HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1982 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilCITY CO~]'~CIL ~,;FD'?E,qDA¥, APP, IL 21, 19R2 4:00 COU'ICIL ~:Et1DE",S PRV. SE~;T: STAFF PRESEt.~T: '~ayor l{alter, Councilmen Jones, Prause nunnels, Ringer, Boughton, "emec 'Tone City ~.!anager ]~,ardell, City ~ngineer Ash Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator ~;artin, Asst. City "anager/Finance Director VanDever, City Planner ::ayo, Fire ~.arshal Davis, Fire Chief Landua, Purchasing Agent ;;eddle, City Secretary Jones, Energy Coordinator Albrecht, Parks and ~ecreation Director Beachy, City Attorney Denton, Parks ~aintenance Director ~,.~hatley See guest register. Agenda Item ~o. 1 - Signin~ of proclamation designating t~ay 9-15, 19~2 as Small Business l:eek. Agenda Item ~!o. 2 - Signing of ~roclamation designating April 24, 19n2 as "Frank G. Anderson Day." Agenda Item ~o. 3 - Signing of proclamation designating ~ay 9-15, 19~2 as ".'~ational 'lursing ~ome %;eek." :~ayor ~'alter signed the proclamation designating ~,ay 9-15, 1982 as "Small Rusiness Week" in College Station and presented it to '~r. Rusty Rush. ~ayor Ualter signed the proclamation designating April 24, 19~2 as "Frank G. Anderson Day". %;illiam G. Breazeale accepted the proclamation and spoke of Anderson's service as A&~'~ track coach and as the second ~:ayor of College Station. ~';ayor 17alter signed the proclamation designating .~ay 9-15, 19132 as ":.~ational '~ursing .Uome ~,~eek" and presented it to .~rs. Vreddie ~;hite. Also, g~ayor []alter included a proclamation showing support for the FightinTM Texas Aggie Band and presented it to Todd ~lorwood of the University Committee for the Chamber of Commerce. Agen~la Item rio. 4 - Council Concerns. Councilman Runnels asked questions regarding the status of the city's traffic light system. City qngineer Ash stated that the system has been effective approximately 20-30 days. The Eagle Signal staff are currently finalizing the project, and the system should be accepted by the end 003503 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL M]~TING WtI)NESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 PAGE 2 of the week. Councilman Jones asked questions regarding the traffic lights ?roposed for .qouthwood and ~; 2~1~., and Texas Avenue and ~-' 2,qlF~. City Engineer Ash stated that Traffic Engineer T~lack is completing the design on these traffic signals and has beenin contact with the Highway Department. As soon as the plans are complete, they %;ill be submitted to the state for aDproval. Councilman Prause stated that he had been asked to represent the council at the Little League Ceremony on ~.ay 1 and %~ould not be able to attend. ~:e requested that another member serve as representative. Councilman Ringer volunteered to represent the council at the Little League ceremony. Councilman '~emec requested that the city investigate on having an information line on which citizens could readily receive news about various city activities. Councilman Prause suggested that the council committee previously appointed to review community interest could meet the following week to discuss the possibility of having an information line. Committee members were Councilman Prause, Chairman, Councilman Boughton, and ~ayor IIalter. r4ayor Halter suggested that Councilman ~emec take his place on the committee. Councilman Pinger asked questions regarding the sprinkler system in the Community Center. The staff had requested guidance in the matter. City Engineer Ash explained city's ordinances, require that a building of this type have a sprinkler system, and the city should comply with the Code. Contractors for the system will have to work in conjunction with the operation of the Center, as some activities will be taking place in the building %:hile the system is being installed. For this reason, no additional reservations will be accepted for the period involved. The staff will present this item to the council at a later (~ate for approval of the funds for the sprinkler system. ~fayor !'alter stated that in the near future he will be asking the council to appropriate approximately $1,000.00 to be matched with Texas A&~ University to grant funds with which to pay an anthropologist who will locate various historic sites in College [;tation, including the Richard Carter gravesite. l~e also said that many citizens have requested that the city initiate a project to locate the old houses that were originally on the A&~ campus that have been moved off-cam!~us. Citizens have suggested recognizing each house with a marker or medallion. ' Agenda Item ~Io. 5 - Discussion and consideration of cost of livinq 00350 WORKSHOP CITY (X)UNCIL MEETING W~DNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 PAGE 3 increase · Asst. City T~anager/Finance Director VanDever presented the item. lie stated that the staff has reviewed the current inflation rate, and recommended that the city council approve an eight percent cost-of-Living increase to avoid erosion of the city's position in the labor market. After further discussion by the council, Councilman ninger suqgested that a staff cot~ncil committee ..meet and revi~v the Cost-of-Living increase and make a recommendation to the council at a later date. ~l~e cc~,~nittee consist of: Councilmen Jones, Boughton, and Ringer. The Council will hold a .qpecial ~.;orkshop ~eeting on April 2P., 19B2 at 4:00 p.m. to consider the Cost-of-Living increase so that the city staff may proceed with the budget. Agenda Item No. 6 - Submission of budqet to council. Asst. City ~anager/Finance Director VanDever ]~resented a summary of the operating budget to the council. [!e stated that the total operating budget proposed for FY 1982-E3 is $2~,583,854.00, a 29 percent increase over last year's budget. The increase is attributed to salary increases, capital improvements, additional manpower requirements, and increasing utility service, lie discussed the Dossibility that the city will receive $350,000 in revenue sharing funds, per information recently received, and reviewed proposed use of the funds. Asst. City ~anager/Finance Director VanDever enumerated the requests received from organizations seeking assistance from revenue sharing and hotel-motel tax funds, and the council asked that additional inforamation reqarding the Chamber of Commerce budget be obtained an~ made available for study. After further discussion by the council, he stated that the council will set a public hearing for the FY 1982-~3 budget at the ~egular City Council ;~eetinq. Agenda Item r~o. 7 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252-17(g)]. The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item r~o. 6 - Adjourn. Dian Jones, C~ Secretary .~'~ayor Halter adjourned the meeting. Ga--ryq~alt~, N~y'or' - ~' -- / 003505 ~EST P, EGI S~2 CITY ~U~ICIL ~AY~ APl~IL 21, 1982' 4:00 P.M. I~,~,~E SIGN BEL~: 17. 18. 19. 0® 21. 2e e 23. e 24. e 25. 10. 11. 7® 12. 8o 13. 9® 14. 15. 30. 31. 32. 003506'