HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Birdwe11, Gardner, McIlhaney COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Haddox STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Public Information Officer Calliham, CIP Director Ash, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Budget Director Schroeder, Planning Director Callaway, Community Development Director Fette, Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV,T LIAISON: Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. I - Discussion of oversize participation issues relatinq to the proposed Pebble Creeks development. City Engineer Pullen presented this item. He reviewed the process through which a developer initiated an oversized participation agreement with the city, and payment was not approved by the Council until after the project was completed. Mr. Pullen explained that the staff is changing to a different approach, whereby the city will initiate the agreement. Oversized participation will be identified upfront to the Council, costs will be estimated, council will enter into a development agreement prior to the construction of the project, and payment will be made upon completion of the work. Mr. Pullen reviewed the oversize participation project for Spearman Drive and Marsh Blvd. He referred to an agreement between the Economic Development Foundation and Mr. Fitch which includes statements regarding oversize participation. He also referred to a letter submitted to the City Council dated April 27,1989. Mr. Pullen described the site of Pebble Creeks Subdivision by referring to the map. He stated his opinion that Pebble Creeks will have oversize participation to serve this subdivision. Mr. Pullen pointed out staff's recommended changes to the current policy. He discussed the following steps: 007306 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Pullen pointed out staff's recommended changes to the current policy. He discussed the following steps: 1) Revise subdivision ordinance relating to oversize participation. 2) Require a master development plan. 3) Add a development agreement. Councilman Gardner commented in support of the proposal to require a master development plan. Councilman Birdwell stated that the major artery throughout this subdivision was approved in the Plan 2000. He questioned why, within the Pebbles Creek subdivision and its total area, would the city participate in any oversized lines except for a water or sewer line destined to serve another area. Mayor Ringer referred to previous discussions about the desire of the council to begin looking at a master plan instead of acting on a number of piecemeal requests. &genda Item No. Z - Staff Presentation on paving of Welsh Street (Deacon to Rock Prairie Road). CIP Director Ash presented this item. He updated the Council on the status of the extension of Welsh Street from Deacon to Rock Prairie Road. He presented overhead transparencies. He noted a concern that council previously expressed during deliberations of the plat for Southwood Valley Section 24; the Council thought there would be a great need for the construction of the entire section of Welsh Street from Deacon to the school site, once the school opens. At that time, the staff was directed to look at the costs associated with the extension. Subsequently, the Planning staff brought to the Council a report that addressed this cost. Mr. Ash stated that several changes to this issue occurred during the preceding 48 hours. He addressed four individual sections of Welsh Street, "A," "B," "C," and "D.". Section "A" is the section of Welsh Street which Mr. Fitch would construct at his cost during the construction of that part of Southwood Valley. Mr. Fitch contacted Mr. Ash and indicated that he has a purchaser for the property on the west side of Welsh. Section "C" is the small section of-Welsh adjacent to the CSISD property, and Section "D" is the extension of Rock Prairie Road from the elementary site on past to the westerly property of Westchester Park. These two sections of roadway were included in the development agreement between CSISD and Peoples Mortgage; they are to be completed by Peoples Mortgage prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the elementary school. Mr. Ash noted that the Engineering Department received preliminary plans on these two sections. 007. 07 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Page 3 Mr. Ash continued with the fourth section, "B." He stated that Section "B" goes through the Peoples Mortgage tract from Mr. Fitch's property to the edge of the CSISD property. He addressed the estimated assessable cost associated with the construction, $203,317, based on the assumption that the right-of-way will be provided by the owner. Councilman Brown asked Mr. Ash to clarify the cost of $50,000 for drainage. He added that Peoples Mortgage will be responsible for the drainage on this site; $50,000 is the assessed cost against the property owner should the city decide to build the drainage way. Discussion continued concerning the drainage route and the responsibility for its construction. City Manager Ron Ragland explained why the staff does not believe that installation of a temporary drainage ditch should be allowed. Mr. Ash referred to the CIP priority list approved by Council. He noted that if the Council desired to build the Welsh Street construction, this project could be placed in the street construction program by revising the schedule. He pointed out that inserting Welsh Street into the current program would push the Holleman and Dominik projects off the list of funded projects. Discussion continued. Mr. Ash asked for council direction. Mayor Ringer indicated that staff should proceed with negotiations with Peoples Mortgage to build Sections "B," "C," and "D," and, that the city will not accept temporary drainage facilities. Mayor Ringer also asked staff to approach Peoples Mortgage to donate the right-of-way if they do not build the street. Mr. Ash noted that if the City builds the street, Council will need to approve a revised street construction program list to include Welsh Street. Aq-nda Item No. 3 - Discussion of city participation in the Texas Rental Rehabilitation Proqram. (Texas Department of Commerce, in the amount of ~100,000) Council Issues No. 6, 10 and Community Development Director Fette addressed this item. He stated that the purpose of the program is to increase the quality of housing units affordable to low i~come tenants. This goal is accomplished by assisting property owners and providing cost effective repairs. He reviewed the grant process and the responsibilities of the owner. Councilman McIlhaney asked if Park Place could be designated as an eligible zone for this type of grant. Mr. Fette pointed out that the areas referred to on the map are based on the 1980 census data. Mr. Fette remarked that the city could conduct its 007 08 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Page 4 own survey to update the additional low income areas. He stated that Park Place is an area which utilizes Community Development loan monies for street paving. Councilman Birdwell asked if the city has the ability to monitor the landlords' rent charges. Mr. Fette replied that the property owner would be responsible for submitting reports to the city, and the city would be able to monitor these charges. Mr. Fette noted that the $100,000 grant will be subsidized among 15 units over a three year period. He mentioned that the Northgate area is a particularly good area for the use of these monies. He pointed out that the owner of the property would need to apply. &qenda Item No. 4 - Discussion and consideration of council policies and procedures. Mayor Ringer stated that this item has been placed on the agenda, at the direction of last year's council to provide each council the opportunity to approve its policies and procedures. Councilman Birdwell moved to adopt the current Council Policies and Procedures for this council year. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Aqenda Item No. 5 - Council Concerns. Councilman Schneider stated two concerns. He noted that the intersection at University Drive and Tauber Street, A&M United Methodist Church, is very dangerous. He reported that he received two calls from persons who were interested in knowing the city's role in providing health and family assistance programs. Mayor Ringer indicated that this issue could be discussed at the retreat. He asked Mr. Schneider to provide a written statement in regard to his concern. Councilman Gardner referred to the memorandum from Judge Banks outlining the minimum fine schedule. He noted that the City Affairs Committee has not finished their discussion on this issue. Councilman Birdwell stated two concer~s. He suggested moving the consent agenda to the beginning of the agenda, so that the city staff who are available to speak on these items could go home after that item, rather than sitting through the meeting. Mayor Ringer stated that the staff will look at this idea. Mr. Birdwell pointed out his second concern. He noted that the bill which allows the county to increase their sales tax 1/2 percent, also applies to cities. Mr. Birdwell asked that this item be placed on a workshop agenda. Mayor Ringer agreed. 007: 09 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Page 5 Aqenda Item No. 6 - City Manaqer Concerns. City Manager Ragland presented to each councilmember a copy of a letter State Department of Highways and Public Transportation addressing the city's concern about the proposed alignment at the Southwest Parkway overpass and its negative impact on the properties surrounding the overpass in the right-of-way acquisition. He also presented the Council with a booklet written by the National League of Cities surveying cities with major universities. &qenda Item No. 7 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252- 17(2)(a)]. 7.1 Discussion of appointments to citizens advisory committees, boards, and commissions. The council moved to closed session at 5:20 p.m. &qenda Item No. 8 - action on close4 session. The Council convened in open session at 6:30 p.m. Councilman Birdwell moved to reappoint George Dresser, 5/91 and Randy Michel, 5/91, and to appoint Mike Gentry, 5/91 to the Planning and Zoning Co~m~sslon. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint Sharon Colson, 5/91, and to name Mrs. Colson as Vice Chairman; to appoint David Cooper, (5/90), as Chairman; and to appoint Mike Winner, 5/91 and Andrea Derrig, 5/91 as members to the Parks and Recreation Board. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint Gib Sawtelle, 5/91, to the Co~unlty Center &dvisory Committee; to appoint new members Leslie Cox, 5/91, and Susan Livingston, 5/91; and to appoint Gib Sawtelle as Chairman. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint the following persons to the Community ~ppearance Comm~ttee~ Nancy Berry, 5/91, Diana Kratchman, 5/91, Phillis Nelson, 5/91; and to appoint a new member, Marsha Sanford, 5/91. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Birdwell moved to appoint Glenda Baker, 5/91 and Mike Cronan, 5/91 as members, and John Webb, 5/91 as alternate to the Zoning Board of &djustments. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion, w~ich carried unanimously, 6-0. 007310 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Page 6 Councilman Birdwell moved to reappoint Dr. James Noel, 5/91, and Col. Terry Rosser, 5/91 as members to the Easterwoo4 ~irport Zoning Boar4. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Schneider moved to reappoint the following persons to the Eleotrioal Examining Board: Dr. Robert Chenoweth, 5/91, Jesse Watson, 5/91, and Robert Harville, 5/91. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Birdwell moved to reappoint the following persons to the Energy Management Committee: Chris Lang, 5/91, Thomas Thraen, 5/91, and to appoint a new member, John Cooper, 5/91; also, to appoint Janice Ray (5/90), Chairman, and Brian Banks (5/90), Vice Chairman. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint Maggie McGraw, 5/91 and Norma Teets, 5/91 to the Historio Preservation Committee; and to appoint Les Hawkins, 5/91, to serve as a new member. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint Bill Lewis, 5/91 to the Plumbing Appeals and Advisor~ Board. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to reappoint Ed McDow, Jr., 5/91 to the Structural Standards Board, and to appoint a new member, Mike Lane, 5/91 to serve on the Board. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer noted that he will contact Dr. Roy Hahn regarding his service on the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. He will continue to serve until reappointed or until a replacement is named. &qenda Item No. 9 - adjourn. The Council adjourned at 6:36 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: 007311 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1989 4:00 P.M. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30. 007312