HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1989 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1989 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, Gardner, Schneider, Birdwell McIlhaney STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Attorney Locke, PARD Director Beachy, CIP Director Ash, Fire Chief Landua, Assistant PARD Director cisneros, Water Superintendent Luedke, Finance Director Harrison, Personnel Director Dickson, PIO Officer Calliham STUDENT GOV,T LIAISON: Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. i - Signing of a proclamation designating March 4th as "Help the Hungry Day", sponsored by Brazos Food Bank. Nancy Barron and Tim Jones, representing the Brazos Food Bank, were present to accept the joint proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer and Mayor Tate. Agenda Item No. 2 - Approval of the minutes of the Joint City Council/P&Z Meeting, January 25, 1989t the City Council Workshop Meeting, February 8, 1989, and the Regular Meetinqt February 9, 1989. Councilman Birdwell deleted paragraph 8 on page 7 of the February 8, 1989 workshop minutes. Councilman Gardner deleted paragraph 4 on page 4 of the same minutes. Councilman Birdwell moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 3 - CONSENT AGENDA: - Final Plat - Southwood Forest Section 3B (89-201) - Preliminary Plat - East Bypass Business Park (89-300) - Revised Master Preliminary Plat - Southwood Valley Section 26 (89-301) - Bid #89-19 - Hydraulic Digger Derrick - Community Development funded housing assistance projects, January, 1989. 0071 8 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 23, 1989 Page 2 - Phase II Bids, Lincoln Center Site Improvements (from Community Development Block Grant Program; Acct. #10-90-5717) Councilman Gardner removed the preliminary plat for the East Bypass Business Park. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Preliminary Plat - East Bypass Business Park (89-300) City Planner Jim Callaway explained this item. He stated that this is a preliminary plat for a proposed subdivision located along the East Bypass. The subdivision is an 18.55 acre tract. The application also includes a request for a variance from the sidewalk requirements imposed on streets of 60' width. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the variance; however, their recommendation includes the stipula- tion that if the property is ever re-platted, the sidewalk regulations would once again be considered for this area. Mr. Callaway also pointed out that a rezoning request for C-2 commercial-industrial is pending for this property. Councilman Gardner stated his concern about the recommendation on the variance request. He pointed out that the commissioners discussed the fact that C-2 allows a number of uses, and that perhaps M-1 zoning might be more appropriate for this area. Councilman Garder commented that there are two parcels of land which do not have designated users; and, uses which generate pedestrian traffic are possible in a C-2 zone and could be developed later. Discussion continued on the issues involved in allowing the variance. Councilman Birdwell asked about the waterline and the potential for oversized participation. Mr. Callaway responded that there is a potential for oversized participation. Councilman Birdwell referred to the Plan and noted that this area is in Phase IV; he wondered if it would not be more economical to serve this particular area with a smaller waterline instead of a larger line that might not be needed for ten years. CIP Director Elrey Ash noted that it has always been the city's policy to continue with the oversize line. Councilman Birdwell suggested that before this line is put in place, staff should conduct an economic analysis of the waterlines. Mr. Ash agreed. Mr. Larry Wells of the Municipal Development Group came forward. He stated that no sidewalks will be needed for the type of services proposed for this development. Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Wells if he anticipated a series of streets connecting the different parcels. Mr. Wells replied negatively. Mr. Wells described the location of the parcels. 007129 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 23, 1989 Page 3 Councilman Gardner moved approval of the preliminary plat as submitted with the waiver of the requirement for sidewalks and, with the provision that if there is a resubdivision of the property, reconsideration would be given to the establishment of sidewalks. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion. Councilman McIlhaney commented that she is not opposed to the plat, but she would like to see the sidewalks considered for future development. The vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of an ordinance of the City of College Station, Texas ordering a general municipal election in the City on Saturday, May 6, 1989, for the election of a City Councilman, Place 1, a City Councilman, Place 3, and a City Councilman, Place 5; fixing the time, place and manner for holding the election; appointing judges and clerks thereof; and, authorizing the Mayor to sign an official order of election. City Secretary Jones explained this item. She stated that the ordinance will authorize the Mayor to sign an Order of Election. Also, a notice of election will be published in the newspaper at the appropriate time. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1803 ordering a general municipal election for the City of College Station. Councilman Brown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of a resolution a~ending Section &, Subsection C of the Personnel Policy Manual regardin- overtime and compensatory time. Personnel Director Dickson stated that it has become necessary to amend the personnel policy to conform with FLSA regulations in regard to overtime for fire department shifts. The following two changes are being made: 1) elimination of the ending time of 7:05 a.m. for fire shifts and re-establishment of a twenty-four hour period; and, 2) vacation and sick time use will not be counted toward mandatory FLSA overtime in the Fire Department. Councilman Brown moved approval of the Resolution amending Section A, Subsection C of the Personnel Policy manual. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. 00713,0 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 23, 1989 Page 4 Aqenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of a resolutlon adoptinq a revised investment policy. (Council Issue No. 24) Discussion of this item was held at the previous workshop meeting. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the resolution adopting a revised investment policy. The motion was seconded by Councilman McIlhaney and was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideratinq of amending Grant Application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for funding Phase 1, Wolf Pen Creek Project. PARD Director Beachy explained that the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife recently revised its allocation guidelines downward and changed the maximum allocation to $500,000 per grant. He stated that staff recommends to reduce the grant application to fit the new allocation, by reducing the overall project with a deduction of $100,000 from the amphitheatre project and $100,000 from land acquisition. Mayor Ringer noted that the project will be designed so that the amphitheatre can be expanded in another phase. Councilman Haddox moved to approve the amendment of lowering the grant application to $500,000 to be re-submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 8 - Hear Visitors. Ms. Shirley Baker, manager of the Southwest Village Apartments, came forward. She thought that her citizen's claim report had been placed on the agenda. City Attorney Locke mentioned that this report will go before council at their next meeting, and Ms. Baker will be contacted. Agenda Item No. 9 - Closed session to receive staff report~ [6252-17¢2)¢r)] and to disouss Dersonnel [6252-17(2)(a)]. A. Staff Reports. 1. Legal Report. 2. Personnel Report. B. Personnel. 1. Discussion of Sidewalk Committee Appointments. The council moved to closed session at 7:35 p.m. 0071, 1 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 23, 1989 Page 5 Aqenda Item No. 10 - Action on closed session. The council reconvened in open session at 9:22 p.m. Councilman Birdwell moved for the following appointments to the Sidewalk Advisory Committee: Chairman: Charles Gates Members: Jane Sielken, Jean Bettenhausen, Blanche Brick, Connie Hansen, Anne Hazen, Friedel Krotscheck, Mr. Steven Miller will serve as Alternate pending receipt of application. Councilman Brown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Aqenda Item No. 11 - Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m. ATTEST: ~ity Sec~ry Dian Jones APPROVED: 007132 ~?-'~' NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION "',~.~TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: %~(~i, Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will ,,'[~be_?pen.from 7:00 ~.mf to 7:0~ p.m. on Saturday, May 6, 1989, for "~-~-'vo~ng ~n a general e~ection to elect three city officers, as Coun m n, LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES~ Polling Place No. 8 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 8) at South Knoll Elementary School; Polling Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 9) ~.~'at College Station Community Center on Jersey Street; Polling Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 10)__ at College Station Police Complex; Polling Place No. 24 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 24) iat College Hills Elementary School; Polling Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 31) at A&M Consolidated High School; Polling Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 32) College Station Fire Station No. 2, on Rio Grande Drive; Pollin$ Place No. 33 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 33) at Lincoln Center on Eleanor Street; Polling Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 34) at College Station Central Fire Station; Pollin$ Place No. 35 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 20, No. 21, and No. 35) at A&M Presbyterian Church, 301 Church Avenue; Pollin$ Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 39) at the Tennis Center, Southwood Athletic Park; and Pollin$ Place No. 40 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 40) at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East Hwy. 6 Bypass. Absentee Voting by personal appearance will be conducted each -~, .7.~'weekday at the Administration Building of the College Station Inde "~'~'pendent..,. School District, 1812 Welsh Street, College Station, Texas between the hours of 8:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m beginning on Monday, ~' April 17, 1989, and ending on Tuesday, May 2, 1989. "" Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: ( Dian Jones, Absentee Voting Clerk P.O. Drawer 9960 College Station, Texas ?7842 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 1989. ,ISSUED THIS THE~;_~DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1989. -',.~ Lar AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas: Notifiquese, por las presente, que las casillas electorales sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 6 de mayo de 1989 para votar en la Eleccion General para elegir a tree Concejales: un Concejal para Lugar 1; un Concejal para Lugar 3; y un Concejal para Lugar 5. DIRECCIONES DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES: Precinto No. 8 - South Knoll Elementary School; Precinto No. 9 - College Station Community Center, 1300 Jersey Street Precinto No. 10 - College Station Police Building Complex; Precinto No. 24 - College Hills Elementary School; Precinto No. 31 - A&M Consolidated High School; Precinto No. 32 - College Station Fire Station No. 2, Rio Grande Drive; Precinto No. 33 - Lincoln Center, 1100 Eleanor Street; Precinto No. 34 - College Station Central Fire Station; Precinto No. 35 (20,21,y 35) - A&M Presbyterian Church, 301 · Church Avenue Precinto No. 39 - Tennis Center, Southwood Athletic Park; y Precinto - Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East No. 40 Hwy. 6 Bypass. La votacion en ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de lunes a ' viernes en la Oficina de Administracion del CSISD, en 1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas, entre las ocho de la manana %; . las clnco, de la de la tarde empezando el 17 de abril de 1989 v -'~'~ terminanao el 2 de ma o de 1989. ~ Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: Dian Jones, Secretaria de la Votacion En Ausencia P.O. Drawer 9960 ~_~ College St. ation, Texas 77842 e~ 713.4-" Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de negoci oel 29 de abril, 1989. Emitada este dia ~~ de febrero de 1989. s/LARRY J. RINGER, el Alcalde de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TNURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1989 ?:00 P.M. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 1?. 18. o 19. 10. 20.