HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1986 - Joint Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1986 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Haddox, Tongco, Jones & Boughton PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Kaiser, Members Dresser, Brochu, Sawtelle, MacGilvray, Wendler and Stewart CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Cole, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Director of Planning Mayo, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Assistant Zoning Official Johnson, Planning Analyst Longley and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM NO. 1. Discussion of Goals and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, Mayor Ringer opened the informal joint workshop/meeting, then turned the meeting over to Director of Planning Mayo who explained that although less than the recommended 5 years before updating have passed since the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1983, conditions have changed within the City enough during the past 3 years to cause staff to request direction from the Council regarding future land use and development. He pointed out that a number of goals and objectives are so vague and general that it has become difficult to measure the City's progress, adding that since development policies and land use plans are results of the goals and objectives, the impact of the goals and objectives is great, and staff is of the opinion that perhaps some should be clarified, some changed, and perhaps even some should be deleted. Mr. Mayo then went on to explain that staff specifically requests guidance in the following areas: City Size, Economic Development, Land Use, Transportation and Environment. He began by explaining that the word "character" needs to be more clearly defined. Mr. MacOilvray mentioned the words "regulate growth" and referred to the positive and negative points exemplified in a recent newspaper article by Hugh Nations about growth vs. no growth. Mr. Haddox stated that growth for the sake of growth is not necessarily good, but he disagrees with the point in the article concerning growth being bad. He, too, referred to the words "regulate growth" and asked if that means to control growth, to keep up with growth, or what; then he offered his opinion that there is no way to stay the same, that either you go forward or you fall backward, and the key is to keep up with growth so the results will be that a community is developed that everybody can be proud of. He suggested that perhaps this could also be City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page z 005684 "character" - an attractive community with a healthy economic climate and adequate services and infrastrucure to accommodate the populace. He stated that he does not think that to "regulate growth" means having such strong regulations through ordinances that the city cannot grow. Mrs. Boughton suggested that perhaps the word "quality" should be included, that is to "regulate the quality of growth". Mr. Brochu said in his opinion, in this case, "regulating" means a steady, even, on-going growth, adding that in some cases policies have changed too quickly only to address temporary problems. Mr. Kaiser said that he believes that "character" or "ambiance" should be used rather than "regulate growth", adding that a decision should be made as to what the character of this community should be, that sound economy and steady development should play a greater part rather than to address an "optimum size"; that the community should be diversified, with sound businesses. He likened the goal to the statement "what am I going to be when I grow up", adding that should be what we are considering, that is, what will the city be like as it matures. Mr. Wendler agreed with Mr. Kaiser adding that many of the goals and objectives affect the character, i.e. the objective under Land Use to avoid strip commercial development has a tremendous impact on the community, and the city should come to some kind of conclusion as to whether it wants strip development or a central type city, and suggested perhaps all the goals and objectives should be considered before finalizing this particular goal. Mayor Ringer pointed out that this city still has a "university- related character" even though it is no longer a quiet, small college town. Mr. Stewart asked if we should be concerned with outsiders' perceptions of our city rather than our own. He believes the character should reflect how we feel about the town. Mr. Mac~ilvray said that perhaps "improving the quality" of growth should be the direction to take. Mr. Haddox pointed out that A&M will be a leader in attracting industry to the State of Texas, and as a result College Station will grow, and this growth will have an impact. Ms. Jones said that she believes the key word to be considered is "quality", and that she is convinced that if any business or industry wanting to locate here will be an asset to the community, she does not believe she could oppose it, and perhaps that is what she would consider "character". Mr. Haddox said that conceivably there will be things that happen which we will not all like which will come as a result of the ~overnor's direction to A&M to actively pursue location of industry in Texas. Mr. Kaiser said that perhaps staff could identify some common traits of the community; perhaps we should encourage high technology, discourage dirty industry, encourage medical/technological facilities; if we could come up with a list of ideas, perhaps then we could define the "character" we want to encourage. Mr. Mac~ilvray stated that he believes the goal as shown is really an objective. Mr. Dresser said that "character" City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page 2 00568.~ is what is done with other goal subjects, and that he has no problem with the goal as shown. Mr. Haddox suggested that the word "character" should be deleted and replaced with perhaps "high quality of life". Mr. Stewart said that he believes the goals and objectives should be more vague than specific. Mr. Mayo reminded everyone that various bodies have to look at things piece-by-piece, but we all need to be able to look at a goal or some kind of larger picture to see if each individual piece we are considering is moving toward the overall goal. Mr. Wendler again stated that perhaps this section should be considered last after all other goals are considered, as the character of the city is affected by all the other things listed. Mr. MacGilvray said that whether we refer to city size, city quality or city character, he perceives that all are agreed that "quality" and not size is the goal, adding that perhaps the goals need to be prioritized; that maybe economic development is more important; or perhaps environment is most important. Mr. Mayo replied that he sees no need to give up one for another, that this city is a regional educational center, that it is moving toward becoming a regional retail center, and perhaps even a regional medical center, and that population size should not be a concern. Mr. MacGilvray said that perhaps we should leave city size out. Mrs. Boughton agreed adding that quality is more important than size, and that she believes that we should try to diversify the tax base so the city is not just a bedroom community. Mrs. Sawtelle then asked if it is the consensus that "City Size" be changed to "City Quality". Mr. Haddox said that "size" should be deleted and "regulate growth" should be changed. Mrs. Sawtelle stated she agrees, and suggested that perhaps the goal should be to "maintain quality during growth". Mr. Mac~ilvray said perhaps the goal should be more specific. Mr. Dresser disagreed pointing out that we do not have the authority to preclude certain projects if they fit into our zoning regulations. He then asked if the rate of growth can really be regulated, or even if it should be regulated, adding that in his opinion it doesn't matter if it happens fast or slow. Mrs. Boughton disagreed, pointing out that utility availability will regulate growth to some degree. Mr. Dresser agreed, adding that where utilities are located also has some control, but he does not think we want to put a lid on growth. Mr. Mayo then attempted to summarize what had been said by paraphrasing that the consensus is that the city is not concerned with controlling the size or speed of growth, but rather how the city grows. Mr. Mayo then went on to the area of Economic Development, asking how much commercial development is needed to "adequately" serve the needs, and specifically how much is needed and what should the city do to encourage commercial development. He added that there is already a large amount of commercially zoned land which is vacant, and we are continuing to have requests to rezone land to commercial. Mr. Haddox stated that a location which hopefully City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page 3 005686 will encourage business should determine site selection, and we are now seeing zoning speculation by landowners to enable them to sell their land. Mayor Ringer asked if we could implement rezoning which would revert back to the previous zoning district if development does not take place within a certain time period. City Attorney Locke stated emphatically that the basis of rezoning land should be changed conditions, and a re-evaluation of conditions can be made, but a time limit for rezoning a certain piece of land should not be used. Mr. Kaiser referred to page 108 of the Comprehensive Plan which refers to percent of employment by various types of industry in the city, and asked what type of industry should be encouraged and what type should be discouraged. Mr. Haddox stated that the city seems to be interested in promoting "clean" industry, that is, non-smokestack type industry, but specific industries have not been addressed. He went on to say that high tech industry is what everybody seems to want, but he pointed out that another type of manufacturer which is a non-smokestack type should be considered as well. Mrs. Tongco agreed that would be very important. Mr. Brown added that diversification of business/industry in College Station is very important to the university. Mr. Kaiser stated that he thinks that the Industrial Foundation should have some direction from the city as to what should be recruited. Mr. Haddox stated that he serves on that foundation, and that he believes the foundation has had direction from the council, but perhaps the members of the city as a whole are not aware of that. Mr. Kaiser stated that he for one was not aware that this had been clarified, adding that perhaps this direction the foundation has received should be incorporated into the comprehensive plan for the city. Mrs. Tongco suggested that since this city is rapidly becoming a convention center, perhaps that should be included as a focus. Mayor Ringer said that could be covered with the statement "encourage visitors". Mr. MacGilvray stated that because industrial, manufacturing and tourism growth in the area all go back to the University, he would like to see an increased relationship between the University and the City, and perhaps the best way would be to get a city representative included on the long-range planning committee of the University, so this relationship and information exchange could be developed in a formal way. Mr. Mayo then went on to the topic of Land Use pointing out that any future annexation should be looked at very carefully as this city already has extremely low density. Mr. Kaiser stated that he definitely thinks the southern portion of the city needs more study as it did not receive the individual scrutiny of other areas when the plan was being formulated. He suggested that perhaps zoning in that area should be done on a comprehensive basis rather than as has been done in the past, on an ad hoc basis, pointing out that the pattern being set is for strip commercial zoning/development in the southern portion of town. City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page 4 005687 Mrs. Tongco agreed, adding that she believes comprehensive zoning should be established now. Mr. Kaiser then asked if the city could combine energy conservation and land use through encouraging location of streets and lots with respect to solar energy at the time a developer begins to plat an area. Mr. Stewart stated that would be difficult to control, adding that the star system which recognizes special energy conservation features would be the best way to encourage that type of development, adding that he does not think control of orientation of streets is the way to go. Mr. Kaiser then asked what should be done with vacant, zoned land in the city, adding that the rezoning requests being received now seem to deal with land speculation rezoning rather than rezoning for building purposes. Re suggested perhaps a re-examination of existing zoning should be included in this study of the city. Mr. MacGilvray said that perhaps the dates of rezonings and any changing or changed conditions since that date should be studied, with perhaps city-initiated rezoning to follow. He pointed out there are ways to encourage the use of vacant land within the city through tax abatement districts, as well as other ways which have been used in other cities. Mayor Ringer stated that location of the extensions of infrastructure will help control where development takes place. Re then suggested that perhaps "discourage strip commercial" rather than "avoid strip commercial" would be a better phrase to use. Mr. Wendler suggested that perhaps a study of positive land uses connected with linear development should be made, since the configuration of the city limits would seem to promote linear development. Mr. Dresser stated that minimum parcel size can help control the impact of strip commercial development. Mr. Wendler then stated that he would hope that pedestrian areas within commercial development could also be encouraged. Mr. Mayo then skipped over to Transportation goals and objectives, informing the audience that the planning staff has suggested that the objectives referring to a mass transit system and to relocating the railroad both be deleted as goals. Mayor Ringer said he has concern regarding the lack of pedestrian and bike ways and the fact that only streets are available for those uses. Mr. Kaiser asked if there is a citywide Bike and Pedestrian Plan. He then continued by suggesting that the city's amenities include drainage courses which could be developed into bike/h/king plans, finishing the suggestion with a plea to please not remove the trees along these ways and pave the way other cities have done. Mr. MacGilvray agreed with the plea that this should in all cases be avoided if possible. Mr. Kaiser then said that he would work with staff to develop some kind of recommendation concerning this which would perhaps include the Parks and Recreation Department. City Manager Cole asked if there are any federal funds available for this use and Mr. Mayo replied that he thought those funds had been cut, but that he would check into any possible sources. Mayor Ringer said he would hate to see the objective regarding City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page 5 005688 developing a mass transit system dropped as he is of the opinion that some type of public transportation is sorely needed in this community. Mr. MacGilvray concurred and then discussed how he thinks the Austin transit system works. Mr. Mayo then addressed the objectives under the Environment goal, indicating that staff would propose to change the objective "enforce the sign control ordinance and bring existing signs into compliance with the ordinance" because the current sign ordinance does not force compliance of existing signs. Mr. MacGilvray asked if the city should be more aggressive in controlling junk cars, unkept, weedy vacant lots, etc. Mr. Dresser asked if there is an ordinance controlling unmowed and/or trashy lots. Mayor Ringer replied that there is an ordinance, but re-action rather than action seems to be the policy. Mrs. Tongco suggested that perhaps the Community Appearance Committee might be able to help in this area. Mr. MacSilvray asked if there is an ordinance to address demolition or upgrading of unsafe structures. Mr. Kaiser asked if perhaps tax increment financing would be the way to address upgrading of the Northgate area. Mr. Mayo suggested a change or deletion of the objective under the Special Problems goal since the Northgate Commercial area has been addressed in a separate section of the zoning ordinance, and he would doubt that anything further would be done in that area in the near future. Mayor Ringer then asked Mr. Mayo if he had received enough input to put together a revision of the goals and objectives, at least in the 5 areas covered during this discussion and Mr. Mayo replied that he thought staff could come up with an acceptable list to present to Council at a later date. Mayor Ringer then asked if there was further discussion to be heardi there was none, so the mayor then adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:00 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: Jones City Council Minutes 5-29-86 Page 6 00'5689