HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1983 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1983 4:00 P.M. EOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Prause, Runnels, Jones, Nemec ~OUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None ]TAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Denton, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Planner Mayo, Council Coordinator/Deputy City Secretary Martin, City Secretary Jones, Asst. City Mgr./Finance Director VanDever, City Engineer Pullen, Parks and Recreation Director Beachy, Asst. Parks and Recreation Director Czimskey, Fire Marshall Davis, Fire Chief Landua, Electrical Superintendent Guidry, Police Chief Byrd, Major Feldman, Public Works Services Allen, Water and Sewer Superintendent Luedke, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Captain Kennedy 7ISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. ~genda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. :ouncilman Prause stated that loose trash along Dominik and Lincoln Drive leeded to be cleaned up. :ouncilman Boughton stated that the street sign on Cooner St. and Texas has )een removed. ~genda Item No. 2 - Consideration of a Proclamation concerning crime ,revention. [ayor Halter stated that this item would be delayed until a representative rrived. ~enda Item No. 3 - Discussion of drainagg_policY. ublic Works Director Allen presented the item. He stated that the roposed Ordinance changes constitute the staff's recommendation for a rainage policy for the city. It includes definitions of terms, outlines ity and property owner's responsibilities, and design and development tandards. It indicates that the Dept. of Public Services is responsible or maintenance of street and drainage facilities. The main objective of. he proposal is to generate as many ideas as possible for the council's onsideration. e indicated that Chapters 3 and 9 of the City Code will be expanded to nclude comprehensive language pertaining to drainage. D~tailed evelopment standards will be added to Chapter 9. 003778 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1983 PAGE 2 2ity Attorney Denton stated that the city could not require conveyance of ~asements in subdivisions where drainage problems could occur. Director of Public Services Allen indicated that if property owners want ~ity services they would have to be willing to convey the easement. 2ity Manager Bardell stated that the city could obtain easements by eminent domain if a necessity occurs. ~ayor Halter asked about parking lots that retain water. Allen replied that he has not addressed this issue but felt that ~ommercial establishments should include retention of water on their lots. Director of Capital Improvements Ash pointed out that careful consideration ~hould be given to retention policies and how to state some. He stated ~hat the purpose of this discussion is to have the council's viewpoints and ~uidance for the staff. %fter further discussion regarding the cost of the drainage improvements, 4r. Allen pointed out that the item is included in the upcoming Capital £mprovements program. ~ity Manager Bardell requested that the council make a list of problems and ~uestions for the staff so that completion of this study can be included in ~he Capital Improvements Program. ~ayor Halter asked that various developers be contacted regarding the trainage policy. ~genda Item No. 2 - Consideration of a Proclamation concerning crime )revention. ~ayor Halter signed the proclamation designating February 6-12 as Crime ~:revention Week. Bernie Kapella of the Police Department was not available ~or comments and acceptance of this proclamation. Mayor Edgar Feldman ~ccepted the proclamation on his behalf. '~HE COUNCIL AND STAFF AGREED TO RECESS AT THIS TIME. l~enda Item No. 4 - Discussion of.Capital Improvements Program. .~sst. City Manager/Finance Director VanDever presented the item. He stated .hat the proposed Capital Improvments 1984-1988 program totals $73,415,000 ~ith General Obligation Bonds being $35,451,000 and Revenue Bonds :137,964,000. Authorized and issued bonds total $23,196,000 while future ,.uthorization totals $49,374,000. Ir. VanDever summarized and explained the following programs: 003779 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1983 PAGE 3 GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL $7,481,000 Includes Fire Station %3, Addition to Central Fire Station, Fire Station %4, Police Station Addition, Warehouse Addition, City Hall Addition, Public Service Addition. PARKS AND RECREATION TOTAL $7,775,000 Includes Park Acquisition, Southwood Athletic Park, Neighborhood Park Development, Southwood Maintenance Facility, Community Athletic Park, Renovation of Lincoln Center, Southwood Swimming Pool, Bee Creek Recreation Center. STREETS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS TOTAL $15,812,000 Numerous projects included in this category. See proposed CIP brochure. TRAFFIC SIGNALS TOTAL $ 953,000 DRAINAGE TOTAL $3,430,000 Includes drainage improvements, bridge participation, master drainage plan, Bee Creek bridge. ELECTRIC TOTAL $8,314,000 Includes GSU switch station, substation additions, electrical distribution improvments, mapping electric system, Transmission line to park site, speedway substation, utility service center. WATER TOTAL $12,140,000 Numerous projects including the following: Additional ground storage tank, an elevated water tank, additional water well and site, cooling tower and pump, monies for oversize participation, and additional distribution lines. SEWER TOTAL $17,510,000 Harvey Interceptor, Rock Praire Interceptor, Slude handling and Polymer System, Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion, replacement lines, Oversized participation. Mr. VanDever pointed out this was the first stage of the process of a bond sale. He requested that the council appoint individuals to a citizen committee for the CIP to review these proposals. The council shall consider appointments to the CIP at a later date. ~genda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. 003780 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1983 PAGE 4 Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Dian Jones , Ci~ Secretary APPROVED: 003781 6u]~-r 1~3i~ SPECIAL CITY C0~IL ~'TII~ ~'~tY, F~2~ARY 2, 1983 . 21, 22, 24. 10, 27, 11. 13, 31, 1,5. 32. 33, 17, 34, 003782