HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council~,ayor ;,'alter, Councilmen Jones, T~emec, P~ouqhton, "inger, nunnels, Prause COT~ICIL T',E?~}~ER,G "Ione City :'anager l~ardell, Asst. City ~'~anager/Finance Director VanDever, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator ;~artin, City Secretary Jones, Administrative Asst. 'lowlin, City Engineer Ash, Deputy Finance Director/Tax Assessor-Collector Schroeder VISITOPS PPCS~'~':'P: See quest register. Agenda Ite,, ~o. 1 - Sioning of proclan~ation designating July 17, 19f]2 as "Ped Cross Day". %jenda Item '~o. 2 - Signing of ~roclamation supporting the GTE Pelephone .Employees Crime ;Iatch proQram. · :ayor Ualter presente,~, a .proclamation to Martha '?ix, re,oresentativo of the Ped Cross, proclaiming July 17, 19[.~2 as "P. ed Cross Day". Also, he presented (;.~.E. representative Janet Perkins with a proclamation that supports the local Employees Crime ~;atch Progra,n. :16. Perkins state.q that the purpose of the program is to promote a%;areness of activities during the daytime hours that could indicate crimes being committed. Agenda Item .~o. 3 - Presentation of :'.,unicipal ~inance ~fficers of America a%;ard for outstanding achievement in Financial Pepor+ing to A.Z. VanDever, Jr. ~:ayor Ualter presented Asst. City Hanaoer/Finance Director Van VanDever with a certificate of achievement from the 'hlnicipal Finance ~fficers Association of An~erica in recognition of his direction of the financiml reporting procedures employed by the city. Agenda Item ';o. 4 - Council Concerns. Councilman '~er.;ec requested that the city staff review the definition of "Single Family dwelling units" in the Zoning Ordinance. She stated that she received a call regarding problems with tile number of individuals living in a house. Councilman Prause com~nended the staff on producing a city ne%,'sletter that will be included in the School District's bi-monthly publication. Counciln~an Jones requested that the staff review the speed zones on =~} 003569 ~%TORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL ~,rg~TING ~'~EDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1982 _Page 2 2818 in the high school area and reduce the speed on the road before school resumes in the fall. City Engineer Ash replied that the staff would have to send a letter to the Highway Department requesting a speed study of that area. City Manager Bardell stated that he would contact the Highway Department and ask them to expedite the study and submit an ordinance establishing the speed zones. Councilman Runnels asked whether the Highway Department is responsible for maintenance of the road signs that they erect. 3ity Engineer Ash replied that the Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance of any road signs on the Highway system. ~enda Item No. 5 -~st by Hardy Weedon for permission to provide ~p~n~ng/~!os~ service in the c~y c~met~y. 2ity Manager Bardell presented the item. He stated that Mr. Weedon ~as requested a permit to provide services in the Bryan-College ~tation area. He explained that at this time the City of College ~tation has a contr~t with another grave service company for operation in the city cemetery. He noted that he was not sure if it would be legal to contract concurrently with two firms for this type of ~ervice. ~ity Attorney Denton stated that the city has an option to select a ~pecific service with which to contract since this type of business is ~ot a franchise. ~ity Manager Bardell suggested that the council table this item until 9otb services could meet with the staff and discuss various problems ~hat could occur. ~r. Hardy Weedon presented a brief explanation of the services he ~roposed to provide. ~ouncilman Runnels moved to table the item until the staff could investigate the legal and financial aspects of the matter and report ~ame to the Council. The item is to be returned to Council in two ~eeks. ~ouncilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion and consideration of city_pa~ticipatiou in Clean Co~,~,unity_System pro~ram. ~ouncilman Nemec stated that the Community Appearance Committee met ~ith only two members present but both were in favor of the city's )articipating in the Clean Community System. qayor Halter asked what the total cost of joining the System would be. ~ity Manager Bardell replied that the figure is based on the 00357O %~RKSHOP CITY COUNCIL k~ETING ~.~DNESDAY, JULY 7, 1982 Pa~oe 3 population and since the city will share the fee with Bryan, the cost would be less than usual. He estimated the amount to be between $2,000-$2,500. A coordinator will be needed to promote the program within the cities. The staff will meet with Marvin Tate or Barbara Vance and determine if each city will have its own coordinator or if a joint coordinator will be appointed. The Keep America Beautiful Organization will train people for the project at the beginning. Councilman Ringer moved that College Station join the Clean Community System and participate in the project jointly with Bryan. The fee, as estimated between $2,000.00-$2,500.00, will be transfered from the Sanitation Contingency Fund. Councilman Nemec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 7 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252-17(~]. The council did not hold closed session at this time. ~enda Item No. 8 - Action on closed session. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 9 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting a 4:55 p.m. ATTEST: Dian Jones¢~'~ity Secretary APPROVED: Gary Halt~ M~yor 003571 ~ RE~ISTE~ CITY CO~'~2IL I~m~TIN~ ~]~'~a&y~ JELLY 7~ 1982 4:00 P.M. 18. 19. 21. 2o 3m m 24. Be 25. e 6e 10. 27. 11. 12. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 32. 33. 17. 003572