HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/1991 - Regular Minutes City CouncilCOUN_t~,~MB~S ~.,m:~l': Mavor Rin-er Councilmen Brown, Gardner BirChen, i c aney, Schneider, and Crouch Asst. City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, Director of Public Services LaSeau, Public Information Officer C~ll~ham, City Engineer Pullen, Development Services D~rector Ash, Community Development _Director ~arroli, City Planner Callawa.~.y, Finance D~rector Schroeder, Budget D~rector Cryan, PARD Director Beac_hy, Ass. t. PARD. Director Ploeger, Forestry ~uperin~enaen~ Albrecht PI~SENT: See guest register. No. 1 - Pre~_~__~t~__ of ___g~ioe Plaque to Dick Haddoz. Mayor Ringer introduced Mr. Dick Haddox, former Counc~man and President of the°Conege Station Economic Development Foundation. He presented him with a sen~ice plaque as a token of the city's appreciation for his efforts in economic development for the Bryan/College Station convnunities. Councilman Brownpersonall~ congratulated Mr. Haddox on the many endeavors he has made towardeconormc development in this city. Mavor Rinqer stated that this award is presented on behal.f of the Government Fin~mce O~cers Association in recognition of the preparation of the 1990-91 annual budget. Mr. Schroeder accepted the award. He recognized Mr. Jeff I~sten and Mr. Mark Skocypec of the Finance staff. ~ Item No. 3 - CONSENT AGENDA,  3.1) Approval of the minutes for the workshop_meeting, July, 1,,0,,,,,19,9,,l~,,the egular meeting, July 11, 1991, and the Budget Retreat,June ~v-zv,. ~.v~.~. (3.2) Consideration of a change order to project #ST-1016, rehabilitation of streets in the Carter's Grove S .u~. dfirision; 1515,681.30). . (3.3) Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of a well site. V3.4) Consider approval of Interlocal agreement with BVSWMA and the Brazos alley Development Council (BVDC) for Phase I of a Regional Long Range Solid City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 25, 1991 Page 2 Waste Study. . (3.5) Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a develop- ment agreement with ~ for constru, cti.o.n of water lines. (3 8~ C~onstderation for approval of authorization to alloc.a, te remainm' g 1990-91 ~]~G funds and a resolution authorizing Mayor to subnut 1991-92 CDBG Final Statement. (3.7) Consideration of waiver of penalty and partial interest on delinquent tax on property o .wn. ed by G&S Lumber Company. (3.8) Conmder award of Wolf Pen Creek Park Sewer. Main ~mocanon, ~'roject No. SS1013, to D.D.L. Construction, Inc. of San Antomo, Texas in the amount of $132,686.00. M39) Consider an award of bid for Woodcreek Park Development. (Low Bid ~rek Brothers Construction, $114,635.) Councilman Birdwell removed Agenda Item No. 3.1 and 3.4. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 3.1 - Approval of the minutes. Councilman Birdwell made a change in the last paragrap,h, under Agenda Item No. 6, on page 4. He corrected the word "councilwoman to read "council person". Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the minutes as corre, cted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unammously, 7-0. Agen,4~ Item No. 3.4 - Cons~_der approval of interlocal agreemen.t with BVSWMA and the Brazos Valley Development Council for Phase I of a regional long-ranpe solid waste study. Director of Public Services Joe LaBeau explained this item. He described the legislative act which is an amendment to the Comprehensive Solid Waste Act, and the regulatory requirements for the studies. The cost of the first phase of the study, $32,795 will be apportioned among BVDC and BVSWMA, of which $16,397.50 will be allocated by both cities. Councilman Birdwell asked if there is a penalty if the city does not participate. Mr. La. Beau replied that denial of this contract at this time may split the two agencies, Council of Governments a~_ cl_ BVSWMA pe ..mmn.enfly; thereby delaying the study. Mr. La. Beau further stated that the bottom line m that the Texas Department of Health may not accept the plan. Mr. Birdwell stated that he does not.see any reason why the city needs this study because the staff has already ~dentified where future landfills will be. He cannot justify the allocation of monies toward this study. Councilman Schneider moved to approve the interlocal agreement with BVSWMR and BVDC for Phase I ora regional long-range solid waste study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, July 25, 1991 Councilman Birdwell spoke against the motion. The motion c_a~. 'ed by a vot.e, of 4-3· FOR: Mayor Ring.e.r, Councilmen. Schneider, Crouch, and McIlhaney AC, AINST: Councilmen Brown, Bn'dwell, and Cardner Xamtda Item No. 4 - Present~tkm of m'cmosed 1992 Bruos County ~ Dbtdm ~ - Ms. Cella Stallings and Mr. Buddy Winn, addressed the Council. The Appraisal District's budget was provided in the council packet. Councilman Birdweil asked Mr. Winn to describe the propositions in the upco.ndng election on August 10th. Mr. Winn explained the consequences of this election. Councilman Brown remarked that ~e Brazos Co.unty Tax Office should .rel?cate closer to College Station to centralize the operations of the Appraisal D~strict. Mr. Winn reiterated that he would be very interested in pursuing relocation. Mayor Ringer thanked Mr. Winn and Ms. Stallings for addressing the council. _Aamld~ Item No. 5 - A pub]k: bern'lng mt rmdloc~timt of 90-91 public servlc,, Ms. Jo .Carroll stated that. BVCASA returned their funds to .the Ci.t)r of College Station m the. amount of $14,350. The CD Staff reviewed s= applications from · which agencies applied for the funding. The CD staff and the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee has recommended that the money be funded to the Brazos Food Bank for the purchase of a van and the purchase of a computer. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Xaenck Item No. 6 - Considemtimt of~ of rec~ _~n by the Ite]~ Punding Review Committee for r~llocatimt of _itm~__. Councilman. Brown moved approval of the funding reallocation to the Brazos Food Bank ut the amount of $14,3§0. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]]haney which carried unanimously, 7-0· c~ J~ct end authodztng the M~vor to exec~__m_ · ~~ ~~t ~ ~ ~ 210 ~ ~ ~ ~m ~e ~_~t City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Thursday, July 25, 1991 This item was removed by staff and the applicant to be placed on the next council agenda. Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent, pres..ented...t~ds item.. He outlined the goals and objectives.of the plan. One objective o! me plan ~s to offer $9.0.00 vouchers to the public toward purchase of a tree. He requested funding from the Energy Project_ _F~t_ d in.the arno .unt of $50,000 at this time. These monies will provide 2,000 $20.00 vouchers, poster production, and promotional expenses. Mr. Albrecht pointed out that the Keep America Beautiful program is a source for matching grant monies. Councilman Brown.responded that this is a ~eat pro~; however, he wo. uld like to see the momes spent toward landscaping the major thoroughfares m the city. Councilman Birdwell concurred. Councilman Schneider stated that he would like to encourage the involvement of area nurseries. He also agreed with Councilman Brown's suggestion. City Planner Jim C~I_ away mentioned that ~e S~eetsc. a_pa Plan is in.i. ts final planning stages and it addresses.lan.dscsp.mg ~u.ong_nght-o~-..wa~s. r~e anticipated that the staff will receive input from .the. ~o.n~.umt~ ,appearance Committee and the Planning and Zoning Conumsslon during ,august. Councilman Birdwell moved to defer action on this item until the staff reports to the Council on the outcome of the Streetscape Plan. The motion was seconded c COUncilman Brown, which c .a~'i.'ed by a vote of 5-2, Councilmen Crouch and ]]haney voting against the motion. Development Services Director Elrey Ash explained ~ item.. H.e sta!e..d, th.at..his office received a letter fro.m Mr. Allen Swoboda requesting mat me wiam bridge and pavement, section on Appomattox Street be reduced to 39 feet and delete one sidewalk. Councilman Bird. w.ell moved to accept staff recommen _c_c_c~tion .which is to reduce the width of the bridge and street to 39 feet .a~.d retain both s~dewalks. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Mayor Ringer noted that th_e co_st to the city will d.e. creas.e, a.s ..well as th.e, cost of th.~ developer. He added that the intent of Se motion. :.~..mat me co.u~?.cu agrees with staff to allow bridge and pavement at a lesser wicitn because o~ me lack of a need for a left turn lane. Mayor Ringer added that the city will participate at a lower rate. City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Thursday, July 9.5, 1991 The motion carried unanhnously, 7-0. Councilman Birdwell requested that the staff indicate on the council packet information the engineer's name and seal for clarification. ~_-~x,~__,4~ !__tern No. 10 - Council Comments. Councilman Schneider reported that he visited Police Chief Strope and learned a great deal about the crime and drug activities that are occ ..u!ring .but are not. ublicized. He su ested that the Council schedule a mee_t!ng .with the Police ~epartment for angugl;date of the activity that is going on in the city. Councilman Birdwell stated that the "Press" newspaper reported that the municipal governments h.ave, the authority, to regulate basic rates on cable TV, since there are not six telew, sion stations m the community. He asked staff to look into this. Councilman McIlhaney reminded everyone to vote in the August 10th election. Councilman Brown commented that he would like the staff to notify the offices of the councilmembers who are not in town when the packets are delivered, if there has been a meeting rescheduled or cancellation. _Age~_~ !__t~_ No. 11 - ~ Mm~gm' Comments. Tom Brymer indicated that each Councilwomen received an information packet from the City Manager. ~_,-~__,4,, !__~,m_ No. 12 - I-!_,~,' ~- No one spoke. No. 13 - _c:!_~__~l_ s~t~k~n to reoeive staff report [6253-17(~_ (r~]. The council did not convene into closed session. _Aae~- !_ism_ No. 14 - Action on closed session. The council made the following appointment. Councilman Birdweil moved to appoint Mike Cronan to the Structural Standards Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. Aaenda Item No. 15 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 25, 1991 Page 6 .~TEST: ~, Gity ~ecretary Gonnie Hooks APPROVED: ~UEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEET~N~ THURSD&Y~ ~ULY 25~ ~99~ 7:00 P.M. il. [[2. 13. 14. 16. 18. 19. 10. 20.