HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1950 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilPOSTPONED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 19, 1950 The City Council met in regular session September 19, 1950, (Postponed from September 11th) with 1te following members present: Mnyor Langford; Councilman l3adgett, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr; City Secretary McGinnis; City Attorney Barger; City Engineer Benson, City Manager,Rogers, and Assistant City Secretary Boswell. The following visitors were present at this meeting: Joel Austin representing the Battalion; Douglas Lancaster, representing the Bryan News, and Luthur G. Jones. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that Mr. Ray Massey be app,)inted City Electrical Inspector. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilm<n Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that Messers. A. M. Gaddis and Ray Massey be appointed to the Examining Board for Electricians and Plumbers to serve with City Engineer Benson, whoill! act as chairman. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the action. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, - ,hat Ordinance No. 149, ^n ordinance establishing new rates, or fares, for the Bryan -College Traction Company, be adopted. Tre Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motloft. City Manager Rogers announced that the Consolidated High School students, under the sponsorship of the local Ii.wnnis Club,would act as City Officials, between the hours of one -nd five in the afternoon of September 22, 1950. The Council authorized Mayor Langford to write a reply to a.letter from Dr. F. B. Clark dated September 17, 1950. Councilman Badgett made a motion, seconded by Councilm^n Orr, that the City invest the Fireman's Pension Fund balance in some forth of short -time Government Bonds. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Co,.incilman Halpin, that the City Manager be authorized to let a supplemental contract for an outfall sewer line from the College Hills Wooded Area, through the Dominik property to the creek according tb plans and specificptions prepared for the project by Homer Hunter. This is to be done by C. L. Andrews at the same unit prices as in the present contrn.ct .for the North Side sewer installation. 003 t� Minutes of September 19, 1950 Page 2 The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Couneilmnn Badgett, that Mayor Langford be instructed and authorized to borrow a. sum of money, not to exceed $8000,000, from the College Station State Bank to pay for the installation of six-inch water mains in the College Hills Woodland section of the city. The vote of the Council -,.-ins unfnimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Orr made a motion, secondedn by Councilman Fitch, that the City pay Luthur G. Jones the sum of $1,285.00 according to nn existing agreement. The vote of the Council was unanimous in fnvor of the motion. Councilman Orr m=ade amotion, seconded by Councilman Budget, that the City's delinquent tax rolls be published in the Battalion, the Bryan News, and the Bryan Eagle, and that M^yor Langford be-i.ithorized to contract with some collecting; agency to collect the delinquent taxes. The vote of t;re Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Badgett, that the name of Jersey Street be changed to Kyle .Street. The vote of the Council was: For the motion; Counc9.lmnn Halpin Against the motion; Councilmen Badgett, Fitch, and Orr Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that the names of Jersey and Kyle Streets be left ^s they are for the present. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Orr made a. motion, sec-�nded by Councilman Fitch, that the name of Jackson Street be changed to Park P1^ce. The vote of the Council -Ps unanimous in favor of the motion. Coujacilma.n Orr made a motion, seconded by Coi.ncilma.n Halpin, that the Council adopt the Block numbering system as is indi.c,t�ted on maps on file in the City Office. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. APPROVED: Ernest Langford, Mayor - ATTEST: N. M. McGinnis, City Secretary