HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Gardner, MoIlhaney, Schneider, Haddox, Birdwell COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, CIP Director Ash, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Attorney Graham, Public Information Officer Calliham, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Engineer Smith, Fire Chief Landua, Lt. Patterson, Zoning Official Kee, Budget Director Schroeder, P]tRD Director Beachy, Finance Director Harrison, Executive Director Piwonka, Councll Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON= Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. &qenda Item No. i - Presentation and Discussion of the College Station Municipal Golf Course. Mayor Ringer withdrew this item from the agenda. Agenda ItamNo. 2 - Status Report to Council on Council Concern Sidewalks. Mr. Charles Gates, Chairman of the Committee, had not arrived at the meeting. The Mayor moved to the last item, City Manager Concerns. Agenda Item No. 9 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland asked for council feedback on a draft letter prepared to be sent to the real estate and title companies in the community regarding the updated information on the flood insurance regulations. Secondly, he proposed several changes regarding the Council retreat. Mayor Ringer pointed out that the council retreat has been tentatively set for June 9-10. 007226 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 2 The Mayor returned to Agenda Item No. 2. City Engineer Pullen introduced Traffic Engineer Black, appointed as the Project Engineer for this project. Mr. Black stated that the Sidewalk Advisory Committee has not had their first meeting. He introduced members of the Committee present at the meeting: Chairman, Charles Gates, and members, Jean Bettenhausen, Blanche Brick, Connie Hansen, Jane Sielken, and Friedel Krotscheck. Committee member Anne Hazen was not present at the meeting. Mr. Black stated that the Committee will work together to upgrade the pedestrian facilities in the City. Aqenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of proposed leqislation for council review. City Manager Ragland stated reasons why the City is cooperating through the TML in the legislative process. One step taken is the staff's review and recommendations of legislative bills. Also, the staff is asking Council approval of a resolution expressing the Council's vote in support or opposition of the legislative bills. City Attorney Locke summarized the legislative bills opposed by staff. Councilman Gardner commented on H.B. No. 1512 and H.B. 329. Ms. Locke reported that the staff has reviewed approximately 5000 bills. Student Gov't Liaison Maloney asked for clarification of H.B. No. 729, Not Allowing Ticket Issuance as Part of Job Performance Evaluation. Councilman Birdwell remarked his opposition to several bills for which staff recommended support, as follows: H.B. No. 1799, Obligation of an Electric Utility to Serve Certain Customers; H.B. 1285, Records Management Requirements; S.B. 433, Exempting Police Officers from the Payment of Tuition at State Institutions; H.B. 1014, Reporting Burn Injuries; S.B. 1342, Expanding legal investment actions for local governments. Councilman McIlhaney asked staff to prepare brief statements for council's information on the bills that Councilman Birdwell mentioned. Agenda Item No. 4 - Report on policies and procedures for the 8treee Lighting and Security Lighting Programs. Director of Public Utilities John Woody introduced Ray Havens and Jerry Garrett of the Public Utilities Department. They instituted a program for the City of College Station by going to the different elementary schools educating the young people on electrical safety. A model was available for the Council to examine. 0O7227 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 3 Electrical Superintendent Ray Havens presented a summary of the city's policies on street lighting and security lighting programs as prescribed in the Code of Ordinances. &qenda Item No. $ - Report on Council Issue #22, RehaBilitation of Older Streets. Assistant City Engineer Smith stated that the intention of the report is to present how the Pavement Management System is us6d to identify the older streets in College Station, evaluate their condition and recommend a rehabilitation program for those streets. Councilman Birdwell asked if the traffic count is used in the evaluation. Mr. Smith stated that the data base contains a location for the traffic count, but this particular information is not in the data base at this time; instead, street classifications in the data base roughly equate to a viable traffic count. Mr. Smith stated that the current estimate of $1.8 million is for the rehabilitation of all the older streets at or below level "C" to the appropriate level of service but not upgrading them to curb and gutter. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the staff looked at the aspect of heavier use on older streets in rental areas of the city versus the use on streets that serve predominantly single family areas. Mr. Smith replied that this aspect was not a criteria in determining the necessity of repair, as the program looks at residential versus commercial. Councilman McIlhaney commented that the council may need to look at changing the criteria. Further discussion continued. Mr. Smith remarked that the city is making an effort to make the neighborhoods look better by bringing the streets up to standard. &qenda Item No. 6 - Report to Council reqardinq oversized partici- pation procedures. (Council Issue ~25 - Coordi~ation A~d T~m~nq of Development) (Related Concerns #2, 12, 17, 25) City Engineer Pullen presented this item. He explained the philosophy of the project, the current practice, several problem areas, and staff recommendations. Recommendations from staff included the following: 1) update terminology; 2) identify potential cost sharing elements; 3) require a master preliminary plat; 4) require developer to submit a master development plan prior to consideration of any plats. He discussed possible alternatives to revise the oversized partici- pation process. He described the process of verifying the building cost. 007228 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 4 Mr. Pullen stated that this presentation will be compiled in report form. He added that the staff is asking for council input on policy matters regarding oversized participation. Mayor Ringer commented that the overall plan is good. Discussion was held on the street width standards set out in the subdivision regulations. &qenda Item No. 7 - Presentation of proposed revisions to th- Comprehensive Plan, Plan 2000. City Planner Callaway presented this item. He stated that staff has brought the Council proposed revisions to the three remaining sections of the Plan: Land Use Plan, Development Policies/Standards, and Thoroughfare Plan. He mentioned that the staff provided the public with information in the city newsletter in regard to the dates of the P&Z workshop sessions. Mr. Callaway showed a display of the Current Land Use Plan, which provides for less commercial development along Highway 6 south between Rock Prairie Road and Green's Prairie Road. This section has been revised to be consistent with the Development Policies. He also showed proposed transitional areas. Councilman Haddox stated his concern about the need for adequate space to allow growth expansion for location of industrial type facilities. He feels the staff should allow flexibility. Mr. Callaway agreed that staff has not intended for this area to be rigid. Mr. Haddox commented that he would prefer showing the undeveloped area to the south as "white" rather than "yellow", low density residential, as depicted on the map. Councilman Gardner stated that the Land Use Map should reflect the objectives which the Plan 2000 is seeking. Councilman Birdwell commented that not enough kinds of activity are shown within the undeveloped area. Mr. Gardner referred to the amount of undeveloped "infill areas" within the present developed area. Mayor Ringer commented that the plan shows that a general location is suitable in the long range plan for a particular type of use. Mr. Haddox disagreed. Mr. Haddox commented that good planning should prohibit placing all the area to the south as low density residential. Mr. Callaway continued his discussion, and focused on the East Bypass study area. He explained that changes were incorporated in the Plan as recommended by the East Bypass study group and adopted by the Council. 007229 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 5 Mr. Callaway pointed out changes in the Wellborn Road area between Jersey and F.M. 2818. These changes have been brought to the Council at a workshop meeting. He also addressed changes which have been made in the area south of Green's Prairie Road. The industrial land has been reduced and the park's institutional area has been reduced. He identified another area to be considered as the F.M. 2818 and F.M. 60 area which has been shown as industrial on the current Land Use Plan, but has recently been zoned to commercial. Mr. Callaway addressed the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor, and suggested that the area be reflected as a new category, "Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor" which defines the boundaries of the Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Tax Financing District. He stated that these changes to the Land Use Plan reflect the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations. Mr. Callaway continued his presentation by discussing the implementa- tion section of Development Policies. Ms. Kee explained the trans- itional areas as buffer areas which were reflected on the map. She noted that transitional areas are areas where allowed uses have only limited adverse effects on residential uses. These are essentially buffer areas between higher intensity uses and lower intensity residential land uses. Transitional areas should be located in such a way as to separate incompatible uses by a minimum of 200 feet. Also, these areas should be considered as buffers around existing non-con- forming high intensity uses. Mayor Ringer asked staff to prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance instituting transitional buffer areas where development exists. Ms. Kee mentioned that a 400 ft. minimum depth for commercial development has been maintained. Mr. Callaway referred to changes in the Thoroughfare Plan. Councilman McIlhaney pointed out that the parks linkage system should be reflected on the thoroughfare plan as well as the land use plan. Councilman Schneider mentioned that we should be more specific in designating uses in transitional areas. He suggested adding another category to the color guide on the land use map. He complimented the Planning Commission and the staff for the work they have put into this document. Discussion was held on the issue of strip development. Mayor Ringer reiterated that the Land Use Plan is a guide for what type of development is appropriate in general locations, but the land 007230 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 6 use plan does not specifically state size and boundaries for undeveloped land. Councilman Gardner emphasized the need for additional discussion by council and more public input. Councilman McIlhaney remarked that a problem exists because there is one map which shows areas of developed land and areas of undeveloped land. She suggested clarifying the undeveloped area illustrated in another map, separating it from the areas of developed land. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Lynn Colson commented that the Commission discussed the issue of suitability. Commissioner Doug Moore stated that most development is in rural open area and then the property is rezoned residential. The residential category for the "yellow" property was a use which P&Z selected; the property could remain open area until a use is determined. He noted that the Commission thoroughly discussed policies and guidelines where the language has been changed in terms of strip development. Another topic discussed by the Commissioners is the issue of "infill". Discussion continued. Mayor Ringer reiterated that the size of the colored box on the map does not limit the size of the development, but only indicates what type of development is thought to be appropriate for that general location. Aqenda Item No. 8 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox mentioned that he recently walked through the Omni Building, located by the East Bypass. He noted that the building is very dangerous in its present condition. He asked staff to look into the matter. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she has served as Council Liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings and at their last meeting, Mr. Dresser voiced concern about the alley behind the Southgate commercial area. He noted that the traffic situation in the alley has increased and it functions more as a street than as an alley. Council man McIlhaney said that Mr. Dresser requested that the Council look into this problem. Ms. McIlhaney also reported that issues were raised several months ago regarding alternatives for selection of auditors. She suggested that the Finance Committee meet to discuss this question. Mayor Ringer directed Councilman McIlhaney, Chairman of the committee, to call a meeting. Councilman Brown asked if staff has found an alternative to the problem of narrow streets in relation to the parking ordinance. Manager Ragland stated that staff will address this issue. City Councilman Gardner remarked that the Planning and Zoning Commission 007231 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Page 7 has worked for three years in updating the Comprehensive Plan. Aqenda Item No. 9 - City Manaqer Concerns. Mr. Ragland presented to each council member a memorandum responding to a council concern regarding the wastewater usage underbilling per the auditor's management report for 1988. Agenda Item No. 10 - &d~ourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. ATTEST: City ~ Jones APPROVED: 007232