HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, Gardner. Schneider. Birdwell McIlhaney STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, PARD Director Beachy, Assistant PARD Director Cisneros, Teen Center Director Calbert, City Attorney Locke. Budget Director Schroeder, PIO Officer Calliham. Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of moving the Place of Absentee Voting by Personal appearance for the joint municipal/school election to b~ held in May 1989, from the College Station City Hall, to the CSISD Administrative Offices, 1812 Welsh, within the city limits of College Station,. Texas. City Secretary Dian Jones presented this item. She stated that prior to the election, the City Hall renovation will be underway and the period of absentee voting will come during this time of construction. She pointed out that the Conference Room where absentee voting is usually held, will no longer be available. She pointed out that this change will be effective for the current year only and the reason for approval of a site now is to give the city attorney sufficient time to submit the change to the Justice Department for pre-clearance, and, to allow plenty of time to inform the voters. Mrs. Jones recommended that the place for absentee voting by personal appearance be moved to the new College Station Independent School District Administrative Offices at 1812 Welsh. Councilman Birdwell asked if she considered the use of the Community Center. Mrs. Jones replied that she considered two other places, the Community Center and the Central Fire Station. Her recommendation of the CSISD Building was based on the fact that Mrs. Galloway, the school district's Elections Administrator, would be present to supervise the polling place during the absentee voting period, also. use of the Community Center would require employing additional personnel and would involve removing the ballots each night to secure them. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that the Community Center was utilized by the County as a branch for their last election. 007070 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Page 2 After further discussion on the use of the College Station Independent School District Administration Building, Mrs. Jones noted that the local Community Access Channel will display the dates and location for absentee voting, an article will be published in the CITY NEWSLETTER mailed to residents, and media notice will be provided. Councilman Brown moved approval of the City Secretary's recommendation to relocate the absentee voting place by personal appearance to the CSISD Administrative Offices at 1812 Welsh for the May 1989 election. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion, which was approved by a unanimous vote, 7-0. AGenda Item No. 2 - Update of the Teen Center Operations (Council Issues No. 3, 5, and PARD Assistant Director Cisneros introduced this item. Gracie Calbert, Teen Center Supervisor, stated that in 1983, the City Council approved the concept of having a meeting and recreational facility for teens, grades 5-8. In February, ~985, Shenanigan's became a reality and opened as a teen center for the College Station students. Ms. Calbert showed slides illustrating the programs offered. She pointed out that the Teen Center is worthwhile and continues to address. Council Issue No. 3, Crime and Drug Prevention; No. 5, Citizen Communication; and No. 13, Cooperation Between Entities. Councilman Gardner asked if a separate adult group oversees this group. Ms. Calbert responded that the Teen Center Advisory Committee, composed of students, reports to the Community Center Advisory Committee which oversees all operations. Councilman Brown commented that he hopes many students will receive great personal satisfaction from being a member of the Teen Center. Councilman Birdwell asked for an attendance count. Ms. Calbert replied that each day after school, fifty-five to seventy-five students attend; on Friday night, approximately eighty-five 6th graders attend. AGenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of proposal for determination of value of electric system for consideration of sale. (Council Issue No. 42) Mr. Woody commented that at the December council meeting, Councilman Birdwell asked staff for information relative to expanding the scope of the study on future power supply, to include evaluation of electric system value. Mr. Woody stated that the work scope would include inventory of the physical system to determine age of equipment and its worth and value to the City. He stated that the overall study will take three-four weeks to complete and will cost the City approximately $15,500. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Woody if the staff could request proposals to conduct the study in order to determine how much i~to~o~l City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Page 3 would be generated. Mr. Woody pointed out that the staff will be conducting an inventory for themselves in order for the mapping system to be installed. Councilman Haddox remarked that he feels the money spent for this study is well worth it. Councilman McIlhane¥ asked if this study will adversely affect the bidding process. Mr. Woody replied that the information can be obtained in the next 30 days which will push back the time frame somewhat. Councilman Schneider expressed his concern about introducing this item which may cause a great deal of uncertainty. He emphasized that this is a very sensitive item and false expectations may cause the wrong messages to be sent out to the public. Mayor Ringer asked if the city was not considering selling the system, would the study be necessary. Mr. Woody replied no, yet it would be nice to have the study completed. Councilman Haddox clarified to the Council the fact that if the city expended monies for the study, it would not prevent the interested parties from bidding on the future power supply. Councilman Brown asked if Lone Star Municipal Power Agency funds could be expended for this study. Mr. Woody replied that he will be able to respond to this question after the LSMPA budget has been reviewed, the end of January. Councilman Gardner commented that the economic aspect may not be the deciding factor, yet it must be considered in making the final decision. Mayor Ringer added that several other factors are to be considered, such as loss of control, rate setting, planning, development, etc. After more discussion, Councilman Birdwell moved to direct the staff to proceed with the study for determination of value of electric system for consideration of sale, in the amount of $15,500 from the contingency fund, to coincide with the power supply planning. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion. Councilman Schneider moved to amend the original motion by removing the phrase."for consideration of sale." Councilman McIlhaney seconded Councilman Schneider's motion. The motion to amend the main motion was approved unanimously, 7-0. The vote was taken on Councilman Birdwell's motion as amended. m6tion was approved unanimously, 7-0. The 007072 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of a proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 1, Section 27 of the Code of Ordinances, City of College Station, relating to Records, Microfilming, Retention, and Disposition. City Secretary Jones explained this item. She stated that the immediate purpose of this item is to allow legal disposition of many of the stored records currently occupying space recently designated for other use, per the city hall renovation plans. She pointed out that state statute allows disposition of municipal records at the direction of the City Council, and the purpose of the ordinance is to provide direction so that these records can be destroyed. She explained that two existing ordinances cover the disposition of records microfilmed and the disposition of police records. She stated that the Council had before them copies of the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule I referred to in the proposed ordinance. Councilman Haddox asked Mrs. Jones if she felt the time period allotted for each type of document is adequate. Mrs. Jones replied that she is satisfied with the proposed periods. Mrs. Jones pointed out that the records retention periods are based on statutes, regulations, and management decisions, and, the periods for retention are recommended as minimum periods. Councilman Gardner mentioned that in the planning field, there are many plans and maps which have historical value. Mrs. Jones responded that a list of records are sent to the State Library for their review before any records are destroyed; records with archival value will be transferred to the State. Agenda Item No. 5 - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner reported his concern about the proposed railroad relocation on Wellborn Road. Mayor Ringer indicated that Mr. Carol Ziegler of the Highway Department will address the Council at a workshop meeting. Councilman Schneider asked if the Highway Department has become increasingly involved. Mayor Ringer replied that the Highway Department was named Project Managers for this project. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that the current FEMA flood maps were last updated in 1981. He noted that the city is regulating development based on the drainage ordinance and drainage study recently adopted by the Council which is more restrictive than the FEMA maps. Councilman Birdwell also reported on a solicitation left at his house, from someone wanting to paint numbers on the curb. City Attorney Locke replied that the person leaving the handbill should have a 007073 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Page 5 solicitor's permit. The Police Department has been notified that this person is violating the ordinance. Councilman Haddox concurred with Councilman Blrdwe11's comments regarding the FEMA floodplain maps. Mr. Haddox remarked that he has been approached by several people concerned about the drainage ordinance. He stated that they would like to have the opportunity to give their comments to the Council. Councilman McIlhaney commented on the continuing problem with potholes on Sebesta Road. Councilman Schneider noted that he would be interested in receiving information on the progress of street work, particularly the medians along the thoroughfares near the Skaggs Shopping Center. He commented that he hoped the media, when completed, will provide something for community appearance. Student Gov't Liaison Shannon Maloney asked staff to look at the timing of the lights at Jersey and Texas Avenue. She has received many complaints about the short lights at this intersec- tion for traffic heading west to Jersey from Kyle Ave. Mayor Ringer announced that Dick Mervey accepted the appointment to serve on the Charter Review Committee. With concurrence by the Council, Mayor Ringer appointed Judge Amis to preside at jury trial scheduled for Tuesday, January 24th. Mayor Ringer asked if any councilmember wished to attend the B/CS Small Business Development Council meeting and luncheon. Councilman Schneider responded that he would plan to attend. Agenda Item No. 6 - City Manager Concerns. City Manager Ragland handed each councllmember an issue of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, for information, and stated that this newspaper is running a six series expose on substance abuse. He mentioned to the Council that the bylaws have been drafted for the War on Drugs Committee. Mr. Ragland stated that in response to Council concerns regarding the relocation of the bonfire, the Mayor has agreed to pursue the discussion of the bonfire; and, the discussion will include involvement by the students. 007074 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Page 6 Aqenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor RinGer adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. ATTEST: oes 007075