HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1988 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Gardner, Birdwell, Schneider, McIlhaney, Haddox COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Public Utilities, Community Development Director Fette, Public Information Officer Calliham, Electrical Superinten- dent Havens, Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Finance Director Harrison, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Mayor Ringer announced that Item No. 23 has been withdrawn from the agenda. Aqenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation desiqnating May 23-30, 1988 as "Texas Buckle Up Week". Mrs. Anita Pitt of the Brazos Valley Development Council came forward to accept the proclamation. A~enda Item No. 2 - Approval of the minutes of the City Council Workshop Meeting May 11, 1988 and the Regular Meeting, May 12, 1988. Councilman Gardner changed the last word in the fourth paragraph on page two of the regular meeting minutes from "obtain" to "have". Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the minutes as corrected. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0-1, Councilman Birdwell abstaining. A~enda Item No. 3 - A public hearing on the question of rezoninq Lot 1, Timber Ridge Third Installment from C-N to C-3. Applicant Municipal Development Group. (88-105). Planning Director Callaway explained the request and located the subject lot. He continued his explanation by stating that the land use plan reflects this area as high density residential. '06675 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 2 He stated that the C-3 zoning district is not a substantial change in zoning intensity. The existing district was designed to pro- vide convenience of service goods in residential areas. The C-3 zoning district was intended to provide commercial sites that were suitable for the C-1 zone, but were not suitable for some of the C-1 uses with respect to the size of the properties. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this request. He pointed out that two letters of opposition have been received which are included in the packet. Councilman Gardner pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed changing the goals and objectives by adding the protection of apartment areas. Mr. Callaway concurred. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. Larry Wells of 2905 Pierre, representing the applicant Municipal Development Group and the owner, Texas Commerce Bank came forward to explain that the applicant had originally made this request due to a contract pending with a convenience store. He stated that one problem which exists is the size of the con- venience store which is 3100 square feet, C-N zone only allows for 2500 square feet. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Wells if the owner would be more comfortable if the zoning ordinance was change to state that the square footage be limited to 3200 sq. ft. rather than 2500 sq. ft. He added that the ordinance allows the zoning district to have a 10,000 sq. ft. structure, but only allows 2500 sq. ft. for each store. Mr. Charles Laningham, owner of the adjacent apartment complex, Sausalito Apartments, came forward to speak in opposition of the zoning change. He stated that the owners were not made aware of the zoning change until two weeks ago. He noted his objections to lowering the classification to C-3 zoning as follows: 1) a zoning change is permanent, the proposed user could fail and an incom- patible future user may accommodate the property; 2) the staff could possibly evaluate the zoning of the entire Harvey Road Corridor to determine if C-N classification is appropriate for future development as opposed to piecemeal evaluation. 06676 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 3 Mr. Wells emphasized that the owner is concerned about the protection of the property value. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of an ordinance rezonin~ Lot 1, Timber Ridge Third Installment, from C-N to C-3. Councilman Brown pointed out that he could not support a zone change, but he could support raising the square footage to 3200 feet. Mr. Callaway clarified that a 10,000 sq. ft. building can be built in a C-N zoning district, but there are limitations on the indi- viduals users within the building. Sign regulations in a C-N zoning district does not allow freestanding or detached signs, C-3 zoning district does allow this feature. Councilman Birdwell moved to direct the Planning and Zoning Com- mission and staff to look at modifying the ordinance affecting C-N zone and consider revision of size limitations on the square footage for individual tenants. Councilman Brown seconded the motion. Councilman Gardner expressed his concern in changing the ordinance to accommodate one use. He pointed out that the ordinance should continue to be in conformance with the land use plan. Councilman Haddox remarked that he is in favor of the motion because the square footage which was originally set may not be adequate for the type of development built today. He added that he would like to see an increase in the square footage if the Planning and Zoning Commission agrees. Councilman Schneider asked if studies have been made to support a higher square footage. Mr. Callaway replied that he cannot specifically state how the square footage was determined. The motion to direct Planning and Zoning Commission to study the ordinance passed by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. Councilman McIlhaney moved to deny the ordinance rezoning Lot 1, Timber Ridge Third Installment from C-N to C-3. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. 06677 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 5 - A public hearinq on the question of an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission denial of a conditional use permit for parking lot expansion at the Alders~ate Methodist Church located at 6501 E. Bypass. Zoning Official Kee introduced this item. She noted that the Aldersgate Methodist Church built a temporary parking lot adjacent to the existing church building. She described the subject tract currently zoned R-1. The church received a permit from the Highway Department which provided access to this parking lot, but they were not aware that they should receive permission by the City. She further explained that the Planning Staff received direction from the Planning and Zoning Commission to contact the church to inform them of what they needed to do. The Project Review Committee reviewed the site plan and found they could not approve the site plan as proposed for several reasons: 1) islands, curbing and marking of parking spaces were not shown; 2) no landscaping was proposed; and, 3) the surface existing is a crushed limestone surface. The Planning and Zoning Commission denied the conditional use permit by a vote of 4-1. Thus, the Church appealed the permit to the Council. She explained that the Council has three directions in which to take relative to a use permit. One, overturn the decision in its entirety; secondly, uphold the decision; or thirdly, remand the case back to the Commission. Councilman Brown asked what is the difference between this lot and the parking lot at Lick Creek Park. Ms. Kee replied that in terms of the surface, there is not much difference. Councilman McIlhaney asked if there is a time limit which can be put on a conditional use permit. Ms. Kee replied affirmatively, if the Council chooses to consider a specific point, the Ordinance reads that the Council could remand the case back to the Commis- sion for their consideration of this specific point. Mr. Bobby Hubley of 411 Pease in Bryan, Church Business Administrator of Aldersgate Methodist Church, came forward to speak in favor of this request. He referred to the materials in the Council packet. He pointed out that the church leadership at this time cannot raise and spend $100,000 for a parking lot that would be used for only a few hours a week when there are other desperate needs in our community. He requested that the City Council grant the Church's appeal until such time the new ordinances are developed and approved by the City. 06678 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 5 Councilman Haddox commented that this is a "tough" situation, yet the church should abide by the City ordinances within some reasonable period of time. Mr. Hubley remarked that he will be happy to work with the staff in securing a better parking lot in which the city would approve. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission denial of a conditional use permit for parking lot expansion at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Councilman Brown moved to remand this issue back to the Planning and Zoning Commission and ask the Commission to give Aldersgate Church a time period for the use permit and other items of con- sideration such as landscaping, etc. to bring the parking lot in compliance with the City Code. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Gardner moved to ask the P&Z to look at possibilities of developing specific standards for temporary parking. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of rescinding Ordinance No. 1252 and Resolution No. 2-12-81-8 relative to Child Care/Development Facilities Permits. Zoning Official Kee described this item. She pointed out that this permit is administered from the Planning Division and is simply a checklist of items already covered by the Texas Dept. of Human Resources and County Health Dept. through their registration processes. She stated that the Planning staff feels it is diffi- cult to justify the needs for the City to issue permits because of the redundancy of the requirements with State and County require- ments. Furthermore, the city governs the use and the location of the child care properties through the conditional use permit process. '06679 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 6 Councilman Birdwell moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for the Mayor's signature which will rescind Ordi- nance No. 1252 and Resolution No. 2-12-81-8. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Section 5, Subsections F(2) and F(3) of the Code pertaining to the assessment of property owners for the construction/reconstruc- tion of streets upon petition. City Attorney Locke explained that the proposed ordinance gives the Council an opportunity to establish a maximum assessment on a petition paving. Also, the ordinance clarifies that all assess- ments begin from the time of completion of the street. It also states a clearer definition of the practice of the city in deter- mining the paving costs, 1/3 of the paving costs will be paid by the City and 2/3 paving costs will be paid by the abutting property owners. Councilman Birdwell asked if the city has ever allowed a payment schedule. City Attorney Locke replied that she does not recall any project where there was a payment schedule strictly enforced. Councilman Birdwell stated that if a payment schedule was en- forced, this action may enhance the ability to receive other petitions for streets throughout the city which need major repairs. Councilman Haddox commented that there may be persons who would not be able to pay. Mr. Ragland clarified that the payment schedule could be placed in the assessment ordinance giving the city the flexibility without amending this ordinance to change the scheduling of payments. Mr. Ragland added that the assessing ordinance provides for any length of time to pay the money back and a percentage rate. Councilman Haddox moved to approve Ordinance No. 1749. McIlhaney seconded the motion. Councilman Councilman Birdwell moved to amend Ordinance 1749 to add the phrase to Section F(2); "Upon application by landowners, the assessment may be paid in five (5) equal annual installments with interest at the highest rate allowed by law. Mayor Ringer reiterated that this statement "ties" the city's hands in any assessment ordinance as opposed to allowing the various assessing ordinances to changing the time period. 06680 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 7 Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6-1, Mayor Ringer voting against. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1749 as amended carried unan- imously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 9 - Consideration of an ordinance closin~ the public hearing and determinin~ the necessity for making paving improvements on Fidelity Street between Hi~hland and Montclair streets. City Engineer Pullen stated that a petition was received by the Engineering office to pave Fidelity Street. A public hearing was held at the last regular council meeting. The preliminary costs estimate for the project is $37,117.28. Staff proposes that funding for this project be funded out of the Public Services Department Street Maintenance operating budget. In relation to the costs paid by each property owner, the amount assessed would be $33.33 per linear foot as described in Alternate B or 2/3 costs paid by the property owners. Mr. Pullen described Alternate A and Alternate C. Mr. Pullen noted the figures assessed to each property owner for the project including Fairview, estimated at $110,000. Mr. Pullen pointed out that the property owners were given the $19.97 per linear foot figure when they were notified of the estimate on the project. Mark Coppock of 301 Fidelity came forward to address the Council. He stated that a total of fifteen property owners of the four blocks have signed the petition. He mentioned that indication was given to the petitioners that the $19.97 per linear foot was a preliminary estimate. He stated concern that if the amount changes to a higher assessment figure such as $30 or $40, it is a possibility that some of the property owners may withdraw their name from the petition. Ms. Janna Keel of 600 Montclair addressed the Council. She stated that she could not afford an amount higher than $20.00 per linear foot. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she has no problem with approving the $19.97 assessment because this is the way the ordinance was interpreted; 1/3 costs to the property owners, and 2/3 costs to the City. The property owners were led to believe this figure when the original estimates were presented to them. Councilman Haddox concurred. 06681 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 8 Mr. Ragland clarified that the actual costs will not be set until the project is complete. Mr. David Burdick of 302 Fidelity Street addressed the Council. He reviewed the process which has taken place in considering this item. He stated that if the cost per linear foot goes beyond $20.00 he will remove his name from the petition. He stated that the petitioners were led to believe from certain facts stated from councilmembers at an earlier council meeting in May that this figure would be the same for all four blocks in the Fidelity Street. Ms. Jody Trutman, 200 Block of Fidelity spoke to the Council. She stated that if the linear footage is raised from $20.00, she would remove her name from the petition. Mrs. Helen Pugh, 305 Fidelity, expressed her views to the Council. She requested that the Council honor the $19.97 price as stated. Mr. Doug Bailey, property owner at 200 Block of Fidelity addressed the Council. He requested that the council recommend paving the additional three blocks between from Fairview to Montclair. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1750 stating the modification that the paving project include Fidelity Street from Fairview to Montclair and assessment be based upon one-third (1/3) paving costs to the property owners, two-thirds (2/3) to the City. Mr. Pullen provided the maximum total cost assessable under the ordinance as $47,015.83. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 10 - Cons%deration of a request for transfer from the Utility Fund Contingency to purchase a Dipe pusher-puller for use by the Public Utilities Department. Electrical Superintendent Havens explained that this equipment will enable the City to minimize the landscaping damage while working on underground utilites. Also, this equipment will result in savings in labor and maintenance costs. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the request from the Utility Fund Contingency in the amount of $14,000 for the purchase of a pipe pusher-puller for use by the Public Utilities Department. *06682 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 9 Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of Rose Chemical Steerinq Committee's proposed bu~out and consent offers relating to the Missouri disposal site for PCB material. City Attorney Locke described this item. She stated that the Environmental Protection Agency found that the disposal site at Holden, Missouri was not found to meet EPA standards. The City of College Station has disposed of 6,875 pounds of waste at that site. The Rose Chemical Company filed bankruptcy due to the cleanup costs, but the bankruptcy court held that cleanup cost cannot be "evaded" through a bankruptcy filing; therefore, the City is responsible for its portion of the cleanup. A committee was formed by the generators involved and this committee hired Clean Sites, Inc. to coordinate the cleanup. Two options have been presented to the City: 1) buyout for $17,875.00; or 2) participate on a continuing basis for $10,518.75. The staff recommended the buyout option. Councilman Birdwell moved to approve the staff recommendation to enter into a buyout agreement with Rose Chemical Company for $17,875.00. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a resolution establishin~ the Bryan/Colle(~e Station Joint Relief Fundin~ Review Committee. Mayor Ringer explained that this committee will be appointed by the Bryan Council and College Station Council to review requests from agencies seeking funding from the two cities and making recommendations to both Councils for determination of those re- quests. Councilman Brown moved approval of Resolution No. 5-26-88-12 establishing the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Re- view Committee. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion. Mr. Ragland clarified that the intent of this committee's charge is to bring the Council a recommendation and provide the Council with all requests in a summary fashion. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 10 Councilman Gardner inquired about the use of Community Development Funds. Mayor Ringer explained that there are federal requirements which determine how these funds are allocated. The motion to approve the resolution carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner against. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 11, Subsection B(3) of the Tax Code, whereby Subsection B(3) is eliminated from the Tax Code. Ms. Locke stated that the Attorney General recently issued a ruling determining that the cities and counties who collect hotel/motel occupancy taxes do not have the authority to grant an "exception" for organizations whose purposes are religious, charitable or educational. The proposed ordinance will amend the city's current ordinance deleting Chapter 1, Section 11, Subsection B(3) of the Oode. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1751 deleting Subsection B(3) of Chapter 1 of the College Station Code of Ordi- nances. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 14 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Section 4, Chapter 4, of the Code relating to carnivals, circuses{ menageries, sideshows, and concesssions. Ms. Locke explained that this ordinance has been found to be ineffective. A committee was formed by the staff to put together an ordinance which addresses problems in regulating carnivals and circuses. An applicant would file an application with the Build- ing Department along with furnishing suitable evidence. Mr. Ragland explained several problems which have occurred with the review process. Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the ordinance as proposed. Councilman Brown seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the ordinance by deleting Section E(7), E(9), and F(1). Councilman Brown seconded the motion. "06684 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 11 Councilman Birdwell explained that he does not see a problem in allowing a carnival in an undeveloped R-1 zone as long as the car- nival is beyond 250 feet from a residential area. He also does not see why there should be a paved parking lot for temporary pur- poses. Mr. Ragland responded that the Fire Officials felt that a paved access is needed in order to provide emergency services. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the amendment by changing Section E(8) to read "five hundred feet (500') between enterprise and residential property. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. The motion to amend the ordinance by deleting Section E(7), E(9), F(1) and includes the modified Section E(8) carried by a vote of 6-1, Mayor Ringer against. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1752 carried by a vote of 6-1, Mayor Ringer voting against. Agenda Item No. 15 - Consideration of a resolution setting the fee for circus license aDDlications. Ms. Locke stated that the current fee is $10.00. The resolution proposes that an application fee be set by resolution and staff recommended that a fee be set at $50.00. Councilman Haddox moved to approve Resolution No. 5-26-88-15 setting an application fee of $100.00 for circus license permits. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 16 - Consideration of an ordinance revoking Section 15 of Chapter 4 of the Code pertaining to the sale of glue and spray Daint to minors. Ms. Locke stated that the legislature recently enacted a statute which now provides stricter criminal penalties. Staff felt the review was more appropriate through the statute. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1753 revoking Section 15 of Chapter 4 pertaining to the sale of glue and spray paint to minors. )6685 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 12 Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 17 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to siqn a cooperative aqreement between Brazos County and the City to enqaqe in a "Mobile DWI Videotapin~ Pro~ram. Brazos County Attorney Jim Kuboviak addressed the Council. He stated that the plan will be combined with the current Anti-DWI task force, by adding a videotaping activity which documents for the evidentary record on-sign video taping of persons apprehended for the crime of Driving While Intoxicated. An additional video tape machine was recently donated. No costs to be incurred by the City. Councilman Haddox moved approval of Resolution No. 5-26-88-17. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. ~enda Item No. 18 - Consideration of an ordinance ~rohibitin~ the sale and advertisement for sale of motor vehicles in the East~ate area. Mr. Callaway explained several problems associated with the parking of vehicles in the Eastgate area. He stated that the purpose of the ordinance is to prohibit individuals from parking vehicles for sale or advertisement for sale in this area. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1754. Schneider seconded the motion. Councilman Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the Ordinance by changing Section I, to read "twenty-four hours or more and visibly displaying any or all of the following...". Councilman Gardner seconded the motion. Further discussion was held to decide a timely manner in which a vehicle could be parked. Councilman Birdwell moved to table this ordinance and refer this item back to the staff for suggested ways to address the concerns raised by Council. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which was defeated by a vote of 2-5. Councilmen Birdwell and Gardner voting in favor of the motion. Councilmen McIlhaney, Haddox, Brown, Schneider, and Mayor Ringer voting against the motion. 06686 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 13 The motion to amend the ordinance by substituting the word "and" for "or" in the fifth line, Section I, was defeated by a vote of 3-5. Councilmen Birdwell, Gardner, Haddox voting for the motion. Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Haddox, Schneider, McIlhaney and Brown voting against the motion. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1754 as presented passed by a vote of 5-2, Councilman Birdwell and Haddox voting against. Agenda Item No. 19 - Consideration of an ordinance designating a public alley in the College Hills Estates Shoppin~ Village as a fire lane. Ms. Locke stated that staff received a request from a property owner in the Eastgate Shopping Center to have an alley behind the buildings designated as a fire lane. The Fire Chief inspected the property and has recommended approval. Funds are available in the Traffic Engineer's budget for marking a fire lane. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1755. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which was approved by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwell voting against. A~enda Item No. 20 - Consideration of an ordinance revokin~ Section 14, Chapter 4 of the Code pertainin~ to the purchase of used jewelry or precious metals. Ms. Locke explained that the statute provides that where there is an ordinance, the ordinance will control the purchase of used jewelry. Police Chief Strope recommended that regulation be placed under the statute. Councilman Haddox moved to approve Ordinance No. 1756 revoking Section 14, Chapter 4. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 21 - Consideration of an ordinance imposing a two percent gross receipts tax on the conduct of bingo ~ames. Assistant City Attorney Marianne Banks explained that bingo games was recently approved by the voters of College Station at the the May 7th city election. Under the Bingo Enabling Act, the city is authorized to impose a two percent gross receipts tax, since Brazos County has not legalized bingo. '06687 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 14 Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1757 imposing a two percent gross receipts tax on the conduct of bingo games within the city limits of College Station. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6-1, Counciman Gardner voting against. Councilman Gardner remarked that he does not feel this ordinance supplies enough justification to impose a tax. Agenda Item No. 22 - Second consideration of an ordinance amending the City's Franchise Agreement with Cooke Cablevision, Inc. Ms. Locke stated that this ordinance will amend the franchise allowing Cooke Cablevision to have a small package in the City of College Station including a NBC station, ABC station, CBS station, and a PBS station. Third reading of this ordinance will be held at the next regular council meeting. Agenda Item No. 23 - Consideration of a resolution to execute agreement with People's Mortgage and the CSISD for the purchase, development, and lease of DroDerty owned by People's Mortgate Company. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. Agenda Item No. 24 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 25 - Closed session to discuss legal report [6252-17(2)(r)] and personnel [6252-17(2)(g)]. The Council convened into closed session at 10:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 26 - Action on closed session. The council reconvened into open session and announced the following appointments. ' 6688 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 15 Councilman Haddox moved to appoint Cathy ~cke as City Attorney. Councilman Bi,well seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Gardner moved to appoint Phil Banks as City Judge. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. Councilman Brown moved to appoint Steve Smith as Assistant City Judge. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Kay Choate as Municipal Court Clerk. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Brown moved to appoint Dian Jones as City Secretary. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. Councilman Haddox moved to appoint Connie Hooks as Assistant City Secretary. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Haddox moved to appoint Fred Brown as Mayor Pro-tem. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimous- ly, 7-0. The following Council and Citizen appointments were made Citizen Committees: to Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Anne Hazen, Doug Marwitz, Don House, Dennis Rearden to serve as members of the "War on Drugs" Committee for the City of College Station. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Liaison, Lynn McIlhaney. Councilman Brown moved to appoint members to the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: Chairman Nancy Sawtelle, 5/90; Lynn Colson, 5/90; Steve Stewart, 5/90; Donna Davis, 5/90; and, Randy Michel to replace Walter Wendler, 5/89. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Brown moved to appoint members to the Parks and Recreation Board: Judith Arnold, 5/90; David Cooper, 5/90; Gary Briers, 5/90; and Pat Boughton, 5/90. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Liaison, Dick Haddox. )6689 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 16 Councilman Brown moved to appoint the following members to the Zoning Board of Adjustments: David Ruesink, Chairman, 5/90; Robert Gilmore, 5/90; Brett Henry, 5/90; Jeff Garrett, Alternate 5/90. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Liaison, Dick Birdwell. Councilman Brown moved to appoint three of the following members to the Joint Relief Committee. Malcolm Richards, Diane Chester, Gayle Schmidt, Roy Hann, Kay Rice, Taylor Riedel, and Jane Sielken. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. These members will be called in order until three persons accept the positions. Agenda Item No. 27 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 11:46 p.m. ATTEST: .' Jones Cit~ ~eta~ian APPROVE D: , 06690 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 7:00 P. M. o 8. 20. ~- 21. 10. 22. 11. 12. 0067