '.~oy Kelley. Councilman 'Temec seconded the motion which ~as denier] as follows: Councilmen Prause, ?.emec, .runnels AGAI;IST: :~ayor Halter, Councilmen Dinger, Jones, Boughton The first motion was voted on and passed as follows: FOR: ']ayor Halter, Councilmen Oinger, Jones, [~o~ghton AGAI'~qT: Councilmen Prause, '~emec, Runnels Councilman P, inger moved to re-appoint Stephen l:iles as Chair:nan of the I~arks and Pecreation Committee, and to ap,,~oint Judy Le[~nes, David ~',orris, and Donita Haden. Conncilman P, oughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Bouqhton moved to re-appoint George Ford and John Denison to the Electrical Examining Roard. 003510 RM3~ CITY COUNCIL MItrING THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 PAGE 5 Councilman .~inger seconded the motion which .r~assed unanimously. Councilman Ringer moved to re-appoint Donnie ~staire, Danny Sustaire, Steve Hanson, Elrey Ash, ;Jill Lewis, ~.ill Kling, and ~ennie L~edke to the Plumbing Appeals and Advisory Board. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unani~,]ously. Councilman Boughton moved to re-appoint ~rs. Peggy O;;ens, [1rs. N.E. Eckles, .~:rs. J.P. Abbott, [Irs. muby ~,~orse, and ,".rs. ;,~elvin ~ucker to the Cemetery Committee. Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Runnels moved to re-appoint Eileen Kramer, ~ichael ~lurphy, J.l~. ~lood, ~obert %D%ite, Clara Sandstedt, Jelena Djuric, and to appoint Linda Busby, Rosalee Gross, and i~ary Kay Donahue to the Community Appearance Committee. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Jones moved to re-appoint Lowell Denton as City Attorney. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman ,Jones moved to re-appoint Dian Jones as City Secretary. Councilm-3n I%oughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman qoughton moved to re-appoint Nilliam Vance as City Judge. Councilman Jones seconded the motion %;hich ~assed unanimously. Councilman ~inger moved to re-appoint Dr. T.O. %:alton as Health Officer. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item :70. 14 - Adjourn. ,~]ayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 9:25 ATTEST: D~an Jones,C~ Secretary 003511 GUEST I~E~I~ I~K~dLAR CITY ~IL Tgb'I~DAY~ APRIL 22 ~ 1982 7:00 P.M. PLEAHE SI(~I BHDW: 18. 20. ® 21. e 23. e Se 25. e 10. 27. 11. 12. 13. 30. 14, 31. 15. 32. 33. 17. 003512