HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1990 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
:00 P.M.
COUNCIL ~ PRESENT: Mayor Ringer. Councilmen,. ers Brown.
McIlhaney, Gardner, Schneider,
COUNCIL MEMB~I~ ABSENT: Councilman Birdwell
City Manager Rag[and, City .Secretary
Hooks, Executive Director P~wonka,
Executive Director Harrison, Assistant
C_ity Manager Woody, Assistant City
Manager B..r~. er, PARD. Director
Bea.c?y, PuBlic Info~n?ation Officer
Calliham, Planning D~rector Callaway,
Senior Planner Kee, MIS Director
S'fftYDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Trey Jacobson
VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register.
Aoenda Item No. 1 - Canvass of Election returns from the Special Bond
Election on Dec~ 8, 1990.
City Secreta__ry Hooks_pr.e. sented this item. Dr. B.d Bums,. Presiding Judge
for Central Counting Station presented the election results for the
December 8th bond election.
Councilman Schneider moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1871 as presented.
The .motion was seconded by. Coun.c. il~. an Crouch. The motion carried
unann'nously, 6-0, with Councilman B~rdwell absent.
Councilmembers expr.essed gratitude to staff members who worked so
diligently on this elecUon.
Gouncilman G .a[dner suggested th~a.t the council review the propositions at
the next council meeting. Mayor Ringer concurred.
Aoenda Item No. ~ - Presentation of Customer Service Report for the
Qperations Grou~
Mr. John Woody introduced this item and dt~tributed a copy of the report
to each counciIm..ember. Em. ployees from the Operations Group appeared
before the council representing their various jobs.
A customer service film presentation was shown to the council and the
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Wednesday, December 12, 1990
_Aaenda Item No. 3 - Pret, ent~t~o_n and d~-CllSm4_on of IP__~m___O_e'V ~__e~'~__d~_ ~1~_~4
~S D~ector Chiles Cowe~ presented ~ item. He expl~ed ~at ~e
~c~Hum~ Resources computer does not have ~e cap~ to
cu~enfly peffo~ for ~e numerous usem. Therefore, it ~ necess~ to
exp~d ~e m~ memo~ of ~e ~tem. The cost of ~e re~ed memo~
~ $13,500.
_Mr.. Cowell addressed the need for an 8 mm tape drive for the
Financial/Human Resources Computer. The total cost of this request is
$13,585. He also addressed the staff's recommendation for hand-held
meter reading e. quipment. T.h. is ite.m is the last phase of the.three year
MIS plan. Total cost for funding thru project was approved m the current
years budget, $80,000.
Aaenda Item No. 4 - Distribution of the City's Revised and
com.nre easive Plan.
Ms. Jane Ke.e presented this item. She d~_~tributed to each councilmember
a newly re,used Comprehensive Plan and a poster depicting the city's
1 .an.d u.se plan, thoroughfare plan, and list of the city's goals and --
objectives. She commendedher staff for their work o~ this project.
Aaencl~ Item No. B - Discussion of mmendment to the _7.o~i.~
s.. Kee expl .a~ned that the staff w~_s directed by the Council to review the
ascape orcunance.particularly tire points system: She explained that
..reslson.se 9,.an~,e~a~.out. b.e. cause of the landscaping at the College
anon junior rdgn ~cnoo~ site.
She reviewed specific points in the ord~rtance amendment relative to
existing trees, new canopy trees, and parking lot islands. Ms. Kee
presented slides.
Ms. Ke.e stated that the Planning and Zoning Co.mmysion recommended
200 points for new large canopy trees and allowing ~slands with
decorative pavers.
Ms. Kee .~entio.n..ed th.at the staff will .b.e reporting back to council in the
.sp.ring. w~th additional ~deas and possibly the addition of mandatory
ungation systems.
Councilman Brown suggested that st .a~.. look at ~o. int credits for irrigation
systems. Ms. Kee repIied that staff will look at th~s issue further.
Councilman .Brown commented that the ci_ty staff and council have been
very responmve to the needs of ~e school system. Mr. Brown referred, to
an article in the newspaper in which school personnel did not agree w~th
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Wednesday, December 12, 1990
the policies of the city. Mr. Neal, Assistant Superintendent for Business
responded to Mr. Brown's comment.
Agen,4- I~m No. 6 - ~_~_.,,,_sd__fl~ of ~oDosed amendments to ~S~_t~o~ 6.
- ter 10 ~ of vehicles in residential from__.yums.
.Planning Director Callaway presented this item. The proposed or~uance
includes three changes:
1. Require th. at driveways be substantially free from grass, weeds and
other vegetation. .
~.. Include owners of. vehicles as covered by the regulations.
3. A special exception may be granted to any person identified in
Subsection B, upon appro~al of the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Staff feels that these changes will address two major problems in the
ordinance by: . . .
1. Requiring parkina areas be free from veg.e.t.ation ad .dr. esse? the
problem of overgrown parq~ing areas without spec~.ng spec~nc eage
9.. Allowing action to be taken against vehicle owners rather than
just property owners, enabling staff to move to citation procedures.
Councilman Crouch suggested that Subsection B (4) be re.w. orded,
particularly changin, ff the words "excluding". Staff Will substitute another
word for better clarification.
Councilman Schneider asked if the ordinance has been effective. Mr.
Callaway responded ~at tl~ ordinance has not worked well in sg.me
areas, but. suc..c, essful m other areas.. He note. d that the. m.ajor pron,em has
been the m~bility to enforce the ordinance w~thout a citation process.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Mcnhaney stated that .s. he received a call from a citizen
.c. oncerned .about the hours of the library. The c~,~er suggested the
library rematn open late one day a week. The worn .an al. so expressed
concern about the method in which someone must obtam a book from the
Bryan library if Co~ege Station does not have .the book..Ms. Piwonka
replied that staff will look at these options dunng the rewew of the
contract which is up for renewal soon.
Councilman Gardner referred to the remodeled houses on Lincoln/
Tarrow streets. He stated that the city building code prescribes ce.rtain
specific.ations for the living area. He suggested that staff look into the
mechanmms for substandard housing.
Councilman Crouch suggested that council consider the i.dea of .sending
out an annual survey to the citizens to poll them about them neeas.
Mayor Ringer statedthat surveys have been done in the past. However,
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Wednesday, December 12, 1990
when council d~-~cusses the future of the bond propositions at the next
meeting, this issue can be addressed.
Councilman Brown reported that the intersection of Texas Avenue and
Shiloh Place ~. omest~ad Sa..vings and ~e Libr_ary) is. dangerou, s.. Mr.
.E. Irey Ash re, plie. d that staff discussed thru prqblem w~th Mr. Phillips of
Homestead Savings .a~.d. he has looked in.to the cost of changing the
driveway access Which m approximately $18,000.
Councilman Schneider concurred with Councilman Crouch's concern
about the public's opinion. Mr. Schnei.d.e.r ClU..estioned whether st~' might
want to look at the ri.umber of persons living m a household unrelated m
response to the parking of vehicles on grass.
Mr. Schneider remarked about the positive nature., of council concerns on
the world, hop agendas. He hoped the council will make the most of this
opportunity to improve on the council concern ~_~cussion.
~May.or Ringer responded to Councilman Schneider's concern. He stated
at m response to the parking of vehicles on lawns, the Zoning
Ordinance regulates ~e number of people living in a household unrelated
by bloo.cl 9r.m.~..'age m a.single faniily resident~ral zone. M_ayor Ringer
respo.na.ea .mat me counc~, concern item has_been a part o! the workshop
agenaa_ to g,ve the council an opportunity to b. ring .us items which they
would like. to present to Council-for future topics of discussion or action
_by council or staff direction. He does not feel that council concerns are
for items such as pot holes, lights out, etc. These. concerns can be
handled through a note or telephone call to the cxty manager.
Councilman Schneider remarked that he is appreciative of staff's response
to council's concerns.
Aaends Item No. 8 - City Manager
City Manager Ragland prepared a packet of information for the council.
Aaends Item No. 9 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at §:2§ p.m.
~EST: . ~'
~ ~ecretary
4=00 P.M