HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, I. fAY 24, 1989 4~00 P.Mo COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, Schneider, Gardner, McIlhaney, Birdwe11 STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Calliham, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Police Chief Strope, Budget Director Schroeder, Plannlng Direc- tor Callaway, Finance Director Harrison, Fire Chief Landua, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT= See Guest Register. Agenda Item No. i - Status Report on the Greater East Texas Higher Education Authority, Inc.. Dr. James Carroll, Executive Director of the Greater East Texas Servicing Corporation, addressed the Council. He introduced Dr. Malon Southerland who briefed the Council on the financial status of the corporation. He noted that the student loan default at Texas A&M University is only 4.06% a clearly outstanding rate. Dr. Southerland described the elements of the program. Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of a proposed resolutlo- authorizing the creation of the B/CS Economic Developmen~ Corporation and authorizing the participation of the City of College Station. Mr. Bill Thornton, Mr. Ken Shaw, and Ms. Pat Cornelison were present. Mr. Thornton reported that several meetings have been held by the ad hoc committee to arrange the by-laws, articles of incorporation, and budget for the Joint Economic Development Board. Councilman Gardner asked a question regarding Article IX. He suggested that the Executive Director should also be included under this "Conflict of Interest" article. Mr. Thornton replied that this was an oversight, and certainly the intent of this committee to include this officer. Mr. Gardner also referred to an Editorial in the Eagle which mentioned that the Board should take a broad approach in selecting an executive director. 007286 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Thornton replied that the board has not begun an extensive search. Mr. Shaw added that the ad hoc board has been very positive and made great progress. Mr. Gardner commented that the board should conduct a broad and intensive search for the right people to serve. Councilman Haddox remarked that the Council has the choice of funding the board or not. He referred to circumstances when the Council may not approve of actions taken by the board. Councilman Birdwell commented in regard to the terms of office for the board members. He suggested that one member be appointed for a three-year term every year from College Station and Bryan. Discussion continued. Mr. Birdwell also suggested a minor change in Article 1. He pointed out that the Directors should be prohibited from changing Article 1 regarding the number of Directors which may serve on the Board. Mr. Birdwell emphasized that the best source of economic development growth in this community is retirees. He also commented that he believed that the strategic plan should include the attraction of retirees to this community. Mr. Thornton replied that the Chamber of Commerce role is to enhance the environmental aspect of the community. &~enda Item No. 3 - Discussion of an ordinance -mendlnq Chapter of the Code of Ordin--ces relatinq to health and sanitation, by creating a section 8, Retail Food Store Sanitation, and providin for an effective date. Mr. David Jefferson and Mr. Bill Lewis of the Brazos County Health Department presented this item. Mr. Jefferson explained that the current ordinance states that grocery stores are inspected under state regulations. He noted that the County has requested that the Council adopt a local ordinance specifying the state regulations; in the event that a problem arises, action could be handled at the local level in a more rapid manner. He also noted that the fee structure will change, but will not have a tremendous impact on grocery stores. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Jefferson to clarify item (4), page 6 of the ordinance. Discussion continued. This item will be considered at the regular meeting, Thursday, May 25th. 007287 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 3 Aaenda Item No. 4 - Presentation to council on fiscal indloator~ report, revenue manual and update on MPa intern program. Budget Director Schroeder recognized the MPA interns who have worked in the Budget/Research Department, Public Information Office, and Personnel Office. He mentioned that the fiscal indicators report and revenue manual will be presented to the Council at their next workshop meeting. Mr. Chuck Wiggins, Coordinator of the MPA program at TAMU, thanked the Council for their support of this program. agenda Item No. 5 - Status Report concerning the proqress of th, Police Department,s Accreditation Program. Police Chief Strope stated that in 1987, the Police department initiated a long-term program of internal policy, procedure, and organizational assessment for the purpose of gaining national recognition as an Accredited Law Enforcement Agency. Officer Corky Sandel used an overhead presentation and video tape to explain the item. He highlighted several benefits of the accreditation program for the Police Department and the citizens. He reported on the accreditation process and procedures and the cost associated with the voluntary program. The video tape provided a detailed overview of the program. Councilman Birdwell asked how many cities in Texas are associated with this program. Chief Strope replied that six cities are involved in this program, including Houston and Victoria. Councilman Schneider asked if the program encouraged individual career development. Chief Strope replied that one chapter of the program is devoted to selection, training and career development for the officer. agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of a resolution authorizinq the Mayor to approve a grant application through the Brazos Valley Development Council to create a Crime analysis Unit. Police Chief Strope explained that this item has been placed on the following night's agenda for consideration. He stated that support by the Council will enable the BVDC to apply for a grant in the amount of $31,652 of federal funds to establish a crime analysis unit. He reviewed the history of this program and its purpose. Chief Strope stated that a structured effort within the Department will provide timely crime information to reduce criminal incidents and criminal apprehension. Benefits of the program will include increased efficiency and productivity by anticipated response to crimes, and increased arrests. Councilman Brown stated concern about the possibility of losing state grant money, as in the case of the STEP program. He asked staff to explain the program in greater detail. 007288 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 4 Councilman Haddox encouraged creation of this program. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the program would benefit the entire Brazos Valley. Chief Strope replied that this conception is how he sold the program to the BVDC. He added that he would like to be given the chance to prove that this program will work to maximize the city's limited resources and gain even more cooperation among other area law enforcement agencies. Aqenda Item No. 7 - Presentation and Discussion of Tree Nursery Feasibility Study (Covncil Issue #6). PARD Director Beachy introduced this item. Forestry Superintendent Ploeger gave a brief slide presentation to describe this study. He stated that the Forestry Division routinely removes 100-200 trees per year. The PARD averages planting about as many trees as it removes, and they are predom- inantly in new parks or in parks that have few trees. Mr. Ploeger described the different methods of removing and planting trees. He pointed out important factors affecting the nursery location. Councilman Birdwell mentioned that there are several native rural areas which could be thinned out. Mr. Ploeger responded that this has been done by the Forestry Division, but there are limited species in the area. Councilman Schneider asked if staff has calculated a comparative cost analysis of the city's growing its own trees versus buying trees from a nursery. Mr. Ploeger replied that it is very expensive to have someone outside the city to move trees. Mr. Birdwell mentioned that there are ways to obtain trees without going to a commercial nursery. &qenda Item No. 8 - Discussion of proposed leqlslation. City Attorney Locke presented staff's recommendations supporting the following legislation: H.B. 1706, S.B. 833, S.B. 498, $.B. 898, H.B. 624, H.B. 2489, H.B. 2124, H.B. 2267, H.B. 238 Councilman Birdwell noted that S.B. 833 should be approved by a separate resolution. The staff recommended opposition to the following legislation: S.B. 641, S.B. 1275, S.B. 871, H.B. 1744. Mayor Ringer noted that this item has been placed on Thursday nights agenda for consideration. 007289 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 5 &qenda Item No. 9 - Presentation and discussion of an ordinance amendment for Chapter 7, Section 1-C of the Code relating to weeds and other unsightly vegetation (Councll Issue #6). Tony Cisneros, staff liaison to the Community Appearance Committee, presented a slide presentation. Members of the Community Appearance Committee were also present. Mr. Cisneros stated that in November, 1987, Council directed the Community Appearance Committee to study the current ordinance relating to weedy lots, and to recommend any changes to the Council. Subsequently, the Council was provided a copy of the proposed changes recommended by the Committee. Mr. Cisneros pointed out that the proposed amendment provided for exemptions, including 1) State highway rights-of-ways; 2) agricultural areas; 3) heavily wooded areas; and, 4) wildflowers located in an area where grasses and weeds do not exceed eighteen inches (18") in height; and, an appellate process is included. He explained the terms used in the draft amendment. He mentioned that the 18" height in the wildflower areas of the Parks would be satisfactory. He continued with a slide presentation showing illustrations of various sites of wildflowers and weeds. Mr. Cisneros explained the appellate process as follows: A person cited files written notice of appeal with the Building Official. Within five days of receipt of notice, the Building Official will notify the Community Appearance Committee, that an appeal has been filed, to provide a Hearing of Appeal. Within 30 days of receipt of notice, the person cited and Building Official will present their cases. Within five days of the Hearing, the Community Appearance Committee issues its decision. Councilman Brown asked for the definition of a heavily wooded lot. He stated that if the weeds are not in a heavily wooded area and exceed 12" in height, then the responsible party would be encouraged to mow. Mrs. Marci Rodgers, Chairman of the Community Appearance Committee, made several comments. She stated that the Committee discussed every viable option. She added that the vote taken on the 18" height was resolved by a split vote. Councilman Birdwell asked when the highway department begins annual mowing. Mr. Cisneros stated that the dates fluctuate, usually the earliest time is late April or early May and the latest time is June or July. Mr. Birdwell suggested adding a time period for the cultivation of wildflowers. Councilman Brown asked why an amendment should be considered. Mr. Cisneros replied that it is a question of compliance. He 00729 0 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 6 stated that if someone complains that the wildflowers are too high, then the Parks would mow them. Mayor Ringer commented that many areas in the city, especially vacant lots, have wildflowers with a large amount of weeds. He added that there are other areas where wildflowers have grown in a concentrated area. Councilman Birdwell stated that the city needs to begin enforcing the weed ordinance, rather than waiting for a complaint. Councilman Schneider suggested incorporating two ordinances, one relating to weeds, and the other pertaining to wildflowers. Mrs. Rodgers commented that the Community Appearance Committee worked very closely with the City Attorney. Mayor Ringer opened the floor for public input. Mrs. Janet Kling asked Mrs. Rodgers about the Committee's decision for an 18" height. Mrs. Rodgers replied that the Committee had originally passed the amendment recommendation with a 12" height. At the next committee meeting, the staff provided input and a compromise was made to have an 18" height. Mr. Jim Baker, 1119 Ashburn, addressed the Council. He stated that aesthetic judgments are being made. He added that the cultivation of wildflowers should be permitted under the current law. He also added that wildlfowers are a natural beauty. Mr. Baker commented that he has spoken with many people who support wildflowers. Ms. Susan Causey, a member of the Community Appearance Committee, spoke to the Council. She stated that the Committee did not receive any pressure from the Parks Department and Planning Staff to alter their views about the height difference. She commended Mr. Cisneros for his hard work and efforts during this project. Councilman McIlhaney pointed out that a very successful seminar on wildflowers was held at the Community Center. She stated that it was apparent that many people care about the beautification of the community, and the Council should take a positive point of view on what can be offered to make the community look nice, without being a detriment. Mrs. Kling addressed the question of the wildflower growing season and mowing intervals. She also mentioned that wildflowers can become a fire hazard and health hazard. Letters relating to these concerns were provided for the Council by Mr. Bill Lewis, of the County Health Department, and Mr. Bland Ellen, of the College Station Fire Department. Discussion continued. Mrs. Kling emphasized that she is not against wildflowers, she would like to see wildflowers grown beautifully. However, an 00729'1 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Page 7 ordinance needs to be enacted to protect citizens from problems that exist when someone abuses the ordinance and the wildflowers become unsightly and unhealthy. Mayor Ringer mentioned that this item will be on the agenda for consideration at the regular meeting. Agenda Item No. 10 - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner reported that he disagreed with the Editorial printed in the B/CS Eagle which mentioned that "College Station is a debt free park, it is undeveloped, and is not costing anyone anything". He voiced concern that this statement is incorrect. Councilman Birdwell reported three items. - He suggested that the Council discuss raising the hotel tax up one percent, from six percent to seven percent. Mayor Ringer remarked that this issue will be discussed at the council retreat. - Mr. Birdwell responded to the letter sent to the Council by Mr. Fitch regarding the payment due him of $14,000 of oversize participation monies. He asked for an explanation from staff. - Mr. Birdwell referred to a preliminary plat for the Pebble Creeks Subdivision which was recently passed by the Council. He noted that the sign at the entranceway of the subdivision shows additional streets and more land than what was presented to the Council. He stated that the current procedure for reviewing preliminary plats is inefficient. A~enda Item No. 11 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland reported that he has combined the council issues submitted and presented a copy to each councilmember. He asked Council to review these issues and return their ideas to the City Manager's office. Agenda Item No. 12 - Adjourn. The Council adjourned at 7:00 p.m. ATTEST: .-~ cfty S~et~ry Dian Jones APPROVED: ~ Ma~ L~. ~nger 007292 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1989 4:00 P.M. · -/ / 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30. 007293