HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/1991 - Regular Minutes City Council ~S CITY COUNCI~ I~~ MEE~G ~, MAY ;3, 1991 7:00 Mayor Ring?r, Counc~lmembers Brown, Schneider, B=dwen, Mcllhaney, and Crouch COUNCIL ~ ABSENT: Councilman Gardner City Manager Ragland, Asst. City Manag..er Brymer, .Asst. City Manager Woody, Public Information OfBcer Calliham, Finance Director Schroeder, Community. Developme~n.t. Director Can'oll, City Planner Callaway, City Atto..rneY Locke, City Secretary Hooks, City Engineer Pullen VISITOItS PRESENT: See guest register. Item No. 1 - Presentation of Conv~unity Appears. ce Cm'tiflcates of ~;~;rec~atlon. Mayor Ringer presented certificates to the following individuals and groups for their efforts in beautifying the community. Susan Causey, Cha=man of the Community Appearance Committee assisted in the presentations. Danny Stribling and Karen Goussman from the Rock Prairie Elementary Sch.oo. 1 accepted the award on behalf of the students, parents & faculty of Rock Prague Elementary School. Ms. Jelena Djuric accepted the award for her service inv. o.lve, ment on the .C. ommurdty Appearanc.e. CommiUee, and her involvement m landscaping at the high School, College Hills Elementary School, and the Adopt-A-Spot program. Ms. Efleen Kramer of the A&M Garden Club accepted the award of appreciation for their service in the community. Ms. Cindy Manley from the Redstone Apartments accepted the award for their landscaping and beautification at their facilities. _.Agenda Item No. 2 - CONSENT AGENDA. (9..1) Approval of the minutes for the Workshop Meeting, May 8, 1991, and the Regular Meeting, May 9, 1991. (~..2) Approval of P.O. for $6500 to RWL & Associates for Benefit Consulting Services through the. end of the fiscal, year. . (2.3) Approval of rruscellaneous furniture for the College Station Conference Center, funds available in FY 1990-91 General Fund, staff recommends award to low bidder, Engineering and Office Supply, $14,395.5.3. (2.4) Approval of labor and materials for the renovation of the College Station Conference Center heating and cooling system, $77,700 budgeted in FY 1990-91 Hotel/Motel Fund. Contingency request attached for a balance of $20,000. Staff City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 23, 1991 Page 2 recommends award to 4-D Mechanical Contractors as low bidder, total price $96,284. I2.B) Approval of l:~inal Plat - Merker-Stra.w.n. Subdivision. 2.6) Approval of Final Plat - Brandon Heights Phase H, with conditions as stated ut staff recommendations. The above items were approved by common consent. Agen~_~ !__tem~ No. 3 - Review of PraK, tdna~ Budget for 1992~93 Commuzit~ Devel~ Block Grant Funds. Ms. Jo Carroll, Community Development D. irec_tor de_scribed the preliminary. budget for the Block ~rant funds...She pointed out that the proposed budget focuses on several priority council ~ssues. She stated that the public hearth, g for the ~ubllc.service agencies will be heard by the Joint Relief Funding RevAew Comnuttee will be held on June 6th. Ms. Carroll pointed out that $125,000 is the remaining balance in which staff is seeking co .uncil input and. suggestions for use of th.ese .momes. She listed three areas ut which these montes could be allocated. First, is the question of whether council .wi. shes to utilize the funds for infrastructure; If council desires to proceed with the Lincoln Center Master Plan, these funds could be used for the Eleanor Street extension and acq,~,~ition of right-of-way. Also, staff has recognized the need for improvements on Cherry/2nd Street in the Northgate area. Secondly, is th.e issue of economic development. Monies are avaflab!.e for proj. ects that nught encourage economic growth or expansion of existing businesses. Thirdly, is an office space problem in the community development office. The final option is the possible need for match monies for two new HUD programs, HOME and HOPE. Councilman Brown commented that he would like to see the money used for low income housing and rehabilitation. Councilman Birdwen commented that he would prefer the money be used toward infrastructure. Councilman Scl~..eider asked if the structures that are dilapidated ..and eventually condemned qu~hfy as a rehab project. Ms. Carroll replied a~-mat~vely. Councilman Mc]lhaney asked for clarification of the monies for infrastructure in the Lincoln Center area. Ms. McIlhaney asked if the funds could be used for educational purposes. Ms. Can:oil responded that under, the category of economic development, funds could be allocated to low utcome family student in the form of a loan or a grant for his attendance in a vocational school. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 23, 1991 Page 3 Ms. Carroll mentioned a few of the public service agencies that are funded by the Block Grant. Co .u~.cilman Mcl]haney remarked that she preferred the monies be used toward the Lincoln Center Master Plan. Mayor Ringer stated that he supported the improvement of infrastructure. Councilman Schneider stated that the Eastgate area needs to be emphasized. Nancy Crouch stressed that the Lincoln Center area is very important. Councilman Bit'dwell moved to direct staff to allocate $126,000 for infrastructure with a list to be developed by staff and provided to Council; and, furthermore, if the re.h. abilitation housing money bec.omes low, then staff can come back to the council for future direction. The motion was seconded by Gouncflman Crouch. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0. Members of the audience were allowed to speak to the Council at this time. Sr. Vice President of St. Joseph Hospital, Mr. Walter Godfrey spoke to the Council. He spoke on behalf of the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic. He stated that the facts show that literally hundreds of young.women with little or no pre-natal care, and very low or non-existent, income are gn4ng birth, at St. Jose.ph to too many low weight, premature b.ab~es. Since 1. 985, the cll~..'.c has provAded pre-natal care to close to 2,000 patients and the infant mortality rate. has dropped from 8.6 per thousand to 7.3 per thousand. He asked for council's support for $ 62,000 to the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic. Dr. William Raborn, OB/GYN, Scott and White Clinic addressed the Council. He read the mission statement of the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic. He asked the council to consider continuing, the city's ~.~..ne. rous funding that has been performed in years past. The servAces at the Clinic have increased because of the closings of rural hospitals. Care in this clinic is to be expanded to include newborn care. Again, there is a lack of care provided to the newborns In the community. In conclusion, he requested that the three year limit of funding by the CDB(~ grants be waived for this funding request. Ms..Cathy Altman of the Brazos Prenatal Clinic stated that funding is also recetved from Brazos County, the local Junior League, United Way, and Medicaid. Mayor Ringer commented that he received a letter from Ms. Diane Wells that related to this item. He explained that the purpose of the three year limit is to supply funding to the organiz.a, tions who initiate new projects. Councilmembers who developed the policy beheved that organizations which were provided funds would be encouraged to start new projects. Dr. Raborn remarked that the clinic will also provide postpartum care. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 23, 1991 Page 4 Ms. Altman responded that the. Clinic plans to implement ~e baby two week checkupprogram. Altman pointed out that 23-24% of funding comes from College Station. Councilman Crouch mentioned that she toured the Clinic facilities. Ms. Airman gave a brief description of the services the clinic offers in regards to educating parents about the responsibilities of parenthood. Councilman Brown asked Ms. Altman if she felt the clinic would be more effective if it were .housed in the County.Health Dept. facility. Ms. Altman replied that this is a good idea. She feels the clle.nts would perceive the Health Dept. as a medical "hub". Other services are provided there. Councilman Brown pointed out that the facility has space for the Clinic. Councilman Crouch pointed out that it is very important that these p. eople become used to visiting the same place for the purposes of convemence and accessibility of other services. Mayor Ringer suggested that the council review the policy an.cl. ~ any recommended changes as the committee is reviewing the apphcations. Councilman Mcnh .~,ey concurred with ..C. ouncilman Brown's idea that the Health Dept. would be an ideal place for the Clinic. She added that something should be done to encourage the County to increase their funding. Councilman Mcllhaney moved to delay changing the policy at this time and advise the committee that the policies are guidelines xor the committee to function, and it is within their perogative to waive the three year period for a period of one year in particular circumstances where the committee feels. warranted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carned unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Crouch stated her concern about the committee's guidelines and she hoped that the policy does not prohibit the committee from allocating to those organizations with serious needs. Sectians ]!,_~ and IV of the Code of Ordinances Councilman Bir.d.well moved approval of Ordinance No. 189.6 adding a stop sign to Stonebrook Dnve accessing Rock Prairie Road. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider wMch carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 23, 1991 Page 5 Aa~__,4- !t_,~ No. 8 - C~.~_~ ~ a ,~,~,~_ t venture ?~t with the d-_ ~'~'~_ _ ,,~d c~_~__,,~uc~_o~ of 6'/8 f,~t_ of W~l:h A~e. and over~A City Engineer .David p. ullen explained the request. ~e stated that the agreement cove~ the o.ff. si. tep. ortion of Welsh Ave. connecting it to Deacon Drive. The overmze participation for Welsh Ave. m Brandon Heights Phase II is also included in the agreement. Councilman Birdweil moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the development agreement with Myrad, .Inc. subject to the approval of Mr. Fitch's a~.r. eement for the portion in his subdivision. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]]haney, which carried unanimously, 6-0. Arum,4- Item No. 6 - Cmvdc~m~ of a demlopment agreement with W.D. Fitch 6/5 feet of Welsh Avenue. Councilman Crouch moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the development with W.D. Fitch for participation in the construction cost of 675 feet of agreement . . Welsh Avenue subject to his mgnature on the agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 6-0. Aaenda Item No. 7 - Cmu~k~tioa of a se~a~t~ ~ ~th TCR Iolnt City Attorney Cathy Locke explained that this agreement has been brought for council consideration for the Mayor's authorization to execute this contract or.der th.at the City .can make a payment that would have been paid under the prior ordinance which was m effect at the time that this request was first made. She noted that the Young Brothers cur~. ently owns Pebble Creek. Again, this is a supplemental payment, on top of ..an. onginal payment that the city pa~d to Mr. Fitch for oversize participation. TMs agreement would authorize payment of an additional $40,299.9.5. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the agreement with TCR Joint Venture. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney which carried unanimously, 6-0. _/~enda Item No. 8 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 Thursday, May 23, 1991 (9.1) Staff Report [6252-17(2)(r)]. a. Legal Report b. Staff Report (9.2) Pers.o.nnel [.6252-17(2)(g)]. a. D~scussmn of Committee Appointments The council convened for closed session at 8:10 p.m. Agend~ Item No. 10 - Action on closed session. The council reconvened into open session at 8:40 p.m. Councilman Birdwell moved to reappoint Malcolm Richards to continue his term on the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee for a three year term, expires 5/.94, and to appoint Christine Standridge, 5/92 to finish the term of (3ayle Schrddt who was appointed Chairman. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Birdwell moved to nor~.', ate Dick Haddox to the Joint Economic Development Corporation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which failed .by a vote of 2-4. FOR: Councilmen Brown and Birdwell AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Schneider, Crouch, McIlhaney Councilman Crouch moved to nominate John Anderson to the Joint Economic Development Corporation, 5/94. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 6-0. .Agench Item No. 11 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1991 7:00 P.M. 5. 15. 19. 20.