HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1456 - Ordinance - 10/13/1983ORDINANCE NO. 1456 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, an affidavit having been made by all of the owners of the hereinafter described territory adjoining the limits of the City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that there are no registered voters residing within the boundaries of the hereinafter described territory and that the affiants are the sole owners of the hereinafter described territory, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid affidavit having been filed with the City Secretary who has certified the same to the City Council, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council by virtue of the authority conferred by Article II, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, approved April IF 1978 , by this ordinance does hereby receive such territory within the incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, such territory being more particularly described as follows: TRACT I Being a 212.97 acre tract or parcel of land located In the Robert Stevenson League A-54, Brazos County, Texas, more particulary described by metes and bounds in the description attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B". Attached to and incorporated herein as a part of this Ordinance is a service plan, marked Exhibit "A", providing for the extension of municipal services into the duly described territory, said plan having been presented at the public hearing heretofore named and subsequently approved by the city council of the City of College Station, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th day of October, 1983. APP ROVED .' GARY HA-"I. TE/Rt,/M~YOR ATTEST City Sec r~-~ Field Notes Of A 212.o7 Acre Tract Stevenson League ~bstract 5A brazes Co,raCy, Texaq Fl,old Notes of a 212.0~ a~re trmct or parcel of lan,t. 3~nF and being and b~xng a port,on ,-f ? 750.5~ ac,~ tract conv~ved to bn~ted Four Venture by Nelson b. Durst mad ~enr~ B. Cia}', as 3oint Indenend-nt E>ecutors of th~ Estates of Edith and Ethel Cavztt, deceased, by de~d recorded ~n Volume 564, Page 504 of tho F. eed Fecords of Brazes Cmunty, Texas and hemng more part~cularly descrzbed bf metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the ~roth corner of the aforementioned 750.55 acre tract, same being on the Southwest R~ght-of-Way o£ State M~ghway ~; THENCE S4~° 14' 51" W along the Northwest lxne of the sa~d 750.55 acre tract for a di~tanc~ of 110.~0 feet to the PI.ACE OF BEGInnING: THE~CF conzznu3ng alon~ tb~ Northwest line of the 750.55 acre tract for the f¢.llowxnp calls: SA-° 1~' 5]" W for a d~stance of &17.10 Feet; SA3° 39' 13" W for a dzstance of 262.O4 Feet; SA~° 22' 42" W for a dzsrance of 2002.82 Feet; S45° 21' 48" W for s distance of 63.9~ Feet; to a pomnt for corner; THENCE S &4° 25' 56" E scroso the 750.55 acre tract for a distance of 3420.32 feet tea poxnt for corner, same 3ying on the Northwest Rxght-of-Way lmne of Greens Prairze Road; THENCE Northeasterly a]ong the Northwest R~ght-of-Wa} line of Greens Prairie Road for the fol]ow~ng calls: N 44° 06' 46" E for a distance of 1500.O0 Feet; K 45° 00' 0l" ~ for a d~stance of 591.82 Feet to a poin~ for corner: THENCE along the provosed future Uesterl) Rig~t-of-Way line of State Highway 6 for the fol~ow~ng calls: ~ 30m ](" 01" E for a 5~stanc~ of 650.00 Feet; ~ 46° 38' 28" W for a dzstaoce of 300.00 Feet; N 40° 17' 10" W for a distance of 1223.26 Feet; N 46° 43' 08" W for a distance of 400.00 Feet; S 47° 16' 52" W for a distance of 300.00 Feet; x 2? 12' N 43° ltl' I, 40° 58' 52" W for a d~stanc: of 52" E for a d~srance of 31" W for a d~stance of 08" W for a d~rance of 494.27 Feet; 100.00 Feet; 150.00 Feet; 745.68 Feet; to the PL~C£ or BE-I:.'~D,C aha ,onta~n~ng 212.97 acres of lent, mor~ or less. in the afor~mem:~,,ned ae~d cf the 750.5~ acre tract and data shown on a Preliminary k~ght-~.:-ba, Acquisition m~p Frvpared By the Texss Highway be used for purp.,ses of t~tl~ t~amsfer. Registered Publmc Surveyor No.2557 September, 1983 L HiT: B Exhibit "A" SERVICE PLAN To Whom It May Concern: This document addresses the extension of Municipal Services within a 212.97 acre tract located in the Robert Stevenson League adjacent to and south of the current city limits and as described more fully In the ordinance of annexation. The City Council of the City of College Station, by action on October 13,198~,and prior to the passage of the ordinance of annexation of the above-named tract, did approve Resolution No. 10-13-83-04 , entitled A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PLAN OF SERVICE FOR ANNEXATION OF 3580 ACRES ALONG STATE HIGHWAY 6 TO THE SOUTH OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Said Resolution, duly recorded in the official MINUTES RECORDS of the City of College Station and available for viewing xn the office of the City Secretary, provides for the extension of municipal services into this area, as prescribed by the provisions of Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended by HB-1952. Section 1. of RESOLUTION NO. 10-13-83-04 plan for providing the following services: presents a a. Police b. Fire c. Emergency medical d. Water e. Sewers f. Electrical g. Refuse collection h. Streets i. Inspection j. Planning and zoning k. Street lighting 1. Recreation m. Miscellaneous (street name signs) RESOLUTION NO. 10-13-83-04 explains the extension plan and provides complete information relating to each of the above-named municipal services.