HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1950 - Special Minutes - City CouncilNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station will be held on the 6th day of March, 1950 at the City Hall in said city at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of passing on matters as follows: 1. Extension of sewer and electric services, contracts for same, and the general election of April 4, 1950. Dated the 6th day of March, 1950. Mayor, City of Co e _. ion, Texas City Secretary, City of College Station, Tex s CONSENT TO MEETING We, the undersigned members of the City Council and the City Attorney of the City of College Station, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such notice and consent and agree that said City Co»ncil shall meet at the time and place therein named and for -he purpose therein stated. i - Councilmen City Attorney 00310 � J MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING March 6, 1950 The City Council met in a called session March 6, 1950, at 3:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Badgett, Black, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr. The following visitors present at this meeting: J. J. Marrison and L. F. Reigel of the Gulf States Utilities Company of Beaumont and E. L. Granau from Navasota of the same company. Norman F. Rode, professor of Electrical Engineering was present by invitation from the Mayor. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the probabilities of the city purchasing its power from the Gulf States Utilities Company. An informative discussion by members of the council and the utilities people led to another meeting in the near future, and at that time propositions will be made to the Council by officials of the Gulf States Utilities Company as to what they can do to supply the City of College Station with electricity from their lines just east of the city. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that the report made to the Council by Messers. Orr, Benson, and Orman pertaining to a tentative agreement entered into between the City of Bryan and the City of College Station for treating the sewage from the North Gate area of the City of College Station be approved and the report be made a part of the minutes of this meeting. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. A REPORT A REPORT SHOWING THE ESTIMATED PER CAPITA COST OF TREATING BRYANT'S SEWAGE AND THE RECOMMENDED PROVISIONS FOR AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND THE CITY OF BRYAN FOR TREATING THE SEWAGE THAT THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THE SYSTEM. FIRST: Due to the fact that Bryan's Sewage Treatment Plant has only been in operation for approximately two months, the monthly cost of operating this plant cannot be accurately determined from experience. Therefore, it was thought best to take 112 of the annual budget allowance, as set forth in the 19.9-50 Budget for this figure of 1/12 of $21,175.00 or $1,765.00 per month. From the records of the Utility Department it was determined that there were approximately 3900 sewer connections to the system. Considering that there are 3z persons to each connection, the total population served is (3900) (3.5) or 13,650 persons. Taking the above two figures, the per capita cost of treating sewage is 130 per month. 003:11 ,a.,, Minutes of Special Meeting March 6, 1950 - page 2 SEC OND : A copy of Mr. Homer Hunter's It Sanitary Sewer Study For the North Gate Area" is attached hereto and is made a part of this report. From this study of Mr. Hunter's has been accepted the fact that the College Station area that would contribute to this system is 142 acres. He has used a population density figure of 10 persons per acre, which would make an eventual population for this area of 1420 persons. It is impossible to say when this area will reach this population. This area has developed rather slowly in the past but once sanitary sewer facilities are available, it may develop at a much greeter rate. An actual count of the houses in this area reveals that there are 125. A great number of these are already sewered into the A. & M. College System. This applies particularly to the houses and buildings along Sulphur Springs Road, or what is commonly called the North Gate Area. Assuming again that there is an average of 310 persons per house, the total population for this area at the present time is 438. However, it has been estimated that not more than 15 of these houses would be connected to the new system when it is constructed. It is not anticipated that the A. & M. College will require the houses that are now sewered into their system to discontinue that service in the near future because they are able to treat this sew-ge and too, they are collecting the monthly service charge for this treatment. Then at the very best, only some estimates can be made as to the population growth of this area and the rq.te that they would connect to the new system. Taro approaches to the problem have been made. No. 1. Assuming that the 142 acres in the College Station area were fully populated to the 1420 persons, the cost of treating the resulting sewage would be $2,215.20 per year. The cost of installing that portion of the line by College Station is estimated to•be $10,760.00. Under these conditions it would require nearly five years for the treatment of the sewage to pay for the line. No. 2. However, since the area is not fully populated., an estimate of the number of persons that will be connected to the system at the end of each year is shown below, together with annual cost of treating the sewage: Year Estimated Population 1950------------ 50----------- 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 - - - - - - - - - - - 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 - - - - - - - - - - - 1953 - - - - - - - - - - - - 200 - - - - - - - - - - - 1954------------250----------- 1955-------------300----------- 1956------------350----------- 1957 - - - - - - - - - - - - 400 - - - - - - - - - - - 1958------------450----------- 1959------------ 500----------- 10-Year Treatment Cost - - - - - - - - - - - Estimated Annual Treatment Cost 78.00 156.00 234.00 312.00 390.00 468.00 546.00 624.00 702.00 780.00 4,290.00 00312 ��� Minutes of Special Meeting March 6, 1950 - page 3 At the above rate, at the end of ten years the line would be less than half paid for. Recognition must be taken of the fact that should the two cities choose to put in separate lines, the cost of such a line to Bryan would be approximately x$9,500.00 (Due to the reduced size of pipe needed) and College Station's cost would be increased to an estimated y$13,520.00 (due to the necessity of building a lift station). By making it a joint project, both cities will realize a savings and it is not believed that the additional load will affect the operation of Bryan's sewaPge treatment plant. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the City of College Station build and maintain a sanitary sewer main of sufficient size and design to transport the sewage from the 116 acres in Bryan and the 142 acres in the College St^tion area from the alley east of Old Highway No. 6 on First Avenue to a point at the west property line of Howell Boulevard ( all as shown on the attached drawing of said line). Plans and specifications of this line shall be approved by the City of Bryan prior to construction. 2. Since the City of Bryan will have to construct laterals to connect to this main to serve the Bryan population and since a. portion of these laterals will be within the confines of the City of College Station, it is agreed to by the City of 9rya.n, that the City of College Station will be allowed. to connect onto these laterals for the use of their customers and the per capita cost of treating their sewage shall be as hereinafter provided. 3. That the City of Bryan shall treat the sewage from this area of the City of College Station free of charge until the end of 1959, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that should the population in this area reach 1420 persons by the end of 1954, that the period of free treatment shall eytend only through the end of 1956. 4. At the end of the period of free treatment, the City of College Station agrees to pay to the City of Bryan at the end of each calendar year, the cost of treating the sewage from the City of College Station based on the per capita cost of treating such sewage and on the population at the end of the calendar year. 5. The City of College Station agrees that not more than 400 connections will be made to the system and that all of these will be confined to the area of 142 acres as shown on the atta.ched ma -p. Respectfully submitted /s/ J. A. Orr J. A. Orr Councilman, City of College Station Is/ Fred J. Benson Fred J. Benson City Engineer, City of College Station /sl J. M. Orman J. M. Orman City Engineer, City of Bryan_ 0313 �� Minutes of Special Meeting March 6, 1'50 - page 4 SANITARY SEWER STUDY FOR THE NORTH GATE AREA CITY OF COLLEGE STATIOAT, TEXAS HOMER A HUNTER CONSULTING E1\TGINEER DALLAS, TEXAS OCTOBER 1949 COPY COPY 00314 Minutes of Special Meeting March 6, 1950 - page 5 Sanitary Sewer Study North Gate Area City of College Station, Texas Recommendations - It is recommended the City of College Station construct the necessary 811 and 1011 mains from the alley east of Old Highway No. 6 on First Avenue to a point at the west property line of College Avenue. This will be a gravity sewer and it will be necessary for the City of Bryan to construct a line of proper size from the lower end of this line to connect with their existing outfall line to the new sewage treatment plant. An agreement should be made with the City of Bryan to treat all sewage, as long as both cities exist, from the part of the City of College Station that can be served by the 811 and 10" mains. Bryan will construct laterals from the mains to the area served which is within their city limits. Since Bryan will be required to construct these laterals which will have their origin in the City of College Station, it brill be desirable to also have an agreement that the City of College Station can connect their customers on to the laterals built by Bryan. There should be no additional cost to the City of College Station for the connection to a Bryan lateral as long as it is within the city limits of College Station. The cost to the City of College Station for the cooperative pro- ject is estimated to be $10,760. Area Served - The area served by the proposed main is approxi- mately 116 acres in the City of Bryan and 142 acres in the City of College Station. It will not be possible to include additional area in the future since the,Texas A. & M. College bounds the area on the south and west and beyond the northern limits of the area involved in this study the natural drainage is to the north into a different drainage area. The area to be served by the proposed sewer is shown in Exhibit I. Population - A population density of 10 persons per acre served has been used in this study since there should be no large apartment houses or houses built on small lots which would increase the population density. This ultimate population in the area to be served in both cities is estimated to be approximately 2580. Infiltration - Infiltration in the amount of /0,000 gallons per day per mile of main and lateral has been used in determining the max- imum wet weather flow of sewage. Flow of Sewage - The average daily flow of sewage was determined by using the maximum assumed population of 2580 persons times one hundred gallons per day. The peak flow to be expected is 225 per cent of the average daily flow which is 580,000 gallonis of sewage per day.. Six miles of main and laterals were used as a basis to determine the infiltration which added 2/0,000 gallons per day. The peak flow plus infiltration used in the design of the sewer is 820,000 gallons per day. 00315 01 Minutes of Special Meeting March 6, 1?50 - page 6 Main Sewer - An eight inch sewer will be adequate for the first 1850 feet of the main when both areas are connected. Beyond this point, a ten inch main will be required to carry the flow. Since the pump station is located at Station 18 � 50, there will be very little dif- ference in cost of this main to serve one or Toth cities areas. The main to serve both cities must be deeper than the main to serve the City of College Station only. Comparative costs of the sewer required to serve the City of College Station and the sewer to serve both cities is as follows: SEWER TO SERVE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ONLY Cost of 8" sewer from Station 0/00 to Station 1850. Pump Station Pt Station 1850, and four inch cast iron force main to A. & M. Campus sewer system. 8" pipe 0- 4 Cut — 360 ft. @ 1.20 - $ 4.32.00 8" " 4- 6 it - 620 ft. @ 1.30 - 806.00 8" It 6- 8 It - 270 ft. @ 1.60 - 432.00 8" It 8-10 " - 270 ft. @ 1.90 - 513.00 g" " 10-12 " - 230 ft. @ 2.20 - 506.00 8" " 12-1/. " - 100 ft. @ 2.60 - 260.00 Standard 61 Manhole - 9 ea. @ 150.00 - 1350.00 Extra Depth - Manhole 15 ft. @ 20.00 - 300.00 } Sub -total 4,599.00 Pump Station 1 Lump Sum 4 001.00 /." C. I. Pipe 1900 ft. @ 1.80 2,420.00 912,020.00 Engineering and Contingencies 1.800.00 Total Capital Cost 9132820.00 00316 i I� Minutfso�' Special Meeting MarchI6, 1950 - page 7 ,f SEWER TO SERVE CITIES OF COLLEGE STATION AND BRYAN Cost of 811 sewer from Station 0 00 to Station 18¢50, lot' sewer from Station 1850 to Station 3150. 81t pipe 0- 4 cut - 80 ft. @ 1.20 - 96.00 Sit 11 4- 6 11 - 200 ft. @ 1.30 - 260.00 811 It 6- S 11 - 380 ft. @ 1.60 - 608.00 SII 1t 8-10 11 - 630 ft. @ 1.90 - 12197.00 81t ft 10-12 ft - 450 ft. @ 2.20 - 990.00 811 11 12-14 ft - 100 ft. @ 2.60 - 260.00 loft 1t 0- 4 It - 250 ft. @ 1.90 - 475.00 1011 11 4- 6 1t - 180 ft. @ 2.20 — 396.00 loft 1f 6- 8 It - 770 ft. @ 2.70 - 21079.00 Standard 6t Manhole - 16 ea. @ 150.00 - 2,400.00 Extra Depth Manhole - 34 ft. @ 20.00 - 680.00 92441.00 Engineering and Contingencies _ 1.312.00 Total Capital Cost 10,760.00 The estimates show that the City of College Station will save approximately $3,000 in actual construction cost by constructing a. line that can be used by both cities. A factor that has not been taken into consideration in computing the saving is the annual pumping cost. This pumping cost, if the average design flow from the City of College Station area only is used, will be approxim,-.tely $4.00 per annum and capitalized at 4% for 25 ,years would be $6,250. This figure should be ^dded to the $3,000 saving to give a, true picture of the difference in cost of construction and operation of the separate system. The actual saving will be $9,250. Conclusions - Since the construction cost of the line to serve both cities is less than the cost of constructing a separate system to serve the area of College Station involved and pumping into the A. & M. College sewer system, it will be an advantage to both cities if the City of College Station can build the 3150 feet of 811 and loft sewer and the City of Bryan agree to treat the sewage without cost from the area.s involved as long as the two cities exist. The City of College Station should stipulate in the agreement with Bryan that any laterals built by the City of Bryan within the city limits of College Station will be accessible to the City of College Station at no charge. This condition will probably exist since the 811 and 10t1 main is within the city limits of College Station the entire length. It will be necessary for Bryan to construct laterals from this main sewer to the area. within their city limits and College Station should be allowed to tie on their customers without additional expense. APPROVED: ATTEST: (r� May v..�0317 i v Secre ary