HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1991 - Regular Minutes City CouncilAUGUST 8, 1991 .'00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBEI~S PRE~: Mayor. Ringe.r, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, B~rdwell, Crouch, Gardner COUNCII~ MEMB]~,S ABSENT: Councilman McI]haney STAFF PRESENT: City M. ana~er Ragland, Asst. ~ity Manager Brymer, Planning D=ector Callaway, Financ.e. Director Schroeder, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, City Engineer Pullen, Development Services Director Ash, Community Development Director Carroll, Public Information Officer CaliLham VISITOItS P~a~T: See guest register. Agenck Item No. I - CONSENT AGENDA. h l.1) Approval of minutes for the regular meeting, July 25, 1991. 1.2) Consideration of bids for replacement shade structures for Adamson Pool Bee Creek Park. (Staff recommends approval to low bidder, LPL Construction of Bryan, $22,900.) . (1.3) Approval of an increase of $15,000 to purchase order no. 910320 issued to McDow & Associates for Engineering Services for Wolf Pen Creek Interceptor - Phase I, Project No. SS1002. (1.4) Approval to amend existing (I:Y 90-91)contract with Joe Orr, for surveying .and right-of-way descriptions for various CIP street projects, total expenditures $13,200. (1.5) Authorization to enter into negotiations with design firms.in the order ranked, for m'tprovements.to ..Krenek Tap Road, CIP ST-1023; ($65,000 budgeted from 1991-93 General Obligation Bonds). Mayor Ringer made a correction to the minutes of the July 2§th meeting. Under agenda item No. 1 - "Councilwomen" should be replaced with "Councilmen". The above items were approved by common consent. _Aaenda Item No. ~t. Consideration of a __msolutio~ tasking certsin findings_ of ~ and auth_c=lzJng the l~yor to execute a license agreement between the City of Colleoe_ Sta~ and 9DDltcant. ~oan Moct'e. ~__ _D~'taik~.g to the enct'o~...hm~t of a structure loc, ted at Uot 14_, Cidrmm~ Hm Addttioa, more commonly known ss 210 Ember Glow Chv, le, into the easement. Councilman Brown moved approval of the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, August 8, 1991 ~ Item No. 3 - A sublfc hearlna on the l:Inel Pl~t (ReSist) ~ Ponderoee Pr~_ce Section ~t. 'lYect A. - - - Project Engineer Veronica Morgan described the location of the tract. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this replat. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Agenck Item No. 4 - ~ticm of the above nl~t. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. _ _Agenda_ Item No. 8 - A public ~ to coasidet' sa ,me~dme~t to the Zoatng Ordln~tce by ,mending Section 7 ~ Use Schedule. Director of PI .an~q Jim Callaway expla~, ed this item. He stated that the Council recently recogr?, ed He p.r. oblems assocmted with zoning in which a C-2 zone abuts low density residential development. Staff prepared azoning' ormordinance amendment to require a 40 ft. setback. Staff also recommends restricting the height to 35 feet .and to allow an extra foot of height for every two feet of setback beyond the reqtm:ed 40 feet. Mr. Callaway added that this amendment will also apply to R-3 Townhouses. Councilman Gardner stated his concern that the zo.nin, g ordinance has various categories that meet the needs for so many d~erent situations that have come forth. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Aaeada Item No. 6 - Conside~tion of sa ordiusace ,mending Section 7 Distdct Use Schedule of Ordinsace No. 1638, the Zontng Ordinsace of the City of Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1909. as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman Crouch suggested that the .s. taff contact the applic..a.n, t informing him of the change in setback, and if the applicant has a problem with this, then the staff could report back to council. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, August 8, 1991 Page 3 Councilman Birdwen pointed out in response to Councilman Gardner's previous comment, that the zoning ordinance now has seventeen categories. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0. Agend~ Item No. 7 - Discussion ~.d consideration of ~ new HUD ~amnt Jim Callaway introduced this item· He stated that HUD has established two new programs, HOME and HOPE. The City of College Station has been.identified as an entitlement city in the HOME program with a (pending) grant of $542,000. The information presented by Jo Carroll is to advise the Council of the upcoming ~.a~, as well as the new requirements for current HUD programs, including Community Development Jo c~on explained these programs in detail. She stated that the staff has planned to develop a consolidated Bryan/College Station housing strategy. She announced that the joint public hearing to begin program will be held on August 14th at the Brazos Center. Ms. Carroll discussed the HOME program. She presented slides of renovated and rental rehab homes for low income residents· She pointed out that there are no administrative federal monies to administer the programs. Ms. Carron discussed the second new program, HOPE. This program is aimed at providing home ownership opportunities for low income first time. home buyers. She stated that there are two type. s .of HOPE grants. F=st, m a planning .gr..ant .of $.100,00.0 ~at must b.e allocated within a twelve month period. Secondly, m me unp~ememauon qrant that must be applied toward non profit organizations or funding for job training. Ms. Carroll stmm'tarized the presentation by providing four recommendations by staff. 1. Apply for HOPE funds - $§42,000 for three years Apply for state HOME funds - $208,000 shortfall momes' 31 Apply for state HOME funds for match · Apply for HOPE Planning Grant - $100,000 The council expre, ssed concerns ..ab.out the implementatio.n, of new programs. Ms. Carroll explained that the statistics show College Station has a vital need for low income housing. She added that the students have a tremendous impact in these figures. Councilman Crouch stated that she is in support of the HOPE Planning (.]rant. Ms. Carroll asked the council to con_sider directing .staff to pursue the gathering of s-~cient ciata necessary to complete the applications. The staff will come back to the Council for final approval. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, August 8, 1991 Page 4 Councilman Gardner asked about the Planning Grant. Ms. Carroll replied that the Planning Grant can be accomp~hed with current staff. Councilman Schneider moved to accept staff's recommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Birdwell moved to divide the motion to consider the two recommendations separately. The first motion included the top three staff recommendations as mentioned above. The motion carried by a vote of §-l, Councilman Birdwell voting against. The second motion included the last recommendation to apply for the Planning Grant of $100,000. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 8 - Dlscussloa and coasidemtion of peeticas for atme~ation. Jim Canaway addressed this ite .m.. He noted that the staff received a petition for annexation from the OI Corporation on Graham Road. Other petitions have been received since the OI petition. He presented a status report to the Council on three options available. He explained the advantages and disadvantages for each option. Mr. Callaway presented prelimin~ cost estimates for each option. Mr. Callaway n.oted that th.e Count~ has initially agreed to reconstruct Graham Road and the city will continue maintenance of the annexed portion of the road. Discussion was held on the annexation of the entire Tract 12. Councilman Birdwen emphasized that the annexation of these tracts will not be a gain for the .c.i~ in terms of fiscal impact, however; the annexation win provide an opporturdty for economic development and the growth will save the city Councilman Gardner favored Option I, as well as Councilmen Brown and Birdwell. Councilman Brown moved to approve Option I and direct staff to proceed with annexation based on the petitions of annexation with the development of pre- annexation agreements. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Schneider expressed his opposition to the type of annexation. The motion carried by a vote of 4-:2., Councilmen Gardner and Schneider voting against the motion. Councilman Birdwell requested that the staff provide the council with the revised City Council Regular Meeting Page § Thursday, August 8, 1991 fiscal impact figures. Councilman (3ar .dner requested to receive the gr.a. phics ~f the area. Mayor Ringer stated that dunng the final process, the staff will pro,de this information. Mayor Ringer further stated that the motion also includes the county maintenance agreement for Graham Road. Councilman Crouch moved to set the date of August 22nd for the budget public hearing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Budget Director Charles Cryan stated that the budget will be delivered to the council sometime next week. He requested that the council consider a date for the budget retreat. The motion to set the public hearing on the budget for the next regular council meeting, August 22nd was approved unanunously, 6-0. Councilman Schneider indicated that he will not be here on August 9.6-27. The council agreed to hold the budget retreat on Monday, August 9.6th, all day and if needed on Tuesday, August 9.Tth. ~ !__t~nt_ No. 10 - C_-o~_ ~_,4__,~*~_n of _r,~,a,_,~,t ~ ove~ ,_~,4_ ?~_c~_on fro~ w.D. Fitch_ in a 12' w~terllne ~]_~_ g W,~]mh ~v~_ City Engineer David Pullen explained this item. He stated that Mr. Fitch has requested a 12" waterline to be installed across the front of his property as part of the Welsh Avenue extension. Mr. Pullen stated that the city's participation with Mr. Fitch would be 30%. Councilman Birdwen moved approval of the oversized participation agreement as recommen, ded by staff. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanLmously, 6-0. _Aaemh Item No. 11 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. Aaead~ Item No. l~t - Council ~ts. Councilman Birdweli stated that he would like to see the Krenek Tap recons.tr~..ction project become an assessment program. He requested that the council d~-~cuss th~s as an agenda item at a future meeting. Councilman Schneider concurred. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, August 8, 1991 Page 6 Mayor Ringer asked staff to look into this and report back to council. Councilman Gardner commented that the staff should look at the quality of the slide projector. Mayor.Ringer noted that he received a letter from the Brazos Animal Shelter regarding the agreement with the City. City Attorney Locke reported that the staff is looking at this. _Aoenda Item No. 13 - City Manager Conuuents. No report from the City Manager. /t_,,~__,4,, !__t,~u_ No. 14 - _t~_~_,~4_ _.~__~_,~__ ~ ~~ ~g ~ F6~17(~fr~l. ~ ~ ~ r~17fffiffll. ~ ~a ~~ [6~17(3~fe~1 (14.1) St~ Rep0~ [6252:17(2) (r)] a. Leg~ Repo~ (14.2) L~d Acne, ion [6252-1Y(2)(~]. a. P~M~d (14.3) Pending. Litigation [6252-17(2)(e)] a. Dwight Rabe The council moved to closed session at 8:30 p.m. ~ Tt~,u No. 15 - Ac~_~ The council convened into open session at 9:23 p.m. No action was taken. ~Aaeach Item No. 1 Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:24 p.m. C,~ST: ~ ~ :Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: