HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1983 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Nemec, Ringer, Boughton, Prause, Runnels COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jones STAFF PRESENT: Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Planner Mayo, Council Coordinator/Deputy City Secretary Martin, City Secretary Jones, City Engineer Pullen, Adminstrative Asst. Nowlin, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of February 6-12 as National Vocational Education Week. Wendy Bell, representing the A&M Consolidated High School Vocational Program, accepted the proclamation. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating February 20th as "Aggie Service Day". Mike Wolff accepted the proclamation. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the.~nutes of the Regular City Council Meeting, JanuaKy 27, 1983. Mayor Halter pointed out on Item No. 6, paragraph 14 states that "several houses were built in .... the 100 year flood elevation". The statement should read that only one house was found built in the flood elevation. Councilman Prause moved to approve the minutes with the above correction. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 - Public hearing on the question of rezoning Tract A & Tract D, Ponderosa Place S~ction 2 from Agricultural Open District A-O to General Commercial District C-1 and Apartments Medium Densi~ District R-5. Applicati__on__is in the n_____ame of T~ie__~r__Cqrporation.(83-100______!) Asst. Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request includes two tracts located in the Ponderosa Place Section II. C-1 is requested on Tract A, a 6.46 acre tract located 360 feet north of Rock Praire Road on the east side of Longmire Drive. R-5 zoning is requested on Tract D, a 7.02 acre tract located on the north side of Rock Praire Road approximately 675 feet west of Longmire Drive. Both areas relfect low density residential. The staff sees no problems associated with C-1 on Tract A or multi-family zoning on Tract D. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. 0037R3 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 2 Bill Fitch, applicant, stated that he was available for questions. When no one else spoke, the public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of an Ordinance rezoniq~ the above tract. Councilman Runnels moved to approve Ordinance No. 1407 rezoning the above tract. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 - Public hearin~ on the question of rezonin~ Tracts A, D, & E South~og~ Valley 'Section ~9 fr9~ Single Family Residential DI~rict R-1 to Apartments Med%um .~ensi%~ Dis~-~ict R-5 and General C6~erciai Distri6~ C-1. Ap~cation is in the name of Tiller Corporation. (83-101) Asst. Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that C-1 zoning is requested on Tract A, an 8.36 acre tract located on the southeast corner of FM 2818 and Welch Blvd. A portion of this tract is included in the 100 year flood elevation. R-5 zoning is requested for tracts D & E, located at southwest of FM 2818 and Welch Blvd. Tract D is approximately 3.26 acres and Tract E is approximately 5.03 acres. Although Tract A is located at the intersection of two major streets, the staff cannot support this request because it does not comply with the current or proposed comprehensive plan, the tract abuts a city park, and its location across a major thoroughfare from the high school could cause traffic and pedestrian problems. Tracts D & E are recommended for approval for R-5 zoning. Mayor Halter pointed out that the R-1 land across from Tract A belongs to the High School. Councilman Runnels indicated that there is a need for commercial business in that area. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing and asked to hear from those in favor of the rezoning. Bill Fitch, applicant, presented a map to the council and explained proposed development for the area. He stated that the surrounding area is currently heavily populated and contains with limited commercial areas. He supported the requested rezoning. Steve Parker spoke in favor of the rezoning and indicated that the business proposed for the site will apply for an off-premise beer license. Mayor Halter asked to hear from those in opposition. Carroll Messer, 1203 Berkley, stated that the First Baptist Church is planning to construct a large sanctuary in that area. 00378 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 3 Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an Ordinance r~zoniq~ the above tract. Councilman Prause asked if the school board has reviewed this proposal. Bill Fitch replied that the school board has not reviewed this item in a meeting but he has contacted several members and staff to inform them. He stated that they did not have any opposition at that time. City Planner Mayo indicated that he had received a call from Mr. Giammona, member of the school board, who requested that the council table this request until the school trustees reviewed this issue. Councilman Ringer stated that he felt that a C-N and A-P zoning for this tract would be better use of the land without creating problems, He also presented the proposed plans for the neighboring park. Councilman Boughton moved to table the rezoning request for Tract A until the school board could review this item. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Runnels moved approval of rezoning Tracts D&E Southwood Valley Section 30 to R-5. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. action created Ordinance No. 1408. This Mayor Halter requested that Item No. 15 be moved up to follow Item No. 7. Agenda Item No. 6. Public hearing on the question of ado~tin~ an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 850, establishing a maximum height for detached signs and p~6hibitin~ certai~ signs. (83-800) Asst. Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the request is to amend the maximum height for detached signs to 35 ft. Also, no attached balloons or other gas filled objects shall be place within the City of College Station. Approval of this Ordinance is recommended by the P&Z, who also ask that the council appoint a committee composed of council members, P&Z members and other interested individuals, to review the sign regulations. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Eddie Schultz suggested a committee be created to review various request for exceeding the 35ft. limit. He asked if the 35ft. limitations coud be changed if necessary. He indicated that he would like to serve as a member of that committee. Phil Springer stated that he currently has a non-conforming sign and was concerned with this ordinance. He volunteered to serve on the sign 003785 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 4 committee. Steve Parker stated that he also has a non-conforming sign and wondered if he had to repair or replace the sign at anytime, would he have to revise the sign to conform. Asst. Director of Planning Callaway replied that if the cost of the repairs were less than 60% of the total cost, he would be allowed to repair it without revisions. He volunteered to serve on the sign ordinance committee. Bill Fitch stated that he felt that signs easily visible are helpful to travelers. When no one else spoke, Mayor Halter closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an Ordinance amendin~ the Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Ringer moved approval of Ordinance No. 1409 amending the maximum sign height to 35ft. He also requested that the council name a committee to review the sign regulations. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 15 - Discussion of Lincoln St. extension. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He indicated that an impact study on Lincoln St. extension was prepared by Walton & Associates. Joe Bolmanski, of Walton and Associates, presented two plans on the proposed extension. He stated that determination of the most cost effective route was based on cost of right-of-way, roadway construction, and traffic operation cost. A traffic study completed in the area indicated that most cars do not use the neighborhood streets for thorough traffuc, Estimated cost of Alternate A totaled $404,440 while estimated cost of Alternative B is $505,641. He felt that alternate A would be a more cost effective plan and that neither extension will greatly encourage traffic. The council asked questions on various outlets in the neighborhood. Mayor Halter asked for ~ts from visitors. Phillis Hobson, representing Homefinder Realty, stated Alternate B would have more entries and have a less impact of traffic. Duane Cote stated that extending Walton St. to Lincoln St. would reduce some of the traffic problems. 0037 fi REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 5 John Calhoun, 1106 Ashburn, stated that he was against extending Lincoln St. because it would increase the traffic in the area. Steve Esmond, Rose Circle, also spoke in opposition to the extension. Cody Wells, retired engineering consultant, suggested that he recommended Plan A if University Drive intersection becomes a 90 degree angle. John Richards, 1210 Munson, stated that the cost effectiveness on this project is not the issue and that the people in that area should be considered first. Pat Price, Rose Circle, stated that the increase of traffic in the area is a hazardous problem for children in the neighborhood. Anne Hazen stated that she felt that many changes have occured since the plans were reviewed for extending Munson Avenue. She felt that extending Lincoln Avenue and Munson would be hazardous. Brison Gooch, Rose Circle, stated that was against any extension of these roads. Jim Gardner stated his concern with the costs involved. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the city would only pay 10% of the cost of the extension. John Crompton stated that the traffic problems would increase in the area if Munson street is extended. He stated that sidewalks should be considered on Munson for pedestrian safety. Charlene Strawn, 1005 Ashburn, stated that Ashburn St. currently is receiving a lot of traffic in the area. She felt the traffic should be equalized in the neighborhood. Mrs. Strong presented a petition in support of the extension of Lincoln Street. After further discussion by the council on both alternatives, Councilman Boughton moved approval of Alternate A for the extension of Lincoln Street. due to the engineers recommendations and felt that the plan would not be as hazardous as anticipated. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed as follows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Runnels AGAINST: Councilmen Prause, Nemec Councilman Ringer moved to have the staff look at the building of sidewalks on Munson St. and consider including same in the Capital Improvement Project. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 6 Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Vicki Reinke asked the council to look into having one-way streets on Munson St. and Ashburn. Dr. Calhoun asked that the council direct the staff to complete a study on how to reduce traffic flow in that area. Mayor Halter Asked the staff to report later on the suggestions. Director of Capital Improvements Ash indicated to the visitors and council that Walton and Associates were paid only $1,185.00 for this study. Councilman Nemco left the meeting due to illness. Agenda Item No. 8 - Public hearin~ on the construction of Marion Push Drive. - '- Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He stated that the low bid for this project is $173,101.56 submitted by R.T. Montgomery. Total cost of acquisition to the city after assessments are made will be $120,000.00. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Jim Gardner asked where the street will be located. Mayor Halter replied that the street will be built from Jersey to Luther along the railroad tracks. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the closing of Luther St. railroad crossing will make this street necessary for the area. When no one else spoke, Mayor Halter closed the public hearing. A~enda Item No. 9- CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Consideration of bids on Micro-Computer System. Consideration of bids on the construction of Marion Pugh Drive. PLATS: Final plat - Woodcreek Phase II, Lot 1 Block I Mayor Halter asked to remove the Micro-Computer System. Ail other bids and plats were approved by common consent. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He stated that an addition of 3 software packages at $695.00 per package is also requested with this micro-computer system. Total cost of the system and software 0037.'88 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 7 packages is $22,580.00 which is still less than the appropriated sum. Councilman Ringer moved approval of the low bid on the micro-computer system with the 3 additional software packages. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ~enda Item No. 10 - Consideration of an Ordinance ordering a General Municipal Election. Councilman Ringer moved to approve Ordinance No. 1410 ordering a general municipal election. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of an Ordinance amending c~%y code relating to alarm system. Councilman Ringer moved to table this ordinance until a member of the staff could present the item. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of contract for services for General Municipal Election. City Secretary Jones stated that the school will be running the election this year and the city will pay one-half of the cost. The services as listed in the contract will be provided by Texas Voting Systems. Councilman Ringer moved approval of the contract. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of Resolution for purchasing property on Foster St. Councilman Ringer moved approval of Resolution No. 2-10-83-13 authorizing the st~ff to purchase property on Foster St from the General Obligation Bond 1982 unappropriated. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 15 - Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 16 - Council Concerns. Councilman Runnels inquired about the status of the street inventory to REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 PAGE 8 establish priority for repairs. Director of Capital Improvements Ash replied that Public Services Director Mac Allen was still working on the list. Councilman Ringer pointed out the need to be read to start street contruction during good weather. Agenda Item No. 17 - Closed session to discuss land acquisition [6252-17(f)] and personnel [6252-17(g~']. The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 18 - Action on closed session. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 19._- Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: APPROVED: Dian o~ne~, Cit 003790 . ADDRESS 0'03797 GUEST I~GI~ ~ CIT~ OOtll~IL l~'m~II~ ~Y, F]~B~ARY 10, 1~ 7:~ P.M. I~,F~.2E SI(~I BELOW: 17. 003791