HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/1952 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilREGULAR, CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 14, 1952 The City Council met in a regular monthly session January 14, 7.952, with the following members and visitors present: Mayor Langford; Council- men Badgett, Boyer, Boyett, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr; City Attorney Barger; City Manager Rogers; Assistant City Secretary Boswell, and City Secretary i+lcGinnis. The following visitors were present at this meeting: Bill Carll, J. C. Culpepper, J. S. Denison, M. C. Pugh, J. R. Oden, Darold Sullivan, Frank Davis of the Battalion, Bob 1x1oore of the Bryan News and xXx. Sayers and W. H. Corbusier. lviessers Denison, Corbusier, Oden and Su7 in the interest of Little League Base Ball C the field for night play during the 1952 sea ware or poles necessary to this work. They of the wire and poles and said the materials The City Council promised to do all it could cause, but stated that the materials on hand stock at this time. The materials required 2500 feet of No. 2 1000 feet of No. 6 200 feet of No. 6 4 poles 70 feet 4 poles 60 feet livan came before the Council lubs. They desire to light son and can not procure the requested of the City a loan would be returned on demand. to help -out in this worthy would not permit taking from are: Solid copper wire bare copper wire solid copper wire Mr. Pugh, President of the College Station Development Association and Chamber of Commerce, came before the Council to report an action taken by the Association at its last regular meeting pertaining to the needs of a night patrolman. The Association requested the City, if at all possible, to put the patrolman back on at night. Mr. Sayers came before the Council protesting his utilities bill at the B. & B. Cafe. The Southwestern States Telephone Company requested the Council to establish a parking time limit in front of their building. The City Manager was authorized to limit parking there to fifteen minutes. Councilman Badgett discussed the parking and movement of traffic in front of the main Post Office. IE Regular City Council Meeting January 14, 1952 Page Two Councilmen Boyer and Badgett and City Manager Rogers reported as a Committee appointed by the Council to see what could be done about securing a negro park site in the southwest corner of the City. The Mayor authorized this committee to continue functioning. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Badgett, that the Council request the Student Senate to appoint a member of its group to attend the City Council meetings. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor X445 U