HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 3:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Gardner, McIlhaney, Haddox, Birdwell, Schneider STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Public Utilities Director Woody, City Engineer Pullen, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Finance Director Harrison, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox reported his concern about the numerous trees dying in the community. Mr. Haddox hoped staff could look into this problem to see if there is anything that may be done. Councilman McIlhaney asked if staff would contact the Highway Department to find out if they could put up signs or other safety measures during the construction of the Emerald Forest Parkway interchange. Councilman Schneider commented that the welcome sign facing traffic coming from the north should be improved. He also mentioned that the previous Sambo's building has deteriorated. Mayor Ringer remarked that the City Manager will give the Council a report on this situation. Mr. Schneider remarked that the City of College Station should do everything possible to encourage businesses to the community. Councilman Brown reported that the Brazos County Health Depart- ment has an unencumbered fund balance of $19,932.00. He stated that the County wishes to use these funds in remodeling the old Safeway building for occupancy. Mr. Birdwell asked for an explanation of the city's participation with the Health Department. Mayor Ringer stated that the City Health Officer, who is also the County Health Officer, is re- sponsible for all inspections in the City. Mayor Ringer mentioned that this issue can be discussed at a future meeting. "$6775 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 Page 2 Councilman Gardner stated his concern that the Community Develop- ment funds allocated for street construction could possibly be used in other areas that technically qualify. Mayor Ringer re- marked that the Council designates projects besides street con- struction which could be funded by these monies. Councilman Birdwell commented that there are streets not included on the list provided by CD Director Fette which qualify for these funds. Such as the old Jersey Street, and the low income area north of Southgate. Mayor Ringer reminded the Council that a special workshop meeting has been scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 4th to continue the discussion of the goals and objectives. Mayor Ringer reported that the Government Finance Officer's Assoc- iation has awarded the Finance Office a Certificate of Achieve- ment for Excellence in Financial Reporting for FY ending June 30, 1987. Mayor Ringer also mentioned that several citizens have contacted him regarding the possibility of a stop sign on Deacon at the intersection of Brothers. Councilman Haddox reported that he received a call regarding a freight truck parked at Lucinda Circle off Deacon Drive. Ms. McIlhaney stated that the staff had noted to her that there is no ordinance regulating truck parking in driveways. Mr. Ragland mentioned that the staff is currently addressing this problem. Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland passed to each councilmember a revised budget calendar. The Council concurred to hold a Budget/Finance Committee meeting at 3:00 D.m. on Thursday, August 4th. Also, the Council agreed to hold a special workshop meeting at 4:00 p.m. on August 4th. Mr. Ragland reported that a news release from the Comptroller of Public Accounts stated that payments to cities that collect local sales tax continued to show an increase this month, with July payments up 14.3 percent over those sent in July last year. College Station reported a 17.43 percent increase. Finance Director Harrison presented the Council with a brief overview of the quarterly financial report. He explained that property taxes for the City for the last twelve months were $3,861,990 compared to $3,841,985 last year. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 Page 3 Mr. Harrison explained that the sales tax revenue for 1988 of $3,388,517 are up 14.62 percent from last year, and above the fiscal year 1988 budget (12 months) of $2.9 million. He further explained that the 17.43 percent increase is due to tax collec- tions through the growth of businesses in the community and also because the state expanded the sales tax base as of 8-1-88. The general fund revenues for the twelve months ending June 30, 1988 were $13,498,300. The general fund expenditures were $12,570,900; leaving a positive cash flow of $927,400. At the end of year adjustments this number will decrease. The total utility revenues as of June 30, 1988 were $35,370,277. The expenditures were in excess of $34,000,000. The difference is roughly $900,000. Mr. Harrison pointed out that this amount will also decrease at the end of year closing adjustments. Mr. Harrison explained that the Sanitation Fund expenditures were in excess of revenues in the amount of $409,300. He noted that Council has hired a consultant to review the operations and finances of the Sanitation Fund. Results of that study will be used to formulate recommendations for next year's budget. The hotel/motel fund revenues have been $626,300 while expend- itures have been $708,900 during the current fiscal year. Mr. Harrison concluded by saying that the staff will return every three months to provide the Council with an overview of the finan- cial status of the City. Mr. Ragland reported that a building permit has been issued to remodel the old Sambo's restaurant on Texas Avenue to a new restaurant (Curls and Things). Mr. Ragland mentioned that Councilman Birdwell had inquired about the Council receiving a monthly operations report. Mr. Ragland prepared an outline to this request. He stated that the City does not currently have a report of this kind but one could be created. He added that divisional reports are prepared manually which can be made available for council's review in the Council Office. Mr. Ragland indicated that the staff intentions are to improve the timeliness of these reports through office automation. This will enable the staff to produce a more efficient and meaningful re- port. He also pointed out that the staff will continue to pre- sent quarterly reports, monthly sales tax reports, and building permit reports. ' ? 777 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 Page 4 Councilman Brown commented that he hopes the staff does not spend a large amount of their time producing such reports until the time comes when the office automation is complete. Mr. Birdwell added that the data he receives at this time is too much data, he would rather see data produced in a summary form. Mr. Ragland mentioned that Amtrak has met with the Vice President for Transportation at the Chamber of Commerce. As a result of this meeting, a letter has been sent to the cities of Bryan and College Station asking for their willingness to participate in the construction of a terminal. In addition, Mr. Ragland has asked the staff liaison to the relocation of the railroad, Mr. Jim Callaway, to work with Wilbur Smith & Associates to place in the impact study, a site location analysis for this terminal. Councilman Brown hopes that both cities will show great interest in obtaining Amtrak. Councilman Brown commented that possible parkland dedication funds may qualify to be used for this site if the station was placed in a park. Councilman McIlhaney commented that she received correspondence last week which stated that additional historical funds are being made available through a grant with low interest rates. Councilman Birdwell indicated that he has problems with support- ing Amtrak. Councilman Gardner added his concern that few people would utilize the station. Mayor Ringer summarized the Council's feelings by saying that the Council will continue to be involved but the Transportation Divi- sion of the Chamber should coordinate the efforts. Mr. Ragland presented a memorandum to the Council in response to Councilman Brown's question regarding voluntary sterilization. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Goals and Objectives of Mainte- nance of City Facilities and Equipment. (Council Issue #11). Facilities Maintenance Manager Charlie Shear presented this item. He began by stating that facility maintenance requirements have grown since 1980 with a building square footage of 79,571 to 196,171 square feet in 1987. However, maintenance staffing levels and budgets have not kept up with this pace. He recommended the following improvements be implemented through this plan: '"06778 ~ITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING ~EDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 Page 5 1) Centralize Facility Maintenance. 2) Implement a Preventative Maintenance Program. 3) Focus on Energy Savings. 4) Perform as Many Repairs "In-House" as Possible. 5) Request Funds to Take Care of Much Needed Repairs. 6) Implement a Janitorial Service Contract. He emphasized the benefits which the janitorial service contract would achieve: 1) Properly maintained facilities; 2) Reduce facility costs and repair costs, and 3) achieve property janitorial maintenance. Budget Director Schroeder pointed out that funding for this proposal will be brought back to the Council as part of the budget process. Councilman Birdwell asked if the requirement to hire a business who has 25 clients is essential. Mr. Shear replied that this number was derived by the current contractor's proposal who is employed by the Public Utilities Director. Mr. Shear stated that there is no problem in allowing entrepreneurs the opportunity to present a proposal. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Handbook. Personnel Director Dickson explained this item. She stated that Council received a draft of the Policies and Procedures Handbook and a cody of a memorandum describing the outline of changes made. She pointed out that the handbook has been separated into a Policies section and a Procedures section. The Policies section will be reviewed by the City Council if any changes are to be made. The Procedures section will be reviewed and approved by the City Manager. Councilman Haddox asked if a "mission" statement could be placed at the beginning of the handbook describing what the Council expects of the Employees. Mr. Ragland pointed out that a state- ment of this kind could be added. Ms. Dickson noted that the safety statement has been included in the handbook. Ms. Dickson described some of the major policy changes. :06779 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 Page 6 One of the changes stated that no employee shall accept any money, property, service or other thing of value which can be construed in any way an intent to influence the employee in the discharge of his duties. She pointed out that a new policy in the handbook is the extended sick leave policy. Ms. Dickson explained a change in the Disciplinary and Termination Procedures. Also, incorporated in the handbook is procedures for non-smoking and smoking personnel. Councilman Gardner commented on two issues. One, the first page refers to an "at-will" employer. He does not feel this is a good term. Councilman Birdwell responded to Mr. Gardner's concern by stating that if a personnel problem arises with an employee, the handbook could not be interpreted as a contract between the employer and employee. Ms. Dickson noted that the employees will be provided a copy of the handbook. Mr. Gardner stated that on page 11 of the Policy section, FLSA should be written out for clearer identification. Ms. Dickson replied that this abbreviation stands for Fair Labor Standards Act and will be clarified in the sentence. Mr. Gardner complimented the staff for their good work. As a member of the Personnel Committee, Councilman Schneider complimented the Personnel staff for their hard work. He added that he would like to see a preface statement placed at the be- ginning of each section, similar to the idea that Councilman Haddox had on the mission statement. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that he feels the safety statement as Droposed needs to be stronger. Ms. Dickson replied that staff will work on this matter. She also added that included in the handbook will be a glossary of terms and an index. Councilman Haddox indicated that he also endorses the enforcement of safety to all employees. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. The Council adjourned at 4:30 p.m. ATT ST APP'.~ Mayol S 780