HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/1986 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond, Tongco, Boughton, Brown, McIlhaney, Runnels None City Manager Cole, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Personnel Director Dickson, Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy, Deputy Finance Director Schroe- der, Assistant City Manager VanDever, Director of Community Center Calliham, Assistant to City Engineer Smith, Administrative Assistant Magoon, Council Coordinator Garrett Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns Councilman Tongco thanked Mr. Beachy for the 1985 Annual Report. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the fire code states that stairwells should be located at the outside edge of buildings rather than at the middle of buildings, and is it required to have windows or some type of lighting in case there is a fire and the electricity goes off. City Manager Cole stated that he would ask the staff to research the matter for Councilman McIlhaney. Mayor Halter stated it is a requirement that there is lighting with a battery and in case the electricity goes off, the light is triggered. Mayor Halter asked Council to convene in an executive session. Agenda Item No 2 - Consideration of a resolution relatin9 to an anti-crime package prepared by the Criminal Justice Task Force. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the resolution proposed by the Criminal Justice Task Force. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a change order #1, Green's Prairie Road. City Engineer Pullen presented this item. He noted the project was awarded for contract in April, 1985; and in August, 1985, a conflict had arisen with the producer's gas lines. He also noted that the Council had directed the staff to build the project with Alternate I., at an estimated cost of $70,000.00. He stated that the consultant had not taken into consideration some minor changes in the bridge, on which the cost factor had been higher than anticipated. He noted the net change for the change order is $111,841.83. Councilman Brown asked if everything has been paid up-to-date and Mr. Pullen replied affirmatively. Councilman McIlhaney asked if this change order will keep the project within the budget. Mr. Pullen confirmed that it will and stated that the total estimate for this project will bring it to $1,152,000.00. Councilman Tongco stated that the project needs to be completed, and moved approval of the change order #1 to Green's Prairie Road. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of the Branch Library Location Larry Ringer, Chairman of the Library Committee, was present to answer questions. Councilman Tongco asked if the facility would house the library and arts council. Mr. Ringer stated that the Arts Council has expressed an interest in sharing a facility with the library and would like to see action taken as soon as possible. Councilman Tongco asked if the vote from the Library Committee unanimously decided to try to locate a temporary facility. Mr. Ringer replied there was no objection from the Committee that the temporary facility be located at the Southwood Athletic Park. Councilman Tongco also asked if a decision regarding a permanent facility had been made. Mr. Ringer replied there has been discussion about land to be donated to the Arts Council in Southwood Valley near the Athletic Park, and also there have been other locations considered. Councilman Brown asked what costs would be incurred if a temporary building were to be moved. Mr. Ringer noted the building in Bryan previously discussed at a council meeting would cost around $30,000.00. He stated a temporary structure could be built at approximately $40.00-$45.00 per sq. ft. Councilman Boughton stated that a temporary facility could be a nice structure and not look like a steel building. Jim Reynolds, representing the Brazos Valley Arts Council, addresed the Council. He pointed out the Arts Council has been involved in a long range planning process and the Arts Council CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 3 has investigated an appropriate location for the Arts Council which in turn is being sought by the Library Committee. He stated the Arts Council has many major fund raisers available. Mr. Reynolds stated the Arts Council has made approaches for donations of land and will later begin raising money for the building. Jerry Cooper, 602 Bell, stated his main interest is the library location and he feels the library should be centrally located near the A&M campus instead of the south side of College Station. He pointed out that the city should proceed with a permanent library facility and the Council should delegate to the staff the responsibility to find a facility. Mayor Halter stated he will put the library location recom- mendations on the agenda for the next council meeting and the Council should be able to reach a conclusion at that time. Councilman Bond stated his positive thoughts about the discussions he has heard at this meeting; he stated that the Council should not act prematurely in deciding on a location. Councilman Brown commented he would like to see something resolved as soon as possible and the council should decide what course of action to take. Mayor Halter stated the Council should have an answer for the library committee in two weeks or earlier. Mayor Halter thanked all members of the Library Committee and Brazos Valley Arts Council who were present. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of a request to incorporate two variances into the Proposed Final Draft of the Gradinq and Soil Erosion Control Ordinance Steve Esmond, Chairman of the College Station Drainage Committee, presented this item. He stated two variances were added to the proposed ordinance in Section 13, Items C and D. Item C relates to developments less than one half (1/2) acre in size proposing to cover less than 40% of the site with impervious materials; Item D, to properties within subdivisions already having an approved erosion control plan, provided that the proposed development will conform to the existing plan. Councilman Boughton moved approval of incorporating the two variances into the draft of the Grading and Soil Erosion Control Ordinance. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion. Danny Boriski, representing the B/CS Homebuilder's Association, stated that he is in agreement with the addition of the two variances. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 4 The motion to include the two variances as presented was approved by a vote of 6-1, as follows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilman Boughton, Runnels, Brown, Tongco, McIlhaney AGAINST: Councilman Bond Councilman McIlhaney thanked everyone for their time and input at the Drainage Committee Meetings. Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of hotel-motel tax fund. Councilman McIlhaney stated she felt the hotel-motel tax should be used for programs to encourage the tourism business in this area. She encouraged the Council to discuss what type of programs would bring more tourism. She also encouraged input from tb~ Allen Hanson, VP of B/CS Chamber of Commerce, thanked the city for the funding of the tourist bureau. He stated that there is a high availability of hotel space in the area. He mentioned various statistics from 1985 records which included a 42% occupancy rate. He stated the occupancy rate goal for 1986 is 20,000 in B/CS and the economic impact for one night's stay is $75.00 per night. He concluded by saying he hoped the bureau would continue receiving support from the City. Jim Reynolds, representing the Brazos Valley Arts Council, addressed the Council. He stated that a major source of income for the Arts Council has been state funds and these funds have decreased considerably. He noted the Arts Council will need to ask for greater levels of funding from local governments. Another point he made was that both communities have reached a turning point regarding the Arts and he feels the Arts Council may receive 100% increase in requests from the arts organizations for the year and this may increase the budget funding requests. He concluded by saying the Arts Council is bringing people into the comunity from surrounding towns and having an impact on the businesses and hotels in B/CS. Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated the athletic events bring many people and money into the community. He also stated that they work closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Arts Council. He predicted that the Texas Games in 1988 will bring into the co~m~unity 10,000 people and asked council to keep this organization in mind when distributing monies from hotel-motel funds. Mayor Halter stated there are two questions concerning the hotel-motel tax fund. First, does the council want to change the CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 5 tax rate to 5% or leave the rate at 6%. Second, what are the council's funding priorities. He commented that he cannot see lowering the rate to 5%. He stated that his funding priorities are the Arts Council, the Chamber of Commerce, the Parks Program, the Community Center, and the Community Debt Service. The Council concurred that the rate should stay at 6%. The City Attorney was directed to determine what public notice was needed before a new Ordinance was approved. The Council discussed which organizations needed funding priority. Councilman Runnels stated that he felt the Arts Council and Artists in Residence should receive attention and be funded the maximum amount possible. Councilman McIlhaney asked if funding for the Sesquicentennial has been in three phases and if this is the final phase. Mayor Halter replied yes. Councilman Bond commented that the Parks Department and their program is progressing with a large amount of success. Mayor Halter suggested that funding for additional programs next year should be considered if the program generates tourism. Councilman Boughton noted that the Athletic Federation's original funding request included the understanding that they would not return for additional funding. Mayor Halter noted that he will place two items on the March 13, 1986 agenda: The hotel-motel tax consideration and the branch library location. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. APPROVE D: // / ATTEST: D~an Jones/~t~y' Secretary GUEST REGISTER Workshop City Council ~eeting Wednesday, February 2~, 1986 5=00 P.M. 1. ~ 17. 2, ~%~V 18. 3. 19. 4. 20. 5. 21. 6. 22. 7. 23. 10. 26. 12. 28. 13. 29. 14. 30. 15. 31. 16. 32. 08-5556