HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1989 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Haddox, Gardner, Birdwe11, McIlhaney STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Zoning Official Kee, Plan- ning Director Callaway, CIP Director Ash, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Aqenda Item No. i - Discussion of revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, Plan 2000. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the plan provides guidance and direction for future councils and staffs. Mayor Ringer opened the floor for discussion. Councilman Haddox passed out a diagram showing existing parks and indicating potential linkage of all parks. He suggested that this linkage system be incorporated on the land use plan. He also suggested that the property considered residential low density south of town, should be described in other terms. Mayor Ringer restated Mr. Haddox's suggestions and added that "potential greenbelts" could be added to the sections labeled as parks and institutional. Councilman Birdwell suggested that language should be added to indicate the meaning of "greenbelt area" as it relates to the undeveloped areas. Mayor Ringer stated that the land use map would support the objective of the Parks and Recreation goal regarding the parks linkage systems. Councilman Schneider remarked that the linkage system is a good idea. He questioned if the language was adequate in order to ensure that the information is conveyed to the public correctly. Mr. Callaway responded that the staff can improve on the language. 007243 city Council Special Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page 2 Councilman Birdwell referred to the policies and guidelines for parks and recreation. He stated that each neighborhood park should serve a larger area than a 2-3 block radius. He asked staff to look further into this. Councilman Brown suggested changing the title of the Map to "Future Land Use Guide". Discussion followed. Councilman McIlhaney commented that the plan should contain two maps to indicate the developed area superimposed upon a map illustrating the undeveloped area. Councilman Haddox referred to the large amount of single family residential area shown south on the map. Mr. Schneider stated that the language should be changed. Councilman Gardner commented that the Comprehensive Plan is a development plan covering all territory affected during a certain planning period. Mayor Ringer commented that the wording in the plan expresses flexibility. He recommended taking Councilman McIlhaney's suggestion; one map would show existing land use, and the other map would show conceptual land use of undeveloped areas. Councilman Gardner presented graphics used in the original development of Plan 2000. He showed several alternatives that the planners used during 1982-1983. He addressed Alternate C, the plan he developed. Mr. Gardner added that the city should develop alternatives and evaluate them before the revised plan is adopted. He expressed a desire for further opportunity to discuss concepts. Councilman Gardner commented that the timing aspect is part of good planning. Councilman Birdwell stated that the city should adopt the Plan as presented by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Ringer agreed. Mayor Ringer stated that the Council is in agreement on Councilman McIlhaney's suggestion to use two maps; and, also on the proposal from Councilman Haddox to incorporate the parks linkage system. He suggested that the future land use plan be titled "Conceptual Plan for Future Land Use". Councilman McIlhaney mentioned that she would like to see language included in the plan referring to a particular section of the map to clarify the concept. Councilman Birdwell referred to page 3, of the land use draft section, correcting a typographical error in Table 12 - Land Use Inventory, changing the percentage of vacant land to 29%. He referred to page 7, first paragraph of the policies, standards, and guidelines section. He suggested omitting "and, number of employees". Mayor Ringer asked staff to add this phrase as 007244 City Council Special Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page 3 another criteria for industrial development. Mr. Birdwell referred to page 9, drainage standards section, third paragraph. Mayor Ringer suggested adding another sentence to this paragraph. "Compatibility of surrounding Wolf Pen Creek development." Mr. Birdwell referred to the last paragraph on page 10. He asked staff to review the language. He also commented on the language stated under "Hospitals" and "Fire." Mayor Ringer asked staff to review the language. Discussion continued. Councilman Gardner stated several concerns relating to the land use section. He asked staff to look at the population projections and the holding capacity for water, sewer, and electric. The Council reviewed the Policies, Standards and Guidelines section. Councilman Schneider referred to page 2 and stated concern about the language in paragraph 2. Councilman Gardner referred to page 3. He asked staff to add a section on mobile homes under the Land Use guidelines. He moved on to page 6, third paragraph. He changed the first sentence in that paragraph to read as follows: "Strip commercial development should be avoided." Also, he asked that the second sentence be changed to the following: "Strip zoning occurs when commercial districts are located in linear fashion along one or both sides of arterial or ........ " Mayor Ringer pointed out the city must avoid development along Texas Avenue and other major thoroughfares in the city that take away the holding capacity of the street. Councilman Gardner continued on page 6. He suggested that the sixth paragraph should read: "Industrial development should be located on sites such that surrounding development and future development can be protected." Mayor Ringer suggested adding a statement that addressed the present development and potential future development. Councilman Gardner moved on to page 7. He asked staff to address industrial parks with this section. He referred to the last paragraph on page 7. Discussion was held on limiting annexations to growth areas. Mr. Gardner continued to page 8. He suggested adding to the first sentence, "...or to provide land use control." The council moved on to page 10. They discussed the sentence stating that all utility services will be installed underground by the developer. Mr. Gardner moved to the next sentence relating to 007245 city Council Special Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page 4 "the architectural standards control the use of construction materials." Mr. Gardner continued to page 11. He changed the wording of the first sentence to read as follows: "The fill materials must be placed or stored in accordance with a site plan approved by the City of College Station." The Council ended their discussion on Policies, Standards, Guidelines, and moved to the last section of the Plan, the Thoroughfare Plan. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that Fidelity Street should be deleted on page 3 of the Thoroughfare Plan. Staff responded that they will review the list and determine which other neighborhood streets were inadvertently included. The Council reviewed the Thoroughfare and Transportation Map. Councilman Birdwell referred to two proposed arterial streets in the undeveloped area south of the city and pointed out that they should be deleted from the map. He added that the thoroughfare plan is the most important part of the Comprehensive Plan. City Manager Ragland stated his concern relating to the fire protection and ambulance service to the residential areas to the south, if these streets are not identified on the map. Discussion was held on the arterial streets surrounding Mr. Fitch's property, south of the city limits. Mayor Ringer noted that he would rather see lines shown on the map indicating the possible future need for minor arterials. He asked staff to look at changes in arterial streets, in relation to proposed development. Councilman McIlhaney pointed out that the portion between the current Raintree Drive and the extension of Raintree Drive may not be beneficial because there is a serious drainage problem from the pond; also, Westinghouse property abuts the extension of the streets. Discussion continued. Councilman Birdwell suggested that this portion of Appomattox Drive change from a minor arterial to a collector street. Councilman Gardner agreed. Councilman Gardner suggested that a collector street be provided parallel to the East Bypass on the east side between Highway 30 and Highway 60. Councilman Schneider conveyed his thanks to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the staff for all their work during the update of the Plan. Mayor Ringer concurred. 007246 City Council Special Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page 5 Aqenda Item No. 2 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ity $~r~tary Dian Jones Mayo~ 007247