HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1988 - Joint Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL JOINT SESSION WITH THE BRAZOS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988 12:00 NOON COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Gardner, McIlhaney, Schneider, Birdwell, Haddox COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Brown COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: County Judge Holmgreen, Commissioners Cooley, Beard, Wilcox COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Turner STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Finance Director Harrison, Budget Director Schroeder, City Engineer Pullen, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of Indigent Health Care. Mayor Ringer opened the meeting. He asked County Judge Holmgreen to describe the county's role in regard to health care. Judge Holmgreen responded by saying that the County is bound by a contract for indigent health care with the Brazos Valley Development Council. He pointed out that the County has the authority to increase the amount of income the BVDC receives. However, the claims received are multiplying. Another area in which the County is involved, is the pre-natal service. Mayor Ringer asked if the County is restricted on how the county funds agencies. Judge Holmgreen resplied that the guidelines are established by state. Mayor Ringer cited several agencies which the City funds. Councilman McIlhaney reported that MHMR has a health care program and an infant program. She stated that she would like to understand better how to help the persons who are caught in the middle. Judge Holmgreen remarked that if an organ- ization is funded a certain amount of money and the organization uses all their money, the county cannot fund additional monies to the organization. CITY COUNCIL JOINT SESSION WITH COUNTY MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988 Page 2 Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would like to see the City and County work together to help the citizens who need this care in the community. Mayor Ringer pointed out that many agencies are asking funds from the County, College Station, and Bryan. He stated that the cities of College Station and Bryan established a joint relief advisory committee to review the requests from each of the agencies. A positive feedback has been received from the agencies, in that they only report to one committee for their requests. Mayor Ringer asked the County if they would like to be included in this process. County Judge Holmgreen replied that he would like to see the County involved in this same process. Mayor Ringer stated that financial statements are required from each agency, and guidelines have been established for the review committee. He noted that the policy statements do not allow funding for capital items. Mayor Ringer stated that the committee consists of three members appointed by the Bryan City Council and three members appointed by the College Station City Council. The Chairman of United Way serves as the executive director and non-voting member. He added that a budget was given to the committee to work with which consisted of a percentage amount allowed by the federal government to fund agencies that fall under the Community Development Block Grant Funds. Mayor Ringer noted that the hotel/ motel tax funds will not be reviewed by the committee. Judge Holmgreen pointed out that funding available from the state for county services is very minimal. He pointed out that the pri- mary purpose of the Health Department is to provide preventative services. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the Brazos Valley Development Council would prepare a statistics report for the next two years and possibly develop guidelines to begin looking at the percentage of persons in the health care program. The Commissioners replied negatively. Commissioner Beard commented that the physicians and providers are very familiar with the program. Councilman Schneider asked if the private industries are addres- sing some of the problems in health care such as the medicaid program. Judge Holmgreen replied that the county contracts with the doctors and hospitals who provide these services and that these are considered private industry. q6807 ~ITY COUNCIL JOINT SESSION WITH COUNTY '~ONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of City-County Road Construction. Mayor Ringer stated that two concerns developed when the City of Wixon Valley was formed and the county agreed to maintain streets and roads within the city limits. Brazos County citizens who live in College Station are paying a portion of their county taxes for street construction in another city. Another concern is the question whether there are adequate rural subdivision standards for street construction in the areas annexed within the ETJ. Commissioner Cooley asked City Engineer Pullen if the present sub-division regulations meet the city's rural re- quirements. Mr. Pullen replied that the rules generally meet the city's standards. He added that the city reviews the plan speci- fications but has no control after the project begins. Mr. Pullen indicated that the difficulty he sees is that a financial letter of guarantee is not applicable to projects outside the city limits. Under the procedure currently followed, the city would not have any control of acceptance of a project outside the city limits. Commissioner Wilcox commented that the City Engineer and County Engineer could work on this problem and possibly amend the county ordinance to reflect the change. Councilman Gardner asked if there is a county road plan. Mr. Beard replied affirmatively. Judge Holmgreen commented that the county continuously tries to maintain and upgrade the roads already built. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the condition of Sebesta Road needs to be addressed by the County. She questioned whether a formal agreement needs to be set up between the two entities on improving road conditions. Commissioner Wilcox noted that the county subdivision regulations were revised in 1985. He commended the staff at the City of College Station during that time in helping to make changes in the subdivision regulations which gave everyone a better understanding of how the process work. He added that he does not see a problem in meeting with the city staff to look at the current subdivision regulations. Mayor Ringer thanked the Commissioners for meeting with the Coun- cil and stated his hope that meetings of this kind can continue. '6808 CITY COUNCIL JOINT SESSION WITH COUNTY MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 3 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m. APPROVED: ~er ATTEST: City Se~aky Dian Jones ' 94809 GUEST REGISTER e e CITY COUNCIL JOINT SESSION WITH BRAZOS COMMISSIONERS COURT MONDAY, AU~JST 8, 1988 12:00 NOON 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 10. 23. 11. 24. 12. 25. 13. 26.