HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/1991 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilC~ O:~T,T~C~., WO~-~OP ~%'~'~qO WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1991 4.'00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Mc]]haney, Gardner, Crouch, Birdwell Councilman Schneider City Manager Ragland, Asst. City Manag.er Brymer, .Asst. City Manager Woody, .P. ublic Information O~cer Calliham, Asst. City Attorn. ey Graham, City Attorn.e.y Locke, Planning Development Coordinator Volk, City Secretary Hooks, Development Services .Directpr Ash, City Engineer Punen, Fire Chief Orange, PARD Director Beachy See guest register. Aaenda Item No. 1 - ~ _SippJn_ _ g of I m'oclamatioa desianatbta the week of May 1~- 18. 1991 as 'Police Week'. - - _M. ajor Ed Feldman of the CSPD accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Aaenda Item No. 3 - Siantna of I moclsmation dasicrnath~a the week of May 13- 18.1991 as ~ Weel~. - - - - Mr. Bill Schaer of the CSFD and Dr. Richard Hen'on, EMS Director accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Aaenda Item No. 3 - Sianfna of a m'oclama~n desianadna May 35. lg91 as No one was present to accept this proclamation. 44 Item No. 4 - Canvass of Electioa Rettmm from the General Elecdon oa 1991. City Secreta~ Hooks introduced Dr. Ed Burns, Presi.ding Judge of Central Counting Stauon. He presented the canvass of elecUon returns from the general election held on May 4, 1991. Councilman Birdwell commented that he was disappointed with the Iow turnout, 6 percent. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the Resolution canvassing the election returns. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1991 Page 2 The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agend~ Item No. 5 - Presentation by Chsmber of Conunerce on ~ly ~tivtties of Bryen-CoHege Statk~n Convention end Visitors Bureau. Mr. Allon Fish, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council. He expressed excitement about the location of the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station. Mr. Fish presented a brief description of the Chamber's fL'st quarter report in 1991. Councilman Brown asked Mr. Fish if the local hotels and motels would be able to meet the needs of the tourists when the George Bush Library is open. Mr. Fish replied that there maybe further expansion in existing hotels, and possibly new hotels and restaurants. _Aaendn Item No. 6 - CONSENT AGENDA. (6.1) Approval of minutes for the Workshop Meeting, April 24, 1991, and the Regular Meeting, April 25, 1991. (6.2) Approval of a resolution rela..ting to the approval of the issuance of revenue bonds of the Greater East Texas Higher Education ..Authority. (6.3) Approval of State Dep. t. of Highways and Public Transportation contract for Occupant Protec.tion Select,ye Enforcement. (6.4) Consideration of recommendation to refund 1988 and 1989 property taxes to N.C.N.B. - Texas National Bank in the amount of $14,839.61. The above items were approved by consent. Aaend~ Item No. 7 - Presentation end discussion of the Metropolitan Plnnntna ~O~aniBa~ l.,ona Range Tmnspomtion Pl~. - Mr. Edwin Hard, Transportation Planner addressed the Council. He presented a brief overview of the land use plan projections developed b~ the City and provided to the Texas Transportation Institute for use in then' traffic forecast model. Councilman Mc]]haney indicated that no commercial development was planned in Area 1, the East Bypass and Area 8, south of George Bush and FM 2818. City Planner Jim Callaway addressed the council's .concerns. He stated that the projections were based on historical growth data, information on cu~r. ent infrastructures, and also on the response from the developers on then' goals or intentions for future development. Dr. George Dresser discussed the modeling process and transportation ~lannina process. He also presented results to date of the travel forecast transpo~ation - model and the MPO transportation plan. Dr. Dresser referred to the packet material that included an illustration of the new and improved transportation facilities planned by 1995 and 2010. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1991 Page 3 Mayor Ringer stated that the new and improved facilities projected for .1995 are reasonable and these projects should go forward. However, projects listed for 9.010 should be reviewed at a time closer to 9.010. fMm~Or Ringer asked the City Manager to place this item on the next agenda for er discussion. Councilman Birdwen commented that he would like to have an analysis that shows the one-wa.y, vehicular tr~_~__c for east and west Tan'ow. He also requested information on C14, C18-C-9.1. Councilman Crouch askc~l Dr. Dresser to provide street maps of the University campus. City Ma~.a.ger Ragland mentioned that the Council may .w~n. t to see the analysis of the original concept on the Lotrak project. The council concurred. teaic ltem No. 8 - Presentation of City of College Statien ~ Dept. Planntna. Fire Chief Richard Orange presented this item. He discussed the Fire Dep~ent's m~.'. sion statement and future goals. Chief Orange reported on the fire station location study project. He stated that the existin~l fire stations cover approximately 7_5.perc. ent of ~e C_ity within a five minutes re-sponse time. He fu:rt, her reported that the existing fire stations duplicate approximately 24 percent o! the coverage area. Chief Orange identified several recommendations based on the study. Chief Orange discussed the deployment profile proposal. The council concurred to discuss Agenda Item No. 11 at this time. Aaenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of ~ for impl_a_,~_ .enta_t~_a__ of StreW__ Ir 'oventent Projects. Ms. Debbie Keating, Pr.oiect Engineer addressed this item. Sh.e stated that the street projects included m the three year plan for street and sidewalk improvements are: Krone Tap from Texas Ave. to the East Bypass Luther Street to Hoileman Welsh Street from the Elementary School to Deacon Rock Prairie from Victoria Street to Wellborn Road Sebesta Rd from the East Bypass to Sandstone She pointed out that the frontage of lots onto Welsh encouraged on street ~.,arki~. g: In addition, the upgrading of Welsh Street would encourage additional ]x,e tra~c to. the.U, niversi_ty. Based on the anticipated proble.ms wi-th bike traffic anq on street pariang, staff recommended a 39'pavement section from Holleman to George Bush Drive. City Council Worksho~lMeeting Wednesday, May 8, 1 Page 4 Edwin Hard presented the traffic volume estimates per council's requests. This information was provided in the council packets. Councilman Brown emphasized that he does not approve the extension of Welsh Avenue to George Bush Drive. Councilman Birdwell remarked that he believes the extension is worth looking intO. Ms. Keating. stated that the staff recommends that the extension of Welsh Avenue not be co. nmdered in .th..e three year plan, but if council desires, staff could study the area m further detail after 1995. Councilman Brown moved approval of staff's recommendations for the five street projects in the three year plan. Kron. e Tap from Texas Avenue to the East Bypass Marion Pugh from George Bush to Luther Street Welsh Street from the Elementary School to Deacon Rock Prairie from Victoria Street to Wellborn Sebesta Road from the East Bypass to Sandstone Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion. Councilman Crouch asked if Sebesta Road would deteriorate because of the tr~f~c volume if the school decided to.locate on this road. Ms. Keating replied that the pavement design will be conmdered for Sebesta Road depending on the traffic load. City Man?ge.r Ra. gl..and_a_dded that the staff has analyz, ed the impact of the proposea scnooz m~e. wlten staff addresses the de?gn stage .and be. fore money ~s spent, the council will have an opportunity to review the demgn cntena. If the school has not made a decision at that time, then the council may wish to postpone construction. Councilman B'.n'~w. ell made an amended motion to delay the d.esign and construction oz ~enesta Road until the school has made a dec~sion; thereby deleting Sebesta Road from the list of street improvements. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. The vote was taken and the motion failed by a vote of 2-4. FOR: Councilmen Birdwell and Gardner AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Crouch, Mcllhaney, Brown Councilman Birdwell moved to delete Rock Prairie from Victoria Street to Wellborn Road and substitute the improvements of Tarrow Street from University to the city limits at East 9.9th to four lane. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner. Councilman Birdweil stated that the improvements to Tarrow Street are more critical in terms of timing, than the improvements on Rock Prairie Road. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1991 Page 5 The vote v~s taken and the motion failed by a vote of 2-4. FOR: Councilmen Birdwell and Gardner voting for the motion. AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Mcllhaney, Brown, Crouch The vote was taken, on the ori. gm' al motion to accept the staff's recommendations. FOR: Mayor Ring.e.r, Councilmen Cardner, Crouch, Mcl]haney, Brown AC, AINST: Councilman Birdwell T__t~n_ No. 9 - conest~tion. Council Issues #1 TC~eunC~ Birdwell moved to defer this item to the next workshop meeting. motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried by a vote of 5-1, Councilman Mcrlhaney voting against. No. 10 - Pros_~_m~*t~ of ml.,j Event' ~~'~_ho_,~_ ~]-~-u,~ me - .... Ms. Jo Carton and Mr. Randy Pitcock of the Community Development office presented this item. Slides of the renovated sites were presented. Many city code violations were corrected. Mayor Ringer complimented the staff and the groups of Texas A&M University for their hard work. Item No. 12 - .~. ~ .~.n of an ~ce ame~_a_J~g renumbe~cr me current Soc~__n 8(I-I)¢l(b) es by the addition ar Se~don 8~]fl~)fli_l. - ........ - Councilman Brown moved approval of .O. rdinanc.e No. 1893. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcllhaney which camed unanimously, 6-0. _~/Item No. 13 - C, muddm~tl~a~ of an o~_ce ar~___~_ ~,~g CimDtar 7 ~ ~a ~ ~"~n ~ ~~~ - - - - ..... - .... - Counc~an Crouch ~ed a~pro~ of Ore.ce No. 1894. The ~o~on ~ seconded by Counc~m~ G~er w~ch c~ed ~~ouslT, 6-0. .~.No. 14- ~-~~ ~ ~ ~~_ce ~~ ~-'--7 ~ .~ - - - - ....... - ..... Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of Ordinance No. 1895. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1991 Page 6 Amm~ Item No. 18 - He~r Visiting. No one spoke. Aaend~ Item No. 16 - Council Concerns. Councilman Crouch reported that she spoke with staff and the drainage study will be corning to the council in the near future. Councilman Mc]]haney reported that the War on Drugs Committee would like to presen.,t a joint presentation on May 16 or June 6 at an evening meeting.. The council preferred June 6th. Mrs. Mcllhaney also reported ~at she r.ecerved calls from several persons who have received letters from the city regarding code violations with respect to high weeds. She asked if the staff would be willing to give an extension because of the r.,a~n, the city has received. Mr. Callaway re~lied that ff there is a problem v~th the deadline then they sh.o.uld contact his omce and work it out with him, rather than going through Municipal Court. She also referred to the fire hydrants on Munson Street. Councilman Bir.dw, ell stated that the rains have created problems to the city streets and if it is fea..sible he wo.ul, d r,ec~.est that an agenda item be placedon the next regular meeting to consider taking $100,000 from the general fund balance, and utilize these monies toward street maintenance. Councilman Crouch seconded Mr. Birdwell's request. Mr. Birdwell asked if the Gulf States Utilities $25,000,000 refund was applied to utility customers. Mr Woody remarked that he will look into this. Mr. Birdwell also inquired about the possibility of negotiating a contract with the hospitals on employee medical cost· Mayor Ringer. urged the councilmerabers to solicit volunteers to serve on the citizen, convmttees. He also noted that he will be. sendina a memorandum to the council requesting their preference on the council comn~ttees and citizens cornn'dttees. Mayor Ringer also stated that a tentative date has been set for a pre-budget meeting on June 5-6. _Aaend~ Item No. 17 - City Mm~ger Concerns. City Manager Ragiand did not make any additional reports. Aaen~ Item No. 18 - _Closed _._~_~4_,~_ to _rec_,~ve ll _tia~tion [6~82-17¢2)(e}1. and sersonnel [6,9.~17(2_~(a}1. - 18.1 Staff Report [6252-17(2)(r)]. . Legal Report · Staff Report City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1991 18.2 Pending Litigation [6282-17(2)(e)]. Anton Slafl~a a. 18.3 Personnel [6282-17(2)(g)]. a. Discussion of Committee Appointments 1. Joint Relief Funding Review Committee The council recessed to closed session at 7:35 p.m. Page 7 Aaenda Item No. 19 - Action on closed session. The council moved back into open session at 8:04 p.m. Councilman Brown moved to approve staff recommendation of $78,30..0 as a settlement amount with Anton Slafka. A second was made by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Aaenda Item No. 20 - Adjoin'ri. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. A~TEST: , u J._// APPROVED: 0 '~ Q 1 0 '7 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, I~Y 8, 2991 4:00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. ge 19. 10. 20.