HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Boughton, McIlhaney, Brown, Gardner, Haddox COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Ragland, Capital Improvements Director Ash, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Calliham, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Engineer Smith, Budget Director Schroeder, Finance Director Harrison, Community Development Director Fette, Community Center Supervisor Calbert, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Cisneros, Director of Parks and Recrea- tion Beachy, Aquatics Superintendent Szabuniewicz, Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Kevin Buchman VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Brown reported that he attended the Emerald Forest Neighborhood Board meeting and one concern of the members is that they still do not have park facilities. He asked the council- members to keep this issue in mind. Councilman Boughton complimented the staff for cleaning up the lot at the corner of Gilchrist and Foster. She mentioned that this is her last official meetings as a council member. She thanked the citizens of College Station for giving her the opportunity to serve on the City Council for ten years. Mayor Ringer added that the Council has appreciated Mrs. Boughton's efforts and friendship. Councilman Haddox stated that she has added a great amount of wisdom to the Council and she has been a tremendous asset to him. . 06640 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Page 2 Mayor Ringer mentioned that the City of College Station received the Institutional Award given by Brazos Beautiful for the landscaping and beautification of the Municipal Complex (Fire Station and City Hall). A trophy will be on display at City Hall. AHenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland noted that he met with the staff committee on Capital Improvements and a tentative agenda has been proposed. On May 16th, a noon meeting will be held with the CIP committee of the City Council to discuss the remaining bond funds for capital projects. Mayor Ringer suggested that staff proceed with this schedule. Mr. Ragland mentioned that Thomas Pool has been temporarily closed due to unsafe swimming conditions. The pool will reopen on May 7th. Mr. Ragland reported that the Water Resources Ad Hoc Committee of the Chamber of Commerce met and recommendations have been made to explore other water resources for our area. Funding for a study will be financed by the City of Bryan, City of College Station, and TAMU on a one-third each basis. He also mentioned that the Bryan City Council agreed to authorize the City Manager Ernie Clark to pursue the possibility of a joint landfill site study with the City of College Station. Discussion meetings will be held between the staff of both cities. If the two cities are interested in pursuing this idea, staff will come to the Council for formal approval. Councilman Gardner asked for the date when the cost of service study will be completed. Mr. Ragland replied that the staff will begin looking at the results of the study's findings with the Council the latter part of May. The council concurred that Mr. Ragland should continue working with Bryan City Manager Ernie Clark in preparing an RFP for a joint landfill study. A~enda Item No. 3 - Presentation of sponsor frames for 1988 Pepsi Games of Texas. Mayor Ringer presented a sponsor frame to Mr. Jim Pillan of Brazos Beverages, Inc. Lite Beer is the official sports sponsor for "06641 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Page 3 Women's Slow Pitch Softball. Mr. Beachy presented Mr. Pillan with a framed poster of the Pepsi Games. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion regarding street access location near the intersection of Live Oak and Texas Avenue prohibitinq access on Texas Avenue for a proposed restaurant. City Engineer Pullen explained this item. He referred to a graph- ic showing the location of the proposed restaurant at the inter- section of Live Oak and Texas Avenue, currently the Saber Inn. He stated that the current proposal is to level the existing building and sub-divide the property and build a fast food restaurant. He explained his reasons for denying approval of this street access as proposed. He pointed out that it will be safer and more con- venient for the users of this property if access is taken exclus- ively from Live Oak Street. Councilman Boughton asked if the users could utilize the 707 ac- cess to this property. Mr. Pullen replied that the only drive access he would approve is the drive toward the rear on Live Oak, 185' from its center to the edge of Texas Avenue; this location does not meet the full requirement of the policy; however, given the relative low volume of traffic on Live Oak, he would support a variance to the policy statement of 200' minimum. Councilman McIlhaney suggested that a drive access located further south from Live Oak may alleviate some of the traffic congestion. Mr. Pullen stated that this situation will create a problem for traffic turning left onto Live Oak and traffic turning out of Live Oak. The owner of the property, Mr. E.W. Schultz, came forward to present a brief presentation of the proposed project. He empha- sized that Mr. Pullen's concern is the safety for motorists exit- ing and entering the site. The applicants, Taco Cabana, have re- vised their plan to limit the entrances to one access from Texas Avenue. He pointed out that this tract of land, 707 Complex and Saber Inn complex has two different lenders. This creates a problem because neither one is willing to allow changes in the configuration of the property. He presented the Council with a colored drawing of this site. Councilman Haddox asked if the property is developable without a curb cut on Texas Avenue. Mr. Schultz replied negatively. 06642 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Page 4 Councilman Gardner agreed that the curb cuts should be reduced for safety reasons. Mayor Ringer noted that this item is on the Council agenda for consideration at the regular meeting, April 28th. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of fundinq an audio-visual history presentation "Golden Memories" commemorating the City's 50th anniversary. PARD Assistant Director Cisneros stated that the Community Center staff and Advisory Committee set two goals in celebration of the semi-centennial. The first phase was the "Golden Anniversary Ball" which was held on March 25, 1988. The second phase of the celebration is to develop an audio-visual history presentation for the schools and public use. Con~nunity Center Supervisor Gracie Calbert presented a slide presentation. She stated that Phase II will include a series of interviews by local media personalities with long-time residents on their memories and experiences of their past 50 years in College Station. Completion date of the audio-visual is scheduled for October 31, 1988. Net proceeds from the "Ball" were $3200. An estimated costs analysis indicates an additional $4500 is needed to complete this project. She stated that funds will be made available from the General Fund Contingency Funds upon ap- proval by Council. Mayor Ringer asked if the film would be available for purchase by the public. Ms. Calbert stated that this has been discussed and there is a possibility this can be done. A~enda Item No. 6 - Discussion of Bridge Participation Ordinance. Assistant City Engineer Mark Smith presented the item. He stated that the subdivision regulations establishes a mechanism for determining the amount that the City will contribute toward the construction of major drainage structures. He explained that the ordinance allows the City Council the option of participation or not if the City's participation is greater than 40%. A formula was designed and shall be calculated as 06643 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Page 5 follows: Amount of Design Flow (CFS) - 1500 10,000 Participation = Construction Costs x Councilman Gardner asked if there was involvement by the property owners along the extension of Holleman in bridge participation. Mr. Smith replied negatively. Mr. Gardner asked if the same procedure would be used when the bridge is built on the East Bypass at Appomatox. Mr. Smith replied that it would depend on the developer and the city would expect to see a single request for oversize participation. Discussion was held regarding the percentage of city participation in oversized bridge participation. Mr. Ragland suggested that the staff go back and re-evaluate this formula and come back to the Council with a different approach or set a limitation point. Councilman Haddox commented that he feels comfortable with the ordinance as written. Mayor Ringer pointed out that the formula would be more reasonable by changing the design flow as the denominator. This means that everything over 1500 would allow the city to share the costs with the developer rather than possibly paying the full amount. Councilman Boughton concurred. Mr. Allen Swoboda, a local developer, commented on this issue. He stated that the developer must know how much the city will participate before the lending institution will make a commit- ment. He suggested that when the flow rate becomes 10,000 the formula reverts to Runoff - 1500. Runoff The city's participation will never reach 100%. Mr. Swoboda clarified that the city's contribution would be a percentage based on the total construction costs. Mayor Ringer suggested that this item be removed from the agenda for the regular meeting. He also suggested that the CIP Committee of the Council meet with the staff. Mayor Ringer asked that this item be brought back to the Council on May 26th. A~enda Item No. 7 - Discussion of formation of a committee to review requests by public service agencies. Mayor Ringer explained this item. He stated that one of the council concerns is the handling of requests from outside agencies. After discussion with the City of Bryan officials, it '06644 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Page 6 is recommended that a seven member joint advisory committee be formed with the City of Bryan to hear these requests. Three members would be appointed by each of the two cities and the seventh member would be the executive director of Brazos County United Way (chairman and non-voting member). He stated that the City Council would play two roles. The Budget/Finance Committee would have to decide how much funds would be available; the ad- visory committee would hear the requests and make a recommendation to the Council. The Council would then make the final funding decision. Councilman McIlhaney supported this recommendation. She stated that this committee will have the time to investigate each funding agency and determine what each agency offers. Councilman Gardner asked if the staff put a lot of time into the process. Mr. Ragland responded that much staff time was involved; but it also puts the staff in a difficult position to decide what funds are to be allocated to each agency. Mr. Gardner stated that the formation of the committee is repetitious. Mrs. McIlhaney stated that the Council will have the opportunity to review the guidelines which this Committee will follow. Councilman Haddox stated that the committee will be charged with screening each agency and they will also gather information. Mayor Ringer mentioned that many of the same groups are going to both cities. Mayor Ringer directed Mr. Ragland to work with staff and Bryan City Manager Ernie Clark in compiling a set of guidelines for selection of members to this committee. Mayor Ringer added a Council Concern. He appointed Councilman Brown and Councilman McIlhaney (Chairman) to serve as members of the Task Force on Alcohol and Substance Abuse. Bryan Councilmen Ben Hardeman and Larry Catlin have also been appointed to serve. Agenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ATTEST: City 'S%~t~ty Dian Jones "06645 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 4:00 P.M. e 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. e 17. 18. e 19. 10. 20. 006646