HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1984 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor }{alter, Councilmen Boughton, McIlhaney, Reinke, Runnels, Prause, Anderson COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: None City Manager Bardell, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Denton, Assistant City Attorney Locke, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, City Engineer Pullen, Personnel Manager Dickson, Administrative Assistant Magoon, VOE Secretary Sultemeier VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation designating April 19 through 21, 1984 as "Dress Western Days" in College Station. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating April 19 through 21, 1984 as "Dress Western Days" in College Station. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of a Resolution concerning ballot serial numbers for the April 7, 1984 Joint City/School Election. City Secretary Jones presented the item. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 04-11-84-02 designating the ballot serial numbers for the April 7, 1984 Joint City/School Election. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 3 - Canvassing of Election Returns. Mr. Darrell Gerdis representing Dr. E.E. Burns, Presiding Judge for the Central Counting Station, presented the item. Councilman Runnels moved approval of Resolution No. 04-11-84-03. Councilman Prause seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Swearing in of new Councilmembers. Certificates of Election. ~resentation of 00 .30 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 2 Mayor Halter stated that he had requested that Municipal Court Judge Davis swear in the new Councilmembers to provide dignity to the ceremony and also visibility of the Council's relationship with the Municipal Court. Municipal Court Judge Davis swore in returning Councilmembers Runnels, Boughton, and McIlhaney and returning Mayor Halter. Judge Davis stated words of congratulations and encouragement to all newly elected officials. Mayor Halter presented the new Councilmembers with their Certificates of Election. Agenda Item No. 5 - Council Concerns. Councilmen Reinke thanked the staff for taking care of the dumpster problem at Balcones Apartment House. She further stated a concern over a broken sidewalk on Rio Grande Street and requested that the staff look into the problem. Councilmen Runnels commended the Emergency Medical staff for its outstanding service. Councilmen McIlhaney stated that a number of near accidents involve the median in front of Post Oak Village. City Manager Bardell stated that an error was made in construction of the median. Sixty feet of median, intended to be used as a speed building left turn lane for traffic coming from Munson Street, was not constructed. He added that the staff has contacted the contractor and the Highway Department concerning the error. Councilman McIlhaney asked that the continuous green signal for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Highway 30 and Munson Street be programmed to stop the traffic flow, to allow easier access onto Highway 30 for left turning traffic off of Munson. ~ City Manager Bardell replied affirmatively to the question. Mayor Halter stated that he sent a letter to the Highway Department requesting that the signals at the intersection of the East Bypass and Highway 30 be activated to relieve some of the congestion at the intersection . Agenda Item No. 6 - Official Notice of Sale and Official Statement in connectio~ith the sale of $8,630,000.00 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1984, and $17,380,000.00 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1984. Mr. Pete Fisher, representative of Moroney, Beissner & Go., Inc., reviewed the document presented to the Council and asked for questions. He stated 00 305 --~UO~ ~Tmv COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 3 that the tentative date of sale is Tuesday, May 15, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. He further stated that a profile of the city, including banking information and photographs, would also be included in the document presented to bidders. Mayor Halter asked how the information would be broadcast. Mr. Fisher replied that the information would be broadcast through letters and the company's monthly newsletter. Councilman McIlhaney asked how registered bonds are selling. Mr. Fisher stated that in the previous months there has been a decline but they are now on the rise. He also pointed out that at this time, there is only a slight difference between the sales of registered and non-registered bonds. Councilman Runnels moved approval of the document. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of letter engaging auditors for fiscal year ending June 30, 1984. Deputy Finance Director Schroeder presented the item. He presented the Council with a letter from Hereford, Lynch & Co., the city's auditors for the last four years. He further stated that if contracted, the auditors will start work in May. Councilman Boughton moved to approve Hereford, Lynch & Co. as auditors for fiscal year ending June 30, 1984. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 6-0, with Councilman Anderson absent from the room. ~genda Item No. 8 - Discussion of problem identification and goal setting by the City Council. Mayor Halter presented problem identification and goal setting materials to the Council. After reviewing the information, he stated his wishes that the Council schedule a weekend to meet with key staff members to discuss these topics. The Council concurred to have a problem identification and goal setting session on the weekend of May 5 & 6, 1984. 00 306 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 4 Agenda Item No. 9 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 6:25 P.M. Gary Ha~r, Mayor ~ Attest: Dian Jones, ,~-Secretary 00 307 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 5=00 P.M. 1. 16. 0 21. 101 25. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 15. 29. 39. 00/ 308