HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro rem Brown, Gardner, Haddox, Schneider COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers McIlhaney, Birdwe11 STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Br~mer, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke, Personnel Director Dickson, Director of Development Services Ash, Fire Chief Landua, Major John Kennedy, Police Chief Strope, Budget Director Schroeder, Finance Director Harrison, Management Services Director Piwonka, Assistant City Secretary Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Aqenda Item No. I - Presentation and discussion on the 911 Emerqenc¥ Communications District and centralized dispatchinq. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer stated that three separate issues are involved in the E911 District and centralized dispatching. He noted that the emergency 911 system was authorized by the voters in 1987, and the enhanced 911 provides technological advancements to the city's current system, basically to allow for better service. The second issue is centralized dispatch, which is separate from Enhanced 911. And, thirdly, the city must choose whether or not to improve the existing radio system by purchasing the new 800 series radios. He updated the Council on the developments which have transpired since the last presentation to the Council in February of this year. Police Chief Strope presented several advantages and disadvantages of centralized dispatching in the Fire Department and Police Department. Finance Director Harrison pointed out the cost comparison of centralized dispatch versus the decentralized dispatch. He stated that the payment for a centralized dispatch operation would cost the city $254,200 a year; currently, the city pays $224,490 for its system. 007379 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 9, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Brymer pointed out two types of concepts for the enhanced 911: Neutral Public Service Answering Point and the Redundant Public Service Answering Concept. Major John Kennedy explained these options. He mentioned that the concept of neutral PSAP would delay response time in obtaining service; whereas, the redundant PSAP would allow the call to be directed to the appropriate city without delay. He added that the redundant PSAP would have a higher capital outlay cost, but there is no ongoing cost for salaries for additional operators. Mr. Brymer pointed out the staff's recommendation, as follows: First, to support the E911 District's offer to provide centralized dispatching for Bryan and Brazos County, but College Station to keep its present dispatching arrangement; secondly, to propose the new 800 series radios be included in the budget process; and thirdly, to authorize the E911 District Board member to pursue a redundant PSAP configuration for E911 service. Mr. Brymer also mentioned that consideration of this item is on the agenda for August 10th. Mr. Brymer repeated the above recommendations, for clarification. Mr. Harrison commented that if centralized dispatch were in effect, three full time positions would be eliminated, but the city would lose a 24- hour fire station for citizens' help, and lose the current capability for coordination of off-duty firemen and police. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of plans for construction of CIP Projects [Council Issues No. 27 and No. 59 (1989-90)]. Development Services Elrey Ash presented this item. Mr. Ash provided a list of the projects completed in the last 12-18 months and the projects under construction during the next 12 months. Using overhead transparencies, he described each of these projects. He noted that the FY 89-90 C.I.P. budget lists the projects requiring construction within the next 12 months. Mr. Ash concluded by stating that the $9.2 million proposed projects for construction in the next 12 months will have a very definite effect on the local economy. Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of proposed 1989-90 Annual Budget. Mr. Ragland introduced this item. He stated that the proposed budget has a 3.3 percent increase over last year's net operating budget. He commented on the revenue situation, and explained that the depart-mental budgets reflect discussion held at the council retreat. Mr. Ragland mentioned that there are several key programs reflected in the budget, such as: 1) proactive code enforcement; 2) expansion of library services; 3) emphasis on the war on drugs; 4) service management training; 5) promotion of convention and tourism; and, 6) continued emphasis on the quality of life in the Parks program (Wolf Pen Creek Park). 007380 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 9, 1989 Page 3 Mr. Harrison covered several areas of concern. He commented that staff has detected a warning signal in regard to the property tax base, partially due to the loss of revenue sharing and to the increased pressure on transfers. Mr. Schroeder briefly summarized the utility billing fund, sanitation fund, insurance fund, debt service fund, and hotel/motel fund. He explained the major revenue changes and major expenditure increases. Mr. Schroeder mentioned that the council budget retreat has been set for August 16-17. Councilman Haddox moved to set the date of August 24th for the public hearing on the budget. Councilman Schneider unanimously, 4-0. seconded the motion which carried Aqenda Item No. 4 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox mentioned that he has received many favorable comments about the quality of customer service the employees are providing; he stated that the time and money spent on the customer service training program has been well worth it. Councilman Gardner asked staff if they have looked into purchasing another overhead projector or provide larger print of the transparencies for a better view. Councilman Schneider commented that he was proud of the television coverage of the War on Drugs community meeting held at the First Baptist Church. He stated that the city, as a council and employees, must emphasize positive aspects and become a more positive force in this effort. Councilman Brown concurred with Mr. Schneider's remarks. He suggested that the council take a leadership role by agreeing to drug testing, and said that he has spoken with the City Attorney about a drug free employment policy. Mr. Ragland responded that the policy is intact and an employee training session has begun with the Greenleaf Hospital personnel to help supervisors learn to identify the symptoms of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. Councilman Gardner commented that the agencies which are related to this field and did not receive full funding should seriously be considered in the budget process. Further comments were made. 007381 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 9, 1989 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 5 - City Manager Conoerns. Mr. Ragland noted that the fire ant problem has been temporarily taken care of in several of the parks by applying Amdro Fire Ant Bait. A memorandum from Steve Beachy was provided to the Council. Agenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor Pro-tem Brown adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: -City--S~tary Dian Jones 007382 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989 4:00 P.M. 12. 13 14 15 16 17 9 19 10. 20 007383