HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/1985 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond, Brown, Boughton, McIlhaney, Runnels, Tongco None City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Locke, Capital Improvements Director Ash, Director of Planning Mayo, Traffic Engineer Black, City Engineer Pullen, City Secretary Jones, Accountant O'Brien, Design Engineer Hester, Com- munity Center Director Calliham, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Administra- tive Assistant Magoon, Council Coordi- nator Jones Hachtman See guest register. The meeting was called to order with Councilman Bond absent. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council concerns. Councilman McIlhaney noted that about six to eight months ago she mentioned the condition of West Luther and questioned what was being done to alleviate the problems. She stated that since that time she has talked with several of the residents in the area who are still experiencing problems with that road. She requested the staff to investigate what is being done in the area. Councilman Boughton reported three street lights out, as follows: (1) the light at the intersection of Leona and Southwest Parkway; (2) the light at the intersection of Welsh and Southwest Parkway; and, (3) the light on Welsh nearest Navarro Street. She also re- ported a large pot hole on East Tarrow Street located just before Autumn Drive. She pointed out that oil keeps leaking out on Welsh Street when the temperature rises above ninety degrees. She asked what caused the delay in completion of the storm sewer on Dexter off of Holleman. City Engineer Pullen stated that the project is nearly completed. Councilman Runnels reported that the asphalt on N. Ridgefield, which has recently been resurfaced, is not fairing too well under the weight of the garbage trucks. Councilman Tongco stated that she had received a request that the curbs and dividers on Texas Avenue and Highway 30 be either re- painted yellow or painted a different color to make them more visible at night. 00 957 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 2 Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that he would submit the request to the State Highway. He stated that the curbs and dividers have to be painted yellow. Councilman Tongco reported that the algae in the pond at Central Park is very bad and asked what the Parks Department is doing to remedy the problem. City Manager Bardell stated that the live- stock has been removed from the park in order to remedy part of the problem. Mayor Halter requested Deputy Finance Director Schroeder to ex- plain the reasons for scheduling a Special City Council Meeting, Monday, June 17, 1985. Deputy Finance Director Schroeder explained that the Special Meeting is scheduled in order to hold a public hearing on the proposed tax rate increase. He stated that the State Property Tax Board requires that this public hearing be the only item on the agenda. A~enda Item No. 2 - Discussion and consideration of the College Station Industrial Foundation budget. Mr. Eddie Schultz, Chairman of the College Station Industrial Board, submitted and outlined the Board's revised budget for the Fiscal Year 85-86. He stated that the Board feels that the pro- posed operating budget will allow them to accomplish the task of development of an overall economic and industrial development program for College Station. He pointed out that the Board is requesting $108,000.00 for its operating budget for FY 85-86, in addition to $12,000.00 to cover expenses incurred during FY 84-85, which amounts to a total request for $120,000.00. He listed two things that the Board is attempting to do as follows: (1) development of an operational program focused on economic and industrial development in the Bryan and College Station area; and, (2) developmental plans of what the industrial park will be and how it should be developed. He noted that the industrial park will be a tool for the economic and industrial development in the area. Councilman Bond arrived at the meeting. Mr. Schultz noted that a portion of the monies requested will be used in conjunction with monies being contributed to a program in which the Chamber of Commerce, TAMU and the City of Bryan are participants. He stressed that the College Station Industrial Foundation Board will be working with all the other entities in the area to coordinate one program for economic and industrial development in the area, which will be better than any program created by an individual entity. He further noted that this co- operation will also allow some of the financial responsibilities for trying to attract industry to be spread out across a larger number of entities. WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Schultz stated that the Board has outlined an aggressive pro- gram involving a lot of different items which will require addi- tional dollars. He explained that the financial commitment from the city over the next several years will probably increase due to an increase in activity requiring more dollars. He stated that the goal of the College Station Industrial Foundation in the near future is to become self-sufficient through the sale of the land in the industrial park. In addition to becoming self-suffi- cient from the standpoint of the operations of the Foundation, another of the Board's goals is to return to the city monies ex- pended for the land, operational expenses for the Foundation and other costs associated with the extension of utilities to the ar- ea. He further pointed out that the city should keep in mind the amount of dollars that will be coming into the city from the standpoint of taxes and utility revenues and consider funding for the Foundation as an investment. He stated that in the future the Board will return with a program for the development of the industrial park and in addition will present a plan for funding. He further noted that the Board is going through an educational period trying to understand what types of industries are suited for this area, what they are looking for, what things will moti- vate them and also to understand how the Foundation fits into the Bryan and College Station area. He stated the Foundation's be- lief that it is very important to work together rather than in competition in order to get things done. He stated that the proposed budget is based on historical data from existing agen- cies in the area, personal knowledge and the past operating his- tory of the existing Foundation. He stated the Board's opinion that the proposed budget is minimal. Councilman Bond questioned that with respect for the Chamber of Commerce and their economic development program of which the city is a member, is there some feeling of how the College Station In- dustrial Foundation will draw upon the Chamber to aid in the de- velopment of the city's industrial park. Mr. Schultz stated that all the area representatives are pulling together in a program to aid each other. He noted that the dif- ferent entities are working together to develop a series of al- ternatives that will cross a much broader range of industries and enable each entity to have a better program. Councilman Bond stated that it will be beneficial in areas that are common to all entities, such as marketing and research, to have them become more centralized in order for all entities to draw upon the same work product. Mr. Schultz replied affirmatively. He noted that the marketing item budgeted is a combination of producing certain printed ma- terials that are needed. Councilman Bond questioned whether TAMU has exhibited a pattern of similar cooperation with respect to the overall economic and industrial development in this community. 00A961 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Schultz replied affirmatively and stated that TAMU has con- tributed equally in order to produce an overall program and is committed to the same type of program. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the Board has outlined clear goals, objectives and timetables in the areas of marketing and special projects delineated in the proposed budget. She expressed con- cern that funds have been appropriated in the past for marketing analysis, advertising and special contracts and now the Board is requesting additional funds for these same items. She questioned whether the Board has investigated the possibility of building upon the information previously gathered. Mr. Schultz stated that the Board has discussed its goals and ob- jectives and reviewed the information produced in the past of which some is still viable, however, with the transitions from one situation to another over the years much of the information is not usable. He further stated that a timetable has not been outlined at this point and noted that the Board has only had two meetings, the first strictly organizational and the second ad- dressing the budget. He stated that the timing of this budget request may not have been exactly right to address many of the questions raised, but the Board is asking for some faith on the part of the Council to understand that the funds requested are what the Board feels it will need to meet its charges. Councilman McIlhaney expressed her pleasure with the appointment of the new College Station Industrial Foundation Board. She stated her concern that the funds appropriated will continue to be channelized into the industrial park and will result in very little tangible evidence after another year. She stated her opinion that the charge of the College Station Industrial Founda- tion should be broader in terms of complete industrial develop- ment in College Station, as well as commercial. Mr. Schultz reiterated that the proposed budget represents an op- erational program for economic and industrial development and pointed out that the industrial park is simply a tool. He ex- plained that the proposed program will be more comprehensive, or- ganized and will encompass a lot of different areas. Councilman Tongco questioned the $12,000.00 of expenses incurred last year. Dennis Goehring, President of the College Station Industrial Foundation, explained that the Foundation did not receive any funding for FY 84-85 and is in the red by approximately $15,000.00. Mr. Schultz explained that there was a rider attached to the funds relating to the coordination of the land sale to the Foun- dation and since that transaction did not occur the funds were not appropriated. He further stated that Mr. Goehring has been operating off an absolute minimal budget that was remaining from prior situations, to make ends meet. O0 gRP WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 5 Councilman McIlhaney noted that in the proposed city budget an additional secretary was added to the Con~unity Center staff from another department and questioned whether the Board is requesting the city to provide funding for the staff of the Foundation. Mayor Halter stated that the funding is already established for the secretarial position and noted that the item is a cost ac- counting function. Councilman Tongco asked if the Council intended to appropriate a set amount of funding for the Foundation and then allow them to allocate these funds as they perceive necessary. Mayor Halter stated that the funding for the Foundation will be set off and the Foundation will be responsible for handling the funds. Councilman Tongco stated that Mr. Goehring then will no longer be hired by the city, but rather will be employed by the Founda- tion. Mr. Schultz replied affirmatively. Councilman Tongco questioned whether the President of the Founda- tion will receive benefits afforded city employees. Mr. Goehring explained that the Foundation's association with the city affords its employees the opportunity to participate in the city's retirement system and hospitalization program; however, the contributions to these programs are paid entirely from the Foundation's budget. Councilman Bond questioned if there are any legal problems with this practice. Mayor Halter replied negatively and noted that it is a benefit to the employees of the Foundation allowing them to piggyback off of the city's programs. He further stated that this practice saves the city money. Mr. Schultz stated that the Foundation is a semi-quasi agency of the city and the benefits afforded the Foundation are a portion of the cost of doing business, therefore, whether the city is paying for them or the Foundation is paying for them is not rele- vant. Councilman Bond agreed with Mr. Shultz's comment and stated his support of the best arrangement providing the most benefits at the least amount of dollars for all the participants. He stated his opinion that any discussions that the Foundation is an agent of the city could raise other issues of liability, commitments and misrepresentation, which could be avoided where the Founda- tion is considered a freestanding, absolute entity under itself. 00/ 96,3 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 6 City Attorney Locke stated that to date the College Station In- dustrial Foundation has not been treated differently than any other department in the city. She noted that she would investi- gate the possibility of establishing the Foundation as a free- standing entity. Councilman Bond asked if the city carries liability coverage for the Foundation. City Attorney Locke replied affirmatively. Mr. Schultz stated that the Board would like to create more of an arms length relationship with the city. He noted that the Board has discussed getting an outside attorney and accountant and will attempt to run a more structured organization. He intro- duced the newly appointed members of the College Station Indus- trial Foundation Board present at the meeting. Councilman Brown, Liaison to the Foundation, stated that in re- viewing the proposed budget, he believes all the items are ex- tremely conservative. Mr. Dick Haddox stated that he is overly impressed with the fact that the entire Board is for the comunity as a whole, with their first obligation to College Station. He further stated that most of the members of the Board are businessmen who are not inter- ested in spending their time and money without getting some re- sults. He noted that there has been a lot of ground work com- pleted that the Board can capitalize on in the coming years. Mr. Phil Springer expressed his excitement at his new charge and stated his commitment to the program. He distributed copies of a Wall Street Journal article concerning Eugene, Oregon, which par- allels the type of situation this area is facing. Mr. Dennis Goehring explained part of the research that is being done using SIC Codes to target in on the different industries that the city should pursue. Councilman McIlhaney asked when the target research will be com- plete. Mr. Goehring stated that the first mailing will occur in August. Councilman Bond questioned what contingency reserves are avail- able to fund this request. Accountant O'Brien stated that there is approximately $80,000.00 above the $65,000.00 that was authorized for FY 84-85. 00z 96 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 7 Councilman McIlhaney listed several alternatives for appropri- ating sufficient funds for the Foundation in order for it to ob- tain its goals and objectives while continuing to exercise some fiscal restraint, as follows: (1) $6,000.00 car allowance could be replaced with use of city vehicle assigned to the Community Center; (2) $12,300.00 secretarial salary appropriated in the proposed city budget would not need to be appropriated from the contingency fund; and, (3) a portion of the funds to be appropri- ated from contingency could be delayed until later in the year. Mayor Halter stated that the Foundation needs to know now the amount of funding they will have for the FY 85-86. He pointed out that the money is available to fund both the request for $108,000.00 and $12,000.00. He expressed his opinion that the Council should give the College Station Industrial Foundation their vote of confidence by approving its budget requests and allow it to get on with the tasks of economic and industrial de- velopment in College Station. Councilmen Bond and Runnels concurred with Mayor Halter's com- ments. Con~nunity Center Director Calliham explained that the Foundation pays one-half of the secretary's salary that has been previously mentioned on a monthly basis. Councilman Tongco moved approval of funding in the amount of $108,000.00 for the FY 85-86 for the College Station Industrial Foundation. Councilman Bond seconded the motion. After further discussion concerning the separation of the Founda- tion from the city, Mayor Halter expressed his preference that the Foundation should be established as a freestanding entity. Councilmen Bond and Runnels concurred with the comment. Councilman Boughton moved to amend the motion to include the $12,000.00 requested by the Foundation to cover expenses incurred during FY 84-85. Councilman Brown seconded the amendment to the motion which was approved by a vote of 5-2 as follows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Bond, Brown, Runnels AGAINST: Councilmen McIlhaney, Tongco The main motion as amended was approved by a vote of 6-1 as fol- lows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Bond, Brown, Runnels, Tongco AGAINST: Councilman McIlhaney WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 8 Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of nominations to the 1985-86 College Station Teen Center Board. Community Center Director Calliham presented the item. She noted that the Board has changed from senior high and junior high to all junior high. She noted that the Teen Center has sixty-one paid members in addition to a number of kids that pay at the door. Councilman Runnels asked if there are any plans to include the ninth thru twelfth grades in the Center. Comunity Center Director Calliham stated that a number of meet- ings of the Board were spent discussing this matter and the high school members expressed a tremendous amount of frustration in trying to encourage their peers to join the Center. She noted that it was decided to concentrate efforts on the junior high group. Councilman Brown commended Ms. Calliham on the Comunity Center's new brochure. Councilman Runnels moved to appoint Bridget Cooper, Shellie Gilmore, Suzanna Henderson, Laurin Marchbanks, Jessica Marcotte, Elissa Rayford, Melane Reynolds, Ashley Stallings, Jennifer Weitman, Deborah Yates, Ryan Martell, John Pollock, Tami Smith, Ann Striegler, Melissa Wheeldon and Kelley Ann Ney to the 1985-86 Shenanigans ?ee~ Cemter Board. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of handicapped facilities along Nagle Street. City Engineer Pullen presented the item. He stated that at the Regular City Council Meeting, March 28, 1985, the Council re- quested the staff to investigate the possibility of constructing handicap facilities along Nagle. He noted that Dr. Powell, Coor- dinator of Handicapped and Veterans Student Services, indicated that there are three handicapped students living in the French Quarter Apartments and the duplexes in the area. He presented a plan which includes the construction of sidewalks, curb-cuts and other related items along the east side of Nagle Street between University Drive and Cross Street. He pointed out that suffi- cient budgeted Community Development revenues are available in the amount of $15,000.00 to provide capital support for this ac- tivity. City Engineer Pullen referenced another item that was discussed at the March 28, 1985, Meeting concerning the timing of the walk signals at University Drive and Nagle. He explained how the timing is set on the walk signals. OO& 966 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 PAGE 9 Councilman Runnels moved to authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $15,000.00 from Community Development revenues to provide handicapped access on Nagle Street. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 5 - Closed session to discuss ~endin~ litigation [6252-17(2)(e)] and personnel [6252-17(2)(9)]. A. Personnel [6252-17 (2)(g)]. 1. Discussion of Administrative Appointments. 2. Discussion of Citizen Committee Appointments. The Council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 6 - Action on closed session. No action was taken on closed session. A~enda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 7:40 P.M. Gary Hair, Mayor ATTEST: ~ Dian J~City Secretary 00A967 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 4:00 P.M. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ® 25. So 26. m 27~ 10. 28. 11. 29. 12. 30. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 17. 35. 18. 36. 00t 768