HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/1991 - Regular Minutes City Council~4UI~DAY, OOTORER 31, 1991 4.~20 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRE~: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Birdwell, Gardner, MclLhaney, Crouch City Manager Ragland, Asst. City Attorney Coates, City Secretary Hooks, Asst. City Manager Brymer, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Executive Director Operations Group Woody, Executive Director Community Services Group Brymer, Development Services Director Ash, City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, Development Coordinator Volk, Assistant Public Services Director Smith, Public Services Director La.Beau John Lauletta See guest register. Aoands Item No. 1- _Sla~.a at ,, E~'oclam~tion desicm~itr~_ the month of November, 1991 as 'National Dlabetm Month". Ms. Jackie Worthington accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Aaenda Item No. II - _Sientna of a arocJamatlon dmigns__ ting the month November, 1991 as 'Nalional Hospice Week'. Mr. Norman Irons accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. __J[~,~_ ,4,, !*___~ No. 3 - -~__,~ina of a nroc__-I-,r~_ flon ,~_,~__ _,~,,fl,~g the w,~-__~ of November 11-18, 1991 as 'Chsmber Week tn B/CS'. Mr. Art ICmg, President of the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. _Aoendn Item No. 4 - CONSENT AGENDA. (4.1) Approval of minutes for the Workshop Meeting, October 9, 1991 and the Regular Meeting, October 10, 1991. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 2 (4.2) Consideration of the award of lease to Union Pacific Resources Company for the minerals under 132.73 acres (Pleasant Hill LanaSll Site - 52.29 acres belonging to BVSWMA and the remainder belonging to Bryan). (4.3) Consideration of award of lease to Edco Energy, Inc. for the minerals under 14.659 acres (the East By-Pass Wastewater Treatment Plant). (4.4) Consideration of an ordinance vacating and abandoning a portion of a thirty foot wide alley in Block 5, Tauber Addition, between Church Street and University Drive in the City of College Station, Texas. (4.5) Consideration of an application from Petro-Hunt Corporation for the dr~l]~g of off and gas on A&M University property. (4.6) Approval of consulting contract with Municon Cable Television Consultants to provide assistance in the cable franchising process with TCA Cable. (4.7) Approval to enter into a contract with Texas Signal Equipment, Inc. to provide equipment services associated with replacement of the traffic signal system. Bid price is $144,200. (4.8) Reconsideration of an interlocal agreement with Brazos County for road improvements/maintenance work conducted by Brazos County within the City. (4.9) Approval of award of contract for construction of Municipal Court addition. Recommend award to low bidder in the amount of $64,78§. (4.10) Authorization to enter into negotiations with design firms in the order ranked, and execution of design contract for improvements to Sebesta Road, CIP ST-102. (4.11) Request for purchase approval of UPS system with generator backup, Bid #91-§1. Staff recommends award to low bider Summit, Controls, total expenditure $11,760. · (4.12) Request for purchase approval of Me patrol vehicles for Police Department, Uniformed Division. Staff recommends award to State Purchasing and General Services Commission to Capitol Chevrolet. (4.13) Request for purchase approval of two 25 MVA electric power transformers for Greens Prairie Substation, Bid #91-11. Staff recommends award to Hevi-Duty Electric as low bidder, total expenditure $845,7§6. (4.14) Request for purchase approval of communications equipment to connect City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 3 Greens Prairie Substation to dispatch for remote control of the facility; Technical Division. Staff recommends award to Licom, Inc. Total purchase price, $16,770. (4.15) Request for purchase approval of miscellaneous pad mounted transformers for electric inventory, Bid #92-01, total expenditure, $158,177. (4.16) Request for purchase approval of one Wood Waste Grinder for landfil! operations, Bid #91-45 Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency. Staff recommends award to Fuel Harvesters Equipment as low bid meeting specifications, total purchase $173,31§. (4.17) Approval of a resolution authorizing submission of an application for participation in the Texas State Rental Rehabilitation Program. The application will be to seek $250,000 in the state rental rehabilitation funds. (4.18) Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire 0.115 acres in the Morgan Rector League for use as a seweriine easement by the City. (4.19) Approval of a resolution nominating Celia Goode to the Brasos County Appraisal District Board of Directors. (4.20) Final Plat - Glenhaven Phase IX. (4.21) Final Plat - Woodlake Subdivision Section II, Phase 2-C. Councilman Crouch removed Consent Item No. 4.10. Councilman Birdwell removed Consent Items No. 4.4 and 4.6 and 4.16. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Item No. 4.4 - Consideration of an ordinance vacating and Al~andoning a ~:~rtion of a thirty foot wide alley in Block 5, Tauber Addition, between Church Street and University Drive in the City. Councilman Birdwell moved adoption of Ordinance No. 1924. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. Item No. 4.6 - ADDroval of consulting contract with Murdcon C~h!e Consultants to provide assistance in the cable franch~tg proce~. Councilman Birdwell stated that in his opinion, the staff has the expertise to conduct the franchise process; therefore, he will not support the contract. Councilman Brown moved to approve the consulting contract with Municon City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Pa~e 4 Cable Television Consultants in the amount of $48,500. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwen voting against the motion. Aq~enda Item No. 4.10 - Authorization to enter into negotiations with desiqn in the order ranked, and execution of desiqn contract for improvements Sebesta Road, CIP ST-1020. Councilman Crouch mentioned that she understood the school district would report to the city about their future plans in this area. Ms. Debbie Keating replied that the school district has completed the study but they have not reached a decision. The staff recommends that the construction proceed. Councilman Crouch asked if there would be any variations to the plan if the school was not located there. Ms. Keating replied that the pavement structure on Sebesta would be rti~erent if the school was built, because the buses would travel on the roadway. Two designs will be prepared. Councilman Crouch moved approval to authorize staff to enter into negotiations for the execution of a design contract for improvements to Sebesta Road in the order ranked. 9.' Walton & Associations Rio Tech Engineers 31 McClure Engineering, Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. A_aenda Item No. 4.16 - Request for purcb~_se approval of one wood waste _cn'inder for land_rd] opera,ohs, Bid #91-45, Brazos Valley So]id Wast~ Manaqement Aqency, Total purchase $173,315. Councilman Birdwell stated that the council did not receive data on the operating cost and a cost savings analysis report regarding this purchase request. He noted that this expenditure is significant and the council should be aware that a proper economic evaluation was conducted before a decision is made. Asst. Public Service Director Mark Smith remarked that 40% of the waste in the lan~lfi]] is yard waste. He added that the grinder is capable of reducing the volume by 80%. He referred to other uses for the wood chippings produced by the grinder. Mr. Smith indicated that the life expectancy of the landfill will City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page increase. Councilman Birdwell moved to defer this item and ask staff to report back to the council with specific cost data. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman Crouch remarked that the staff knows better than the council if this equipment is necessary. She trust the staff to anticipate the city's needs and to evaluate them effectively. She suggested that authorization to purchase the equipment be approved at this time. Councilman Gardner commented that a large machine similar to tlds equipment handled the clearing of land at Wolf Pen Creek. He inquired about the feasibility to lease the equipment. PARD Director Beachy replied to Mr. Gardner's question. He stated that a wood grinder was leased from a company in Brenham and the rate was $300.00 per hour. Further discussion continued. The vote taken on the motion to defer failed by a vote of 3-4. FOR: Councilmen Schneider, Birdwell, Gardner AC_.,AINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Mcllhaney, and Crouch Councilman Crouch moved to approve the purchase of the Wood Grinder at a cost of $173,315. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman Birdwell asked staff to comment on the return on investment. Mr. Jim Ridgway remarked that the life expectancy is about 10 years. He added that if the wood is chipped, this will enhance space and savings in the lan,4fill life. Mayor Ringer asked if the chips can be mixed with sludge as a compost. Mr. Ridgway replied yes. He stated that a study is being conducted on yard waste composting. City Manager Ragland commented that the staff recommends this equipment based on studies reviewed and actual experiences. He added that this purchase can be cost justified and a return on investment provided to the council. Councilman Mcllhaney asked if there is a possibility that the equipment can be leased to another entity. Mr. Ridgway replied that there may be a liability setback. He added that the equipment will not be used everyday so this idea might be taken into account. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 6 Councilman Crouch stated that she is grateful to the staff for not providing the documentation. She added that she trusts the staffs' judgement and that is acceptable for her. The motion to approve the purchase of the wood grinder carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwell voting against the motion. Mayor Ringer asked to move Agenda Item No. 10 up to this place on the agenda to discuss at this time. Agenda Item No. 10 - Review of draft of~kl notice of sale snd oflic~ mtement Mr. David Fetzer and Mr Pete Fischer of Moroney, Beissner & Company appeared before the Council. Mr. Fetzer outlined the terms specified in the offcial notice of sale. He noted that the sale of the general obligation bonds will take place on December 5th, 5:00 p.m. Mayor Ringer asked Council to look at their calendars if this date is convenient. Mr. Fetzer indicated that the proceeds from the sale of bonds will be used as follows: Street Construction - $2,750,000 Parks construction and improvement - $750,000 Refund the City's outstanding public property Finance Contractual obligations, Series 1991 - $1,125,000 Councilman Birdwen asked if there is a reason why the bonds could not be set at $4,950,000 rather than $4,625,000. Director of Finance Glenn Schroeder replied that staff felt $4,625,000 is sufficient for the projects in the next 2 1/2 years. Councilman Crouch asked about the drainage bonds. Mr. Fetzer replied that bonds of $1,230,000 for drainage projects exist. Discussion continued on the remaining bond monies. Mr. Fetzer continued with the description of the notice of sale. Councilman Mcnhaney moved approval of the official notice of sale set for December 5th at 5:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Mcllhaney thanked the financial advisors for their time to review the City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 7 document with the council and the public. _Aaenda Item No. 5 - A public hearing on the designation of a retnveetn~nt_ and a remm~ for tax abatement in the name of C.C. Creatfm~, Gulf Coast Ssortswear, and TMW ParUtem, located at 11~ Hollentan. City Planner Jim Callaway presented this item. He stated that this request for tax abatement relates to the proposed business expansion and consolidation of C.C. Creations. He rl~.~cussed the application contents. The request for advalorem tax abatement is for 10 years at 100% and 50% reduction in utility rates. Mr. Callaway referred to an alternative plan from Allon Fish of the Visitors Bureau which recommends ten years at 10%. Staff' is not opposed to this option. The staff has also looked at the alternative of 100% abatement for five years. Councilman Gardner asked about the tracts included. Mr. Callaway replied that the area in the reinvestment zone includes all the property owned by the investors of C.C. Creations. Councilman Gardner asked if the applicant has met the criteria. Mr. Callaway stated that the applicant is here to answer questions of the council regarding this particular project. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. The applicant, Mr. Ford Taylor of C.C. Creations addressed the Council. He stated that TMW Parmers agree with the 100% tax abatement for five years. Councilman Crouch asked Mr. Taylor if he intends to look at other sites in Dallas or Houston. Mr. Taylor remarked that he does not want to move to Dallas or Houston, but he does not know if this would happen or not. He added that location depends somewhat on tl~ tax abatement agreement. Councilman Brown asked Mr. Taylor if he objects to the elimination of the utility rate reduction. Mr. Taylor replied that he does not ,'~i-agree. Mr. Allon Fish of the Chamber of Commerce came forward. He referred to his letter addressing the utility usage at the business. He corrected his statement to reflect that the utility usage will increase by 50%. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 8 Councilman Birdwe11 moved adoption of Ordinance No. 1925. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Gardner pointed out that the figures provided in the "News from City Hall" publication indicates the city does not have to go to the "extreme" to offer this type of incentive. Councilman Birdwell hoped that in the future, an improvement in publicity will occur to allow the public to express their views on this issue. He pointed out that this site is located in a part of the corumtmity where low income families live and this will help provide jobs to people in the neighborhood. Councilman Mcnhaney stated that she agrees with Councilman Gardner in some respect. But in this particular case, in the area of town that the business is located will help revitalize economic growth and provide job opportunities for persons in the area. Councilman Gardner stated that this area is not a good place to encourage industry and the zone is contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. The vote was taken to approve Ordinance No. 1925 which carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against the motion. Councilman Birdwell suggested that the 100% abatement for three years is appropriate. _Aaand~ Item No. 7 - Consideration a/~ demlopment agreement with Allen Swoboda for can~ruot~n cost ~tton an the ~ttox Bddae._ Aplxm~ttox Drive and North Forest P~rla~y. City Engineer David Pullen explained this item. He recalled that Mr. Swoboda came before the Council in July to request consideration for a reduction in the size of the right-of-way and the bridge for Appomattox across the flood plain. The staff has reviewed the drawings which were redesigned and staff has no objection. The development agreement was included in the pack~ge. Mr. Pullen pointed out that the staff agrees with Mr. Swoboda with respect to this request for oversize participation on two of the three items. The text of the letter submitted by Mr. Swoboda uses a di~erent engineer's estimate submitted. However, the principle behind those numbers are about the same. The oversize participation on the channel does not change, it remains at $90,000 in which the Council considered in February of this year. The di~erence between Mr. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 9 Swoboda's request and staff's recommendation has to do with the way the savings is applied to the reduction in the size of the bridge. Mr. Pullen further stated that the staff's understanding of the council's direction in July was that the savings would be applied toward the city's reduction of the city's oversize participation. Mr. Swoboda understands the council's recommendation to mean that it would be applied as a percentage relative to the amount the city was participating in the project. This is the reason there is a $14,000 di~erence in the numbers before the council tonight. Staff recommends approval of the development agreements. He mentioned a change on the first development agreement in the second paragraph regarding the year from November 1990 to 1989. Councilman Brown asked if the problem is the $14,000 difference. Mr. Pullen replied that in order to £malize the agreement the staff needs direction of what the council's intentions were at their last consideration of this item in July. Whether the council intended to share the reduction in costs or the entire savings would be applied toward the reduction in the city's participation. Councilman Brown thought he understood that the $14,000 originally went to the city. Mr. Pullen pointed out that the reduced cost of the bridge from a 47' wide bridge to 39' wide bridge was more than $24,000. The ,~erence between Mr. Swoboda's request and the manner in which staff has applied it, is that Mr. Swoboda has taken about 3§% more than that, because that is the amount of the $90,000 that the city participated in the total cost of the bridge. He applied that figure to the reduction of it. Staff recommended to apply ail of the savings as a result of reducing the bridge against the amount of oversize participation of the bridge. Councilman Crouch moved to approve the development agreement with the staff's recommendation. The motion died for lack of second. Mayor Ringer questioned the definition of oversize participation. He stated that he interprets the definition of oversize participation to mean that a certain structure is required and the city has determined in its best interest that the structure should be larger and therefore should participate in the cost of the extra, but not in the cost of the base. It appears that a decision should be made in what would be required to serve what a developer wants to do and if the city requires something above and beyond that, this is where the city participates. If City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 10 the council reduces what is required above and beyond, that is the city's reduction. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that he understands the logic, but in this case, the city has gone far beyond the participation requirements. Councilman Birdweil also pointed out that the minutes of the City Council meetings were not included. He does not recollect any previous discussion of the savings and he assumed that some of the savings would go to Mr. Swoboda. Councilman Mc]]haney stated that she recalls the previous problems referred to savings. Councilman Birdwell stated the council previously clarified to Mr. Swoboda that the maximum amount paid on the bridge and channel is $180,000. Mayor Ringer noted that the first agreement provides that the city will participate in the construction cost of the bridge up to $67,943.34 but not over and in the channelization up to $90,000 and no more. He added that the street oversize participation is not to exceed $28,000. City Engineer Pullen clarified that the bridge and channelization cost were $90,000 each. The street cost was approximately $43,000. The numbers referenced in the development agreement represent the savings accrued to the city by reducing the width of the bridge and width of the roadway. In this pacl~ge, all of the savings have been accrued to the city. Councilman Brown moved to approve the first development agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Birdweil restated the costs: $90,000 for the channel, $67,943.34 for the bridge, and the street cost not exceeding $9.8,000. Mr. Swoboda addressed the council. He stated that a bid has been received for the bridge for approximately $207,900. Mr. Swoboda indicated to the Council that he interpreted the council's intent to pay 45% of the total bridge cost. Subsequently, the Council would receive 45%, and he would receive the other savings. These numbers were calculated as $10,339 deducted from $90,000; therefore, the city's cost of the bridge is $79,661. Mr. Swoboda stated that the low bid for the channel was $200,335. The bid for the street was $153,209. He stated that the bid specified a box culvert. He was informed by staff that he will have to pay for the entire cost of the culvert. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 11 Mr. Swoboda referred to the construction guarantee clause in the agreement regarding the completion period of North Forest Parkway. Mayor Ringer stated that he would be willing to put a statement in the agreement to the affect that if Mr. Swoboda has not completed North Forest Parkway in three years, then he (Mr. Swoboda) may appeal to the Council for renewal of the agreement. Mr. Swoboda projects to construct part of the road in one year or so and the remaining portion in two to three years. He is concerned about another decline in the economy. Development Services Director Ash addressed the Council. He stated that the staff would not object to extending the three year period to five years. He suggested that Mr. Swoboda would have the right to come back and renegotiate this section of the agreement should something come up in the future that would preclude the development of the roadway. Mayor Ringer added that he would be willing to add a statement to the agreement allowing Mr. Swoboda to appeal to the Council. Councilman Birdwell stated that he has no problem extending the time period. Councilman Brown disagreed. Mr. Ash mentioned that additional terms could be provided in the agreement regarding cost estimates. Councilman MclLhaney moved to amend the motion to add to Section 9. of the agreement the following phrase: "A request for a two year extension will not be unreasonably denied." Councilman Crouch seconded the motion to amend the agreement. The motion carried unanimously, ?-0. The council voted on the original motion as amended and the motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer referred to the second development agreement relating to the use of the wastewater treatment plant road. Councilman Brown moved approval of the second development agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Mr. Swoboda expressed his reservation on the inability to control the traffic along the road. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the motion by inserting a clause in City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October $1,1991 Page 12 paragraph 3, on page 2 of the agreement as follows: "SWOBODA will use his best efforts to insure that all construction tr~f~c shall obey the 25 m.p.h, speed so designated." The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Mr. Swoboda stated concern about the maintenance of the roadway. Councilman Mc]]haney moved to insert in paragraph 2 in the second sentence. "SWOBODA shall continue its maintenance during all construction phases until such time as the roadways' necessity is removed by the completion of North Forest Parkway". The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. The council voted to approve the development agreement as amended. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0. No. 8 - Approval of a Final Plat - ]~tttlaralet Forest Councilman Mcnhaney moved approval of the final plat with staff recommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. PARD Director Steve Beachy addressed this item. Bids were opened September 17th for the Wolf Pen Creek Phase I project which were over the approved budget of $1,250,000. He announced that the qualified low bidder from Construction Resource Group submitted a bid in the amount of $1,512,460.12. He stated that the staff met with owners of Construction Resource Group and J.T. Dunkin in an attempt to negotiate and were not successful in its attempt. The only possible way to reduce the cost is that the project be significantly altered. Mr. Beachy described three options for the council to consider. 1) Accept the bid from. CRG and .allocate funds n. ecessary 2) Negotiate further w~th CRG to bnng proje, ct within budget 3) Reject all bids, redesign project to bring it within budget 4) Rebtd basic proje.ct with minor changes to bring in other potential bidders 5) Postpone project indefinitely City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 13 Councilman McIlhaney reported the recommendations of the Budget/Finance Council Committee. They recommended that the bids be rejected and for staff to request re-bids for the present project with possible alternatives for landscaping. The Committee expressed concern about the loss of structural modifications. Councilman Birdwell asked if there is any indication that the new bids would be better than these unless the project is changed. Councilman Brown replied that the Committee felt that this bid process was not timely. Some companies would not bid because they were occupied with other projects. Councilman Mc]lhaney stated that there also may be interest from out of town bidders. City Manager Ragland stated that there were two companies from Dallas who indicated they would submit a bid. Councilman Birdwell stated that he cannot understand why the council would want to send something out for bid if there are not significant changes in the project. Councilman Gardner asked about the background experience of Construction Resource Group. Mr. Beachy responded that there will not be a problem for them to complete the job and this firm will produce quality work. CRG proposed several alterations in the amphitheater design. Also, substitution in materials and the lake shore treatment. Councilman Gardner commented on the committee's recommendation. He suggested that it is only right to obtain the items we want and the council should make an attempt to finance it. Councilman Gardner moved to direct staff to negotiate with the low bidder and to accept the bid from Construction Resource Group and ask staff to develop f'mancing for $262,460.20 from Certificates of Obligation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Brown remarked that two months is not going to hurt the project and at the end of two months, the council will have the option to approach the financing in the same way if a bid does not come in lower. He stated that he was in favor of rebidding the proposal. Councilman Mcnhaney concurred. Councilman Schneider stated that he will vote against Mr. Gardner's motion. He stated that this would send the wrong signal to the public. He agreed that the City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 14 project should be rebid and perhaps some design alterations made. Councilman Birdwen moved to amend the motion to direct staff to negotiate with the low bidder and to reduce the construction cost to $1.4 roilllon or less subject to the approval of the revisions by staff and the consultants, and to report back to the Council on November 20th. The amended motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Birdweil made several comments about Construction Resource Group's suggestions. One suggestion is the redesign of the fishing pier. Another major savings could be the elimination of the retaining wall around the restrooms and electrical substation and instead construct a slope, which is acceptable. He concluded by saying that it is reasonable to negotiate with the low bidder and make changes in the design. The vote was taken on the amended motion which carried by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch, Birdweli, Gardner AGAINST: Councilmembers Brown, Mcl]haney and Schneider Mayor Ringer restated the original motion as amended. The motion which was approved is to accept the low bid and direct staff to negotiate with CRG to reduce the bid to $1.4 million or less subject to the acceptance of changes and to report back to the Council on November 20th and finance the additional monies through the issuance of Certificates of Obligation. Councilman Brown stated that the committee discussed ways to fund the additional monies. He would prefer the city go with these options rather than financing it through certificates of obligation. Mayor Ringer interpreted the motion to convey that any monies raised to offset the additional cost will be used rather than Certificates of Obligation. Discussion continued. Councilman Mc]].haney stated that the project cost should be lower, but not at the quality of the project. Mayor Ringer restated the motion: Accept the low bid and negotiate with Construction Resource Group to derive at a cost of $1.4 million or less subject to staff and consultants approval. Staff is directed to report back to the Council the results of the negotiation by November 20th and to finance the additional monies from other revenue sources or obligation bonds. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 Page 1§ The vote was taken on the original motion as amended and the motion passed, 4-3. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councihnembers Crouch, Birdweil, Gardner AGAINST: Councilmembers Schneider, Mcllhaney, Brown ~ Number 4 ~ the November 5, 1991 elecJ!~___. Councilman Brown moved approval of the resolution supporting Proposition No. 4 which provides for authorization of $1.1 billion dollars in general obligation bonds for state construction of 9.5,000 additional beds, including mental health facilities, and repairs and renovation for existing facilities. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Ammda Item No. 12 - Cmmcfl Cotlunents. Councilman Crouch stated that she and Councilman Mc]]haney dressed in Halloween costumes to this meeting to advocate creativity, a topic that was discussed during the TML Annual Conference. Councilman Gardner presented to each councilmember information on Wolf Pen Creek. He also reported that he received complaints about cars that have very loud stereos and the disturbance it causes. City Manager Ragland replied that he will check into this matter. Councilman Mcllhaney pointed out that she and Councilman Crouch have ideas to share with the Council on the topics of imagination and innovation during their retreat. She indicated to the staff that she visited with other cities in Fort Worth and she believed that the City of College Station is in the forefront among communities in the state and the staff is very creative and innovative and she is very appreciative for their efforts. Councilman Schneider also agreed with Councilman Mcl]haney's comments. Mayor Ringer also agreed. He stated that he has received many compliments and less complaints. He asked Council to notice the median development on University Drive between Texas Ave. and College. He asked staff to prepare a letter to the Highway Department for their fine work and thanking them for the improvement. Mayor Ringer indicated that there are council issues that have not been discussed completely. He mentioned the library. He said that a workshop City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 31, 1991 meeting may be held to address these type of subjects. Agend~ Item No. 13 - City_ Mana_aar Concerns. City Manager R~gland reported no concerns. Agenck Item No. 14 - ~ Visitors. No one spoke. ~Aaeack Item No. 15 - AdJovnt. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Page 16 City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: