HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, McIlhaney, Gardner, Birdwell COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Schneider STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, PARD Director Beachy, Budget Director Schroeder, PIO Officer Calliham, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. with Councilman Schneider absent. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of Ordinance No. 1793 relating to Recreational Vehicles (Council Issue No. 6) Mayor Ringer indicated that several people in the audience were present to speak on this issue. Mayor Ringer explained that the current ordinance states that recreational vehicles are prohibited from parking in front yard drives. He suggested the following two changes to the ordinance: 1) In Section B(2) the words "on residential front yard drives" should be deleted from the ordinance, and 2) Direct the City Attorney to look at the definitions of truck and recreational vehicles. City Attorney Locke asked the Council if they wish to add the term "front yards" to the sentence referring to the prohibiting of parking in front yard drives for trucks and trailers, in Section B(1). Councilman Birdwell concurred. Councilman Birdwell recalled that during the previous discussion of this item, it was the Council's intent to prohibit recreational vehicles, trucks and trailers from the streets, rather than front yard drives. Councilman Haddox noted that he received several calls expressing no objection to parking the vehicles on front yard drives, but to limit parking on streets. Councilman Brown stated that this issue came about by a complaint filed by a citizen about the danger of tractor-trailer rigs and ~nd construction trailers on the streets and driveways. ~ Mayor Ringer noted that another item brought to his attention by several people was that larger ve.~.cles should be prohibited from 0 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 11, 1989 Page 2 parking within a certain distance of the right-of-way of the curb to avoid sight obstruction. Mayor Ringer invited citizens to speak. Jack Rose, 502 Kyle, College Station, came forward. He stated he does not object to the ordinance as it currently reads in regard to parking vehicles on the street. He pointed out that corner houses with side drives were not addressed in the ordinance. He commented that the City has several public nuisance ordinances, and this type of issue concerning recreational vehicles could be handled by citizen complaints, rather than passing an ordinance to enforce action. Councilman Haddox mentioned that at the previous discussion, pictures were displayed showing rental property with two cars parked in the front yard. He stated that the Council would like to prevent this from happening. Mayor Ringer commented that it has been very difficult to enforce the nuisance ordinance. Mr. David Benson, 1501 Lawyer, College Station came forward to speak. He asked for clarification of Section B(1). Mayor Ringer read the last sentence in this paragraph as follows: "It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in charge of property used for residential purposes to permit the parking, standing or storing of trailers or trucks in residential front yard drives or front yards for other than actual supervised loading or unloading of goods or passengers. Mayor Ringer clarified Section B(2) to read: "It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in charge of property used for residential purposes to permit the parking, standing or storing of recreational vehicles on residential streets for a period of time in excess of seventy-two (72) hours within any thirty (30) day period. Mrs. Sarah Bednarz, 2723 Celinda Circle, College Station, stated that she does not understand the definition of a recreational vehicle in terms of trucks in driveways. She pointed out that her neighbor has a "recreational vehicle" which blocks her view of the street. She stated that there are no ordinances which clarify this situation. She indicated that the truck is "noisy". Mayor Ringer stated that the Council will address this in the ordinance so that this type of vehicle will be prohibited from front yard drives. Discussion was held regarding the definition of "recreational vehicle." Norm Dronen, 1302 Langford, College Station, came forward to ask if construction crews who have large vehicles in an area where development is occurring would be exempt from this ordinance. Mayor Ringer replied that if the area is under development as opposed to a residential area, there would be no problem. Mayor City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 11, 1989 Page 3 Ringer pointed out that many times, ordinances of this nature are normally enforced when a complaint is received. Colonel Bell, 1406 Lawyer, College Station asked the Council if the City will wait for complaints. Councilman Haddox stated that while the Police officers are patroling the city, they could also look for this type of vehicle. Col. Bell mentioned that he has a truck with one-ton capacity. This truck would not be considered under the city's definition of a truck. He asked the Council to address the definition of "truck" Mayor Ringer noted that this item has been placed on the agenda for discussion and no formal action can be taken. He 5sked staff to look at this ordinance with the necessary corrections proposed by the Council and address the definitions of "trucks" and "recreational vehicles". Councilman Gardner mentioned that he does not understand the rationale of a 25' setback for hcuses as stated in the Zoning Ordinance. He pointed out that this item has brought up a visual concern regarding larao vehicles close to the street while parked in the driveways. Mr. Don Halverson, 2727 Celinda Circle, College Station, addressed the Council. He emphasized that his vehicle does not make "noise" while parked in the driveway. He noted that the vehicle requires a two-minute idle period to start the engine and is no longer than an ordinary Winnebago recreational vehicle. He stated that his vehicle is used for recreational purposes only. He feels that there is a misunderstanding by the neighbors which have complained against him. Councilman Gardner commented that he has seen a slide of Mr. Halverson's vehicle and it seems to be out of place in a residential area. Mr. Halverson mentioned that the vehicle is considered a cab style truck in a business sense. Discussion continued. Gene Pulley, 1222 N. Ridgefield, College Station, commented that his boat is parked in his driveway. He indicated that the boat is 16' from the curb and 47' from the street. He hoped the Council will not restrict him from keeping the boat in the driveway. Mr. Bob Bednarz. 2723 Celinda Circle, College Station, came forward to address the Council. He pointed out that there is an odor difference in various sizes and types of vehicles. He stated that when an individual's rights have an impact on the community at large, action should be taken. Karen Allen, 2800 Longmire #48, College Station, spoke to the Council. She expressed concern about people who have bought boats, recreational vehicles, etc., and may possibly be faced with the expense of fixing their homes to allow the parking of their vehicles. 0070 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January il, 1989 Page 4 Lousie Avils, 2720 Celinda Circle, College Station, spoke to the Council in regard to the neighbors' vehicle in question. She proposed to the Council that an ordinance be considered which limited garages to be used for the appropriate means. Mayor Ringer directed staff to amend this ordinance in Section B(1) and B(2) with the necessary corrections and to consider the definition of trucks and recreational vehicles so an undue hard- ship will not be created. Ms. Locke stated that she will have the corrected ordinance back to the Council on February 9th. Mayor Ringer announced to the audience that the Legal Department and Police Department will not enforce the current ordinance. Mayor Ringer commented that the staff will look into regulations in terms of sight distances at intersections. Agenda Item No. 2 - Status Report and Discussion of joining with the City of Bryan and Brazos County to combine economic develop- ment efforts through the establishment of a Bryan-College Station Economic Development Board. (Council Issues #2 and #14) Councilman Haddox brought the Council up-to-date on developments since the November 28th meeting. He stated that Mr. Lynn Stewart, of the Chamber of Commerce, met with the Attorneys for the City of Bryan and City of College Station to begin preliminary work on a charter for the proposed Economic Development Foundation. He stated that the Brazos County Industrial Foundation has approved the concept and pledged money, but has not appointed representa- tives. He stated that the Bryan City Council approved the concept and indicated that they want to see the budget plan before allocating money; they have not appointed representatives. Mr. Haddox expressed his desire to move forward to approve the concept at the Thursday regular meeting. Councilman Brown stated that he concurs with Mayor Ringer's idea to appoint two members from the BCIF to the combined board with the requirement that one reside in Bryan and one reside in College Station. He emphasized that the Council should vote for this concept at the regular meeting. Mayor Ringer pointed out that his major concern about the combined economic development organization is the idea of perception. He indicated that the Council should avoid any perception of bias or favoritism. Councilman Haddox commented that he hopes each entity will appoint people to the new board who are community minded and interested in the area. 00705Z City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January ll, 1989 Page 5 Councilman Birdwell endorsed the concept and expressed desire to disband the CSEDF, so that the new Board could begin their work as one Economic Development Group with all activities combined. Councilman Haddox commented that Bryan, Brazos County, and the Chamber of Commerce felt that the marketing emphasis was the initial goal; and, as a result, they are not ready to take on the responsibilities of each city. Mr. Haddox commented that he feels the CSEDF should be retained at this time to keep the Council informed of the status of the Industrial Park. Mayor Ringer mentioned that questions still remain concerning the reallocation of the assets and liabilities of the present foundations. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the new board should establish a goal to accomplish this combined effort; such as, establishing by- laws, budget, and work toward disbanding the existing groups. Further discussion continued. Councilman Gardner asked if Brazos County has the funds. Mr. Haddox stated that they have sold property and no tax money is involved. Councilman Gardner remarked that he is not certain that the "concept" could be decided at this time. Councilman Haddox suggested three parts to be considered during the January 12th meeting: l) approve consolidation of the economic development foundation; 2) allocate money to the new board subject to approval of their budget; and, 3)appoint three representatives to serve on the new board. Mr. Haddox added that he would like the new appointees to serve on the board for one year before the existing foundations disband. Councilman Gardner commented that he would like to see a written outline of the terms discussed at this meeting. Councilman Birdwell emphasized that this change should be regarded as a marketing effort. Mayor Ringer reiterated Councilman Haddox's suggestion to begin the process of combining the economic development effort. Councilman Birdwell suggested a motion to be made at the regular meeting as follows: Move to approve the formation of the Bryan- College Station Economic Development Foundation, agree to fund 007053 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 11, 1989 Page 6 $100,000 funding per year, subject to approval of the budget and bylaws, and appoint three representatives to the Board. AGenda Item No. 3 - Council Concerns. Councilman Birdwell commented on the 4-month calendar compiled by the Public Information Officer. He mentioned that the fines for speeding are low in reviewing the municipal court summary sheets. He asked about the policy regarding underground electric service for developers on credit. Ms. Locke replied that the City has not applied this type of policy in five years. She added that the deposit is paid in cash or letter of credit and the amount is established beforehand. Mr. Birdwell asked if there are other accounts similar to the situation which was placed on the January 12th agenda. Councilman Brown noted that an edition of USA Today listed the new boom towns for each state and Bryan-College Station was listed as the first town in Texas. Councilman McIlhaney asked if staff would mark the right turn lane headed north on Texas Avenue and Highway 30. Mr. Ragland replied that he will take care of this problem. Mrs. McIlhaney stated that she was concerned about the sediment collecting on the water mains on the East Bypass and causing problems in the homes. She asked if the city regularly flushes the lines. Mr. Ragland replied that he will check. Mrs. McIlhaney reported that she attended a meeting conducted by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service on Economic Development. The purpose of the meeting was to gain knowledge of what other organizations were doing to promote economic development. She suggested that Council Concerns could also provide a good oppor- tunity for each Council member to inform other members of the meetings which they have attended relating to city government. She reported that she attended a recent meeting of the Community Center Advisory Committee. She reported that another Ball will be held on February 11th. Also, the video of the History of College Station is being updated. The council consented to appoint Judge Amos as City Judge to replace Phil Banks during his absence on January 26th. Mayor Ringer announced that the Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Banquet will be held on February 3rd. 007054 ~ity Council Workshop Meeting ~ednesday, January 11, 1989 Page 7 Agenda Item No. 4 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland reminded the Council and staff that a reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. welcoming Mr. Tom Brymer, the new Assistant City Manager, and Mr. Glenn Wagner, the new Risk Manager. He reported that he has met with the War on Drugs Committee, and an outline was developed for the bylaws and the scope of responsibilities. City Secretary Jones is putting this infor- mation into ordinance form. He hoped that this item will be on the agenda for the first meeting in February. Mr. Ragland stated that the staff has reviewed the ordinance on oversize participation and staff has changed the procedure conducted in the past. In the future, during the preliminary plat process, the Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will be made aware of any oversize participation process, cost estimates and funding status available. Mr. Ragland informed the Council per Councilman Haddox's request, that the rebar pole on Sebesta Road was removed. Also, the staff has been instructed to review the City Charter. The City Manager's office will provide a report to the Council relating to items that the staff feels the Council should take under consid- eration. He noted that he has been appointed to serve as Chairman of the Education Committee of the Texas City Manager's Association. Serving on this board will give him the opportunity to interview and select the candidate who will receive the Clarence E. Ridley scholarship award. AGenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Ma~ar~ R i~z~r 007055 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1989 4:00 P.M. 1. /~/O¥/w~ ~ r~ft&~'~ 16. 2. C~ ?-fie/ 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 007056