HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1986 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Bond, Tongco, BouGhton, Brown, Jones, Haddox None City ManaGer Cole, Assistant City Manager VanDever, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Planner Mayo, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Engineer Mark Smith, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Cisneros, Utilities Office Manager Piwonka, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Fire Chief Landua, Public Services Director Miller, Admin- istrative Assistant MaGoon, Finance Ad- ministrative Assistant Barnett, Council Coordinator Garrett Mayor RinGer opened the meeting with Councilman Brown absent. A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman BouGhton proposed to council members the idea of changinG all the agenda packets to fit three hole notebooks and explained how this procedure would be beneficial. Councilman Bond commented about the interest expressed to him from the older citizens who live near Dexter Park. They would like to have a walking and jogging facility, similar to the one at Brothers Park. Mayor Ringer asked council if 5:00 p.m. would be an agreeable time for the joint meetinG with the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion on Thursday, May 29th. The council concurred. 005657 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 2 Mayor Ringer noted that he received an invitation to the re- installation of the Goddess of Liberty at the Capital in Austin on May 31, 1986. The City of Austin would like a representative from the City of College Station present. Mayor Ringer also noted he received a letter from the Mayor of VanCouver, Canada requestinG a symbol representinG the City of College Station during VanCouver's 100th birthday celebration. Councilman Brown arrived at the meeting. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of location selection for the Branch Librar~ location. City Manager Cole referred to the materials presented to the Council in their agenda packet and noted that the council received additional information on another site. This location is the former site of Mr. Gatti's pizza in the Shiloh Place. Mayor Ringer asked the library committee for input and questions. He also stated there is a proposal for a build-to-suit site from Stanford Real Estate. Mayor Ringer pointed to the location on the map of this site at the corner of Southwest Parkway and Dartmouth extension. Mr. Jeff McDowell, a representative from Stanford Real Estate, stated that the developer will work with the Council on the de- sign and construction of a buildinG. The buildinG could possibly be completed in 120 days. Mike Hoelscher, a member of the Library Committee, stated his opinion that a leased space would be beneficial at this time in order to have a library in the very near future. Mr. Hoelscher commented that a Good site would be the Park Place Plaza behind Anco Insurance. This location has 4,000 square feet and if approved the library could begin operation by the summer. Councilman BouGhton asked Mr. Hoelscher why this site was his personal choice. He replied that Southwest Parkway is a major arterial road in College Station, there is ample parkinG space, the site is basically a new facility, and it is also centrally located. Councilman TonGco asked if the offer is the same as the one dis- cussed previously for the same shoppinG center. Mr. Hoelscher replied affirmatively. City Manager Cole commented that the prices listed in the summary sheets may be negotiable. · 005658 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 3 Councilman Haddox asked if the library committee set the para- meters for the library location. Councilman Boughton replied that the original boundaries were set by the Council. Mayor Ringer noted that the Park Place Plaza is outside the bound- aries. Councilman Haddox asked if the committee has made other recommendations. Mayor Ringer explained that the staff's recom- mended site on Welsh Street would not be available. Councilman Bond noted that the Welsh Street complex was not a consensus choice by the library committee. Mr. Hoelscher stated that the committee as a whole would like a place to house the library as soon as possible. Councilman Haddox stated that the library committee should pre- sent to council a majority report rather than individual com- ments. Councilman Jones stated her understanding is that the library committee came to council with an earlier proposal and later council decided the staff should investigate other sites. Mayor Ringer explained that the staff's recommended site at Welsh Office Park is presumably not available and council asked for further information on additional sites. This is the reason for the discussion by the committee and the council at this meeting. Councilman Tongco further explained that all sites have been re- viewed and each site available presents a major flaw, for ex- ample, not an easy access, not enough parking spaces, etc. These setbacks are partially causing the problem in making a decision. Councilman Brown asked Mr. Hoelscher what the committee thought of the Shiloh Place. Mr. Hoelscher replied that there could be a problem with parking, visibility, and there is only access onto Texas Avenue. David Alexander, a representative from Cruz Corporation, was pre- sent to answer any questions the council had on the proposal given by Shiloh Place. He further stated that this site offers a landscaped environment with trees, shrubs, etc. Councilman Haddox asked how many parking spaces are available at Shiloh Place. Mr. Alexander replied there are 100 spaces in the front, rear parking, and a drive-thru window at the facility. Ms. Gail Fitch, a member of the library committee, stated her concern for the need of a library as soon as possible. 005659 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 4 Councilman Haddox stated that more time may be needed for Council to decide on a location because each individual proposing a site is willing to negotiate; also, there seems to be confusion on each party, the staff and committee, choosing various sites for the library. Councilman Tongco suggested picking the top three sites and asking for bids. Mayor Ringer suggested two options, as follows: 1) the library committee to meet and report to Council with their choice; 2) the Council to make a decision at this time based on information received. Susan Friesen, a member of the library committee, commented that the committee needs specific directions from the council on the procedures to take in choosing a site. Councilman Haddox asked the library committee if they have three sites acceptable so the staff may further negotiate with these individuals for a concrete bid. Mike Hoelscher stated that any one of the three sites, Parkway Square, Park Place Plaza, or Shiloh Place, would be acceptable. Councilman Tongco moved to direct staff to examine the leased- space sites proposed, Parkway Square, Park Place Plaza, and Shiloh Place, receive a firm commitment from each and bring a report back to Council for a decision. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer thanked the library committee for their effort and hard work for several years in the selection process of the library location. City Manager Cole confirmed the exact locations included. Mayor Ringer requested that Bryan Librarian Clara Mounce be asked to view the sites. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Corporate Limits of the City of College Station. City Planner A1 Mayo presented council with a summary sheet of 6 potential annexations for the council to review. The first site contains 10.70 acres in the Indian Trails Es- tates. This site is composed of 6 lots of rural area at the end of Sandstone Drive. The consideration of annexation will be pre- sented to council in June. The second site is located off Rock Prairie Road in Southwood Valley, east of the Family Tree Subdivision. There are three tracts involved: a 5 acre church site, and tracts owned by Mr. W.D. Fitch and by Area Progress. Petitions have been submitte~ by these owners. 005660 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 5 The third site is a 75 acre tract located on Graham Road with a 35 acre tract proposed for the utility service center. The fourth site is 94 acres located on Wellborn Road with 10 tracts of land. The area includes 7 residences along the Well- born Road. One tract includes a firework stand which may be moved outside the city limits if the area becomes annexed. The biggest part of the tract is a stable operation. The fifth site is an 80 acre tract belonging to Mr. Olden and this tract is used for agricultural purposes. The sixth site is an 885 acre triangle left out of the annexation to the south because the council at that time looked at the land use control and the proposed industrial development and did not feel the need to annex the entire tract. Mr. Mayo stated that the staff feels the area does not need to be annexed at this time. Mayor Ringer asked if the property owners have expressed an in- terest in annexation. Mr. Mayo replied negatively. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the staff is not recommending annex- ation to any areas except the areas being petitioned at this time. Mark Smith, Assistant City Engineer, presented the topic of water and sewer lines in each of these areas. He explained that all areas are served with utilities. He pointed out that the city would provide electrical service and fire coverage to the Wellborn tracts with existinG structures. This amounts to approximately $200,000.00. Mr. Smith noted that a treatment plant does not exist in the Olden tract. He mentioned that water lines continue down Green's Prairie Road and the costs of extending fire coverage are maintained by the developers. Mr. Smith also noted that one property owner has requested an- nexation in the Wellborn Road area and problems may arise in dis- tributinG sewer service to one area. Capital Improvements Director Ash explained that other tracts in the Wellborn area would also need to be annexed in order for service to be distributed to the owner presently requestinG annexation. Mayor Ringer noted that two areas on the map will be on the agenda for public hearings at Thursday night's council meeting. 005661 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 6 Councilman BouGhton asked if the staff has made an effort to con- tact other persons in Tract 4 where one owner has presented an annexation request. The staff replied negatively. Councilman Haddox moved to advise the staff to consider the an- nexation requests of Areas No. 1 and No. 2 and to advise the petitioner of Area 4 to inform other owners of this tract and at this time leave the area as is. Areas 5 and 6 should also be left alone until the need arises. Area 3 should be left alone until the building of the Utility Service Center is started. Councilman BouGhton seconded the motion. Councilman Bond asked for clarification in the motion for Areas No. 5 and 6 and stated that the sewer treatment plant would not be the only factor in an annexation request. Mayor Ringer presented a summation of the motion. approved unanimously, 7-0. The motion was Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of Proposed Budget for FY 86-87. Mayor Ringer explained that the city has received three ad- ditional requests for funding. These organizations include the Maternal & Child Health Clinic, Economic Development Foundation, and the Easterwood Airport. He also noted that the Council has previously funded the Bryan Library and he questioned whether funding was included in the proposed budget. City Manager Cole asked the Council to consider the anticipated costs of $28,986.00 to move municipal court. He further stated that there are no monies in this year's budget in Municipal Court funds appropriated for the moving costs. Mr. Cole pointed out possible solutions of funding for two of the three organizations. The Economic Development Foundation could be funded from the utility fund. Also, the Maternal & Child Health Clinic could be funded from con~nunity development block grant funds and an allowance has been made for this organiza- tion. He further pointed out that funding for Easterwood Airport could be generated by the General fund balance which would reduce the General fund balance and this balance is lower than the staff would like for it to be. Councilman Haddox commented that the Easterwood Airport attracts new industry to the area; he asked if this organization could be funded from the utility fund. City Manager Cole replied that funding could be possible from the utility fund, if funds are available. 005662 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 7 Councilman Bond commented that the city may relate costs to user- revenue, such as utility users instead of tax revenue users where money is incorporated into the city, but this may increase the tax rate. Also, at this time there is not a user revenue setting associated with the airport in College Station. Councilman Haddox asked about the possibility of using the con- tingency fund for the airport funding. City Manager Cole replied that the contingency fund is different from the general fund balance, or fund reserve. The fund balance is the unappropriated money kept back for emergencies and the city should try to retain approximately 10% of the annual expenditures as an appropriate reserve. Mr. Cole further explained that the contingency fund holds $200,000.00 in the general fund and this is set up to have funds available to meet unanticipated expenses that arrive during the year. He noted that a balance of $100,000.00 in the contin- gency fund would be considerably low to use for contingency expenses. Councilman Jones asked Mr. Cole what his feelings were in obtain- ing the funding from the utility fund. He replied that a sub- stantial amount of money is transfered from the utility fund to pay for the operations in the general fund. As a result, the tax rate remains attractive in College Station. Councilman Haddox stated that the area is proven more desirable with air transportation and everyone can enjoy the facility and he feels the utility fund would be the best solution for funding. Councilman Tongco stated that the airport is needed for the con- vention and tourists bureau, but because of legalities the hotel/ motel tax fund cannot be used. Councilman Brown asked if other funding from the general fund could be reclassified into the utility fund. City Manager said he would speak to the staff about possibilities. Councilman Bond added that the city's airport is a finer facility than ones found at most cities this size, wherever the source of income may be received. Mayor Ringer stated he would work with the staff to arrive at a solution. 005663 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 8 Mayor Ringer asked the staff if the Bryan Library support was included in the budget. Councilman Bond pointed out that the Council previously committed to continue funding for the Bryan Library as long as College Station citizens used the Library. Mayor Ringer asked if the Bryan Library was funded last year. The staff replied affirmatively. Following further discussion about the matter, Mayor Ringer asked staff to contact Librarian Clara Mounce concerning funding in FY 1986-87 for the Bryan Library. Councilman Brown stated his concern about the increases of oil and gas use in the overall budget. Other items of concern were the telephone expenses, audits and contracts, and travel and training. He also noted that some departments showed a decrease in these areas and other departments showed an increase. City Manager Cole replied that he would look further into the matter and report back to Councilman Brown. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. APPROVED: Larr~ ~. ~r, ~ka~or ATTEST: Dian J~s,lCity Secretary 005664 GUEST REGISTER ® m WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 21, 1986 5:00 P.M. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ® 26. 10. 27. 11. 28. 12. 29. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 32. 16. 33. 17. 34. 005665