HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 26v 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, McIlhaney, Gardner, Haddox, Birdwe11 COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Schneider STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Manager Woody, Traffic Engineer Black, Director of Development Services Ash, Planning Director Callaway, CD Director Fette, Energy Specialist Shear, Budget Director Schroeder, Finance Director Harrison, Public Information Officer Calliham, Assistant City Secretary Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Aqenda Item No. i - Presentation of report from the Ad Hoc Sidewalk Committee. ( Council Issue No. 10). Traffic Engineer John Black stated that he enjoyed working with the Sidewalk Committee. Ms. Jane Sielken, Vice-Chairman of the Sidewalk Committee, explained the study and gave an overhead presentation. She pointed out that the committee prioritized the sidewalks which they thought were the most important. She noted that $50,000 was set aside for this program at the direction of the Council, and the top eight streets listed were the committee's choices for these designated monies. Councilman Haddox inquired about the numerous streets listed below the first eight streets. Ms. Sielken replied that these streets are to be included in the Capital Improvement Program 1991-1993. Mrs. Sielken described each of the eight priority streets. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the sidewalks would be located on the city's right-of-way. Mr. Black responded that the city crew is doing a survey to determine easements, tree locations, and property lines, so that sidewalk location can be addressed. Councilman Gardner commented on the practicality of locating the sidewalks so that existing landscaping will not be disturbed. Councilman Birdwell stated that the city's present ordinance should be reviewed in regard to requirements for sidewalks; he pointed out that sidewalk requirements should be considered as development takes 007361 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 2 place He suggested that sidewalk requirements could be included as part of the building permit process. Mayor Ringer asked the com- mittee to look at current city ordinances and see if other guide- lines should be established. Development Services Director Elrey Ash announced that Traffic Engineer John Black will be leaving the city; he thanked John for his hard work and dedication during the last ten years. Councilman Brown moved to direct staff to implement the recommendations made by the Sidewalk Committee. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. After additional discussion, Councilman Birdwell moved to ask staff to look into the possibility of an assessment program to recover a portion of the sidewalk funds. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 1-5, as follows: FOR: Councilman Birdwell AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, McIlhaney, Gardner, and Haddox Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of 1989 General Obliqation Bond Issue and related Capital Construction Project. (Council Issue No. 3 and No. 12) Finance Director Harrison and Financial Advisor David Fetzer presented this item. Mr. Harrison stated that as part of the FY 1989, the Council approved the issuance of $3,225,000 in authorized but un-issued general obligation bonds. He explained that bond proceeds are to be used for $1,600,000 in street improvements, $700,000 in right-of-way acquisition, and $925,000 for completion of the Public Services building. Mr. Fetzer presented the Council with a proposed amortization schedule at 7% and other schedules showing annual payments. Mr. Schroeder showed overhead transparencies indicating projections based on the last issue for the next few years without additional revenues. He added that the debt issue for the Chamber of Commerce will be paid in FY 1991-92. Councilman Gardner asked if there are any bonds that were sold but the money not spent. Mr. Harrison replied that there is approximately $5.6 million of utility revenue bonds, but this money can only be spent for authorized projects. Mr. Fetzer explained that under the current tax code and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, the city could earn arbitrage if the bond issue is kept under $5 million. Discussion followed. 007362 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 3 - (Item Removed}. This item was removed by staff prior to the meeting. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of the 1989-90 Community Development budqet, inclusive of the 1989-90 Community Development Final State- ment. CD Director Fette presented this item. He explained the anticipated end of fiscal year balances. Staff proposed to transfer the balance of $22,000 from administration to Housing Assistance. Staff has also applied for a $100,000 rental rehabilitation grant from the Texas Department of Commerce. He pointed out the total balance of the Community Development budget, $1,451,600. Aqenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of desiqnatinq additional Community Development target areas. (Councll Issues No. 2 and No. 7) Mr. Fette pointed out two additional target areas that are eligible for designated CD monies, where a large number of residents are classified as low-to-moderate income and where the need for improvements is relatively large. He showed a colored map and indicated the present CD target areas. Mr. Fette addressed the status of the North Gate area and pointed out that the largest direct result of this designation would occur through the avail- ability of CD funds for infrastructure and public facilities. Presently, the City is allocating $175,000 a year of its CD grant for these purposes. He stated that a survey of the Welsh Street area is currently being made. After general discussion of the areas, Mayor Ringer suggested that the council, at the regular meeting, might direct staff to include an additional two blocks in the area northeast of Fairview if the survey proves the area to be eligible. He added that the complete street should be renovated. Mr. Ash asked council for authorization to begin the project already scheduled for Luther Street, and to include this portion of Luther Street on the future street program, if the additional area is eligible. Aqenda Item No. 6 - Presentation an disousslon of Enerqyscape - Residential Shading for Energy Cost Savings in College Station, (Council Issue No. 8) Energy Specialist Charlie Shear presented this item. He began by stating that the Energy Management Center in the Governor's office is requesting proposals from local governments for the Local Governments Competitive Grants. This program is funded with oil overcharge refunds in accordance with the Oil Overcharge Restitu- tionary Act. He introduced two consultants, Dr. Bill Hazard and Mr. Ettis Oliver. 007363 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 4 Mr. Shear introduced the objective of the program, Energyscape, developed by Dr. Bill Hazard. Mr. Oliver explained that the goal of the program is to design an energy efficient landscape program for single family residences in College Station. The primary source of funds for this program will be the Energy Management Center in the Governor's office. He described the four primary sources of wasted energy in homes. This program relates to three of these sources, solar radiation through windows, conductive heat transmission, and heat retention by walls and attic. He presented five stages to this program as follows: 1. Acquire and annotate existing topographic maps at a scale of 1" to 100' showing several factors of this program. 2. Conduct a new stereo aerial photography of the city. 3. Update the existing maps onto video disks. 4. Prepare an interactive computer graphics program showing the placement of landscaping. 5. Train city personnel to select landscaping and shading symbols for entry into the interactive computer graphics program. Mr. Shear explained the funding aspect of the project. He stated that the cost of the program is $158,160, of which $140,640 is requested from the Local Competitive Grants Program and will be allocated to the contracted work; the remaining $17,520 is requested from the Energy Project Fund, (current balance of this fund is $381,000). Existing staff will be utilized for the program. Mr. Shear added that this proposal must be submitted by August 4th. Councilman Gardner stated several concerns. Councilman McIlhaney asked if this program has been established in other cities. Mr. Shear replied that this program is unique. Councilman Haddox asked if the money could be applied to purchase trees. Mr. Shear replied that there, is no available space to maintain the trees. Mr. Haddox suggested that some monies be allocated from the Energy Fund to buy trees. Mr. Shear explained that the proposal must be competitive, transferable to other cities, and unique. Mr. Haddox stated that he would be interested in furnishing trees to citizens who participate in the energy savings program. Councilman Brown recommended that the city go with the program, then at a later time, the city could look into the possibility of a tree give-away program. Mr. Oliver remarked that the local nurseries will participate actively in the program. Councilman Haddox suggested that the amount proposed be raised to $200,000 and a tree give-away incentive be added. Mr. Shear agreed that the additional activity would greatly enhance the program. 007364 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 5 Agenda Item No. 10 - City Manaqer Concerns. City Manager Ragland announced that tickets are available for the City of College Station Recognition Banquet. He reported on the meeting of the 911 Board of Directors; he stated that the city has agreed to wait on participating in the purchase of the enhanced 911 system. Bryan and Brazos County have pursued consolidated dispatch, and they have agreed to order the equipment for College Station, for a future date when College Station decides to participate in a consolidated dispatch operation. He noted that at the next meeting, the County will make a presentation on this topic. He provided a safety policies and procedures manual to each council member. He also presented copies of the MIS status report. Councilman Haddox commented that he would like to see the city participate in a cooperative education program with Texas A&M University. The City of Bryan currently employs this program. Mr. Ragland stated that the Personnel Department is looking into this arrangement. Mayor Ringer and City Manager Ragland left the meeting. Mayor Pro-tem Brown presided over the meeting. Aqenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of a proposed ordinance amendinq Section 6C and Section 9 of Chapter 9 of the Code requirinq the submission of a master development plan as a part of the preliminary subdivision plat application requirements and amendinq the oversize participation provisions of the subdivision ordinance (Council Issue No. 9). City Engineer Pullen described the item. He stated that staff met with two developers who were interested in the proposed changes. He listed the developer's five items of concern, as follows: 1) In regard to oversize participation, the proposed ordinance appears to favor small developers over large developers. 2) The proposed ordinance has an impact study requirement for traffic, water, and sanitary sewer. 3) The proposed amendment does not state a minimize size for street participation. 4) The developers proposed a year for construction to begin, instead of the six months allowed in the draft ordinance. 5) The developers stated concern about the possibility that Council may deny requests for oversize participation. Mr. Pullen referred to 9-B.6. He clarified that the process for oversized participation requests has reversed. Currently, the council hears requests during the preliminary plat stage. 007365 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 6 Councilman Birdwell mentioned that he has no problem with changing the time period from six months to one year. Agenda Item No. 8 - Discussion of code enforcement policies and procedures pertaining to land use and structural standards (Council Issue No. 6) Assistant City Manager Brymer introduced this item and stated that it was placed on the agenda in response to council issue no. 6 and discussion held at the council retreat regarding the council's choice of action on code enforcement (pro-active basis or a reactive basis). Director of Planning Callaway presented slides to illustrate his comments. He stated that code enforcement refers to other issues along with weeds, rubbish, and anti-neglect; such as, zoning, structural standards, vehicle regulations, building, electrical, and plumbing. He recognized several benefits of the code enforcement program. Mr. Callaway listed several advantages and disadvantages to the reactive program. He commented on the advantages and disadvantages of the pro-active enforcement. Mr. Callaway continued by defining the tools for code enforcement as being 1) ordinances, and 2) staff participation, including the Building Department staff, Zoning staff, and other departments. He added that the code enforcement issue also relates to council issues no. 6 and no. 7. Staff recommended several solutions, including 1) to initiate a pro-active enforcement on areas where codes are enforced effectively; and, 2) to select ordinances with impact, primarily the anti-neglect ordinance, weed ordinance, structural standards, and other land use violations that are visible. Mr. Callaway mentioned two ways in which code enforcement can be accomplished. 1) Staff can continue their current approach and change the emphasis by shifting resources and priorities. 2) Centralize the code enforcement efforts by developing a full time position for a code enforcement officer. A decision package for this purpose will be provided in the budget. He added that the costs of the position could be offset by community development block grants. Funding could be allocated by the CD Administration budget or the Park Planning funds. Mr. Callaway noted that the code enforcement could generate revenue through fines and permit fees. Councilman Haddox mentioned the response taken by the Omni Building owners to the letter sent by the city regarding security and broken glass at the vacant location. Mr. Haddox also mentioned that the owner of Sunset Gardens responded to the city's letter about the condition of his lot. He indicated that he believes the pro-active enforcement to be the right concept. 007366 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Page 7 Councilm~n Gardner asked if the staff has been burdened by complaints. Mr. Callaway responded that the biggest increase in the number of complaints relates to weeds; difficulty has transpired in following up after the initial response; however, no emphasis has been placed on a concentrated area. Agenda Item No. 9 - Council Concerns. Councilman Birdwell expressed concern about the notification process to the owner or occupant, in relation to the "No Parking on Grass" ordinance. City Attorney Locke noted that the ordinance was structured from a complaint standpoint, and the notices are sent to the owner/occupant or the person in control of the premises. Councilman McIlhaney reported that she received a call regarding the fire ant problem at one of the city parks. She suggested to staff to contact the TAMU Experiment Station to find out if the city could participate in some of their experimental programs relating to this problem. Mrs. McIlhaney mentioned that the traffic light at Highway 30 and the East Bypass frontage road has been out of order several times recently and the situation creates a terrible traffic congestion problem. She also commended the Public Utilities Department for a citizen who called expressing her appreciation for their good attitude and service. Councilman Haddox referred to the letter written by a citizen whose utilities were disconnected while he was out of town and his check did not reach the city in time for payment. Also, he asked the Council to consider participating in the Texas A&M Cooperative Program. Agenda Item No. 10 - City Manager Concerns. This item was previously discussed. Agenda Item No. 11 - Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. ATTEST: City Secr~y' Dian Jones APPROVED: Ma~--r ng~ GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1989 4:00 P.M. 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10. 20 007368