HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1991 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Ri~L~.ger, Councilmembers Brown, Crouch, B=dwell, Mcllhaney, Gardner, Schneider City Manager .R.a. gland, Asst. City Manager Bryme.r., Asst.. City Manager Woody, . Executive Dn'ector Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Harrison, Development Services Director Ash, City Secretary Hooks, City P_l. anner Callaway, City Attorney Locke, ~ity Enoin.e...er Pullen, Public Information Officer CallJham, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, Energy Spect~]i~t Shear Trey lacobson See guest register. Mayor Ringer opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The .c. ouncfl reconvened the wor..]~, h?p m. ee.,'_ti_ng of Wednesday, February 27th to discuss the remaining items on weanesaay s agenaa. Council.man B~.dw~_ll as_.lce~l__ ff this pr.o. gra~_ prpvides the opportunity for more people ? qu. ,a~.. Mr. C_allaway repli.ed that the .'.mc. ome guidelines remain the ,sawn, e, m.e .gulaellnes a:r, e.,base, d ?n prior HUD policies. But this program will help assls! more people man Delore. Item No. 8 - ~ o~ Wolf Pen Cre-__~_ Prolect Status ~,~--ulanltJan of ..wur line r~!__oca__eon ~lt,.,,~l_ ~ - PARD Director Steve Beachy presented a status report of Wolf Pen Creek Phase I and the review of the sewerline relocation project. He showed an illustration of Phase I which includes the lake, amphitheater, concrete trails, restrooms/picnic ahe.!.t.e.r, co.n,c.essio.n., area and playground. He noted that the use of other parking cilities wm r~e utilized in Phase I; however, the master plan provides for additional parking along Wolf Pen Creek, such as the mall parking area. thMr. Beachy _continued and discussed., the project design schedule. He indicated at one goal is to have the Jazz Festival at Wolf Pen Creek in April 1999.. :~eachy discussed_ the s. ewerline relocation project alternatives. He stated t Na..than Mai_er & As. soclates der,....e.~'~ed that the best cost effective City ernauve is to keep the existing 15" line and construct an 18" line across ~he ( nQ1 !0 City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, February 9.8, 1991 site. Councilman Birdwell suggested that the staff provide architect prelimin .a~ cost estimates before the consultants proceed too far into the project. Council agreed. Councilman Birdwell asked for the cost of the sewerline. Mr. Beachy replied that the total, estimated cost including engine.e, rtng fees. and easements should not exceed $9.00,000. He added that the funding for this project has been allocated in the 1984 utility revenue bond funds. Aaanda Item No. 9 - ~n of Electric CIP Budget Update for FY 1990-91 Public Utilities Director John Woody introduced this item. Mr. Jim McCord of McCord Engineering addressed the electrical system projects planned for the next three years. Mr. Marry Collins described five projects and a status report of each. Councilman Birdweli thanked the staff for an excellent presentation. He asked if the staff could provide similar information on the projects and associated costs in 1988-89. _Aaenda Item No. 10 - Council Concerns. Councilman Brow~....stated his concern about the 10% penalty charge for late payment on the utility state.m, ent. He surveyed s .everalcities comparable to our s~ze and found that other cities do not charge this amount. Mr. Ragland replied that the staff has begun to work on this. Councilman Birdwell stated that the February sal.es tax report is a positive sign in that the retail sales were up after adjustments ut College Station. Councilman Schneider stated his concern about the lack of media coverage from the television station. City Manager Ragland repo. rted that he is preparing for the high speed raft public hearings to be held m the near future. He reminded the council of the Leadership work session on Monday, March 18th. He reported that Channel 3 news station has indicated they will make an extra effort in the future to talk about the local economy on their broadcasts. _Aaenda Item No. 12 - Ad~.oun~. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 28, 1991 Page 3 Mayor Ringer began with the regular meeting agenda at 8:11 p.m. Agenda Item No. I -. CONSENT AGENDA. (1~1) Approval of nunutes for the workshop meeting, February 13, 1991, and the regular meeting, February 14, 1991. . . (1.2) Approval of contract concerning Title Il conunodities distribution by the City of College Station. (1.3) Consideration of Administrative Guidelines for Optional Relocation Program and revisions to existingrehabilita.tton progr..a..m, guide.lines. (1.4) Consider a. proposal from Nathan Mater, Consulting Engineers for engineering sennces necessary to relocate an existing sanitary sewer thru the Wolf Pen Creek Park Project. (1.8! Approval of a contract to retain Barton-Aschman Associates as consulting engineers in conjunction with the Traffic Management agreement. (1.6) Approval of a change in Reinsurance carrier for TPS Worker's Compensation Fund effective 3/1/91. 1.7) Approval for construction work to be performed at Post Oak and outhwood Valley Ele. c~.cal Substations. (Fun.ding available through URB 1984, awarded as detailed m Bid 91-01 for a sam of $384,007.09 to Dacon, Inc. Purchase Requests (1.8) Request con. tract approval for roofing of Lincoln Center, Bid #91-25, Management Serwces, Energy Division. Staff recommends award to low bidder meeting specifications, All American Enterprises. Total expenditure $17,428.00. (1.9) Request for purchase approval of one front end loader for landfill Staff operations, Bid #91-31 Brazos Solid Waste Valley ~o Management Agency. recommends award to Mustang Tractor for purchase of $142,744.00. (1.10) Request for renewal of purchase order for annual Janitorial Maintenance contract. Staff recommended renewal to A.B. Enterprises, total contract $91,695. .1.11) Request for purchase approval of one industrial backhoe/loader, Bid #91- 3, Public Se.rvices Department. Staff recommends award to low bidder, Case Power & Eqmpment, $29,990. .12) Request for purchase approval of .one tractor, Bid #91~22, Public Services ept. Steff recommends award to low b~dder Boettcher-Hlavfig~, $10,6~.1. (1.13) Request for purchase approval of one trench compactor and vibratory plates, Bid #91-28, Public Utilities, staff recommends award to low bidder CTR Rental Center, total price, $2~.,619. .14) Request for purchase approval of one Regenerative Air Street Sweeper, d #91-24, Public Services Department. Staff recommends award to low bidder meeting specifications, Industrial Disposal Supply, total price, $75,158. (1.15) Approval of an increase of $.6,280 to purchase order no. 91.0.321 issued, to McDow & Associates for engineenng services for FM 2818 waterline extension, Project No. WT-1005.. (1.16) Approval of an increase of $8,000 to purchase order no. 910318 ? .M.c.Dow & Associates for engineering services of sewerfine extensions within city limits, Project No. SS-1007. (1.17) Approval for purchase of additions to the supervisory control and data acquisition system. (Funding available through URB 1984, amount request $67,800.) City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 28, 1991 Page 4 PLATS Il.18) Replat of Kapchinski Hill Subdivision 1.19) Replat.of lots 8 & 9, Block 5?, So.uthwood Valley Subdtvlsion Section 24D 1.20) PrelJmJn~ Plat for Sam's Subdivision located adjacent to the north of the ex,ting Furrow's development along the east side of HWY 6 By-pass. Counc'.~na.n... Birdwen removed Agenda Items No. 1.5 and No. 1.20. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 1.5 .~ Approval of a contract to retain Barton-Aschman Associates as consulting eng-ineers in conjunction with Tr~f~c Manaqement acrreement. Councilman B~rdwen pointed out that the staff recommended the firm of Barton Aschman & Associates .a~.,d begun negotiating a .contract with them. He stated that he has a problem with spending money outside of Brasos County. He added that the local firm of Walton & Associates is equally qu~llf~ed for this type of work. Councilman Birdwell moved to direct staff to proceed with negotiating a contract with Ned Walton & Associates for the engineering consulting work on this traffic management program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman Mc]]haney stated that this consent item was remo.ve.d at ~e . workshop meeting and discussion was held on the cost assocmted wtth this program. She does not be].ieve the council should change the staff's recommendation in this case. Councilman Birdweil remarked that this is the first time he knew that such a project was being considered. Further discussion was held. Mr. Woody presented additional information regarding the criteria specifications during the review process. The council took a few minutes to review this document. Councilman Birdwell commented that the travel expenses would be lower locally versus a firm outside the county. Mayor Ringer stated that the staff r.e~i.'ewed the three co .z.~.,.,ultants based on a number of factors, and made a dec~slon on the most qualified firm. He added that the council does not have the time to evaluate all contracts the staff has presented. The vote was taken and carried by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Councilmen Birdwell, Brown, Gardner, Schneider AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councihnembers Crouch, Mcllhaney City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 28, 1991 Page Aaenda Item No. 1.20 - Pr~]~_mJnary Plat for .e~m's Subdiv~s~_on. Councilman Blrdwen stated that the access easement is not a condition of the plat. Mr. Callaway provides for a 16 acre tract located north of. the ~tn'ow's site. In addition, the tract has a secondary access through a prnmte access easement. He added that the access easeutent is a separate instrument agreement between the owners of the parent tract and the owners of tlds particular tract. Mr. Callaway pointed out that this information was ~]~-~cussed at the workshop meeting. Mr. Tom Ga]breath of Dunaway Associates, addressed the Council. He stated that the issue of the access easement there is an a~lr.eement between United Savings and Wa/mart Incorporated in that there be ]outt use of this private access drhre, and it may be planned as a 30 fl. street with curb, also designed by city standards. Councilman Birdwen moved to approve the plat as recommended. eMr..E, lrey .As.h. poir}.ted, out th_a.t the staff discussed this particular issue at great ngm ana aeterutmed that this easement is acceptable. Purther d~.~cussion was held. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney and carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Brown moved to direct staff to prepare the necessary abateutent o rouneem..ents for S.A.. Holditch & Associates. The motion was seconded by cilman Schneider. City Atto~e.y. Locke stated that the procedures fo]lowin this action are follows: r~ouces are sent to other taxin .. . .g . . as .... ,.,._ ,_ ............ g., em,ti, ties, a _notice ~s placed ut the paper, - ~un,,~ nearing wm ne ne~a ana councu w~u consider an ordinance de~icm~ti~,~ a reinvestment zone. --'~ ...... ' Tlds item was discussed at the workshop uteeting. Co.uncilman Bird_well noted that .this agreement is between three r~arties and r.ep~.aceme, nt, of office p_erso.m't, el m a new building does not cru~l~ for t~,~ ana~eute, m. ~e~dd.ed_ th.at lds concern is the qualifications o'f the'other two c,omPaute.s, ~cc:ord ~..ngmeering and Holster & Associates in terms of tax anateutent. Councflutan ~ardner stated that the applicant indicated yesterday they will ask for tax abatement from the school district and county. The motion carried 6-1, Councilman ~ardner voting against. City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 Thursday, February 28, 1991 Aae~_d~ !,___~ No. 3 - C_.,~,. ~4,4~,~_,~,~_ af ~n ovar~_~ _-~,~_,~,~,l_,~n_ _rt,~__,~ ~nd ~n Co~c~ Bro~ m?~d appro~ of ~e ~rs~e p~cipa~on re,est ~ ~e ~o~x of $90,000 for ~dge p~cip~on, $90,000 ch~e~a~on, ~d $43,198 for Appo~ox s~t. Tot~ ~o~t $223,198. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Mayor Ringer stated his support for the motion based on the council agreements in the past rega. rding this issue. He added that it is important to extend Appomattox Drive. Mr. Elrey Ash noted that the staff has discussed with Mr. Swoboda that the extension of Appomattox Drive be wide enough to include bike lanes. After further discussion, the motion carried unanimously, 7-0. .Co.u~. c' .fl~nan Bi~.d..well ma.de, a motion to require the developer to add to the plat m tins phase ox me subdivision, North Forest Parkway. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Mr. Larry Wells remarked that the development of North Forest Parkway is included in the Master Plan, Phase 9. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. No. 4 - C_-~_ ~~__~_ of' a flo,j~l_nl~mqt m___m~'___--,tm__m~__t with Councilman Birdwell moved to defer Agenda Items No. 4 and §, and request staff to work with the d .eveloper on an agreement wMch will include the motion passed by council ut Agenda Item No. 3. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. ~~_:t~m_- ~N_.o: 9 - ~_-~_ ~ _,t9~_ a_on or a ,'l_,~'~l_nm,,on_ t ~"'~"~.. ~_ t ~ ,.,.,u,x,~,~ to rosd main ~f ~vsstew~ter Tre~tmant t ~ Refer to the previous item. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 28, 1991 Agenda Item No. $ - ~ ~rtfctc~tian aGtmtzuation of 6'/5 feet of Welah Blvd. Page 7 City Engineer David Pullen presented this item. Councilman Birdweli asked Mr. Pullen for the city's share of construction cost. Mr. Pullen replied that the city staff prepared a preliminary estimate of $57,000. He added that this amount includes construction cost and contingency cost. Councilman Birdwell mo.~. d to accep, t the agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, ?-0. City Manager Ragland pointed out that the staff will once again look at the language in the subdivision ordinances for further clarification. He stated that staff will identify situations during review and present to council an outline for their referral. Council concurred. Aaenda Item No. 7 - ~ ~mrflctoatina in a Joint veatum with Myrad, Inc. for the design and conmmctton of about gl5 feet oi'Welsh Blvd. Mr. Pullen described this item. He noted that Myra..d, Inc. has filed a preliminary plat for Phase II that includes Welsh Street. He indicated that the Council approved an agreement with Myrad, Inc. last August, and this agreement stated that Myrad, Inc. would complete cons. trucfi.on o.f Welsh Street and other improve- ments by September 1993. This consideration ~s part of the agreement. Consideration of the agreement will be brought to council at a later date. Mr. Pullen pointed out that provisions for oversize participation is included the agreement. Councilman Schneider moved to accept the proposal to participate in the joint nture .agreement with Myrad, Inc. and direct staff to prepare the agreement. e motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, AamuSa Item No. 8 - Considen~tian and aZ~zoval of increasina the ltbrazv's o~em~a hours. - - Mr. Charlie Shear presented overhead transparencies. He described three options with respect to !i~.rary hours. Option 1 - extend one mght hours bytwo hours - $4,267 Option 2 - extend two night hours by two hours each night - $8,634 (Wed. & Th..urs.) Option 3 - extend one night hours and open on Mondays - $22,294 Staff recommends Option 1 with funding from contingency for the remainder of this fiscal year. Mayor Ringer asked Ms.. C..lara Mounce, Head Librarian if she had data on the number of people who v~sit the library each day. She replied that she does not have an attendance counter at this th'ne and does not have this information. City Council Regular Meeting Page 8 Thursday, February 28, 1991 However, she can provide this information at a later time. Councilman MclLhaney stated that she favors Option 9.. She added that she would like to have more hours for the public to attend. Councilman Brown moved to accept O. ption ! to extend Wednesday by two hours for clos.in, fl at 9:00 p.m., and dunng this time, find out what the citizens needs are and if the citizens needs are justified, then the council can reconsider Option II during the budget process. The motion was seconded by Councilman Birdwen. He asked staff for data that entails the number of materials circulated and determine the number of people who use the facility. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0. Item No. 9 - Comddemtioa of ~n ~ of the ~ of Co:liege Stsilmt City Secretary Hooks briefly explained this item. Cou~..cilman Crouch moved to approve Ordinance No. 1884 calling the general election for May 4, 1991. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the motion to add to the ballot a proposition for the library in the amount of $9..2 z~i11~on. The motion died for lack of second. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1884 carried unanimously, _Aaenda Item No. 10 - Herr Vlsitam. Mr. Larry Wells .d. escribed .in.detail the situation, of North Forest Parkway. He asked the council what then' intent was for making a motion to include North Forest Parkway in this plat. Mr. Swoboda noted that the council previo.u.sly agreed, that the developer would build North Forest Parkway in Phase 9 of this subdivision. He also mentioned that t. he City Attorney h.?s provided in the development agree, ment a letter of credit for the construction of North Forest Parkway for a period of three years. Councilman Birdwen commented that a letter of credit is appropriate. Mr. Elrey Ash pointed out that Phase 8 consists of three cul-de-sacs that will never extend to North Forest Parkway. City Council Regular Meeting Page 9 Thursday, February 28, 1991 Councilman Birdweli pointed out that the council needs to be assured that the developer will construct North Forest Parkway at his expense. Councilman Birdwell moved to reconsider the previous motion related to North Fore. st Parl~. y. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney wMch carried unanmtously, 7-0. ' Councilman Birdwell moved to ask staff to make satisfactory financial arrangements with the developer in o.r.der that the City of College Station and its residents can be assured that the portion of North Forest Parkway on the developer's property is built and paid by the developer in a timely manner. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. Mr. Sherman Click, 1020 Holt, addressed the council with his concerns about the city's landscape ordinance. He stated that the requirements are too harsh. In addition, the city's focus should be on other priority issues like streets. He presented diagrams to illustrate his concerns. Mr. Click asked the council to review this ordinance again. Aoanda Item No. 11 - Closed session to receive st~ report (11.1) Staff Report [6252-17(2)(r)]. a. Legal Report The council did not go into closed session. Aosnda Item No. III- Action ~n closed session. No action. Aoenda Item No. 13 - Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ATTEST: ~,-~ty ~ecretary Gonnte ~boks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING THURSD&Y, FEBRU&RY 28, L99~ 7:00 P.M. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.