HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/1986 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Bond, Tongco, Boughton, Brown, Jones, Haddox None City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager VanDever, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Assistant City Engineer Mark Smith, Assistant Planning Director Callaway, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation Cisneros, Utilities Office Manager Piwonka, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Fire Chief Landua, Public Utilities Director Ford, Water and Sewer Superintendent Luedke, Finance Administrative Assistant Barnett, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Council Coordinator Garrett STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Mike Hachtman Mayor Ringer began the meeting by introducing a former Mayor of the City of College Station, Mr. Dick Hervey. Mr. Hervey has contributed to City Hall a 1941 map of the City of College Station. As a token of appreciation, Mayor Ringer presented Mr. Hervey with a framed copy of the map. Mayor Ringer thanked Mr. Hervey for his dedication and service to the City of College Station. Agenda Item No. 1 Signing of a proclamation designating the week of May 4-10,'"~986 as "Sex~al Assault Awareness Week" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Ringer signed a proclamation designating the week of May 4-10, 1986 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Week" in College Station. Linda Castoria, a representative of the Brazos County Rape Crisis Center, was present to accept the proclamation. 005619 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 2 Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of College Station Schools Science Fair Award. This year's recipient for the College Station Schools Science Fair Award was Laura Fletcher. Mayor Ringer presented a plaque to Miss Fletcher for her achievement as first place winner at the Science Fair. Agenda Item No. 3 - Council Concerns. No one spoke. AGenda Item No. 4 - Approval of the minutes of the Cit~ Council Workshop Meeting, April 9, 1986; the Cit~ Council Regular Meeting,.April 10, 1986; and the Cit~ Council Special Meeting, April 15, 1986. Councilman BouGhton corrected the reportinG of who seconded a motion per Item No. 3, Canvass of the Election Returns, workshop meetinG, Wednesday, April 9, 1986. The minutes were approved by common consent. AGenda Item No. 5 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 2, One Lincoln Place, from A-P Administrative-Professional to C-1 General-Commercial. Applicant is Cedar Creek Ltd. (86-106). Assistant Director of PlanninG Jim Callaway explained that the subject tract is vacant, with vacant tracts to the east and west, office buildings and vacant tracts to the north (across University Drive). He further explained that the area is reflected as high density residential on the land use plan; however this tract was included in a special land use and zoninG study prepared by the PlanninG and ZoninG Commission which concluded that zoning in this area be limited to medium density residential and office commercial. Mr. Callaway pointed out that since adoption of the land use plan there has been a change in area conditions as a result of recent zoninG actions. This tract is now located between two C-1 zoned tracts. Staff and the PlanninG and Zoning Commission recommended approval for C-1 zoninG with an A-P buffer of 125 feet to the condominiums to the south. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearinG. Damon Tassos, representing Cedar Creek Ltd., spoke in favor of the request and offered to answer any questions. 005620 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 3 Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Tongco moved approval of Ordinance No. 1647 rezoning Lot 2, One Lincoln Place, from A-P to C-1 with an A-P buffer of approximately 125 feet. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consent Agenda: PLATS - Preliminary Plat - The Estates of Indian Trail (86-301). This item was approved by common consent. BIDS: 1. Texas Avenue - Elevated Water Tank - Repainting 2. Waste Water Plant - Grit Equipment Replacement 3. Repairing and rebuilding Worthington Raw Sewage lift pumps at Wastewater Treatment Plant (86-31). Bid Item No. 2 - Waste Water Plant - Grit Equipment Replacement was approved by common consent. Councilman Brown removed Bid Items No. 1 and No. 3 from the consent agenda. He stated his concern that only one bid was submitted for each project. Mayor Ringer delayed action on this item until Mr. Ed McDow returned to the City Council with further information. Agenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of an ordinance adopting the revised and updated College Station Fire Department Manual. Fire Chief Landua was present to answer any questions the Council had concerning the Fire Department Manual. City Manager Cole added that the fire manual is a procedural item with a structured set of rules and procedures by which the Fire Department operates. The manual has been reviewed and approved by employees and supervisors of the Fire Department, Personnel Department and Personnel Committee. Councilman Bond approved Ordinance No. 1648 adopting the revised and updated College Station Fire Department Manual. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. 00562! CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 4 Agenda Item No. 9 - Presentation of Operating Budget for FY 86-87. City Manager Cole stated that the budget is an attempt to reflect the current economic conditions in Brazos County. Assistant City Manager VanDever presented this item. He explained that the preparation of the document is a lengthy process that begins in January. He further explained that each division head prepares his budget and submits it to the Director. The Director reviews the budgets submitted to him by each division in his department. The Director submits the proposed budget to the City Manager for his review. He reviewed the format of the budget manual. First, it is arranged accordinG to funds. Each fund is composed of a balance sheet consistinG of the revenues and expenditures that are proposed for FY 86-87. Secondly, the budget is proposed in two parts, the basic budget and the supplemental budget. He stated that the basic budget is a measure of keepinG the budget basically the same, costing the city a certain amount of money next year for the same funds that are currently in operation. The supplemental budget is added to the basic budget for next year's operations. Proposals included would be additions to personnel and additions to capital items. The decision package for each proposal outlined with total costs and item description. Mr. VanDever referred to the operatinG budget schedule which lists the dates for meetings with the City Council and events which will take place durinG the process. He stated that this budget reflects a maintenance budget coverinG absolute necessities and stated that the total net increase in the operatinG budget as proposed this year is $1,382,720.00. He noted that the cost of power is exclusive of the budget because it represents 42% of the total budget; and, when it is taken out, the budget shows a net decrease of .01 percent of $30,000.00. Mr. VanDever presented different Graphs and "pie" charts illustratinG the proposed revenues and expenditures for each fund and showinG percentages. FollowinG is a list of percentages depictinG the overall budget for FY 86-87: hotel/motel tax - 1.1%; General fund - 21.9%; revenue sharinG - .9%; debt service - 7%; sanitation fund - 3%; utility fund - 66%. 005622 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 5 Asst. City Manager VanDever showed an overhead presentation of revenue and expenditure trends for each fund during the FY 1980 through 1986. He presented the 1986-87 proposals as follows: (1) The general fund revenue proposal totals 12.7 million and expenditures total 13.2 million. (2) The utility revenue fund and expenditures each total 41 million. (3) The sanitation revenue proposal totals 1.4 million and the expenditures are 1.9 million. Additional programs such as the drainage program caused this fund to decrease in revenues. (4) The debt service revenue fund proposal is 4.6 million and the expenditure fund is 4.4 million. This fund is used to pay all general obligations of the City. (5) The hotel/motel revenue fund totals $580,000.00 and the expenditures fund equals $720,000.00. (6) The revenue sharing funds total $100,000.00. This reflects the federal revenue sharing cut by the Federal Government. Mr. VanDever stated that $450,000.00 unexpended from this year's revenue sharing funds combined with the $100,000.00 in the next fiscal year will total $550,000.00. The staff proposes transferring $500,000.00 to the general fund, and the balance will be funded to different programs. Councilman Bond asked if the revenue funds would program new projects or projects that are underway in the current year. Mr. VanDever responded that these funds will be used for the projects to which the City is committed. The revenue sharing fund may be used for capital projects and the city will make up the loss through reserve revenues and a tighter spending plan. Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of a date for a public hearing on FY 86-87 Revenue Sharing and Operating Budget. City Manager Cole commented that the city must meet certain federal requirements relating to revenue sharing and also local requirements relating to the budget as described in the charter. He suggested to the council that they meet on days which are designated on the budget schedule, so the budget will conform within the deadlines construed. Mayor Ringer noted that the Council previously concurred to meet on workshop meeting dates to discuss agenda items which do not require council action. Also, public hearings and agenda items requiring council action will be discussed during regular city council meetings. 005623 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 6 Mayor Ringer recommended that May 8, 1986 should be the date set for the public hearing on the operating budget and revenue sharing. Councilman Haddox moved approval of May 8, 1986 as the public hearing date on the FY 86-87 Revenue Sharing and Operating Budget. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. (Continuatio~of Agenda Item No. 7) The Mayor returned to Agenda Item No. 7 for the discussion of bids previously delayed. Ed Mc Dow, engineer from Riewe and Wischmeyer, presented to Council pictures of the elevated tank. He discussed the situ- ation of having only one bid presented for the repainting and repairing of the tank. He stated that the inside of the tank has not been painted since 1968 and has a large amount of rust build-up. He further stated that this tank is in very poor condition, and delaying maintenance may result in having to make emergency repair. Riewe & Wischmeyer received the one bid from D'Brothers of San Antonio for an estimated price of $125,600.00 including costs for a minimum amount of welding. Mr. McDow explained that after blasting and taking off paint, the rafters may not be in Good condition; therefore, there will be a need for extra welding that may not be anticipated. He recommended that the City have a contingency to cover this extra work and inspection; he also also recommended painting the exterior of the tank. He explained two reasons why other contractors did not bid the job. One reason is that the tanks' close proximity to an automobile dealership causes complications. Another reason is that the contractors were being very selective on the type of jobs they bid, because of insurance and liability reasons. Councilman Brown pointed out that the contractor may not know how much extra work would be involved until sandblasting is finished. Mr. McDow stated that a contractor bids at a unit price and the project costs could exceed the estimated price. Councilman Haddox asked for clarification of the contingency. Mr. McDow stated that the construction is $125,650.00 with a contingency of $24,350.00 for a total of $150,000.00. 005624 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 7 Mr. McDow passed around to Council a letter of recommendation referring to three water and sewer maintenance projects. Mayor Ringer asked City Manager Cole if funds were available for this project. City Manager responded that these funds were not budgeted funds; instead each year a certain amount of undesignated funds are placed in a contingency account; therefore, funds are available. Mr. Mc Dow stated that he would not recommend re-bidding this job due to the reasons contractors told him. The contractor who bid would probably not bid the same; in fact, the price bid would probably be higher. Mayor Ringer asked if there is any possibility other contractors would decide to bid for this project. Mr. McDow replied they may not receive other bids. Councilman Brown stated his concern for the contingency built in because the work may not be worth the extra monies spent. Mr. Mc Dow stated that the contingencies could be taken out, but at a later date, the contractor may ask for extra monies to complete the job. Councilman Bond asked if this is a responsible bidder. Mr. McDow stated the contractor has reliable references that includes painting the tank in Bryan. Councilman Brown asked who were the contractors that painted the tank at Greens Prairie Road and why they did not bid for the job. Mr. McDow replied that Neumann Bros. from Chicago were the contractors and they did not have a reasonable time table to concur with the city's time table. Also, Neumann Bros. would not be able to compete with the bid placed by D'Bros. Councilman Haddox reiterated and asked Mr. Mc Dow if he was convinced that there would be no other bidders. Mr. McDow stated that there may be bidders, but the majority of contractors he confronted earlier mentioned that the major concern was the liability and insurance coverage. Councilman Boughton asked what the contract price is for painting the exterior of the tank. Mr. Mc Dow stated that the price was $85,000.00 including the exterior and interior painting of the ground storage reservoir at University Drive. He explained that there is a 5% inflation rate per year plus a $.75 per sq. ft. for removing the paint to the bare metal and $1.90 sq. ft. for painting the interior. If these factors are used the previous project would cost $114,000.00 to $122,000.00 today as compared to 1981. Councilman Haddox asked what the unit price is presently. Mr. McDow explained that the calculations are arrived by measuring the square footages of the tank and dividing by the lump su~ prices. 005625 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 8 Councilman Bond moved to reject the Bid Price for the maintenancing, repainting, and repairing of the Elevated Water Tank and to seek other bidders for this project. Councilman Brown seconded the motion to deny this request. vote carried 6-1. The FOR Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Bond, Brown, Jones, Haddox, Tongco AGAINST Councilman Boughton Mr. McDow said he would submit proposals for re-bids to this project. Mayor Ringer continued with the next bid item No. 3, which was delayed earlier. Mr. Ed McDow recommended award of contract to R.B. Butler for the repairing and rebuilding of the Worthington raw sewage lift pumps at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. He noted that the staff expected only one bid for this project and anticipated it would come from the service contractor for the Worthington pumps. Mr. McDow stated that the service contractor dealt with R.B. Butler to quote a price to the City for removing the pumps from the lift station and taking them to Houston, including eight trips to Houston. The price of $37,200 exceeds the estimated $20,000.00 he had projected. The reason for the excess amount is the use of the crane at the job site for removing the pumps. Mayor Ringer asked if the estimated $20,000.00 included the removal of the pumps. Mr. McDow replied negatively. Councilman Brown asked if the staff arrived at the estimate of $20,000.00 by consultant's figures. Mr. McDow replied negatively and stated that the estimate was based on verbal discussion. Councilman Boughton asked if the pumps would be in good condition after they were repaired. Mr. McDow replied affirmatively. Councilman Tongco asked what guarantee is made when the company or city installs these pumps. Mr. Mc Dow stated that the company who installs the pumps has a 90 day guarantee with the City or contractor. City Manager Cole reiterated that staff would incur the same type of expenses a contractor would in removing and transporting the Dumps. 005626 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 9 Councilman Haddox moved approval of the award of contract to R.B. Butler for repairing and rebuilding the four Worthington Raw Sewage Pumps at WWTP. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of an addendum to contract between Wellborn Water Supply Corporation and the Cit~; of College Station. City Attorney Cathy Locke presented this item. She stated that the Wellborn Water Supply Corporation has requested the removal of a provision in the contract. She further stated that this provision allows the City of College Station upon the annexation of any taps in the Wellborn system the take over of the taps. Wellborn Water Supply is requesting a new improvement loan from the FmHA for $900,000.00 outside the City's ETJ. She stated that the Council will need to make a policy decision regarding this contract. Mr. Hugh Lindsay, Secretary of Wellborn Water Supply, and Mr. A.P. Boyd, President of Wellborn Water Supply asked to address the Council. Mr. Lindsay pointed out that the Wellborn Water Supply had a loan with FmHA while entering into a contract with the city in 1982. He also pointed out that another loan application has been made recently for expansion of the system. He stated that the Wellborn Water Supply's customers consist of persons in areas as far south as Millican, west of the Brazos River and east of the Navasota River. He also stated that expansion of the system would allow service to more people in the area. He noted that the loan is approved subject to the change the FmHA is requesting. The FmHA is asking, firstly, for a notice provision in the event a breach of contract is issued by the Wellborn Water Supply and the City decides to terminate the contract; and, secondly, for deletion of the paragraph 3.4 in the contract which states the City has the right to approach the Public Utilities Commission to take over the Wellborn Water Supply meters after the City has annexed. The question is whether the City will be allowed to provide water service within the area Wellborn presently serves. He pointed out that the FmHA would like loan security with the Wellborn Water Supply. Councilman Haddox asked if the City would assume the responsibility of service to an annexed area from the Wellborn Water Supply. Cathy Locke replied negatively. 005627 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 10 City Manager Cole noted that the issue is whether the FmHA controls how the City and Wellborn Water System run their water systems. He pointed out that the council needs to decide whether or not to take the action which will allow the Wellborn Water Supply to go to the FmHA to expand their system which may or may not meet city code in areas the city anticipates annexing in the future. The question involves whether more constraints by federal administrative law would be imposed upon the city if it undertakes annexation of the property. Mayor Ringer pointed out that the City of College Station is providing water to the Wellborn Water Supply at the same rate that citizens of College Station pay in exchange for the consideration that College Station asks to service areas that Wellborn has entered into without any other monetary exchange. Mayor Ringer also pointed out that when the City signed the agreement, the City agreed to sell water at the same rate, because if an area is annexed, the City would not have to purchase the right to serve that area. He noted that in the future, if annexation takes place, the FmHA may require the City to help pay the debt of the Wellborn Water Supply. After further discussion by the council and the representatives of the Wellborn Water Supply, Councilman Brown moved to direct the City Attorney to work further with the Wellborn Water Supply and the FmHA to negotiate terms for a possible agreement. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 12 - Consideration of an ordinance re~ulatin~ trash, litter, and dumpin~ in the city limits. City Attorney, Cathy Locke presented this item. She stated this ordinance was prepared by city staff for the purpose of regulating the control of dumping on city right-of-ways, city parks, and other areas maintained by the city. She pointed out that this ordinance amends the City Code by the repeal of the current "Section 5: Sale of Adulterated and Misbranded Milk and Milk Products Prohibited"; the current section 4 will become a new Section 5; and, the addition of the new section 4, relating to litter control. Omer Jenkins, representative of Brazos Beautiful, expressed his support in favor of the proposed ordinance. 005628 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 11 Councilman Bond moved approval of Ordinance No. 1649 regulating trash, litter, and dumping in the city limits. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of a proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with the State enabling the City of College Station to obtain reimbursement for issuing citations for littering state highway right-of-ways. City Attorney Cathy Locke presented this item. She stated that this resolution is a proposal by the highway department to each municipality in the state. She explained that the State will pay the city $20.00 for each citation issued for litter violations. She stated that this is an incentive program to enforce the need for litter control. Councilman Brown moved approval of Resolution No. 4-24-86-13 authorizing the mayor of the city to execute a contract with the State enabling College Station to obtain reimbursements for issuing citations. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 14 - Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for the Utility Service Center. Director of Capital Improvements Elrey Ash presented this item. Mr. Ash introduced Mr. James Holster, architect for the Utility Service Center. Mr. Ash passed around to Council the plans on the Service Center. He stated that this center will house the water, sewer, and electrical divisions, along with a storage yard. The monies budgeted for this center were $3,210,000.00. He noted that an advertisement will be placed in the newspaper on April 27, 1986 and the bid opening will be May 29, 1986. Mr. Holster explained the plans to the Council. This project involves 35 acres and a 10,000 square foot office building. Two storage buildings will be located behind the office complex and these will be connected with two covered walkways. He also explained cost alternatives, such as asphalt paving instead of concrete paving and eliminating concrete and using crushed limestone. He noted that the property will be lined with trees and chain link fence. 005629 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 12 Mr. Holster explained that the office building will be constructed with structural steel and concrete foundation. This building is designed to contain a second floor in the future. The outside will be built with a metal system, similar to the Westinghouse building. There will be two levels of storage which will house equipment vehicles, maintenance materials, etc. Councilman Tongco asked if sun screens would be used. Mr. Holster stated sun screens will be used in different areas. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the plans and advertisement for bids for the Utility Service Center. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 15 - Consideration of Landscaping proposal for the Municipal Complex. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Tony Cisneros presented this item. He displayed slides depicting the staff recommendations for landscaping the area around the City Hall Complex. He stated there will be seven distinct phases performed regardless if the work is done by the parks department horti- culture crew or an outside contractor. Ongoing costs will include 20 man hours to properly maintain the new plant material. He explained that the time frame would be a factor if the in-house horticulture crews were chosen. The total construction costs would be $76,735.00. Councilman Boughton asked what portion is included in the in-house construction. Mr. Cisneros replied that it would include only landscaping construction, subtracting $17,755.00 from the grand total price. Councilman Haddox asked the approximate time of completion by an outside contractor. Mr. Cisneros replied that the estimated time of completion would be 4-5 weeks. Councilman Brown asked how the irrigation costs were determined. Mr. Cisneros replied that costs were estimated by the landscape architects and designers in the Parks Dept. He also stated that the irrigation costs are determined by phasing or completing the job as one. If the project were completed in 4-5 weeks, the irrigation costs would decrease by 15%-20%. 005630 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 13 Mayor Ringer asked if this project was included in this year's budget. City Manager Cole replied that these funds are allocated in the capital improvement budget. Councilman Tongco moved to approve the landscaping plans of the city hall and fire station complex. Councilman Boughton moved to proceed for bids from outside contractors for all seven phases of the project. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 16 - Hear Visitors No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 17 -Closed session to discuss pending litigation [6252-17(2)(e)] and personnel [6252-17(2)(g)]. Discussion of Administrative Personnel: Duties and Appointments The Council moved to closed session. Agenda Item No. 18 - Action on closed session. The council moved to open session. Councilman Bond moved approval of the following appointments of city officials: CITY SECRETARY CITY JUDGE ASSISTANT CITY JUDGE CITY ATTORNEY COURT CLERK DEPUTY COURT CLERK Dian Jones Phil Banks Cathy Riedel Cathy Locke Kay Choate Sandra Wade Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer asked for recommendations from the Council for Mayor Pro-tem. Councilman Bond moved to appoint Patricia Boughton as Mayor Pro-tem. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 6-0. 005631 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1986 PAGE 14 Mayor Ringer asked for nominations of two representatives from the City to the Lone Star Municipal Power Agency Board of Directors. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the appointment of Gary Halter and Terri Tongco. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer asked for nominations for a City Representative to the County Health Board. Councilman Haddox moved approval for the appointment of Fred Brown as the City Representative to the County Health Board. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer nominated Jon Denton as the City Representative to the Bryan/College Station Athletic Federation to serve as the replacement for Larry Ringer's position until September 1987. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Jon Denton as City Representative to the Bryan/College Station Athletic Federation. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer nominated David Bagnall as Chairman of the Franchise Advisory Board as replacement in the position held by Larry Ringer. Councilman Tongco moved approval of David Bagnall as Chairman of the Franchise Advisory Board Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 18 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ian Jon~,/Cfty Secretary 005632 GUEST REGISTER Regular City Council Meeting Thursday, April 24, 1986 7:00 P.M. 18. 19. 21. 24. 10. 27. 11. 28. 12. 29. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 32. 16. 33. 17. 34. 0056