HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Boughton, McIlhaney, Gardner COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Haddox STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Community Development Director Fette, Police Chief Strope, Lieutenant Bernie Kapella, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, Utilities Office Manager Albright, Software Development Manager Earwood, Personnel Director Dickson, Planning Director Callaway, Finance Director Harrison, Public Utilities Director Woody, Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Cisneros, Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Kevin Buchman VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman McIlhaney reported that she received a letter from the Brazos Valley Arts Council asking clarification of the change of fiscal year and the effects it may have on their operation. Mr. Ragland responded that a letter will be mailed to each agency explaining the procedure used during this budget process. Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland stated that the Brazos Valley Contract Procurement Office will be holding a workshop session for municipalities on April 6, at the Brazos Center. This workshop session will pro- vide the business community an opportunity to meet purchasing agents from Brazos Valley cities and hopefully acquire a more competitive atmosphere from local merchants. Mr. Ragland reported that the Municipal Night Court schedule has received favorable reports from the citizens and staff. He pointed out that this new schedule has helped reduce overtime costs by 40 percent, and has allowed parents who work all day to attend with their children. 06604 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of sponsor frames for 1988 Pepsi Games of Texas event sponsors. Mayor Ringer presented sponsor frames and a poster of the 1988 Pepsi Games to: Hilton Hotel, gold sponsor; Hampton Inn, silver sponsor; and Manor House Inn, bronze sponsor and K-Bob's, bronze sponsor. Mayor Ringer expressed appreciation for each organiza- tion's support. Fred Brown Mazda BMW also received a sponsor frame at the Bryan Council Meeting held earlier. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion and recommendation to purchase Micro computer hardware and software. Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka introduced this item. She explained that the staff is recommending the office automation portion of the MIS Plan calling for the purchasing and standard- izing of Micro computer hardware and software. The new office automation consisting of word processing, spread sheet, and small data base will replace the city's current 20-30 Osbornes, which uses obsolete technology. She noted that the city mailed 43 requests and received 22 responses. Mr. Collins of A&FCS explained the procedure used in selecting a vendor. An extensive RFP was prepared and 43 requests were mailed. Twenty-two responses were received and the list was narrowed down to three finalists. The three companies were visited by the staff and reference checks were made. The committee selected a primary vendor, Computer Access and a secondary vendor, E & L Computers, both of College Station. Councilman Brown arrived at the meeting. Mr. Collins noted that in the contract of Computer Access, if the city decided that something is urgently needed, a purchase order can be given to the vendor and delivery expected within seven days, a five percent discount is given to the vendor. In return, if an order is not a rush item and not delivered within thirty days, there is a five percent penalty charged to the vendor. The contracts have been reviewed by the City Attorney and financing for this project is through the end of this fiscal year, Sept. 30. At that time, the city staff should have the expertise to apply similar procedures in the future. Ms. Piwonka added that the necessary funding is approximately $155,000 to purchase Micro Computers ending September 30, 1988. 06605 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 3 Councilman Brown remarked that it is a good feeling to know that the top three bids were local vendors. Councilman Gardner commented that the vendor responses is a high number per capita. Mr. Collins replied affirmatively. Mayor Ringer concurred with Councilman Brown's comment about the local bids received. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of a proposal to participate with the City of Bryan in funding a community-wide market analysis to identify undersupplied and oversupplied business types in the community. Community Development Director Fette presented this item. He stated that in July, 1987 the community development division allocated $10,000 CD funds for an Economic Development study. The objective of this study was to identify the most appropriate types of businesses to attract into this community. He noted that the City of Bryan received notice that their application to participate in a HUD Small Business Development System program was approved and the City of Bryan recently signed a contract initiating this program. The total costs of the five part program is $120,000 of which HUD will pay $60,000 and the City of Bryan will pay $60,000. He noted that Texas A&M University is said to be contributing $15,000. He stated that the information that this study is intended to yield is the same information the City had hoped for in our Economic Development Study. Mr. Fette noted that the study area will be comprised of the Bryan/College Station area. He recommended that it would be reasonable to contribute $10,000 to the City of Bryan for this study. Councilman Gardner questioned if the city's initial economic development study was geared toward small business. Mr. Fette responded that the study was intended to attract the most ap- propriate types of businesses or industries to our community. Councilman Gardner asked if the City of Bryan would consider our city in the study if we do not contribute funds. Mr. Fette replied that automatically the study area would be comprised of all the Bryan/College Station area. Mr. Fette added that con- tributing $10,000 would show the City of Bryan a spirit of cooperation. 06606 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 4 Mr. Fette pointed out that if the City decides to participate in this program, we would receive a thorough, valuable study for a modest and reasonable cost. Mr. Ragland pointed out that sixteen cities applied for this program and only four were selected. Mayor Ringer noted that it is a chance for us to work with the City of Bryan in this effort. Mayor Ringer asked Mr. Fette if he was sure there was not a problem in studying College Station with no additional cost added to the study. Mr. Fette replied that the firm conducting this study reassured him that it included this city without additional expense. Councilman Brown was given the opportunity to report his Council Concern. He stated that he just returned from a funeral which two days ago, an 18 year old boy took his life. He stated that the young man's family expressed the need for a teen hotline. He suggested that the Council take the leadership role in starting a teen hotline in the City. He stated that we should try hard to see that something like this not happen again. Mayor Ringer concurred and noted that recently the Police Department requested that a task force committee be established to study the problems of drug and substance abuse. He added that he will expand the charge of this committee to establish a teen hotline. AHenda Item No. 6 - Presentation on HB 662 and 665 Trench Safety regulation on Capital Improvements Pro~ects. City Engineer Pullen presented this item. Mr. Pullen referred to the memorandum from Texas Municipal League and its interpretation of these laws. Mr. Pullen remarked that from 1980-1985 Texas led the nation in trench safety deaths. In 1987 these laws were approved by the legislature. These laws require that any trench excavation exceeding a depth of five feet within the municipality must be constructed under the rules and regulations of OSHA for adequate safety systems; and a pay item for these safety items must be included in detailed plans and specifications. He stated that the purpose of these laws is to reduce the amount of trench safety deaths. He explained methods to accommodate the degree of specificity required in the bid documents and contract. One method is to produce a site specific trench safety program for every project built. This method will increase the cost of engineering because of geotechnical work and also for liability assumed by the designing engineer. A second method of handling 06607 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 5 the contract is to insert the OSHA materials in the contract and adding the pay item to the contract. Another approach is to re- quire the contractor to submit a letter of intention to comply with OSHA standards in constructing the trench. Fourthly, is the inclusion of the OSHA regulations into the contract and requiring the contractor to submit a site specific trench excavation plan prior to the formal execution of the contract. He stated that TML has made recommendations as follows: 1) require the contractor to develop a safety system in the specifi- cations and a copy of the OSHA regulations be included. 2) The contractor must submit a site specific plan to comply with the OSHA rules; the contractor would need to conduct its own geo- technical work. 3) A separate pay item for the Trench Safety System and Trench Safety Program should be included in the bid specifications and in the contract. 4) The contractor should be required to provide daily inspections to ensure that the trench safety regulations are being met. 5) The bid specifications and the contract should state that the contractor is responsible for ensuring safety of those persons working in and around the trench. In addition, the contractor indemnifies the city for damages which may result. Mr. Pullen discussed the cost objectives of the project. The city's recommendation differs from TML in that the city should provide the geotechnical work. Councilman Brown asked what percentage of our trench systems requires OSHA requirements. Mr. Pullen replied sixty percent of all water and sewer systems. Mr. Pullen replied that the geo- technical services amount to .5%-1% of the total cost of the project. Councilman McIlhaney asked if we would have a method of approving what type procedures the contractor uses. Mr. Pullen replied that the contractor must submit a trench safety program which is reviewed by the Engineering staff. Agenda Item No. 7 - Presentation of three year plan and lon9 range goals of the College Station Police Department, and presen- tation of burglary prevention plan. Police Chief Strope presented this item. He stated the purpose of this presentation is to address concerns by the Council on burglary of habitations in College Station and the means by which this could be prevented. Councilman Brown commented that the new police cars are attractive. 06608 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 6 Chief Strope presented an overhead presentation. He stated that the Police Department is composed of 64 police personnel. He showed pictures of multi-family apartment units and the lighting surrounding these units. He pointed out two problem areas in College Station. 1) burglary of habitations; and 2), burglary of vehicles. Both types tend to center in areas which are housed by college students. He noted that the thief is usually unprofes- sional and he looks for opportunities to steal items, his motive is to exchange the property for cash. He presented several factors relating to burglaries. He stated that 25% of 482 burglaries were caused through unlocked doors and windows. Ap- proximately 50% of reported burglaries occurred during the day- time. He noted that the Police Department solves more than 20% of reported burglaries. He stated several cost effective ways to address this problem; neighborhood watch programs, education, awareness and citizen involvement. He noted that the Police Department will start a neighborhood watch program at the Polo Apartments. Chief Strope noted three problems related to burglaries. 1) in- adequate lighting; 2) inadequately installed security devices; 3) victim does not have identification (serial) numbers on personal property. Mayor Ringer asked if there are steady requests for neighborhood watch programs. Lt. Kapella stated that there are several re- quests which have recently been made. Chief Strope presented the council with the Police Department's three-year plan. An eleven member task force of Police Depart- ment employees was established to study many issues of the department. He stated that the most difficult task of the com- mittee was determining the functions of the department. He stated that the plan addresses cost, unity of command, account- ability, delegation of authority, and maintaining qualified em- ployees. He noted that there has been a high turnover rate during the past several years and the task force looked at many causes of this. The plan addresses ways to turn this status around. Councilman Gardner recognized the impressive effort in the way this plan was developed. Also, he was impressed by rewarding those with incentives who receive additional education. ' 06609 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1988 Page 7 Mayor Ringer noted that different parts of this plan will be presented to the Council during the budget process. Aqenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. APPROVE D: Ma ye r ~ , ]5&rr~ ~ ~n~g~r ~..~ ATTEST - Cfty S~ary, Dian Jones 06610