HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Haddox, Gardner, McIlhaney, Schneider, Birdwell COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Ragland, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, City Secretary Jones, Director of Planning Calloway, Assistant City Engineer Smith, Public Information Officer Calliham, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, MIS Director Cowell, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Beachy, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. A~enda Item No. 1 - Presentation of sponsor frames for 1988 Pepsi Games of Texas. Mayor Ringer presented Ms. Sara Liedke of Post Oak Mall, a bronze sponsor plaque and Mr. Tony Cisneros presented her with a framed poster of the Pepsi Games. Mayor Ringer also presented Mr. Jeff Rungy of the Zephyr Club a silver sponsor plaque and framed poster for the 1988 Pepsi Games. Agenda Item No. 2 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox congratulated Mr. Elrey Ash, his son E.B. Ash, and other members of the Skeet Shooting team who received gold medals at the Pepsi Games the previous weekend. Councilman McIlhaney inquired about using Community Development Block Grant monies to bring some of the older streets to city standards. Councilman Brown reported that Mr. Mike Williamson of the local FBI office called him to offer their services for the "War on Drugs" committee. d06712 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 Page 2 Councilman Schneider commented that there are many areas through- out the city which could be beautified and kept clean nearly everyday. He also commented that citizens should be aware that they can participate in beautifying the city. Mayor Ringer announced that the Keep Texas Beautiful organization will hold a luncheon in which Brazos Beautiful will be honored. Also, he noted that Mr. Keith Langford and family donated a wood atlas stand and a Rand McNally atlas to the College Station library in memory of his parents, his father was former Mayor Ernest Langford. Agenda Item No. 3 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland passed to each councilmember a listing of the city council issues and the rank given to each during the council retreat. Each councilmember reviewed these issues and concurred that Issue No. 1 through 29 should be considered as the top prior- ity issues. Mr. Ragland noted that write-ups will be issued to all councilmembers. Personnel Director Dickson presented the council with a brief overview of the merit pay plan and explained the cost containment features of the insurance plan. She also explained increased benefits for medical and dental insurance. Mr. Ragland pointed out that the semi-annual performance evaluations have continued throughout the year despite the fact that no merit increases were given last year. He added that the directors have shown a posi- tive feedback in regards to the effectiveness of the merit pay plan and the performance review system. Ms. Dickson continued to explain that on August 1, 1988 the city will institute a drug and substance abuse health insurance policy. Also, dependent insurance coverage will increase to $78.00 per month. Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka introduced Mr. Charles Cowell as the new MIS Director. Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation of Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Master Plan. Mr. Tony Cisneros introduced this item. Councilman Haddox, Chair- man of the Steering Committee, made several remarks. He stated that the Parks and Recreation Board, the Planning and Zoning Com- mission, and the staff have approved the Wolf Pen Creek schematic plan. 006713 CITY COUNCIL $~ORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 Page 3 Mr. J.T. Dunkin, consultant for the project, addressed the Council. He stated that the council previously directed the city's consultants to work towards the completion of the master plan for the corridor. He presented the schematic master plan and requested council's endorsement of the schematic master plan for two reasons: 1) approval of this plan will allow the staff to continue to work with property owners and asking the property owners to make certain commitments if they are interested in dedi- cating their land. 2) approval of this plan will also allow the consultants to proceed ahead and put the plan in its final stage. Mr. Dunkin described in detail the schematic plan for the corri- dor. He remarked on a variety of factors which influence the de- velopment of the land. Councilman Haddox pointed out several features which could be ad- ded to the project; an amphitheatre, greenhouses, and the concept of a city center, including a library where water would run through the building flowing into the creek. He stated that coor- dination can take place between the private and public sector to make areas in the privately owned areas equally beautiful. Councilman Birdwell asked what type of banks will treat the creek. Mr. Dunkin replied that there will be flat slopes along the creek and possibly vertical slopes along the two major high- ways. Mr. Dunkin explained that the Texas Department of Parks and Wild- life issues grants up to a maximum of $750,000. Planned partici- pation from the local share should match this amount. He stated that the Steering Committee has been working to encourage dona- tions of land, improvements, services, labor, etc. to help in meeting the local share. Mr. Dunkin stated that there are twenty- two property owners along Wolf Pen Creek. Mr. Dunkin continued to describe several natural features aesthetically pleasing along the creek. Mr. Haddox mentioned that the Economic Development Foundation feels this park would be a tremendous amenity to the community. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of the implementation of a Community Development Loan Program and proposed administrative guidelines for its operation. CD Director Fette presented the item. He discussed the strategy of the committee. The first step would be passage of a resolu- tion by the City Council creating a loan program and adopting ad- ministrative guidelines. The guidelines were developed to ~71 ~ITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING ,;EDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 Page 4 a general direction of what the program is intended to achieve. He stated that decisions on funding and collection of loans would be made by a CD Loan Committee appointed by the Council. Mayor Ringer asked how many members will be appointed to the com- mittee. Mr. Fette replied that five would need to be appointed. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Fette to define low-moderate fam- ily. Mr. Fette explained that low-moderate income describes fami- lies earning less than 80 percent of immediate family income in the area relating to their family size. For example, a family of four in B/CS can earn no more than $22,000 yearly to be consid- ered low-moderate. Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of participation with the City of Bryan in a joint use solid waste landfill feasibility study and participation in funding of said study with the City of Bryan. City Engineer Pullen explained that the City of College Station and City of Bryan have been researching for ways to accommodate the solid waste generation and disposal for today and in the future. One possibility discussed has been a joint facility to serve the B/CS area. One major problem associated with this is the site of a facility. He continued stating that there are several reasons why each entity can benefit by consolidating dis- posal activities at one site; therefore, in order to determine whether there are advantages to this reasoning, staff has proposed that a feasibility study be conducted by Mc Dow and Associates Mr. Pullen added that the costs to the city should not exceed $30,000 or one-half of the expense of the study. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that there should be an agreement with the City of Bryan for joint use before a complete study is conducted; and, if so, the money for the rest of the study should not be spent until an agreement for joint use has been accepted by the City of Bryan. Councilman Haddox agreed. Mr. Birdwell reiterated that Task Two (2.2 Feasibility of Joint Use), should be conducted first. Mayor Ringer directed staff to report back to the Council with the results of Task 2.2 of the proposal. Further discussion was held. Mayor Ringer asked if there would be funds available in the sanitation fund to offset the funds in the the general fund for this study. Mr. Schroeder replied affirma- tively. '06715 ~ITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING ~EDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 Page 5 Councilman Schneider commented that there seems to be other alter- natives which should be looked at. Agenda Item No. 7 - Presentation of Burqlar¥ ~Prevention Plan. Police Chief Strope briefed the Council on the burglary situation developing in College Station since 1987. He presented a slide presentation depicting several ways burglaries occur. He empha- sized three ways to address burglary prevention: 1) education; 2) investigative services; and, 3) enforcement. He pointed out that there have been an increasing amount of daytime burglaries. Chief Strope stated that the Neighborhood Watch programs are very effective. Councilman Schneider asked Chief Strope to describe a few major impediments. Chief Strope described several reasons why these crimes are happening. One reason is that there is an overburden Justice system. Another reason is that there are younger crimi- nals and also repeat offenders. He added that there is a definite correlation between crime and drug usage. Chief Strope stated that the Police Department will give a lecture to the new Freshman during FISH CAMP this fall at TAMU. Aqenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. ATTEST. - City S~re~ary Dian Jones APPROVED: Ma~c~r~ ~a ~_~ Ri~ 06716 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 4:00 P.M. 11. e 12. 3e 13. e 14. Se 15. e 16. 17. Se 18. 19. 10. 20. 006717