HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1988 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Birdwell. McIlhaney. Haddox, Gardner, Schneider STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke. City Secretary Jones, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, Public Utilities Director Woody, Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Cisneros, Public Information Officer Calliham, Budget Director Schroeder Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Kevin Buchman VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. ! - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner thanked the staff about the notification of a new student government liaison, Shannon Mobley. The previous liaison, Kevin Buchman was present at the meeting. Councilman Gardner reported that a trash container located at the D.A. Anderson Arboretum did not look very appropriate at the site. Councilman McIlhaney reported that there is a large brush pile at the entrance of a mobile home park along Texas Ave. Mr. Ragland responded that he will look into this problem. She also mentioned that the Cemetery Committee met and they discussed the possibility of allowing the Garden Club to hire someone to put in a sprinkler system for maintenance of the roses along the fence line. Councilman Haddox reported that he recently spoke to several different groups who had expressed interest in the city enforcing clean-up of neglected property and buildings. Mr. Haddox mentioned that the property owners west of Emerald Forest addressed him about the recent drainage study conducted by the City which showed that the culvert at the frontage road and entrance of Emerald Forest was not large enough to facilitate the water flow. Another concern expressed by property owners was the underpass being built by the highway department and their concern for a larger culvert. Mr. Haddox stated that he would like to see a response from the Highway Department in regards to this request from property owners. '959 4 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 12. 1988 Councilman Brown mentioned that Amtrak will be making their inaugural run th{ough College Station on November 14th. He mentioned that the old railroad station was removed from University property by Mr. James Conner Smith. Mayor Ringer mentioned that he received a call from a former Aggie in Houston who is anxious to see the City pursue the idea of locating the old railroad station back in College Station Councilman Schneider expressed his interest in the beautifi- cation of the cemetery. He added that the entrance to the Cemetery needs maintenance attention. He asked if an ordinance existed pertaining to flyers and handbills, this is a primary source for litter in the community. Ms. Locke replied that there is an ordinance requiring persons who distribute commercial handbills to obtain an itinerant vendors permit. Mr. Schneider expressed excitement about the new Amtrak station in College Station. Student Gov't Liaison Kevin Buchman asked if the tract of land located at Jersey and Wellborn next to Treehouse Apartments rezoned last year will contain a private parking facility. Ms. Locke replied that this land has been purchased for residential use. Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland distributed to the Council the city auditor's report which will be presented at the regular meeting. He mentioned to the Council that he will be out of town from October 21-3! to attend the ICMA City Manager's Conference. Assistant City Manager John Woody will preside at the last council meetings in October. Mr. Ragland stated that TML has asked the City to participate in a project with the LBJ School of Austin on the issue of cooperation between cities and counties. He stated that they will be contacting the council members to receive their input. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of the location of "downtown area" in College Station by the College Hills Elementary Third Graders, Joan Lamkin - Teacher. Ms. Lamkin introduced her third grade class. Each third grader announced their name and address and presented the council with the question "Where is downtown College Station?" Through a survey conducted by this third grade class, the majority selected the Northgate area as College Station's downtown district. , 96915 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 12, 1988 Mayor Ringer explained that the 50-year old community has grown into a city where commercial development consists of shopping centers and mall. Mr. Ringer commented that the Northgate area is predomlnately serviced by students. The students asked the Council several questions. Mayor Ringer thanked the students for attending the meeting and he also thanked them for showing an interest in their city government. Agenda Item No. 4 - Report from the City Affairs Council Committee~ Councilman Gardner presented the Council with a brief report from the City Affairs Committee members, Councilmen Birdwell, Gardner and McIlhaney. The items covered by the committee were: Charter Review Revision, City Council and Committee Procedures, City Hall Flag Policy, and Jersey Street Renaming. He added that formal recommendations regarding the first two issues will be submitted to the Council at a future meeting for approval. Mr. Gardner began with Charter Review and Council Procedures. He pointed out several charter problems: 1) Majority rather than plurality elections; 2) Clarification of Council authority in respect to staff; 3) State law and closed meetings; 4) City Planning Function; and 5) Recall Provision. He noted that these items were not addressed since it was felt a review was in order as a matter of good practice. He pointed out that the committee did not endorse the Chairman's report, yet it did accept some of the recommendations as follows: They recommended that a Charter Review Commission be appointed soon, and on a regular basis every 2 years. Regarding the Council Procedures, the committee felt a review and possible revisions should be made annually. Specifically, the committee recom- mended that a more explicit statement should be made. Any councilmember may place an item on the agenda. Also, Item D under Agenda should be deleted. Mr. Gardner continued to explain that the committee in regards to the policy on committees felt that minority reports are permissible or acceptable. Also, they felt that with two or more committee members concurring, a committee should be able to address any item falling within the scope of their assignment. Mr. Gardner addressed the issue of the Flag Policy at City Hall. The Committee does not feel this is a problem and a formal policy is unnecessary. Mr. Gardner added that he does not agree with the committee's recommendation. 906916 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 12, 1988 He addressed the issue of Renaming Jersey Street to K¥1e. He noted that the Committee feels that chanGinG the name to Kyle would add confusion and cause an inconvenience in addressing the streets. Councilman Birdwell stated that he is not against renaming the street if the name related to a former official or someone who helped begin ColleGe Station. Mayor RinGer asked that the Committee bring their final recommendations to the Council. AGenda Item No. 5 - Presentation to Patricia Bouqhton of award for service. Mayor RinGer presented a recognition plaque and a special service plaque to Mrs. Patricia BouGhton for her ten years of dedicated service as Councilman for the City of College Station. Mrs. BouGhton expressed her appreciation to all present. A reception was Given in her honor. AGenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor RinGer adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. APPROVED Fred Brown, Mayor Pro-tem ATTEST: Dian Jo~,] ~itY Secretary 06917 Guest Register City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 12, 1988 4:00 P.M. 21. 22. 23. 006918