HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1983 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Prause, Anderson, McIlhaney, Reinke COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Councilman Runnels Assistant City Manager/Finance Director VanDever, Director of Planning Mayo, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Tax Assessor/Collector Dickson, Aquatics Superintendent Szabuniewicz, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Parks Director Beachy, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Assistant City Attorney Locke, Administrative Assistant Nowlin, City Engineer Pullen, City Secretary Jones, Council Coordinator Jones, Parks Maintenance Supervisor Whatley, VOE Secretary Moore VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register ~genda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman McIlhaney stated that there was a street light out on Sebesta and Bent Tree Drive that needed to be fixed. Councilman McIlhaney requested that the citizen committees be used more extensively by the City staff. She stated that some members of the citizen advisory committees had expressed to her their feelings that their ideas had not been incorporated into City policies. She pointed out that the members of these committees were volunteers and that she would like to see the committees being used. She suggested that with the month of October being "Beautify Brazos County" the Community Appearance Committee could be very helpful. Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of prob~gms at Post Oak Mall Parking Lot. Don Sewell and Dave Pollack spoke on behalf of the Post Oak Mall management and merchants. Mr. Sewell, manager of Post Oak Mall, asked the Council to consider passing an ordinance to prohibit the distribution of flyers and other promotional materials in the parking lot. Dave Pollack, manager of Dillard's, stated that this p~oble~as a direct concern of the Council because of the litter problem created by the 003988 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 PAGE 2 solicitingmaterial being blown across Highway 30. Mayor Halter asked if the mall management had any kind of authority to regulate the problem. Assistant City Attorney Locke suggested that a no-trespassing sign be posted. If the problem continued after the sign was posted the course of action would be to file criminal trespassing charges. Councilman Reinke asked if there was any way to require people to put up a bond or security deposit to defray cleaning expenses. Assistant City Attorney Locke explained that if that were done it would be the same as issuing the solicitor a permit. Mayor Halter asked the Legal Staff to check into the situation and determine if there are any legal actions the City could take to solve the problem. Agenda Item Not ~ - Consideration of hiring consul%ant for Parks prg~ect. Parks Director Beachy presented the item. He asked the Council to consider hiring a consultant to determine the feasibility of a larger pool with a wave generating system for the Southwood Athletic Park. Several City Staff members, Parks Board members, and Councilman Boughton, Parks Liaison, took a trip to Garland to view a similar facility being built by that City. The City of Garland recommended hiring Mr. Haralson as the consultant to perform the feasibility study. He noted that the concern at this point was about what size pool should be built to serve the area. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the fee charged by the consultant would be $7,500.00. The consultant would be doing a market analysis of the area to determine if the wave pool would be feasible. funds would be taken from the general contingency fund and could be reimbursed from the bond fund. The Councilman Boughton stated the necessity for making a timely decision due to the fact that the funds for the pool had to be expended by September 1, 1984. Parks Director Beachy noted that the Parks Board had expressed their support of the project. Councilman Prause asked if there were any age limitations for the pool. Councilman Boughton stated that there were none and explained that the pool was shaped like a fan with the shallow being only inches deep. Aquatics Superintendent Szabuniewicz showed a film on the Wave Tek pool. The wave pool can be used for swimming lessons and for competitive 003989 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 PAGE 3 swimming. It has no structural barriers for the handicapped. emergency the waves can be shut off within four seconds. In case of Other features of wave pools were pointed out as follows: The Wave Tek pools have proven to be extremely profitable year after year. This type of pool attracts two to three times more swimmers than the conventional type of pool. Maintenance on these pools is minimal. The Wave Tek pool carries a two year warranty that does not begin until the end of the first operating season. Councilman Boughton stated that the pool would pay for itself and other activities at the park. Mayor Halter asked if there were any preliminary cost estimates. Parks Director Beachy stated that there is $425,000.00 set aside for the pool, but additional funds would be needed. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that either a four or five fan pool would be needed to meet the demands of this area. He estimated that the total cost would be between $800,000.00 and 1.2 million dollars. He stated that an additional 4 to 6 hundred thousand dollars would be needed to supplement the project. Asst. City Manager VanDever pointed out that this pool would be a revenue generating source and would help the parks department in the future. Councilman Reinke inquired about the fees that would be charged for admission. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the fees charged would be determined after the economic study was completed. He stated that at the city pool in Garland the rates were $2.00 for children and $3.50 for adults per day. Councilman Reinke inquired as to how much space per person would be required given the movement of the waves. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the economic study would answer these questions. Parks Director Beachy pointed out that the wave pool would be more of a recreational pool leaving the other pools for more serious swimming. Councilman Boughton moved to hire the consultant to do the feasibility study for the wave pool. Councilman Prause seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 5-0, with Councilman Anderson and Runnels absent. Councilman Prause left the meeting. 003990 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 PAGE 4 Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation by MADD on ~roposed regulations for "open containers" an vehicles. At the request of MADD, Mayor Halter removed the item from the Agenda. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of Appomattox Drive. Councilman McIlhaney asked that the item be removed from the Agenda. She stated that the citizen who was to speak on the subject requested more time to gather data. Agenda Item No. 6 - Review Development Policies for Comprehensive Plan - Plan 2000. Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He explained that the "Development Policies" were part of the land use plan. He pointed out that these policies were developed so as to give the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council more substance on which to base their decisions on rezoning. Councilman McIlhaney asked why there was nothing mentioned about mobile and modular homes in the "Development Policies". Councilman Boughton stated that an Ordinance establishes the zones for mobile homes. Director of Planning Mayo stated that modular homes had been categorized with mobile homes only as a temporary measure. Councilman McIlhaney requested that curb cuts for commercial developments at major intersections and bike lanes be addressed in the "Development Policies". Director of Planning Mayo pointed out that the last statement under commercial development did address curb cuts. He explained that the statement was in response to a number of problems the Planning and Zoning Commission had with strip commercial development. The "Development Policies" have attempted to address the negative aspects of strip commercial. He stated that this statement set some standards for multiple curb cuts created by strip commercial development on major arterials. Councilman Anderson arrived at the meeting. Agenda Item No. 7 - A_d_~ourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. 003991 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 PAGE 5 Attest: Gary Hal~, -~ayor Dian Jones,~ity Secretary 003992 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY~ AUGUST 10~ 1983 7~00 P.M. o 18, 19. 20. 0 21. 22. 23. e 24. Se 25. ge 26. 10. 27. 11. 28° 12. 29, 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 16. 17. 32. 33. 34. 003' 3