HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/1950 - Special Minutes - City CouncilNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY ATTORNEY CP THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A special meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station will be held on 17th d^y of October, 1950, at the City Hall in said city at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of passing on matters as follows: 1. To consider a power contract with the Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Waco, Texas. , 2. An ordin-nce amending ordinance No. 86 to provide new electric rates: D^tEd the 17th day of October. Mayor, City of College S atzon City Secretary, City of College Station CONSENT TO MEETING We, the undersigned members of the City Council and the City Attorney of the City of College Station, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such notice and consent anda re that said Citi- Council shall meet at the time and place therein and fo th purposes therein stated. U= Councilmen MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 1950 The Council met in special session at ?:00 p.m. with the following members present: M-yor Langford; Councilmen Ba.dgett, Black, Halpin, and Orr; City Manager Rogers; Assistant City Secretary Boswell; City Engineer Benson; City Attorney Barger; City Secret^ry McGinnis. Visitors present: F. C. Bolton, N. F. Rode, Langston Ashford. On motion by H^1pin, seconded by Orr, City Attorney Barger was requested to prepare an ordinance to be numbered 150 to ammend ordinance number Sti to rntt into effect utility rates as recommended by Mr. Bolton; such rates to become effective with the December billing. Mr. Bolton outlined in detail just what would be necessary in the event the city should negotiate with the Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Waco, Texas, .for the purchase of electric power. On motion by Orr, seconded bZr Halpin, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: Upon motion by Orr, seconded br Halpin, with Black, Orr, Halpin, and Badgett voting affirmatively and no councilman voting negatively, the following motion was passed: The contract for the nurcha.se of electric power by the City from the Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc., is hereby approved, and the Mayor is authorized and directed to sign same in behd.f of. the City. A copy of this contract is attached hereto and be- comes a part of the minutes of this meeting. APPROVED: Ernest Langford-, ATTEST: -7r—V-- "M(-.ri "anis. i v SecFetary 0353 \1� COPY AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF POWER BETWEEN BR.AZOS RIVER TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. TC. _-a- AND TITE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION This agreement made this the day of 1950, be- tween the City of College Station, hereinafter called "City", a municipal corporation of the State of Texas, and Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc., hereinafter called "Cooperative", a non-profit corporation organized under the Laws of the State of Texas. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS,, the City owns and operates an electric distribution system whereby its residents are furnished electric power and energy, and desires to purchase from Cooperative such power and energy s73fficient to meet its req-1irements; and WfIE'REAS, Cooperative must maintain a siirplus supply of electric power and energy to provide for the growth of its members, and now has availnble such power and energy to sell to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein contained, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. GENERAL TERMS. The Cooperative shall sell and deliver to the City all of the electric power and energy which the City shall reqiiest, provided, however, that the Cooperative shall never be obligated to sell and deliver electric power and energy to the City at any time when, in the sole discretion of the Cooperative, such sale and delivery would interfere with the Cooperative's ability to furnish adequate service to its members. The City shall notify the Cooperative at the beginning of each contract year of the amount of -the firm canacity and energy which it will need during such year. The City shall so operate its system as not to cause any violation by the Cooperative of its obligations under a contract dated March 25, 1941, and the amendments thereto !(hereinafter called the. "Dis- trict Con -tract") entered into between the Cooper -tine and the Brazos RI -ver Conservation and Reclamation Distridt for the purchase by the Cooperative of the entire output of electric energy generated at Morris Sheppard Dam, including, without limitation, the provisions in such contract with respect to excessive demands and voltage fluctuations. In the event either party to this contract contemplates the removal from service, repair, or alteration on any , piece of equipment and said removal '.).Y, alteration affects or may affect the performance of the other party's facilities, the party- making artymaking such removal alteration, or reapirs shall. notify the other party at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such removal, alteration or repairs, if the need for such removal, alteration or repairs can reasonably be ascertained by such party twenty-four (24) hours in ndvnnee. - I - ,0035-4 �IVK In case of emergencies affecting the facilities of either Party, to the eytent that the delivery of power and energy to the other party Is affected, such party shall immediately notify the other party of such emergency, stating its extent and probable duration. Each party shall notify the other party of the proper personnel to be contacted and notified of changes in operation processes and procedures. The procedure for reading and reporting the readings of the meters, measuring the power and energy sold to the City and for determining the method of operation between the Parties or changes in operation which affect or may affect the operation of the other party's equipment or facil- ities shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto. SECTION 2. EjEqTRjnKL_CHAR LCTERISTIVS, TION ANIT) DELIVERY POINTS. JEGURTION AEM UELIVERY POINTS Electric energy supplied hereunder by the Cooperative to the City shall be alternating current, 3 -Phase, A_,__wire, 60 cycles, and shall be delivered A —7.2/1 -_ 2.4 KILO volts as normal, with allowable variation of 5% above or below normal. The electric power and energy furnished hereunder shall be metered at .2 r12.! KILO __ volts. The Cooperative shall make and pay for all final connections between the systems of the Cooperative and the City at the point of delivery. The point of deliver r7 shall be at the Bryan Substation, near Bryan, Texas. 1701 SECTION 3. SUBSTATION Where the voltage on the linesof the Cooperative differs from the voltage on the lines of the City at the point or points of delivery hereunder, the Cooperative shall furnish, install and maintain suitable equipment to effect the necessary voltage transformation of its electric nower ond energy to the voltage of the City's lines. Transformation equipment will be provided for only one delivery volt-ge at any one Point of delivery. Should additional voltages be required, the equipment incident and necess�ry for such additional voltage shall be provided and maintained by the City without cost to the Cooperative, Meters, and metering equipment shall be furnished and maintained and read by the Cooperative and shall be located at the point or points of delivery on the City's Vde of such transforming equipment. SECTION 4. IRATE. The City shall pay the Cooperative for -the power and energy sold and delivered during each calendar month in accordance with the schedule attached hdreto, and made a part hereof, and marked "Exhitib A" and initialed by signatory hereof and bearing even date hereof; such Payment shall be made each month on or before the fifth (5th) day of the month at the office of the Cooperative at Wico, Texas. If the City shall fall to make such payment within fifteen (15) days after the date hereinabove Provided therefor, the Cooperative may discontinue delivery of electric power and energy hereunder upon not less than fifteen (15) days written notice to the City of its Intention so to do. - 2 - 00,355 `11 SECTION 5. METER RE�DIi\TGS. METFR TESTING AND _BILLIATG_ADJUSTNIEN'P The Cooperative shall read meters monthly and shall test -nd calibrate meters by comparison with accurate .standards, at intervals of not more than twelve (12) months. The Cooperative shall also matte special meter tests at any time at the City!s request. The cost of all tests shall be borne bar the Cooperative, provided, however, that if any special meter tests made at the City's request shall disclose that the meters are recording accurately, the City shall reimburse the Cooperative for the cost of such test. Meters registering not more than two ner cent (2%)' above or below normal shall ')e deemed to be accurate. The readings of any meter which shall have been disclosed by test to be inaccurate shall_ be corrected by the ninety (90) days previous to such test in accordance with the percentage of inaccuracy found by such test. If any meter shall_ fail_ to register for any period, the amount payable to the Cooperative shall be the amount paid in the corresponding period immediately prior to the failure, unless the City and the Cooperative shall agree as to the amount of power furnished during such period. SECTION 6. NO'rTCE OF METER READING OR TEST The Cooperative shall notify the City in advance of the time of any meter reading or test so that the City's representative may be present at such meter reading or test SECT -10-9.7. RIGH OF ACCESS Duly authorized representatives of either party hereto shall be permitted to enter the premises of the other party hereto at all reasonable times, in order to carry out the provisions hereof. SECTION g. C(`NTINTTITY OF _SERVICE. The Cooperative shall_ use reasonable diligence to provide a constant and uninter— rupted supply of electric energy delivered under the terms of this contract. If the supply of electric energy shall fail or be interrupted or become defective through an act of God or of the public enemy or becua.se of accident, fail -!ire of facilities, labor trouble or any other cause beyond the control of Cooperative, then In that event, the Cooperative shall not be liable ^fr any damage. SECTION 9. T1i,RM This agreement shall become effective of the date of connection .f. the systems of the City and the Cooperative and shall remain effective for a period of five (5) years from said date, and thereafter from year to ,year, unless terminated by either party giving to the other not less than six (6) months written notice of its intention to terminate prior to the expiration of ?ny one year period. SECTION 10. STJCCESSOItS AND ASSIGNS. This contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of -the successors and assigns of the rexpective parties hereto. - 3- 00356 - ` SECTION 11. SCOPE, OF AGREEMENT. This contract represent the entire agreement between the narties hereto, and nny premises, representq-ti-ons or commitments made by either of such parties prior to or at the time of the e:xecution of this agreement �,hall not be binding upon the parties, unless the same are embodied herein or are reduced to writing, ,and signed by such parties. Ifflr,,N WITNESS T�REOF� the parties hereto have caused this agreement -to be executed in their respective names, and attested by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, all as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: Secretary ATTEST: Secretary CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS RIVER TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC COOPT'RATIVE, INC. 00357 BRAZOS RIVER TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Name of Seller Schedule Exhibit A Aya.�tDjbilit: Availbble to the City of From the Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc. for resale. Character of Service .Alternating current, three phase..___wire, 60 cycle,- ­_volts with allowable variation of 5% above or beloir normal,, up to Rate Demand Charge: $0.95 per Kilowatt of maximum demand per month, plus Enerr' 8.5 mills per Kilowatt Hour for the first 100 Kilowatt Hoiirs g aZLe. - ,. of maY-imam kilowatt demand. 5.5 Mills per Kiloimtt Hour for all other Kilowatt Hours. Eutj- Clause The Net energy charge per kilowatt hour will be increased or decreased 2110 mill ($0.0002) for t eac',one cent or frqction thereof, by which the average delivered cost of fuel to the Cooperative, over the immediately preceding six months, exceeds 120 or is less than 6,4 for that qu!,ntity of fuel used c.-ntainlng 1,000,000 E.T.U. Determination of Maximum D2majqr� The maximum demand shall be determined by suitable instruments and shall be the highest average rate at which enerF- 'j is used during a4y fifteen minnte period of the month wh.lcl- determination is mqde. MjnLmuij MqthjX_Bill The minimum monthly bill shall be the Contract Ma--imimn Demand. DATE Initittls of Signatory __,_._,-__-- 00358