HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1989 - Joint Minutes City Council MINUTES JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1989 5:15 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: P&Z COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, Schneider, Gardner, Blrdwell, McIlhaney Chairman Sawtelle, Commissioners Colson, Dresser, Michel, Esmond City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Planning Director Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Assistant City Manager Woody, Public Information Officer Calliham, Council Coordinator Hooks See guest register. Aoenda Item No. 1 - Status Report and Discussion of Plan 2000 Update. (Council Issues No. 12 and 15) Planning Director Callaway presented this item. He explained that the staff has completed two phases. One consisted of an update of the base studies including land use projection estimates and population estimates. He explained the second phase, which consisted of the review of goals and objectives. The Council recently adopted the revised goals and objectives. The staff is currently working on Phase III which contains three parts: 1) Review of the Development Policies; 2) Review of the Land Use Plan; and, 3) Review of the Thoroughfare Plan. Mr. Callaway indicated that the staff will be presenting the standards on development policies to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their next regular meeting. He stated that the staff has prepared a report identifying major land use impacts which have occurred since adoption of the Plan 2000. The report also identifies a number of zoning conflicts, and includes recommendations from several special studies which have been conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission in regard to land use development. He noted that this information will also be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on February 2nd. He invited the council members to attend the meeting. Mr. Callaway explained the third part of Phase III, Review of the Thoroughfare Plan. As Dart of the plan update, the thoroughfare 007077 Joint City Council/P&Z January 25, 1989 Page 2 plan will include a review of the changes that have occurred due to the improvements in the thoroughfares, and actions by other agencies, as well as actions by the Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion. He stated that the expense of reproducing the updated Comprehensive Plan will be addressed. He presented a schedule outlining the dates for different report presentations, as follows: February 2, 1989 - Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on land use findings and implementation policies. March 2, 1989 - Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on the thoroughfare plan. March or April - Report Planning and Zoning Commission recommenda- tions to the Council. In addition to addressing Council Issue No. 12 - Growth Plan, the staff will also address the qualitative aspects of growth, especially in the area of development policies. Mr. Callaway asked both groups for direction. Commissioner Dresser asked Mr. Callaway to elaborate on the areas, as identified by staff, which conflict with the current plan in regard to land use development. Mr. Callaway replied that the staff will highlight the relationship of development policies to those conflicts; they will look at problems relating to the length of the plan or action being taken which would conflict, as well as conflicts which might occur in development policies. He stated that these conflicts will be brought to the Commissioners simultaneously with the policies, standards, and guidelines. Councilman Gardner commented that many people do not take the Plan 2000 seriously, and, problems may continue to arise unless a committment is made to use the plan as a guide. Mr. Callaway responded that the impact of zoning changes resulted from land use changes which have occurred from a growing population and review of consultants projections for demand of various land uses. Mr. Gardner emphasized that an effort should be made to receive public input. P&Z Chairman Nancy Sawtelle indicated that the lack of citizen input is not the highest priority of the Commission. Mayor Ringer added that many people do not show any interest unless they are unhappy about a situation. Councilman Schneider noted his concern that there is not enough public input. He added that the city should find mechanisms to promote public involvement. 007078 Joint City Council/P&Z January 25, 1989 Page 3 After further discussion by members of the council, Mayor Ringer stated that the staff would like guidance from the two bodies, in relation to public hearings. Councilman Birdwell commented that the city should do the best it can to publicize the public hearings for the regular meetings. Mayor Ringer added that he does not feel there is a need to call a special meeting for public hearings. P&Z Chairman Sawtelle agreed. Mayor Ringer noted that each phase should be reported in "segments" to the Council in summary form after detailed information has been presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman McIlhaney recommended that the Council take action on certain parts of the plan at the regularly scheduled meetings after discussion has been held at the previous workshop meetings. Mayor Ringer commented that final action on the entire plan will be taken by the Council. Mayor Ringer indicated that he would like to have the final report completed before the election. Aaenda Item No. 2 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. ATTEST: i y S~ry Dian Jones APPROVED: 007079