HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1985 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Anderson, Boughton, McIlhaney, Prause, Runnels COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager VanDever, City Attorney Locke, Director of Capital Im- provements Ash, City Secretary Jones, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Per- sonnel Manager Dickson, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Utilities Office Man- ager Piwonka, Ma3or Feldman, Captain Kennedy, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee, Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Assistant Zoning Official Johnson, Council Coordinator Jones STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: Laura Carrell, Alternate VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation designating the week of March 4-8, 1985 as "Newspaper In Education Week" in Col- lege Station, Texas. Mayor Halter removed this item from the agenda. Agenda Item No. 2 - Signing of a proclamation designating the month of March, 1985 as "Cinderella Pageant Month" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the month of March, 1985 as "Cinderella Pageant Month" in College Station, Texas. Miss Kimberly Green, Miss Cindy Lockhart and Miss Carl Lefner were present to accept the proclamation. Agenda Item No. 3 - Signing of a proclamation designat%ng the week of March 3-9, 1985 as "American Association of University Women Week" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of March 3-9, 1985 as "American Association of University Women Week" in College Station, Texas. Ms. Maggie Dromgoole was present to ac- cept the proclamation. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PAGE 2 AGenda Item No. 4 - Approval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, February 13, 1985, the Regular City Council Meeting, February 14, 1985 and the Special City Council Meeting, February 19, 1985. Councilman Prause moved approval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, February 13, 1985, the Regular City Council Meeting, February 14, 1985 and the Special City Council Meeting, February 19, 1985. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 5 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 53.38 acre tract of land (the proposed Southwood Valley Section 25 Block 45 & 65) located between Welsh Avenue and Rio Grande Boulevard, along the proposed extension of Deacon Drive, from riculture-Open District A-O to Single Family Residential District R-1. Application is in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. (85-102) Assistant Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns a 53.38 acre tract of land located between Welsh Avenue and Rio Grande Boulevard from Agriculture-Open District A-O to Single Family Residential Dis- trict R-1. He noted that the area is reflected as low density residential on the city's Land Use Plan. He pointed out that this request provides for the continuation of the Southwood Val- ley development and is in compliance with the land use plan and development policies for this zoning district. He stated that the staff recommends approval of this request. He further noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously (5-0) on 02/07/85 to recommend approval of this request. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. AGenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of an Ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Prause moved approval of Ordinance No. 1574 rezoning the above tract. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PAGE 3 Agenda Item No. 7 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 5-19 Block D University Park Section I from Apartments Low Density District R-4 to General Commercial District C-1. Appli- cation is in the name of Randy Goldsmith, Inc. (85-101) Assistant Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns Lots 5-19 Block D Uni- versity Park Section I from Apartments Low Density District R-4 to General Commercial District C-1. He listed the existing land uses in the area. He noted that on the city's Land Use Plan the area along the south side of Spring Loop is reflected as commer- cial, with the area to the north reflected as medium density res- idential. He further noted that these lots were originally plat- ted for residential (townhome) development. He pointed out that four of the townhome lots are developed and approval of this re- quest would leave the existing townhomes with commercial zoning on two sides. He summarized the Planning and Zoning Commission's actions concerning this request and reiterated that on 2/21/85 the Commission recommended approval (4-2) of this request in ac- cordance with the recommendations submitted by the City Planner. Director of Planning Mayo noted that the staff met with Mayor Halter, representatives for the Woodbine project, and a represen- tative for the townhome lots concerning the proposed rezoning. He stated that the city has received from the Woodbi,~e an overall site plan of the Woodbine, Hilton and Creekside projects, the townhome Lots 1-4 and the subject Lots 5-19. He listed the staff recommendations concerning this request as follows: (1) Recom- mend approval of C-1 zoning for Lots 5-19, to be finalized when a replat is approved and filed combiaing Lots 5-19 with the Wood- bine tract and providing private access easements to Lots 1-4 from the approved Tarrow curb cut and from the proposed Spring Loop curb cut; and, (2) Recommend that the city consider law]r- ably a rezoning request from the property owner of Lots 1-4 (townhouses) for A-P or C-3 zoning, with a replatting coud[tion also. Councilman McIlhaney questioned why the two dissenting votes were cast by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Director of Planning Mayo stated that the dissenting votes weue cast because at the time of the Planning and Zoning Commissio~ meeting the owners of the four developed townhome lots and the developers of the Woodbine project had not reached a concrete agreement. He noted that the staff ~ecommendations address that situation. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 Page 4 Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Ms. Phyllis Hobson, owner of the existing Spring Loop Townhomes, explained that at the time these townhomes were constructed the zoning in the area was appropriate for this type of project; how- ever, since that time there have been many changes in the area making it less appealing for townhome construction. She noted that construction of the townhomes had been handled through all the proper channels. She expressed her opinion that the city has been misled by the developers of the Woodbine Project. She noted that the building on the Woodbine site is too large for the site because it provides parking inadequate to meet city require- ments. She pointed out that the four developed townhome lots have inadequate parking for C-1 zoning. She further noted that there are not sufficient neighborhood controls for residential zoning. She stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission re- quested that she meet with city staff and representatives from the Woodbine project to negotiate an agreement concerning park- ing. She noted that City Planner Mayo suggested that representa- tives from the Woodbine Pro3ect prepare a diagram depicting park- ing arrangements for the proposed project. She stated her opin- ion that this entire situation has been badly mishandled and that after meeting with representatives from the Woodbine Project they could not reach a compromise concerning the parking situation. She noted that she was offered the use of seventeen parking spaces provided payment was made for them. She stated that she has no reservations about rezoning the four developed townhome lots to C-1 if a suitable parking arrangement can be negotiated. Director of Planning Mayo suggested that the Council consider re- zoning of Lots 1-4 to either Administrative-Professional A-P or C-3. He noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission has indi- cated that they will be agreeable to some type of commercial zon- ing as long as the city maintains some controls concerning access on this property. Councilman Anderson asked Ms. Hobson if she had ever owned Lots 5-19, Block D, University Park Section I. Ms. Hobson stated that she had an option to purchase Lots 5-19, but never exercised it. Mayor Halter asked when the existing townhomes were constructed. Ms. Hobson replied that they were constructed in 1982. Mayor Halter asked Ms. Hobson if she knew that the property adja- cent to Lots 1-4 was zoned C-1 when she purchased it. Ms. Hobson stated that she was informed that there would be limited commer- cial development in the area, and perhaps only a small office building. 00/ 803 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PA(.; E 5 Mayor Halter asked if the owners of these four developed townhome lots had ever tried to sell them. Ms. Hobson stated that these lots have been on the market since they were constructed. Mayor Halter questioned whether Ms. Hobson had ever owned Lots 5-19. She replied negatively. Mayor Halter asked a question concerning the cequired amount of parking for C-1 development for Lots 1-4 if they are rezoned C-1. Ms. Hobson replied that if the property were rezoned to C-1 it would not have adequate parking to justify the expenditures required to refit the existing structures for commercial use. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of an Ordinance rezonin~ the above tract. Councilman Anderson stated that based on the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations and considering that this c~q,~est is in compliance with the city's Comprehensive Plan he would move approval of Ordinance No. 1575 rezoning the above tract. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion. Councilman Anderson amended his ,~otion to include Recommendation No. 1 as delineated in the memorandum dated February 21, 1985 from City Planner Mayo. Councilman Runnels seconded, and the amendment to the motion was approved unanimously, 6-0. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she has no reservations concern- ing this rezoning request, but is opposed to the type of piece- mealing rezoning that is occurring in the area. Councilman Runnels stated that it will be essential for the Coun- cil to review the replat of this property very carefully. Director of Planning Mayo replied that since approval of this re- zoning request has been made with the condition that the property is replatted, it will not become effective until that condition has been met. Councilman Prause asked how many parking spaces the Woodbine Pro- ject was deficient to meet city requicements. Director of Plan- ning Mayo stated that the project is deficient thirty-three spaces. 00 80 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PAGE 6 The motion as amended to approve the rezoning request was ap- proved unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 9 - Reconsideration of an Ordinance amending Sec- tion 8 of Ordinance 850 of the City of College Station, Texas, relating to signs, generally regulating their location, height and area, and providin~ an effective date. Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He stated that the subcommittee assigned to review the Sign Ordinar]ce had met twice. He noted that the issue of amortization was discussed at length and was left unchanged. He pointed out that the wording requir- ing political candidates to obtain a permit for political signs was deleted and only the regulations for the placement of politi- cal signs and the time per~od for removal was included in the fi- nal draft of the document. He distributed several pages of pro- posed graphics for inclusion in the Sign Ordinance. Councilman McIlhaney stated that on page 13, Section 2.S. MISCEL- LANEOUS REGULATIONS, No. 2 a statement concerning lighting of signs was added. She stated that an addition was made on Table I as follows: "The sign shall not be closer than 200 ft. to any property zoned R-l, R-lA, R-2 or R-3." Mayor Halter asked if there were any comments from the public. No one spoke. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Ordinance No. 1576 amending Section 8 of Ordinance 850 of the City of College Station, Texas, relating to signs, generally regulating their location, height and area, and providing for an effective date. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Mayor Halter stated his opiaion that this is a vast improvement over the previous sign ordinance. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts of all the individuals who contributed to the drafting of this ordinance. A~enda Item No. 10 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Fire Hose (Bid 85-39) One-half ton pickup truck (Bid 85-40) 200 MB, NCR 658 Disc Drives (Bid 85-41) Council Chamber chairs (100) (Bid 85-42) Ail items were approved by common consent. 00&805 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PAGe] 7 Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of request for additional perT sonnel. Personnel Manager Dickson presented the item. She distributed an Organizational Chart for the Police Department. She stated that there is a definite need for these additional positions because of the continued growth in the Special Service Bureau. She pointed out that there are sufficient funds in salaries of the current budget to take care of this request. Councilman Boughton stated that the Person,lei Council Committee met to consider this request and were in agreement with the ne- cessity for the additional personnel in this area. Councilman Runnels moved approval of the request fou additional personnel in the Special Service Bureau of the Police Department. Councilman Prause seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a Resolution authorizin~ application for a grant to implement a Crime Prevention Program. Captain Kennedy stated that approval of this Resolution will al- low the Police Department to make application to the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor, for a grant of $3715.00 to support the Crime Prevention Program with the purchase of equipment, reproduction and printing and training. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 02-28-85-12 authorizing application for a grant to implement a Crime Preven- tion Program. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of leasing property on Sandy Point Road. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that after consulta- tion with the City Attorney, it is the staff's recommendation that the city compile bid documents and enter into a lease agree- ment for the property on Sandy Point Road. Councilman Prause moved to authorize the staff to begin compiling bid documents to allow the city to enter into a lease agreement for property on Sandy Point Road. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. OOZ .F 06 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 PAGE 8 A~enda Item No. 14 - EMERGENCY .~M: Consideration of a Resolu- tion orderin~ a non-bindin~ survey of the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas, on the question of the establishment of a public library. Councilman McIlhaney moved to declare Agenda Item No. 14 an emer- gency. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. City Secretary Jones stated that the Resolution calls for a non- binding survey to be added to the ballot of the city election to be held on the 6th day of April, 1985 to read as follows: SHOULD THE CITY GOVERNr~EN'P E$'FABI~ISH A PUBLIC LIBRARY WITHIN COLLEGE STATION (understanding that this might increase property taxes by about two cents (2~) per $100.00 of assessed valuation)? YES NO She noted that she had contacted Texas Voting Systems and in- formed them of this addition to the ballot. She pointed out that there will be no additional charge in the c,)~t o~ tl~e election for inclusion of this item on the ballot. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 02-28-85-14 ordering a non-binding survey of the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas, on the question of the establishment of a public library. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 6-0. A~enda Item No. 15 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. A~enda Item No. 16 - Closed session to discuss pendin~ li_t~igation [6252-17(2)(e)] . The Council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. A~enda Item No. 17 - Action on closed session. No action was taken on closed session. 00a807 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRI3ARY 28, 1985 PAGE 9 Agenda Item No. 18 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 8:50 P.M. APPROVER: t ~f ~ ~ . ,.', ~---~ Gary Halter, Mayor ATTEST: - Dian Jones, ~l,t/y Secretary 00 808 GUEST REGISTER REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 7:00 P.M. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30j 00/ 812