HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1984 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, McIlhaney, Reinke, Runnels, Prause, Anderson COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: None City Manager Bardell, Assistant City Manager VanDever, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Denton, Assistant City Attorney Locke, Parks Director Beachy, Director of Public Services Miller, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Community Center Director Calliham, Administrative Assistant Magoon, Personnel Director Dickson, Printing Coordinator Fry, Purchasing Agent McCartney, City Engineer Pullen, VOE Secretary Sultemeier, Council-Coordinator Jones See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. The meeting was called to order with all members of the Council present except Councilman Prause. Councilman McIlhaney asked when the project to shorten the median on Dartmouth is scheduled for completion. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the project had been completed. Councilman Anderson questioned the possibility of changing the date of the Workshop City Council Meetings. Mayor Halter suggested that a discussion of this request be scheduled on a future agenda and stated that a possibility might be to schedule the Workshop Meetings later in the day. Councilman Boughton informed the Council that the Wellington, New Zealand Parks Department and the City of College Station Parks Department had proclaimed each respective city as their "Sister Parks Department". She stated that the Parks Board and PARD staff had developed a new program entitled the "Parks Partner Program", the purpose of which is to provide better communication between the Parks and Recreation Department and citizens using neighborhood parks. She further informed the Council that 00426 ' WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 PAGE 2 Buck Weirus had resigned from the Parks Board, effective February 21, 1984. Councilman Boughton commented on the new addition to City Hall and commended the staff and architect for their endeavors on the project. Councilman Boughton stated that the piles of dirt in Longmire Park had not been removed. Councilman Reinke asked if it would be possible to designate the different sections of Texas Avenue, such as North Texas Avenue and Texas Avenue, etc. on the Bryan/College Station city map. Anne Bell, Director of the Information Center and Visitors Bureau, stated that the updated maps had been printed with those designations. Councilman Reinke stated that she had received several calls from citizens concerning oil leases and questioned whether a person signing an oil lease would be held responsible for any actions of the drilling company which were not in compliance with city ordinance. City Attorney Denton stated that a royalty is not possessory interest; therefore, a person who leases cannot be implicated. Councilman Reinke noted that she had talked with City Engineer Pullen about the project to clean out the sewer line on Glade and had been informed that it would be completed within four weeks, with little or no disturbance to the residences in the area. Mayor Halter stated that he had received a letter from two adult soccer leagues concerning the reduction of user fees for their activities and had referred the letter to the Parks Board for their recommendations. He explained that the Parks Board reviewed the matter at their meeting on February 21, 1984 and recommended that the established fee of $75.00 per team be retained for the current year. The Council concurred to retain the established fee. Mayor Halter stated that he had requested City Manager Bardell to investigate the possibility of constructing a larger conference room. City Manager Bardell stated that cost estimates for a larger conference room had been calculated to be approximately $30,000.00. He suggested that an alternate solution would be to remove the permanent seating in the Council Chambers and provide different seating arrangements so that this room could also be used as a conference room. He suggested that this would allow for more efficient use of present facilities. The Council concurred that City Manager Bardell should proceed with this suggestion. Agenda Item No. 2 - Report from Capital Improvements Council Committee. 00 263 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 PAGE 3 Councilman Runnels, Chairman of the Capital Improvements Council Committee, reported that the committee met on Monday, February 13, 1984. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented a summary of the results of the meeting. He explained the proposed traffic control devices displayed on the map. He stated that the main complaint about the proposed plan concerns the median on Highway 30 at Kyle South. Councilman Anderson asked what purpose the median will serve. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the median will provide storage for left hand traffic turning onto Kyle South. He further stated that the movement from Kyle South into Taco Bell will be prohibited. Councilman Prause arrived at the meeting. Councilman Reinke suggested the possibility of switching the entrance and exit of the Taco Bell on Highway 30. Councilman Anderson suggested eliminating the median to see what effect the light will have at that intersection. Councilman Boughton suggested that the plan be submitted to the State Highway Department as designed. She stated that it will take several months before it will be approved and ready for implementation, and at that time the Council can review the traffic control device to determine if the median at Highway 30 and Kyle South is necessary. Councilman McIlhaney requested that the median on Highway 30 at Kyle South be listed as an alternate on the plan submitted to the State Highway Department. Councilman Boughton moved to submit the plan as designed, with the median on Highway 30 at the intersection of Kyle South designated as an alternate, and delay the construction of the median until the effects of the traffic signal at that intersection are determined. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion. In response to Councilman Reinke's suggestion to switch the entrance and exit of the Taco Bell, City Manager Bardell pointed out curb cut policies concerning the distance for entries from major intersections. The motion was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of location and funding for Chamber offices. Louis M. Newman, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated his appreciation for this opportunity to speak to the Council. He summarized the events that have transpired to this point and explained that the 00 26 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAKY 22, 1984 PAGE 4 election which was held on Monday, February 13, 1984 dealt with the following issues: (1) the two existing offices being united and located at the Fed-Mart site; (2) amendment of the chamber's articles of incorporation. He stated that 58 percent of the vote was in favor of the move and 43 percent was against. He further stated that the 43 percent who voted against the move have a sincere and deep seated concern over the deplorable condition of downtown Bryan and that a task force was appointed to determine what could be done for the area. Mr. Newman stated that the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce were present at this meeting to determine the wishes of the College Station City Council and to express their appreciation. Don Martel gave reasons for considering the purchase of the Fed-Mart site. He explained that the other option would be to lease the facility and indicated the cost per month would be approximately $1.25 a square foot. He further stated that the demographics of the Fed-Mart site are excellent. Councilman Anderson asked if the Northgate Area had been considered for relocation of the Information Center and Visitors Bureau. Mr. Martel stated that accessibility and visibility were two factors considered by the committee when selecting the site. He pointed out that the Northgate Area does not have good accessibility. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the Chamber has the money to lease the facility and questioned whether the Chamber Board had an opportunity to review the leasing options. Mr. Newman stated that at present the funds are not available for leasing the facility. He further stated that the Chamber would offer to commit their services to retrofit the property. Councilman Boughton moved that the city proceed with getting bids on Certificates of Obligation for $400,000.00 to purchase the Fed-Mart site and lease the facility to the Chamber of Commerce for a branch office in College Station. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the Certificates of Obligation for $400,000.00 would be repaid from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund. Assistant City Manager VanDever explained a memorandum presented to the Council. He pointed out that increasing the hotel/motel tax one percent will generate approximately $80,000.00 in revenue. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would like to see the Chamber investigate the possibility of leasing the property. She requested that action on this matter be delayed until the Chamber has an opportunity to 00 265 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 PAGE 5 research the proposal more thoroughly. Councilman Runnels suggested that the matter be referred to a Council Committee. Mayor Halter invited comments from the public. D.A. Anderson expressed his endorsement of the Fed-Mart site. Phyllis Hobson announced that the Home Finder Realty property on Texas Avenue will be available for sale. Jim Scarmardo expressed his endorsement of the Fed-Mart site and stated his concern with delaying action on this matter. Comments encouraging the city to purchase the site were also made by Nancy Crouch and John Hughey. Councilman Prause stated that he likes the site but wants to obtain more information on the proposed changes prior to making a decision. Councilman Boughton stated her belief that the Hotel/Motel Association is in favor of the Fed-Mart site. Councilman Runnels moved to put the item before the City Affairs Committee to investigate in more detail the legal and financial aspects of the proposal and return with a report to the Council in two weeks. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Halter requested that the item be placed on the agenda of the Workshop City Council Meeting, March 7, 1984. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of Cable TV Franchise. Joe DiBacca, Regional Manager for McCaw Communications, was present to answer questions. Councilman McIlhaney moved to authorize City Manager Bardell to meet with Ernest Clark, City Manager of Bryan, to discuss hiring a consultant and calculate some cost estimates, and return with a proposal for Bryan/College Station. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Mr. DiBacca stated that the suggestion to hire a consultant may have some validity, but urged that a consultant with actual cable tevlevision experience be considered for the position. He explained the economi~s of the line extension policy. 00&266 ~ORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 PAGE 6 City Manager Bardell explained Senate Bill 66 which effectively denies the city the right to regulate cable television and stated that in two weeks he would be presenting a request from the Texas Municipal League for funding to help fight this bill. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of joint funding for Artrain and NEA Test Program Projects of the Arts Council of Brazes Valley. D.A. Anderson, representing the Arts Council, explained the projects and noted that tentative applications for these projects have already been submitted. He stated his hope that the City of College Station will participate in funding them. Councilman McIlhaney stated that funding will be allocated from the total Brazes Valley Arts Council request from the College Station budget, but explained that a conm~itment for the $1700.00 for the Artrain and $2500.00 for the NEA Program must be specified so that matching funds can be received. Councilman Boughton moved to earmark $1700.00 for Artrain and $2500.00 for the NEA Test Program projects and include them as decision packages in the budget from Hotel/Motel funds for the Fiscal Year 1984-85. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved by a vote of 6-0, with Councilman McIlhaney abstaining from the vote because of her membership on the Brazes Valley Arts Council Board. A..genda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 6:05 ~.~. Gary Hayer, - Mayor Attest: Dfan Jones, ~ Secretary 0'0 267 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 ~ 1984 4:00 P.M. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Se 23. e 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 29. 15. 00/,268